Guest post: Avoid the poopy-heads

Oct 3rd, 2022 6:36 pm | By

Originally a comment by iknklast on A protean concept.

DiAngelo is following the pattern of other consultants. In corporations, and in academia, it has been a pattern for a long time to hire consultants who tell people if they are unhappy, it’s because they “let” themselves be. Not making enough to buy food for your family? Just think positively! It isn’t the fault of the boss, or the system, but you for finding that problematic.

Bosses ate it up, and hired these consultants to come tell their employees what was wrong with them – the employees, I mean. Wage too low? Don’t ask for a raise, that’s complaining. Figure out why you think it’s too low, and realize it is you making it too low, not your boss, not the system, not the fact that food and gas prices have increased.

I have sat through dozens of these. It’s infuriating. Don’t get at the root of the problem, just make people uncomfortable about being part of the problem. As one speaker put it, just don’t hang around with “poopy people”. First, I can’t believe anyone would hire a consultant to use kindergarten language to university faculty. Second, that would mean I couldn’t hang around with myself, since I would fit her definition of “poopy people” – anyone who thinks something in the system is broken and should be fixed.

A protean concept

Oct 3rd, 2022 2:28 pm | By

Hari Kunzru wrote a brilliant piece on “whiteness” for the New York Review of Books a couple of years ago.

One idea inherited from 1960s radicalism is that of “white privilege,” a protean concept that has found its way into conversations about political power, material prosperity, social status, and even cognition. Invoking whiteness can stand in for older leftist ideas about class and power, or it can be a way of modifying those ideas. Whiteness can name a specifically American caste system—a historical product of plantation slavery—or a set of unexamined beliefs about a person’s own centrality, neutrality, authority, and objectivity. It can also take on a transhistorical, even transcendental quality, naming something more like a spiritual condition, a fallen state that is paradoxically also one of culpable innocence.

…Many conservatives affect to believe that we are on the brink of an American rerun of the Cultural Revolution, or possibly even the Haitian one, with dark-skinned folk emerging out of the cane fields and the Amazon warehouses to execute a terrifying inversion of the social order. This fear certainly looms large in the political imagination of the far right, driving recruitment to militias and Boogaloo groups and giving license to the most extreme authoritarian impulses of the White House.

…Though some of the objections to the politics of white privilege are clearly performative, there is reason to be wary of this politics, particularly now that these ideas are being refashioned by corporate America. Whiteness is a concept that can be made to serve many interests and positions, not all of them compatible.

It can make for a nice career for white people, too.

Among the activists beginning to think about the complex interrelationship of race and class [in the late 60s] was Theodore W. Allen, a lifelong Communist who had been a coal miner and labor organizer in West Virginia. Allen took as a starting point a now famous passage from W.E.B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction in America (1935):

It must be remembered that the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white. They were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks, and the best schools. The police were drawn from their ranks, and the courts, dependent on their votes, treated them with such leniency as to encourage lawlessness.

I think that puts it brilliantly.

In an essay first published in 1967 by the Radical Education Project of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Allen identified the “Achilles heel of the American working class” as what he called “white-skin privilege.” Du Bois saw the “psychological wage” as a conscious strategy of the ruling class to co-opt poor whites and prevent an interracial solidarity that might have threatened their ascendency during the period of Reconstruction. Allen edged toward a more sweeping position, identifying this offer of a psychological wage as one of the motors of American history that went back as far as seventeenth-century Virginia. The first use of “white” that he could find was in a Virginia statute of 1691, and he contended that the construction of whiteness as a social and legal identity was a response to Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, in which Blacks and whites, including indentured servants, combined to oppose the governor and burn Jamestown. The task of the radical white ally to the Black struggle was to repudiate this privilege, to reject the blandishments of the rulers and persuade white workers to follow suit, developing class unity across racial lines.

Black and white, unite and fight. That used to be a slogan.

In the early 1990s [Noel Ignatiev] cofounded a journal called Race Traitor, under the slogan “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” The betrayal of whiteness was now firmly understood not as a repudiation of biology, or even culture, but of a particular kind of social contract. As the editorial for the first issue of Race Traitor put it

The existence of the white race depends on the willingness of those assigned to it to place their racial interests above class, gender, or any other interests they hold. The defection of enough of its members to make it unreliable as a determinant of behavior will set off tremors that will lead to its collapse.

I expect centuries of enslavement helped with that project quite a lot. Prison works the same way now.

In the early 1990s, as Ignatiev was working on Race Traitor, the historian David Roediger published The Wages of Whiteness, a book that expanded Theodore Allen’s account of whiteness as an organizing principle of American society, arguing that as new immigrant groups like the Irish arrived, they learned how to “become white” by aligning themselves with “white” interests. It was not just a question of adopting the manners or even displaying loyalty to the political priorities of the Anglo elite. Whiteness was earned by displays of performative “anti-blackness” (riots, lynchings, and so on), constituting and reinforcing a community that depended for its identity on differentiation from Blacks.

We don’t want to be black because we don’t want to be treated the way we treat black people. The loop has proven hard to break.

The “1619 Project” of The New York Times, created and led by Nikole Hannah-Jones, which owes much to Roediger’s understanding of whiteness, asks what happens if we use the date of the arrival of the first Africans in the Jamestown colony to replace 1776 as the key to reading American history. Whether or not this thought experiment counts as “history” in an academic sense, the substantial claim is that if we look at the American story as one of violent struggle and contestation, formed to some large measure through the Atlantic slave trade, we arrive at a very different picture from the one that starts with a formal claim of rights and expands in the direction of an “ever more perfect union.”

And can we really deny that the American story is one of violent struggle? Really? What with slavery and the endless war on indigenous people and the seizure of lands and resources?

There is a hunger for information about the new civil rights movement, and many companies and institutions are beginning to feel that by ignoring it, they are exposing themselves to liability, or failing to get the best performance from their workforce. At the individual level, people who may not have thought much about racism are hurrying to educate themselves. This past June, the top five New York Times nonfiction best sellers were all books about antiracism. At number one was White Fragility, by a diversity consultant named Robin DiAngelo.

Who, let’s not forget, charges tens of thousands of dollars for her consultings.

Diversity consultancy is as much a product of the 1960s and 1970s counterculture as Black Lives Matter, but its lineage is not that of the New Left but the Human Potential movement, and the belief that the goal of existence is “self-actualization,” the apex of the famous pyramid described by Abraham Maslow in his “hierarchy of needs.” Much of the popular literature of antiracism, though it uses the lexicon of left politics (“whiteness,” “identity politics”), deploys self-actualization as its primary enticement to the reader. Follow these rules, and you too can grow into an antiracist. Antiracism is “the work,” and even if the goal is an antiracist society, the royal road runs not through organizing but through personal transformation.

Aw yeah. In short it’s basically about the precious self, as so many things are.

Regardless of DiAngelo’s personal politics, this truth remains. Her business model depends on making people uncomfortable, but not too much, or rather only along certain axes of discomfort. She will not get hired if she asserts that the problem she is proposing to solve may be structural and best addressed by the redistribution of power and resources, rather than maximizing the human potential of the marketing department. Of necessity, in a corporate forum, solutions need to be presented in ways that do not threaten the host organization, and that inevitably leads to their being framed as matters of personal, individual behavior.

Read the whole thing.

Supra dig

Oct 3rd, 2022 1:51 pm | By

A funny item in Pink News last January:

Trans Joy: 23 trans and non-binary people share what’s making them feel hopeful for 2022

Anonymous, Brighton: “In 2021, I and my Sussex Uni peers kicked up enough fuss about TERFism in academia to get the whole nation talking, and I couldn’t be more proud of Brighton’s trans community.

“We’ve started a long-overdue conversation about humanity and dignity that I want to continue throughout 2022 and beyond.”

Students at the University of Sussex protesting against Kathleen Stock

So much dignity and humanity!

Checking in

Oct 3rd, 2022 1:17 pm | By

Sorry for late appearance! Internet problems again. I’ll be scarce for a couple of days.

Update: Just one day as it turns out. I’m ba-ack!

Guest post: Trickier than you’d think

Oct 2nd, 2022 5:09 pm | By

Originally a comment by Rob on Not needed on voyage.

I’m not a fan of constitutional monarchies, but I’m not convinced that democracies that place significant power in the hands of presidents or similar posts have covered themselves with glory either. Ceremonial presidencies seem just as pointless as a constitutional monarch, although I guess it’s less likely to become hereditary.

Getting to my rambling point, if Charles is ‘just another guy’ then why shouldn’t he have and express a view? If he’s technically head of state, then why shouldn’t he display leadership – even if we feel distaste for why he’s head of state? The point in this specific case is that now he’s head of state he’s by convention supposed to be a mouthpiece for the government and in this case the government has taken a lurch to the right and doesn’t want to pay the cost of going green because they’ve just torpedoed their own economy.

A part of me wants him to deliver a speech emphasising the importance and urgency of climate action anyway and convention be damned. On this issue it would be the right thing to do. That damages the convention of a puppet monarch though, which might be of more lasting damage to the system of government. Then again, the head of state is supposed to be the last line of defence against a rogue or incompetent government, which arguably the UK has here. Trickier than you’d think at first glance I think and people could reach different conclusions.

Be sure to freak out

Oct 2nd, 2022 4:38 pm | By

Mermaids instructs children on how to change their names. Obviously this is something some random goons on the internet should be doing rather than children’s parents. This is serious business, way too serious for parental units.

 What obligation does my school or workplace have if I change my name?

Changing a name is almost always a momentous moment for trans and non-binary people and it is becoming more and more common for trans people want to change their first name during childhood and adolescence. The changing of a name is often an indicator that an individual is taking steps to, or proposing to move towards presenting as their true gender identity. 

Sic. Mistakes theirs, not mine.

Any request for a change of name to be recognised on a system or within general interactions should be given due weight, as the consequences of not may have a serious negative social and psychological impact on a transgender or non-binary young person, as well as potential legal implications for a school/workplace should it be refused on an unlawful basis. 

In other words: threat.

4.       What do I do if someone is deliberately not using my new name or pronouns at work or in school?

If this is at work or in school and you believe this is deliberate/malicious, speak to someone you trust as soon as you can. Only challenge the individual should you feel it safe and productive to do so – your safety must always come first. 

Yeah. Mostly trans people get murdered this way, so watch out.

We suggest that you, if you can, take a note of the time, location and details of what has happened (including the name of the perpetrator) so you can remember everything when you speak to the appropriate person. Make it clear to this person should you wish to make a formal complaint or grievance. Your workplace and school should have policies in place to deal with such situations and if they don’t, you can still insist that they work in line with their duties under equality law. If the reason you’re being harassed is because of who you are – for example, because you’re trans, it could be unlawful discrimination. If you’ve been discriminated against, you can take action under the Equality Act 2010.

You can tell Mermaids just longs to see people dragged off in handcuffs for not using Esmeralda’s new name and pronouns.

The use of the incorrect name or pronoun can also amount to a hate crime or incident – (even if it only happens once). It should be taken very seriously. 

Very seriously. Very very seriously. This stuff is really serious. It’s like murder or genocide or nuclear war.

Not needed on voyage

Oct 2nd, 2022 11:58 am | By

The government has told King Choss it doesn’t need his help at the environment summit.

I’ll say right up front I’m not consistent on this point. I think Choss has no standing to say anything on any subject, other than the ordinary human one. On the other hand turning the climate ship around is more important than keeping the monarchy in check. I think both that Choss should keep his opinions to himself because he has an arbitrary megaphone via birth, and that Choss should be allowed to warn about climate change because he has an arbitrary megaphone via birth.

Before his accession to the throne last month, the King – then the Prince of Wales – had indicated he would attend the annual conference.

But now he’s in the top job and that means he has to confine himself to the ceremonial bits.

In the past, the King has demonstrated his deep commitment to environmental issues and, as Prince of Wales, had a long history of campaigning to reduce the effects of climate change.

Only last year he made a speech at the COP26 opening ceremony in Glasgow, when the summit was hosted by the UK. The late Queen also gave a speech at the event, via video link.

Who wrote the queen’s speech though? Probably the government.

A foot of air left

Oct 2nd, 2022 11:22 am | By

What happens when the weather tries to kill you.

Suzie Mack, a Fort Myers resident, told the BBC that her brother’s mobile home park saw water as high as 8ft during the storm.

Remember that stationary camera in Fort Myers? It was at 10ft and the waves kept submerging it.

“They got on their air mattresses inside their house, because it was too late to leave, and by the time the surge got to its peak, they had about a foot of air left in their homes,” she said. “Nobody died there, but it was a horrific story to hear.”

That’s what happened in Katrina. The water rose and rose and rose and people had to break through their roofs. Those who weren’t able to drowned.

While for the moment the scale of Ian’s destruction remains unclear, independent experts have warned that the economic impact is likely to be well into the tens of billions of dollars.

How many times can such expensive impacts be absorbed? I have no idea what the answer is but I’m pretty sure it’s not infinite.

In these conditions, many Florida residents have been left wondering what their future looks like – and whether to stay in the state or to leave.

Leave. Florida is at the front of the line on this.

Where all prejudice starts

Oct 2nd, 2022 10:09 am | By

Yellow stars ffs.

I have read some history.

Nobody is pinning yellow stars on trans people, or advocating for doing so, or advocating for anything that looks like pinning yellow stars on trans people. Knowing that men are not women is not comparable to pinning yellow stars on Jews.

Also, of course, it didn’t start with yellow stars, it started centuries before Hitler, with religious rivalries and popes and inquisitions and all the rest of the poison brew.

Who’s we?

Oct 2nd, 2022 9:25 am | By
Who’s we?

Two of these today.

Us, our, we, us.


US I tell you! WE!

Squishing the girls

Oct 2nd, 2022 8:41 am | By

Janice Turner on girls and those bumps:

Female puberty is like being bundled into a runaway car. Let’s put aside periods, the shock of blood, the tsunami of emotions. Let’s concentrate on a girl of 12 or so, who until now has wandered the world thinking little about her body, suddenly acquiring breasts.

At the same time, though, she is suddenly acquiring periods, the shock of blood, the blurghy achy feeling every month, the mess and tedium of it all, the risk of showing – all this and tits. It’s way too much. It’s too much and too early – the brain and the emotions are nowhere near adult. Honestly there ought to be a law. It’s widely agreed that children shouldn’t get married; it stands to reason that children also shouldn’t go through puberty. Later, please! In that sense I kind of understand the idea of putting puberty on hold for a few years, but unfortunately it can’t really be done.

This week — finally — the charity commission announced it will investigate Mermaids’ “approach to safeguarding young people” over its practice of covertly sending out chest binders to girls as young as 13 without parental consent.

A binder is a spandex corset that compresses the breasts along with the ribs and lungs. It’s hard to breathe in a binder: you feel dizzy, get headaches. You shouldn’t wear one during exercise: indeed trans lobby groups advise schools to excuse girls who bind from games. Binders damage developing breast tissue, cause chafing, skin infection, muscle wastage and even fractured ribs. 

This is why putting puberty on hold can’t really be done – there are side effects, bad ones.

For many girls binding is a passing craze, discovered via friends or YouTube influencers. (It recalls the Victorian tight-lacing fashion where girls competing to have the tiniest waist had to recline on “fainting couches”.)

Not to mention foot-binding. It’s funny how there are fashions for making women smaller, while men are exhorted to expand those biceps.

In 2019, a serious data breach by Mermaids, for which it was fined £25,000, gave a glimpse into its residential weekends for parents and children. “Huge respect to the guys who showed us (upon request) their top surgery scars,” said one post, “saved a lot of dodgy Google searches.” Girls, who are taught at such camps how to bind, are introduced to those who’ve graduated to double mastectomies — they even pass down their old binders.

In fact you don’t need “dodgy Google searches” to witness this horror. Just search #topsurgery on Instagram and find thousands of short-haired waifs displaying livid lateral scars, their nipples cut off to be sewn or tattooed on later. Some pose with grinning surgeons. One doctor appears with jars of breast tissue in formaldehyde, a rainbow flag Frankenstein. Another in Miami boasts about cutting off 40 pairs of breasts a week or, as she glibly puts it, “deleting the teets”.


Where are the voices in sex education saying entering womanhood can feel like walking through fire, that bodily discomfort is a logical response both to the strange rhythms of biology and daunting expectations? Studies show girls’ confidence, compared with boys, plummets around the age of 12. Rachel Rooney’s book My Body Is Me!, which encouraged young children to delight in their glorious human form, was cancelled as transphobic, yet a teenage version is urgently needed.

But if one is written and published it will be instantly deluged with righteous rage.

Good enough

Oct 1st, 2022 11:19 am | By

Stupidity and credulity are spreading like a poison gas.

Because he says he is; that’s good enough.

So, saying something=that something is true. Always, because saying is good enough.

So nobody ever lies.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Update seconds later: Apparently it’s a parody account. And yet, people do say that, if perhaps not quite so baldly.

It’s just not something you say out loud

Oct 1st, 2022 9:20 am | By

More credulous bilge pours out of people at the University of Southern Maine:

USM grad students in Professor Christy Hammer’s class say recent discussions on social gender and biological sex identifications got heated when Hammer told the class only two biological sexes exist, male and female.

All but one student walked out of class, feeling the professor’s comments were a personal attack on trans, non-binary and intersex students.

An utterly basic biological fact was interpreted as a “personal attack” on people who share the mass delusion that they can soar free of that basic biological fact.

“I believe that everyone should be accepted based on their identity,” [student Liv] Petersen said. “And I think the professor was in the wrong for invalidating her own students.”

In other words “everyone should be accepted” as whatever they claim they are, no matter how absurd, and people who pay attention to reality are in the wrong for “invalidating” such fantasies, even teachers in classrooms – in fact especially teachers in classrooms, because they’re supposed to get things right. In short the righteous students want their professor punished or removed for teaching reality instead of fantasy.

“It’s just not something you say out loud, especially with the current environment and stuff like that,” USM student Jalen Charles said. “It’s something you should really keep to yourself.”

Kind of like France under the Occupation, yeah? Keep your head down and above all don’t say anything.

Hero of living the contradiction

Oct 1st, 2022 8:49 am | By

LGBTQ Nation insults women not once but twice…or probably even more than that, I haven’t checked the whole list yet.

Secretary Levine is a man scooping up plaudits for being “the First Openly Transgender Four-Star Officer and First Female Four-Star Admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.”

Why is he a nominee? For having it both ways? Being first ever trans and first ever female? The fact that he’s trans=he’s not female. If he were female he wouldn’t be trans.

Stealing women’s firsts and getting counted twice; quite a racket.


Oct 1st, 2022 8:33 am | By

Insult & injury=

Gaslighting: How to Recognize it and What to Say When it Happens

If that’s liberal…

Sep 30th, 2022 4:04 pm | By

Back in July

The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled Thursday that a transgender woman cannot change her name because she is on the state’s sex offender registry and the law does not allow people on the registry to change their names.

The conservative majority, eh? So the “liberal” majority were in favor of letting a man change his name to a woman’s name despite being a convicted sex offender? Could there be any downside to that I wonder? Any downside that ought to be apparent to people who style themselves liberal?

The court’s 4-3 decision upholds the rulings of two lower courts, which rejected the woman’s requests to change her name and avoid registering as a sex offender.

Sex offenders are victims and the people they harass or assault or rape are the oppressors. Right?

The woman, identified in court documents only as Ella, was required to register as a sex offender after being convicted of sexually assaulting a disabled 14-year-old boy when she was 15. She is now 22.

And he’s not a woman.

According to court records, Ella was about 6-foot, 5-inches and more than 300 pounds (135 kilograms) at the time of the assault. The victim was 110 pounds, blind in one eye and autistic. After the assault, Ella taunted the victim on Facebook and told other students what happened, perpetuating his “victimization and trauma,” the court said.

Yeah yeah yeah but respect her idennniny.

The dissenting justices agreed that Ella’s arguments alleging an Eighth Amendment violation of cruel and unusual punishment fail. But they said she should be allowed to petition a court to legally change her name based on First Amendment rights.

The majority “discounts the burdens Ella faces as a result of the restriction,” Ann Walsh Bradley wrote. A person’s name is an essential part of their identity, she wrote, citing Muhammad Ali and Caitlyn Jenner as high profile examples.

Well Jenner did kill that woman by ramming her car on the Pacific Coast Highway, so the comparison makes sense but it doesn’t much convince me that the 6’5″ guy should be helped to persuade people he’s a woman.

“Requiring Ella to maintain a name that is inconsistent with her gender identity and forcing her to out herself every time she presents official documents exposes her to discrimination and abuse,” she wrote for the minority.

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This could suggest

Sep 30th, 2022 3:17 pm | By

Here we go again.

British Rowing today announces updates made to the 2016 Transgender and Transsexual Policy. A Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) has been released along with new guidance to help the rowing community at the grassroots. These documents can be found on the British Rowing Policies and Guidance page in the Diversity and Inclusion section.

The Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) is a revision of the British Rowing Transgender and Transsexual Policy (2016), which was found by British Rowing to be outdated and not fit for purpose. Following extensive consultation with stakeholder organisations, and taking into account more recent guidance provided by the UK Sports Councils’ Equality Group’s Guidance for Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport (September 2021), the revised policy and procedures provides clarity on the process for determining eligibility to compete in a category that does not match a trans or non-binary competitor’s birth sex.

In recognition that this is a fast-developing area in sport, in which new information is being provided all the time, British Rowing is committed to the regular review of this policy and its procedures to ensure that our approach is consistent with latest guidance, information, or studies. The Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) and associated guidance will be reviewed within 12 months.

Is it new information that’s being provided all the time? Or is it new manipulation, new yelling and whining, new stamping and holding of breath?

We encourage and welcome any feedback to support the ongoing improvement of the policy and its procedures and feedback can be shared via this dedicated Feedback Form.

British Rowing promotes a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination including transphobia.

We welcome comments, but not comments that deal with the issue.

From the FAQs:

What is the balance between fairness and inclusion?

There is no perfect solution to balancing fairness and inclusion. The UK Sports Councils’ Equality Group’s Guidance for Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport (September 2021) determined testosterone levels alone do not guarantee fairness, but it also accepts that in many instances it is the best measure available. There are a number of variables that lend themselves to a competitor’s success in rowing: technical ability, athleticism, fitness, knowledge and the experience and confidence to apply these areas. 

Hm. Notice anything missing? Like, having a male body? Having a male body lends itself to a competitor’s success in rowing, I’m pretty sure.

This could suggest that exposure to greater levels of testosterone prior to testosterone suppression through hormone treatment may not necessarily be the decisive factor as to whether a trans person will be more successful in rowing competition.

And so it could also suggest that having a male body may not necessarily be the decisive factor as to whether a man will be more successful in rowing competition against women? Because if that’s the claim it’s bullshit.

Guest post: Chevron knew

Sep 30th, 2022 2:52 pm | By

Originally a comment by Mike Haubrich on Cue the stirring music.

The thing that I seriously don’t understand is that if capitalism is supposed to bring us the best of all possible worlds due to profit, why don’t these giant energy companies see themselves as energy companies as opposed to oil companies. Chevron knew that the carbon emission from their products was going to lead us to where we are now with climate change 50 years ago, but decided to hide their data and analysis, and find ways to drill deeper and farther offshore and keep us using gasoling and diesel fuel. They knew that it’s a finite resource, they knew that eventually they will have to rely on despotic governments to make contracts for drilling on their land. They knew that there are other sources of energy, and extraction is an engineering problem that could eventually be less expensive than drilling under 500 feet of water, or in the Arctic. Shell, BP, and these other giants make the commercials that this is spoofing, and promote all the wonderful things that their engineers are doing to find ways to protect the environment while giving up nothing from our mobile lifestyle.

But they continue to fight to keep it the way that it is through fracking, mountaintop removal, using ice roads to get drilling rigs over the Arctic, build drilling platforms in the North Sea and off of the Carolina coast (subject to hurricanes,) just to maintain an oil and coal based energy economy.

I’m not a commie, don’t worry. But, I’m also not a capitalist cheerleader. It’s short-term thinking when long-term was needed.

Hide the bad man’s name

Sep 30th, 2022 11:07 am | By

It’s the pettiness that’s so revolting.

The Wall Street Journal reported in May 2019 that the military had worked to obscure the USS John S. McCain ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to a neighboring ship in Japan. It was a decision that apparently stemmed from Trump’s feuds with the decorated war hero and late senator, who was added as a namesake for the ship initially named for his father and grandfather. But the senator had died just nine months prior, rendering the effort particularly bizarre.

And petty, spiteful, childish, ridiculous, contemptible.

It was not fake news, as a batch of newly released emails reinforces and details.

The emails, obtained by Bloomberg News reporter Jason Leopold and by the Wall Street Journal through Freedom of Information Act requests, fill out the story of military officials responding to a request from the White House Military Office. Among the discoveries:

They show military officials saying repeatedly that this was a White House request, but also that officials didn’t want to put it in writing.

At one point, a military official was apparently so taken aback by the request that the person asked that it be confirmed. “I could see that becoming a Tweet,” the official added.

Another military official responded the next morning by saying, “This just makes me sad.”

Nothing is too petty or whiny or infantile for him.

The council states clearly

Sep 30th, 2022 10:49 am | By

Political bodies think they have the power to change reality by passing motions.

A council can “state clearly” whatever it likes, but stating it doesn’t make it true.

A council can state clearly that carrots are alligators; that doesn’t make it true.

Also, it’s not “phobic” to spot an untrue statement.