Be more Dwight

Jun 16th, 2022 9:04 am | By

One more grovel added to the mountain.

What did he say?

You can call that “mean” all you want, but the reality is it’s true. Organizations for women obey this new rule that we must not mention women in connection with pregnancy or childbirth or nursing or mothers. The more people object the better. The more celebrities object the better. The fewer people and celebrities who apologize the next day THE MUCH MUCH BETTER.

Pereira and Phillips

Jun 16th, 2022 8:24 am | By

Crap news out of Brazil:

Brazilian police say a suspect has confessed to burying the bodies of missing British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira.

Detective Eduardo Fontes said the man, Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira, took investigators to a site where human remains were dug up.

He said police would work with Interpol to confirm the bodies’ identities.

Mr Phillips, 57, and Mr Pereira, 41, disappeared in a remote part of the Amazon rainforest that is rife with illegal poaching, mining and logging on 5 June.

Univaja, the region’s indigenous association, was the first to alert authorities when the pair went missing.

The group expressed its “deep sadness” following the news conference.

It said of the men’s deaths: “Univaja understands their murder is a political crime, they were both human rights defenders and died doing work to look after us indigenous people from Vale do Javari.”

Human rights defenders and, as I understand it, Amazon defenders. The two are entangled. Indigenous people are a hindrance to the destructive exploitation of the Amazon, so defending them is also defending the Amazon.

Guest post: Push, then wait to see what happens

Jun 16th, 2022 7:06 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Happy clappy castration time.

Susan Buchanan, the director of National Specialist Services Division Scotland, apologised for the documents being uploaded in error and said her organisation would now commence a full investigation into the incident.

It shouldn’t be hard to find out who tried to insert these ideas into the document. Whoever it was should be fired. Perhaps this was somebody’s trial balloon, reeled in and walked back as soon as there was pushback. Had there not been, it would have stayed in place and become normalized as policy. I’m guessing that much of the genderist agenda that’s been introduced into various institutions and organizations has followed a similar path. Push, push, push, then wait to see what happens. Push: put TiMs in women’s prisons. Push: stop recording the sex of offenders. Push: let men who claim to be women compete against women. Push: erase the word “woman” from use in communications aimed specifically at women. If there are complaints, apologize and claim it was a “mistake.” If there is little or no resistance, (or resistance that can be dismissed and ignored), it stays put. Once established as the standard, resist reversals of policy once opposition arises (especially if it is only from women.) Rinse. Repeat.

None of these were “mistakes.” The only “mistake” was getting caught.Somebody, somewhere, thought these were all good policy ideas. Someone had to suggest them; others had to say “yes.” Then there’s implementation and enforcement. That’s not an accidental process. These things take time and effort and deliberation (even if the initial circle of decision makers is small.) They don’t happen by themselves, without guidance and planning. It’s as likely as “accidentally” building a cathedral.

If you’re around like-minded people, you might not know just how aberrant the ideas you’re batting around might look to the unwashed and unitiated masses. Not everyone is going to find the contents of your id as enternaining as you do. The usual tools of discussion, consultation, and debate are a necessary reality check that, ideally, should rein in stupid or dangerous ideas. The fact that these tools were not used in establishing the above noted “inclusive” policies that feminists are now trying to roll back, is all too obvious.

Happy clappy castration time

Jun 15th, 2022 6:11 pm | By

Scottish NHS hypes the joys of being a eunuch.

Eunuch should be recognised as a formal gender identity, according to documents published by the Scottish NHS.

The National Gender Identity Clinical Network for Scotland (NGICNS) shared the claims from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) that “eunuch-identified people” were the “least visible” trans group and would benefit from “gender affirming medical care”. 

The paper was deleted on Wednesday night and the Scottish Government issued an apology, claiming it had been published by mistake. 

Gender-affirming medical care for eunuchs is castration, so that’s what they’re suggesting.

Eunuchs “generally desire to have their testicles surgically removed or rendered non-functional”, the document states. 

It adds that eunuchs should be offered “surgical intervention” if there is a risk that withholding treatment could lead to them attempting to carry out a medical procedure themselves. 

The paper also provided a direct link to a website which includes graphic and sexually explicit fictional descriptions of child eunuchs. 

All very healthy and useful I’m sure.

Other organisations to endorse eunuch as a gender identity are the Royal College of Nursing, which cited it as an “alternative” alongside terms such as “boygirl”, “girlboy” or “gender queer”. 

David Parker, lead clinician at the NGICNS and a WPATH member, this week called on MSPs to back proposed SNP reforms which would make it far easier for trans people to change their legal sex to male or female. 

He told a Holyrood committee scrutinising the plans that trans and non-binary people were “the experts in their own experience” and should be “recognised as their authentic selves”.

That’s a shockingly ignorant and stupid thing for a medical person to say. People are not [necessarily or invariably] experts in their own experience. On the contrary: we’re subject to all kinds of distortions when trying to understand ourselves. There are shelves and shelves of books on the subject. A fantasy self is not an “authentic” self just because someone claims it – it remains a fantasy. It may be useful or consoling in some way if kept in bounds, but it’s not “authentic” in the sense of being the truth and something other people are required to endorse.

Susan Buchanan, the director of National Specialist Services Division Scotland, apologised for the documents being uploaded in error and said her organisation would now commence a full investigation into the incident. 

Well, make sure not to castrate it.

Keep your fragile vessels

Jun 15th, 2022 4:52 pm | By

What I’ve always said about skirts – they’re designed to confine and hobble women and girls.

A North Carolina school violated the constitutional rights of its female pupils by requiring them to wear skirts, a US federal court has ruled.

The Charter Day School, in the city of Leland, had said its uniform promoted girls as “fragile vessels” deserving of courteous and gentle treatment.

But a group of parents who challenged the policy said it put their daughters at a disadvantage compared to males.

The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals agreed on Wednesday by a 10-6 vote.

How do skirts “promote girls [and women] as fragile vessels”? By inhibiting them. By hobbling them and reducing their freedom of movement. The think about skirts is the ever present danger of humiliation.

Writing the majority opinion, Senior Circuit Judge Barbara Milano Keenan said Charter Day had “imposed the skirts requirement with the express purpose of telegraphing to children that girls are ‘fragile,’ require protection by boys, and warrant different treatment than male students, stereotypes with potentially devastating consequences for young girls”.

In skirts they can’t run around as freely, they can’t wrestle, they can’t play so energetically they might fall. They can’t hang from the trapeze by their ankles or knees. I was quite proud of myself as a little kid when I mastered both skills, but I could only do them at home, not at school.

Plaintiffs in the North Carolina case were parents whose female students attend kindergarten through eighth grade at Charter Day, and were represented by the American Civil Liberties Union non-profit.

They argued the dress code had led their daughters to receive unequal treatment and limited their ability to participate in activities like recess or emergency drills.

“I’m glad the girls at Charter Day School will now be able to learn, move, and play on equal terms as the boys in school,” lead plaintiff Bonnie Peltier said in a statement following the ruling.


In a megadrought

Jun 15th, 2022 3:20 pm | By

It’s here chapter 872:

Recent climate twists have helped propel California into a third straight year of drought. Seven of the past 10 years have been dry. Some scientists say the state is in a megadrought not seen in 1,200 years.

People are starting to move away from California.

The 2020 and 2021 fire seasons were the biggest in modern California history. Last year, more than 2.5 million acres burned, an extraordinary run of flames that included destruction of the Gold Rush-era town of Greenville in the northern Sierra and the gutting of the community of Grizzly Flats west of Lake Tahoe.

And it’s not going to get better this year.

If you doubt the dogma you get an F

Jun 15th, 2022 2:52 pm | By

Don’t take a sociology course at the University of Auckland.

No doubt Bible colleges operate like that (and thus probably render their degrees useless for most secular career purposes), but you wouldn’t expect a real university to.

I wonder if administrators are squirming in their chairs as we speak.

Updating to add:

Define “treatment”

Jun 15th, 2022 11:29 am | By

Bazelon on the new WPATH guidelines part 2:

When WPATH released the draft of the SOC8 for public comment, Leibowitz and his co-authors braced for the inevitable conservative attack. For teenagers who have parental consent, the draft adolescent chapter lowered to 14 (from 16 in the previous guidelines) the recommended minimum age for hormone treatments, which can permanently alter, in a matter of months, voice depth and facial and body hair growth and, later, other features like breast development. It set a minimum recommended age of 15, for breast removal or augmentation, also called top surgery. (The previous standards didn’t set a minimum age.)

It’s interesting that she admits the alterations from hormone “treatments” are permanent (while still calling them “treatments”).

Opponents of gender-related care did, indeed, denounce all of this. But Leibowitz and his co-authors also faced fury from providers and activists within the transgender world.

Assessments for children and adolescents have long been integral to the Standards of Care. But this time, the guard rails were anathema to some members of a community that has often been failed by health care providers….In a publicly streamed discussion on YouTube on Dec. 5, activists and experts criticized the adolescent chapter, with the emotion born of decades of discrimination and barriers to care.

Notice the inserted excuses for “the emotion,” which others might describe more specifically. Maybe the “emotion” (i.e. rage and abuse) is born not of decades of discrimination but of the nature of the movement/activism/ideology itself. Maybe narcissistic rage is characteristic of trans activism, and encouraged by it, and flattered and embraced and imitated.

The small group of clinicians who wrote the first Standards of Care were all cisgender. After WPATH was created in 1979, transgender advocates increasingly gained influence in the organization, but many transgender people viewed subsequent versions of the standards as imposing paternalistic and demeaning barriers to treatment.

But that assumes the “treatment” really is treatment. That assumes it cures something. Does it? What does it cure? What does it treat?

The communities and their umbrellas

Jun 15th, 2022 10:25 am | By

The NY Times magazine has a long piece by Emily Bazilon on “gender therapy” and the controversies around it. The language is so shaped by the current ideology that clarity is all but impossible. Like the first sentence for instance:

Scott Leibowitz is a pioneer in the field of transgender health care.

But what is transgender health care? Is it ordinary health care, for trans people? Or is it health care specific to transness? If the latter, what does that include? Blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgeries? If so, is that really health care, or is it something else? Given the drastic nature of it, and the disconnect from actual disease or injury, isn’t it more like attempted psychological care rather than genuine health care? That’s a real question, not a snark. Given the fact that being trans is in the head, and blockers & hormones & surgeries change the body, it’s reasonable to ask if changing the body is really medically advisable.

He has directed or worked at three gender clinics on the East Coast and the Midwest, where he provides gender-affirming care, the approach the medical community has largely adopted for embracing children and teenagers who come out as transgender.

That hints at the problem right there. Medical care is supposed to fix illness or injury. It’s not supposed to “embrace.” It’s certainly not supposed to “embrace” new and peculiar ideas about trying to change one’s sex. When and how and why was it decided that “the medical community” has to “embrace” people who “come out as transgender”? Maybe the medical community doesn’t have to do that. Maybe it ought not to. Maybe it ought to be a lot more cautious about all of this. Maybe it ought to recognize that it’s more political than medical, and decide to stay out of it.

He also helps shape policy on L.G.B.T. issues for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. As a child and adolescent psychiatrist who is gay, he found it felt natural to work under the L.G.B.T. “umbrella,” as he put it, aware of the overlap as well as the differences between gay and trans identity.

Yes, well again that just underlines the problems. There is no such “umbrella.” It’s doubtful that there is much “overlap.” The differences are a lot more consequential than the overlap.

In short all of this buys into the ideology in the act of trying to report on it. It’s more careful than most such reporting, but it still buys in.

So, Leibowitz is leading “a working group of seven clinicians and researchers drafting a chapter on adolescents for a new version of guidelines called the Standards of Care to be issued by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).” It’s the first update since 2012. A lot has happened in those ten years.

What Leibowitz and his co-authors didn’t foresee, when they began, was that their work would be engulfed by two intersecting forces: a significant rise in the number of teenagers openly identifying as transgender and seeking gender care, and a right-wing backlash in the United States against allowing them to medically transition, including state-by-state efforts to ban it.

It’s not just “right-wing” though, and some or much of the reason for the relative absence of the left is the crazed bullying that greets any resistance to this novel and reckless idea that it’s “medical care” to surgically alter people’s genitals because they have “come out as transgender.”

As they worked on a draft of the adolescent chapter of the Standards of Care, the big debate among clinicians was how they should respond to the thousands of teenagers who are arriving at their doors. Some are asking about medication that suppresses puberty or about hormone-replacement treatments. Leibowitz and his co-authors thought that the timing of the rise in trans-identified teenagers, as well as research from Britain and Australia, suggested that the increased visibility of trans people in entertainment and the media had played a major — and positive — role in reducing stigma and helping many kids express themselves in ways they would have previously kept buried.

Or, that increased visibility played a major and destructive role in nudging kids to think being trans is cool.

As they wrote in their December draft chapter, part of the rise in trans identification among teenagers could be a result of what they called “social influence,” absorbed online or peer to peer. The draft mentioned the very small group of people who detransition (stop identifying as transgender), saying that some of them “have described how social influence was relevant in their experience of their gender during adolescence.” In adolescence, peers and culture often affect how kids see themselves and who they want to be.

Ya think???

To make matters more complicated, as a group, the young people coming to gender clinics have high rates of autism, depression, anxiety and eating or attention-deficit disorders. Many of them are also transgender, but these other issues can complicate determining a clear course of treatment.

But what does “are also transgender” mean? How can these purported experts even know there is such a thing? Is it ever really a matter of actually being transgender as opposed to thinking one “feels like” the opposite sex? Is it ever anything but a feeling in the head?

From what I can tell the answer is no, and if that’s the case, how are medical people so confident that it’s their job to reify this feeling in the head by drastically altering the bodies? If people start saying they feel like birds will surgeons start altering their arms into crude wings?

To be continued.


Jun 15th, 2022 7:23 am | By

Same paper, same day, same front page:

New data reveals extraordinary global heating in the Arctic

New data has revealed extraordinary rates of global heating in the Arctic, up to seven times faster than the global average.

The heating is occurring in the North Barents Sea, a region where fast rising temperatures are suspected to trigger increases in extreme weather in North America, Europe and Asia. The researchers said the heating in this region was an “early warning” of what could happen across the rest of the Arctic.

“We expected to see strong warming, but not on the scale we found,” said Ketil Isaksen, senior researched at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and who led the work. “We were all surprised. From what we know from all other observation points on the globe, these are the highest warming rates we have observed so far.”

“The broader message is that the feedback of melting sea ice is even higher than previously shown,” he said. “This is an early warning for what’s happening in the rest of the Arctic if this melting continues, and what is most likely to happen in the next decades.” The world’s scientists said in April that immediate and deep cuts to carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases are needed to tackle the climate emergency.

Yes yes yes, we hear you, but right now we need to produce more gas to bring prices down.

More carbon, stat

Jun 15th, 2022 7:14 am | By

This is what I’m saying.

Biden calls on US oil refiners to raise gas and diesel production to tackle prices

Climate change? What’s that? Ohhh right, that; yes well that’s a concern but it’s long-term, gas prices are now.

Now trumps long-term, and that’s that.

Joe Biden on Wednesday called on US oil refiners to produce more gasoline and diesel, saying their profits have tripled during a time of war between Russia and Ukraine as Americans struggle with record high prices at the pump.

“The crunch that families are facing deserves immediate action,” the president wrote in a letter to major oil refiners. “Your companies need to work with my Administration to bring forward concrete, near-term solutions that address the crisis.”

By producing more of the stuff that fuels global warming.

An entire vocabulary has evolved

Jun 14th, 2022 5:17 pm | By

It’s not just the Yale philosophy department (or one member of it). Yale Medicine advertises its “Transgender Glossary: Terms You Can Learn” on Facebook. It was published in March.

An entire vocabulary has evolved around people who are transgender, and if you’re not familiar with the latest terms, you can easily hurt someone’s feelings, even if that’s not your intention. Figuring out a person’s terms can be challenging—the lexicon includes words with meanings that have changed over time and could change again. And because each transgender person is navigating their own path, the best words to use in a conversation with them could vary depending on their circumstances.

It’s funny how no other oppressed or marginalized group has ever made such a nonsensical demand. It’s funny how all this Reform Your Language is for trans ideology and nothing else.

It’s such a ridiculous trap, and thus such an impertinent, indeed outrageous demand. The vocabulary is always changing, and if you don’t memorize it and stay up to date you will hurt someone’s feelings. Hey what about our feelings? What about our feelings of rage and disgust on being told such things?

Learning the jargon may be difficult, because it has changed before and could change again, but don’t you dare get it wrong. Hahaha sucks to be you. It varies with each person so actually there’s just no way you can get it right, but you have to, hahaha, sucks to be you.

No one is expected to get this right at first, but you could make a huge difference to a transgender person by being knowledgeable and sensitive about language, says Christy Olezeski, PhD, director and co-founder of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program, which cares for transgender and nonbinary people up to the age of 25.

Hey I have an idea! How about if, instead, a transgender person makes a huge difference to me by not making any of these demands and just getting on with life like the rest of us? How about if nobody demands that we use a special vocabulary that shifts constantly, just for Special Them?

“It’s really about respect,” Olezeski says. “This isn’t anything new. Transgender and nonbinary people are everywhere.”

It’s the opposite of respect. It’s pandering. It’s babying. It’s wrapping in cotton wool and indulging. It’s not good for people.

Queer: An umbrella term for those who think of their gender identity or sexual orientation as being outside of societal norms. Once considered a derogatory term, “queer” has been reclaimed by many within the LGBTQIA+ community as a term of empowerment, but still may be considered offensive by some, especially if used by a person who is not in the community.

No shit, so what are you telling us? Use it but don’t use it? Use it but be aware that “some” of those pesky Ls and Gs may hate it and hate you for saying it? How do we know who is “in the community” and who isn’t? Especially when it’s such an incoherent “community” and so riven with conflict over exactly this issue?

It’s one long cringe.

Right and left

Jun 14th, 2022 4:18 pm | By

It turns out there’s a downside to setting up a bomb factory in your house.

A man’s arms were blown off by an explosion at a property that had allegedly been stuffed with an arsenal of guns, ammunition and bombs.


The victim, who is in his 30s, was reportedly left in critical condition after the blast at around 3:10 p.m. in Warren, Michigan, on Saturday, June 11.

The explosion ripped apart the garage with a subsequent fire engulfing other parts of the house on the 20700 block of Gentner Street, Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said.

It’s almost as if all this playing terrorist nonsense is a danger to other people as well as the bomb-maker they-self. I daresay the neighbors aren’t enormously pleased.

The man, who Dwyer said was already under investigation before the explosion, is now in a coma and undergoing treatment at the Detroit Receiving Hospital.

He has a long criminal history, involving weapons charges and manufacturing explosive items, according to Dwyer, who alleged that an illegal weapons operation was being run from the property.

He was defending our freedom.

After the blast, police executed a search warrant and found small explosive devices, a dozen guns, including rifles and handguns, loaded automatic rifle-style magazines, and about 4,000 rounds of ammunition, according to The Detroit News.

Just the basics.

Guest post: The simple accusation of “bigotry”

Jun 14th, 2022 11:46 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on None of the above.

It is a movement full of people who think that because bigots accuse the group of various misbehaviors, anybody accusing them as individuals of that behavior can be dismissed as a bigot, thus giving them some cover to act according to the stereotype.

One of Jason Stanley’s twitter-troll defenders has pointed out, in reference to Jane Clare Jones that “most scholars don’t have PowerPoints on hand to explain why they aren’t Nazis.”

So one is supposed to stay silent in the face of baseless accusations? Because no genderist has EVER made unfounded claims of hatred, violence and trans-genocide. They would NEVER do that. Never ever. But “misgender” them and they’ll fucking bury you.

The simple accusation of “bigotry” allows any critique or comment from the accused to be ignored, with no need to provide any evidence for the validity of said accusation. At all. In fact, ignoring the points made by people accused of being “Nazis” or “Fascists” or “TERFs” becomes a moral duty. “NO DEBATE!” Blanket, pre-emptive accusations of ultra-right association saves trans activists a lot of work, in the short term, but it keeps them from having to sharpen their debating skills. Maybe not the best strategy in the long run, though. Somehow, somewhere along the line, you’re actually going to have to argue your case to someone and convince them.* Use it or lose it. Some people have been lulled into a false sense of unanswerable moral superiority while they’ve let their debate muscles go soft and flabby, as evidenced by how well Mr. 200 Years has been faring.

*Though the degree of success the movement has achieved through institutional capture and backroom dealing has been extraordinary. But someone was bound to complain, and complain publicly. Women. They forgot about women.Trans activists sought to do a quiet end run around the rights of women. Turns out that was the easy part. They thought that once their fait was accomplied, that would be the end of it, they would have their way unopposed. They completely underestimated the anger and organizational skills of women, who’ve had centuries of practice dealing with being fucked over, figuratively and literally.

Whatever success you’ve had in secret, once the doors are opened and lights are turned on, you’ve got to make your case. If you have no case to make, then the jig is up, and you’re left with nothing but brute power and emotional blackmail to hold onto whatever gains you’ve made. I believe we are, in some jurisdictions at least, well into the beginning of this phase. I believe the tide is turning, with women in the UK in the vanguard.

Which ones?

Jun 14th, 2022 11:34 am | By

No not that kind of Christian:

A growing number of prominent Christian leaders are sounding alarms about threats to democracy posed by ReAwaken America rallies where Donald Trump loyalists Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and rightwing pastors have spread misinformation about the 2020 elections and Covid-19 vaccines, and distorted Christian teachings.

But of course “Christian teachings” is a very large, and mixed, category. Many Christian teachings fit right in with people like Flynn and Stone and even Trump.

Several well-known Christian leaders, including the president of the Christian social justice group Sojourners and the executive director of a major Baptist group, have called on American churches to speak out against the messages promoted at ReAwaken America rallies that have been held in Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, California, South Carolina and other states.

“This ReAwaken tour is peddling dangerous lies about both the election and the pandemic,” Adam Russell Taylor, the president of Sojourners, told the Guardian. “Jesus taught us that the truth will set us free, and these lies hold people captive to these dangerous falsehoods. They also exacerbate the toxic polarization we’re seeing in both the church and the wider society.”

Jesus is quoted as saying a lot of things, some of which are brutal. People who are not Jesus have said things about truth that are better than anything Jesus is quoted as saying. “Jesus said” is just a brand name, and not a very reliable one.

Amanda Tyler, the executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, which has organized Christians against Christian nationalism, said: “Christian nationalism is a threat to the church because those peddling it wrap this ideology in biblical language and imagery. Christian nationalism is wrong as a matter of Christian ethics. The Bible is not confined to a nation much less a party or list of policy positions.”

Yes it is. The Bible is jam-packed with nationalist rhetoric and exhortations. There are parts that seek to rise above that but more parts that wallow in it.

Woman Not

Jun 14th, 2022 10:07 am | By

The Art Newspaper reports:

Unveiled as part of this year’s Parcours section at Art Basel is a work being described as the first ever public sculpture depicting a nude, openly trans woman. Designed by the American trans artist Puppies Puppies (aka Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo), the work is a life-sized bronze statue in the tradition of classical sculpture, based on a 3D scan of the artist’s body. Written on the work’s plinth is the word: “woman”.

This statue:

Not “Woman”.

“Trans women are erased, murdered, arrested and exiled every day,” Kuriki-Olivo says. “When you look at trans history you see so many blank spots which can only be recovered through storytelling. In this context, my continued existence is revolutionary, and I need to be hyper-present in the world. It is important for me to have this sculpture in the public sphere.”

That first claim. It sounds as if all men who claim to be women experience erasure, murder, arrest, and exile every day. It’s an absurdity, a melodramatic self-pitying thought-free absurdity.

That second claim – a “history” full of blank spots could just mean a history that doesn’t exist. The blank spots could be not wicked conspiratorial censorship but just an absence. Maybe there just haven’t been all that many men who thought they were women until very recently.

Blank spots that can only be recovered through storytelling are…stories. They’re like stories of Loki and Balder and Freya, Athena and Artemis and Apollo. They’re not “recovered” in the sense of being hidden truths brought to light; they’re inventions.

In the context of all these blank spots and stories his continued existence is far from revolutionary. Another word for being “hyper-present in the world” is narcissism. He doesn’t “need” to be hyper-present in the world any more than the rest of us, and saying he does is sheer narcissism.

It’s not at all important for him to have that tawdry insulting sculpture in the world or anywhere else.

What irreversible really means

Jun 14th, 2022 9:00 am | By

I thought about doing a post on TullipR’s thread yesterday but it’s so grim I couldn’t face it.

It’s a detransition story, and it’s painful to read…because it’s so beyond painful to experience.

This is what’s being called “affirmation” and urged on distraught teenagers who aren’t equipped to understand all the consequences.

Most people have a successful pregnancy

Jun 14th, 2022 8:48 am | By

It’s often pointed out that one area of life that needs to be absolutely clear about who is a woman is medical care, including pregnancy.

The NHS on miscarriages:

In most cases, a miscarriage is a one-off event and most people go on to have a successful pregnancy in the future.

Among people who know they’re pregnant, it’s estimated about 1 in 8 pregnancies will end in miscarriage.

Many more miscarriages happen before a person is even aware they’re pregnant.

Losing 3 or more pregnancies in a row (recurrent miscarriages) is uncommon and only affects around 1 in 100 people

The words “woman” and “women” don’t appear once on that page.

H/t Milli Hill

None of the above

Jun 13th, 2022 5:58 pm | By

When the choice is between Proud Boys and Drag Queen Story Hour:

Authorities in the San Francisco Bay area are investigating a possible hate crime after a group of men stormed into a library where a drag queen was hosting a children’s reading event, and allegedly shouted homophobic and anti-LGBTQ+ slurs.

Why do children’s reading events need drag queens?

I suppose it could be like the old panto Dame, or Edna Everidge, but we’ve seen too many reports of such “reading events” that were not that. I don’t think there’s really any burning need for drag queens to do events at the children’s section of the library.

But I certainly don’t want Proud Boys to be the ones making that point.

Panda Dulce was hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour at the San Lorenzo library on Saturday in celebration of pride month when a group of five men disrupted the event, shouting “tranny” and “pedophile”. The men “attempted to escalate to violence”, Dulce said, and “totally freaked out all of the kids”.

Law enforcement believes the group is affiliated with the far-right Proud Boys.

But what does Pride Month have to do with kids? Kids don’t have sexualities yet. I don’t think Pride Month is for kids.

There are several drag queen story hour programs in the Bay Area, which organizers say offer kid-friendly entertainment while teaching children about diversity and community. “I thought the closet was the loneliest place, but I was wrong. It was being out in the open, vulnerable and alone. Drag Queen Story Hour is so important to me, and for our youth, because it converts our differences from shame into power,” Dulce told the Guardian in 2017.

So in other words it’s for the adults.

Let’s not do that. Let’s not use kids to make adults feel good. There’s plenty of time to learn about drag after puberty; they should have space to be children until then.

Which is not to say the Proud Boys should be breaking up the party.

But the story hours have long faced backlash and criticism from the right and conservative publications, who claim the events are indoctrinating children. This weekend’s story time event was shared by Libs of TikTok, a rightwing anti-LGBTQ+ social media account with more than a million followers, SFGate reported.

Hmm. I’m pretty sure that’s a lie. I’m pretty sure Libs of TikTok is opposed to trans dogma, but that doesn’t make it either right-wing or anti-LGBTQ+MNOP.

Guest post: The Maginot line de nos jours

Jun 13th, 2022 3:03 pm | By

Originally a comment by Djolaman on Rock climbing without ropes.

There’s a trope about militaries building their strategy for any war according to what worked or conspicuously didn’t in the last war, based on the people in charge often having been in more junior roles learning how things worked at the time. Examples include the US treating Vietnam as a rerun of Korea and coming unstuck very badly, or the French preparing the Maginot line to deal with another iteration of world war 1 and finding it was utterly unsuited to the technological and tactical advances that had taken place by thectime world war 2 broke out.

To a great extent we see what we expect to see, and build that expectation on resemblances to things we’ve seen before. The 1960s and their representation in popular culture have provided a lot of people with a convenient model of virtuous, socially progressive political movements ; they’re driven by the younger generations, they use the language of justice and equality, they’re disapproved of by social conservatives and the religious right, and supported by artists and musicians. Heuristically, that provides a simple way of spotting a familial resemblance to the civil rights movement, which acts as as the archetypal progressive movement and tells you how to orientate yourself with regards to this new movement – with the goodies, obviously.

Considerations of the truth or wider implications of the claims being made then get bypassed by the apparent familiarity of what you’re seeing. Whether the passage of time and the growing number of regretful detransitioners expose people to the reality of their faulty reasoning with the same clarity as military miscalculations tend to is for now an open question.