Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on Now that the word’s been taken away. [Title by Sastra]
That’s exactly it! As I keep saying we know for a fact that many of the people now riding the gender ideology bandwagon used to say things that would now get them labeled as TERFs and demonized any time. E.g. I have personally been referred to as both “man” and “him” by “trans allies” who, in the absence of telepathic powers, couldn’t possibly know anything about my “inner sense of self”. I have also heard some of these same people say things like “douches are really bad for women”, talk about abortion rights as a “women’s issue”, refer to vaginas as “lady bits”, talk about the Bechdel Test and how a certain movie only had x “women” in it (when the movie in question didn’t offer any clue about the “gender identity” of these people) etc… etc… The list is practically endless.
This was less than 10 years ago, and even today they keep slipping up and making revealing blunders (e.g. Silent Bob’s taunt about Ophelia’s “overwhelmingly male commenters”) showing that even they are unable to consistently live up to their own demands. When specifically talking about trans issues words like “man” and “woman”, or even “male” and “female”, refer to an inner sense of self etc., but for all other purposes (in good Orwellian fashion) they still talk, think, and act as if they knew perfectly well how to tell a biological female from a biological male. It also goes to show that (despite claims to the contrary) gender critical feminists and their allies are not the ones who have betrayed their cause. My concern was for biological females whatever you prefer to call them ten years ago, and my concern is for biological females whatever you prefer to call them today. The “gender uncritical” side, on the other hand, may still claim to stand up for people called “women”, but that’s just a bait and switch since the people called “women” now are not the same as the people called “women” back then.
Indeed, as I keep repeating ad nauseam, everything about gender ideology ultimately comes down to a “bad pun”. If you have what it takes to detect a pun when you hear it, you know everything you need to know to debunk all of gender ideology: If the person formerly known as Ellen Page is a “man”, then I’m not. You can’t define that person in without defining me out, certainly not while insisting on a non-trivial distinction between “men” and “women”. After all, you have just taken the only thing that ever made me a “man” out of the definition of “man”. On the same note any definition (if they had one) of “woman” designed to make it true that TWAW also makes it no longer true that biological females are “women” in any sense of the word that’s relevant to the issue. Yet the whole justification for why transwomen TIMs need to be included in all the spaces previously reserved for biological females ultimately rests on the premise that both groups are the same in some real sense (as opposed to in name only).
And this explains, once again, why everything about gender ideology is “best left unspecified”. I have often invoked the metaphor of a boat full of holes where the water leaks in. You might be able to plug some of the holes some of the time, but there are too many holes and not enough plugs, so in the end the only way to stop a leak in one place is to remove a plug from somewhere else, thus opening up another leak. If they were upfront about which plug they are using to stop which leak at any given moment, the bait and switch would be obvious to everyone, so the compromise is to keep everything perpetually in the air and try to have it both ways, e.g.:
• For the purpose of making it true that biological females are “cis women”, “cis” simply means “not trans” and doesn’t come with any implicit claims about what’s going on inside other people’s heads. But for the purpose of making it true that “cis women” are whatever they have to be to make “cis women” and “trans women” subsets of the same group, there are distinct and identifiable “feminine” ways of thinking/feeling/behaving/”presenting” (best left unspecified) that both groups supposedly have in common, thus making them the same “kind” of people.
• For the purpose of arguing that TWAW, physical traits are totally irrelevant to “gender”, no body type is any more or less “aligned” with being a “woman” than any other, any body belonging to a person who identifies as a “woman” is by definition a “woman’s body” etc. But for the purpose of arguing for the necessity of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, surgery etc. changing one’s body into a bad imitation of the other (supposedly non-existent or at least totally irrelevant) biological sex is so vitally important that anything other than automatic and unconditional affirmation is “literal violence” or even “murder”.
• For the purpose of making TRAs a legitimate social justice movement “trans rights” simply means “the same kind of kind of rights as everyone else”. But for the purpose of making it true that “TERFs” are “denying the rights” of trans people, “trans rights” means 100 % blind, uncritical, unconditional, unthinking acquiescence to all their demands in advance.
• Etc… etc…