Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on People became slotted.
“It’s not just complex in the context of intersex … Our bodies are far more variable than our categories.”
This makes it sound like people with DSD (or “intersex” *as they would rather not be called), are more numerous than they really are, and their existence somehow blurs sex into a spectrum, ruining our ability to figure out who is male and who is female. It’s like saying that the existence of conjoined twins throws into doubt the classification of humans as bipedal tetrapods, and that to question that human limb number is anything but a spectrum is hateful bigotry.
Western science recognized only one sex—the male—and considered the female body an inferior version of it. The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions
…I’m pretty sure people have always and everywhere noticed that there are two!
They want to be able to say that the sexual binary is a Western, colonialist invention imposed on other peoples against their will. This allows activists to claim more woke cookies by being able to tar Western ideas further. Never mind that there are plenty of good reasons to oppose Western colonialism without having to add this genderist bullshit to the list of charges. It also implies that the poor, benighted Indigenous societies had no ideas of their own about sex, and that they would have been completely mystified as to why their society’s gender non-conformists weren’t capable of performing the biological functions of the sex they weren’t. If gender is primary and sex is “assigned”, shouldn’t all those Two Spirit people be able to have kids according to their inner feelings rather than the inconsequential details of their biology? Damn those Western Colonialists, ruining the Edenic Gender paradise where trans-identified men can menstruate and trans-identified females can be fathers. Talk about spoiler alert!
It’s telling that they say that the introduction of the completely imaginary and arbitrary sex binary helped enforce gender and racial divisions. First and foremost, gender divisions (i.e sexism) are used to enforce patriarchy. Sex comes first; beyond the basics of reproductive biology, the limitations and constraints on what women and men are allowed or expected to do (i.e. gender) are applied to the sexed bodies of humans under patriarchy.
*And transactivists will keep using the term because “intersex” suits their “sex is a spectrum” agenda much better than “differences of sexual development” or “disorders of sexual development” because the former suggests a huge unmapped territory between the sexes, while the latter indicates the failure to achieve the usual developmental endpoint of being one or the other sex.