Guest post: Legislation from the security guard

Nov 16th, 2022 10:10 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Stripes.

It makes one wonder how many other officials and officers with the Scottish government feel it is incumbent upon them to police women in this way. How much of the machinery of government has been reprogrammed to automatically, unquestioningly defend the gender virus that has invaded it? Some Americans are concerned with courts “legislating from the bench.” Well in Scotland, they’ve skipped all that; trans-activism’s extra-legal infiltration has reached down to the committee level, so we have “legislation from the security guard.” How much of this shit has gone on that we don’t know about, that has not been commented upon publicly? If they get away with it, it becomes, de facto, the new standard, benchmark, and beach-head.

Ratchet, ratchet, ratchet. Another inch of ground stolen. Silence means consent. Particularly when the theft is quiet and secret, behind closed doors where it’s meant to be.

“We’ve been using women’s toilets for years! You can’t stop us now!”

You can’t stop us now!

You can’t stop us now!.

Now, you can’t stop us!

Each equally gloaty and threatening.

But remember, be kind!

Get rid of them altogether

Nov 16th, 2022 9:25 am | By

There are no women – women don’t exist – it’s all been a misunderstanding. There are people, and there are men, and there are trans women – but there are no women.

The word “woman” could be erased from specialist NHS clinics dealing with female health issues under proposed new transgender inclusivity rules.

That should improve health care for women (for what?) out of all recognition.

A report proposing new NHS treatment guidelines in Scotland suggests “a general move away from gendered healthcare” and warns that trans people are put off attending services if they are targeted at a certain sex.

Are women put off if services are not targeted at a specific sex? Could such a policy mislead or confuse women? If so would that matter? Do women matter at all?

It states that trans men may feel “really uncomfortable” if they have to attend a “women’s health clinic” for services such as contraception or cancer screening programmes.

And we can’t have that, so we’ll pretend that women just don’t exist, and refer to them as owners of body parts.

The Scottish NHS has previously been criticised for omitting references to women from public health campaigns and instead using terms such as “people who menstruate”.

A Scottish Government-backed advice leaflet designed to teach young people about periods referred to “those of us that have both our ovaries and a womb”.

Which is already confusing. Does it mean a womb and both ovaries? Or a womb and one or two ovaries? Who knows? They introduce a pointless ambiguity in the rush to be inclooosive.

The report states: “Systems within NHS Scotland need to allow for increasing gender identities for patients, specifically including non-binary identities. This should be done as part of a general move away from gendered healthcare.

“Transgender individuals may be uncomfortable seeking reproductive health care or contraception when the services’ ‘target audience’ is advertised in a way that is incongruent to their gender identity (eg a transman may be really uncomfortable attending “women health clinic” for a coil or for a cervical smear).”

Therefore, for the sake of that petulant narcissistic pretend-man, all women have to be concealed from NHS language. Where did all the adults go???

Currently un

Nov 16th, 2022 8:40 am | By
Currently un

Here we go again.

An event later this month:

But wait. Before you pencil it in on your calendar –

What do I find when I click on the event?

Plant a little seed and watch it grow

Nov 16th, 2022 5:54 am | By

The wonders of social media:

Andrew Tate says women belong in the home, can’t drive, and are a man’s property.

He also thinks rape victims must “bear responsibility” for their attacks and dates women aged 18–19 because he can “make an imprint” on them, according to videos posted online.

In other clips, the British-American kickboxer – who poses with fast cars, guns and portrays himself as a cigar-smoking playboy – talks about hitting and choking women, trashing their belongings and stopping them from going out.

“It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch,” he says in one video, acting out how he’d attack a woman if she accused him of cheating. In another, he describes throwing a woman’s things out of the window. In a third, he calls an ex-girlfriend who accused him of hitting her – an allegation he denies – a “dumb hoe”.

And to the surprise of no one, all this makes him wildly popular.

Styled as a self-help guru, offering his mostly male fans a recipe for making money, pulling girls and “escaping the matrix”, Tate has gone in a matter of months from near obscurity to one of the most talked about people in the world. In July, there were more Google searches for his name than for Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian.

He achieved this sudden stardom by telling his followers to “flood social media with videos of him,” and apparently it worked. The cash is pouring in.

In less than three months, the strategy has earned him a huge following online and potentially made him millions of pounds, with 127,000 members now paying the £39 a month to join Hustler’s University community, many of them men and boys from the UK and US.

Yet despite much of the content appearing to break TikTok’s rules, which explicitly ban misogyny and copycat accounts, the platform appears to have done little to limit Tate’s spread or ban the accounts responsible. Instead, it has propelled him into the mainstream – allowing clips of him to proliferate, and actively promoting them to young users.

Great, because what the world needs right now is lots and lots of male people whipped into a frenzy of hatred of women. $$$

All spiced up

Nov 16th, 2022 5:32 am | By

Has Trump started to bore even The Base?

In the least surprising news of the year, a low-energy Donald Trump announced that he is running for president again last night. The speech itself was also predictable, hitting the traditional authoritarian and nativist favorites. We heard about the “invasion” at the border and “radical Democrats” in the White House, all spiced up with the usual combination of self-complimenting anecdotes and self-serving lies that we have come to expect from the former president.

In other words we’ve seen this movie before. Seeing as how it’s not exactly Casablanca or Doctor Strangelove, we’re not particularly excited about seeing it again.

What was much more interesting was the almost complete absence of prominent Republicans in Mar-a-Lago and even the lukewarm interest of the US media. At various channels, journalists were “analyzing” Trump’s run while the former president was giving his speech on mute in the background. Even Fox News’s Sean Hannity cut into the speech after a little over half an hour.

New speech just like the old speech. There’s not much point in actually listening to it. (To sane people of course listening to Trump at all is torture.)

Which one is Cinderella?

Nov 16th, 2022 4:30 am | By

Martina has a finely honed sense of humor.

The photo is courtesy of Princess Ivanka’s Instagram, and there’s widespread hilarity at the fact that she cropped out Junior’s Fox News Lady who was on Princess’s left wearing black.

But the family values joke is interesting as well as funny. It’s sort of a family photo from King Don’s harem. Having them pose together is…odd, isn’t it? I don’t get out much so I don’t really know, but is it usual for wedding photos to have that harem vibe? Is it usual to put the current sex toy in the photo along with the previous one? If Ivana hadn’t fallen down the stairs and been buried on King Don’s golf course would she have been there too? Are Tiffany and Melania close?

Guest post: Popular enough but toxic enough

Nov 15th, 2022 5:39 pm | By

Originally a comment by Screechy Monkey on For months.

It’s possible that the GOP is in a bit of a box here — Trump is popular enough with their base that they can’t afford to abandon him (and couldn’t if they wanted to), but toxic enough with everyone else that he screws up their chances of winning elections.

I mean, really, what’s the argument for Trump’s appeal to the general electorate, as opposed to Republican primary voters? It seems to boil down to:

1. He eked out an Electoral College victory in 2016.

2. He didn’t get utterly blown out in 2020.

But (1) isn’t really that impressive an accomplishment. It’s actually pretty rare for a party to win three consecutive presidential elections — George HW Bush in 1988 is the only time it’s happened since Truman in 1948. And while I think Clinton’s weaknesses as a candidate are often overstated, it’s fair enough to say that she wasn’t an especially strong candidate. Add to that some ratfucking by the Russians and James Comey, and the media’s addiction to covering every Trump rally live, and ignoring every policy issue that wasn’t EMAILZZZZ, and in retrospect the closeness of the race is a testament to Trump’s toxicity, not some secret electoral magic he possesses. I think the polling miss in 2016 led people to the conclusion that Trump had some magic secret appeal, instead of “Trump almost, but didn’t quite, blow a very winnable election for the GOP.”

And (2) isn’t exactly a huge achievement either. The election looked closer than it was due to the “red mirage” effect of counting GOP-heavy votes first, the quirks of the Electoral College, and again polls overstated the Dems’ lead. But it’s unusual for incumbent presidents to be defeated at all, and globally most elected leaders actually experienced a “rally around the leader” effect from COVID that Trump managed to blow.

Basically, a Trump-free GOP probably would have won 2016 and 2020 easily, and (if for some reason they had lost in 2020), would have had a big win in 2022 due to normal midterm thermostatic reaction. (2018 would probably have been a GOP loss with any GOP president in office for the same reason.) Trump almost cost them 2016, did cost them 2020 and turned a big win in 2022 into a draw.

Of course, this doesn’t give me a lot of comfort, because elections are so close that it’s still possible Trump could win in 2024 in spite of himself. So he’s not just the GOP’s problem. But he may be primarily the GOP’s problem!


Nov 15th, 2022 5:28 pm | By

The Beeb reports on the suffragette scarf exclusion zone:

The Scottish Parliament’s presiding officer has apologised after a woman was ejected from a committee meeting for refusing to remove a scarf in suffragette colours.

The woman was asked to leave a session of the equalities committee, which was discussing proposed reforms to Scotland’s gender recognition laws.

Sorry sorry sorry it was all a mistake. We haven’t yet made it illegal to mention the suffrage campaign.

The colours have been associated with the suffragette movement, which campaigned for women to be given the right to vote in the early 20th century. More recently, they have also become associated with those opposed to changes to gender recognition laws.

You mean those opposed to the total displacement and erasure of women.

SNP MP Joanna Chery – a vocal critic of the gender reforms – tweeted that the removal of the woman was a “disgraceful episode for Scottish democracy”, adding: “This is not the Scotland I entered politics to promote.

“It’s completely out of step with what the suffragettes fought for, the spirit of the enlightenment and indeed the founding principles of the Scottish Parliament”.

They’ll know better next time. They’ll prevent such women from getting in the door.

Neener neener says academic

Nov 15th, 2022 4:48 pm | By

Via chainring, more bullying nonsense from the gruesome narcissist Sandy O’Sullivan:

An Australian professor recently said that he ‘misgenders’ students when they choose not to use a preferred pronoun in class. 

There’s no such thing as a “preferred pronoun,” in class or anywhere else. It’s an idiotic concept. People can’t swap sex, and issuing commands on “preferred pronouns” isn’t going to change that. People can pretend to swap sex in some circumstances, mostly personal and private, but they can’t force anyone else to play along. They don’t get to change the language for everyone to humor their stupid childish insistence on playing let’s pretend 24/7 in all company.

“I do suggest if you’re teaching online, you ask students to put their pronouns next to their name. Some students, like some staff, don’t want to,” Sandy O’Sullivan tweeted Jan. 9. “Fair enough, I advise students that if they don’t, I’ll just use they/them or their name.”

See Dusty O’Rourke age 6, who calls his sister poopyhead at the dinner table over and over again until he gets sent to his room without dessert.

This is a grown-ass adult, an academic, and here he is bullying students with “play my childish game or I’ll call you ‘them’.” Not his job. His job is to teach them, not force them to play his fatuous word games.

New York University explains on its website that, “Using the wrong pronouns for a person. Misgendering someone can be done intentionally or unintentionally, and it can have a long-lasting harmful impact.”

No it can’t. Also, there’s no such thing.

I’m beyond bored with people like O’Sullivan trying to force everyone to be as childish as they are – “they” meaning people like O’Sullivan; it’s an authentic plural.

Guest post: For the purposes of reverse no-true-Scotsmaning

Nov 15th, 2022 10:58 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on Poking with a stick.

“Y’all” is very often used, at least by gender identity ideologues, for the purposes of reverse no-true-Scotsmaning.

It’s used to imply that a large group of people hold some ludicrous caricature of an already crazy view, then as an increasing number of counter-examples are presented, the target of the y’all switches to smaller and smaller groups, right down to some girl who goes to a different school, who you wouldn’t know.

It’s both more socially acceptable and more slippery by nature than “you people” because of implausible deniability (“oh, I didn’t mean all feminists are in favour of eating babies, how could you possibly have thought that?”) and because it can more easily slip in either direction, depending on how the argument is going (“no no no, I meant feminists in general which might or might not include this group specifically”).

But, most importantly, if this conversation is taking place on Twitter (and it usually is) the y’all is right there at the top of the thread, with its original implication, and that’s what most people will see.

Hop skip jump

Nov 15th, 2022 10:41 am | By

Trump skipping:

The special US House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is weighing whether to issue a contempt of Congress referral for Donald Trump after the former president skipped a closed-door deposition with the panel that was scheduled for Monday.

He didn’t “skip” it. He flouted it, he snapped his fingers at it, he pissed on it.

The committee’s Democratic chair, Bennie Thompson, said that the contempt of Congress referral targeting Trump “could be an option” – though the Mississippi congressman added that the panel would have to first address a lawsuit filed against it by Trump’s lawyers on Friday. The suit challenged the subpoena ordering Trump to appear at the deposition as a violation of executive privilege.

Unemployed Florida man doesn’t have any executive privilege. He’s not an executive now.

In a joint statement with Liz Cheney, the outgoing Republican congresswoman and vice-chair of the committee, Thompson said that Trump’s lawsuit “parades out many of the same arguments that courts have rejected repeatedly over the last year”.

“The truth is that Donald Trump, like several of his closest allies, is hiding from the select committee’s investigation and refusing to do what more than a thousand other witnesses have done,” which is to testify in accordance with panel-issued subpoenas, they said.

Four Trump allies have already been held in contempt of Congress after refusing to comply with committee subpoenas.

They didn’t refuse, they just “skipped” them.

For months

Nov 15th, 2022 10:30 am | By

Some Republicans worry that maybe possibly Trump has some bad qualities. This is the first they’ve heard of it and they’re concerned.

The Republicans’ failure to deliver the must promised “red wave” in the midterms was a significant blow to Trump’s claim to be the voice of his party’s voters, not least because of the defeat of key candidates endorsed by him. But backing from the grass roots, which gave him a tight grip on the Republicans for years and kept its hostile leadership at bay, has been eroding for months.

Months. Not years, months. Up until a few months ago he was a reasonable compassionate intelligent guy, then suddenly something went wrong.

Republican county chairs and activists say the former president’s support has fallen as a result of his continued pushing of election conspiracy theories, the investigations into his businesses and political actions, and his attacks on his most threatening challenger, DeSantis.

That stuff was fine between 2015 and a few months ago, but now it’s unfine.

Trump’s deriding of his Florida rival as Ron “DeSanctimonious” days before the midterms was a last straw for some. Then he took to Fox News to warn off DeSantis from running for the presidency, saying “he could hurt himself very badly” and threatening to “tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering”.

“I think he would be making a mistake. I think the base would not like it. I don’t think it would be good for the party,” said Trump.

Burl said she was “shocked” by the former president’s attack on DeSantis.

Yeah it’s very shocking, unlike everything he’s done before.

Our resistance to such diktat

Nov 15th, 2022 10:08 am | By

A Labour MP.

More of this kind of thing please.

Not banned, just banned

Nov 15th, 2022 9:29 am | By

Soz about the purple green and white scarf:

The presiding officer of the Scottish parliament has been forced to clarify that suffragette colours “are not, and never have been” banned on the Holyrood estate after a woman wearing a purple, green and white scarf was removed from a meeting of the equalities committee.

It’s scarves that have been banned on the Holyrood estate. Yes?

Alison Johnstone – the Holyrood equivalent of the Commons speaker – issued a statement later in the day describing the action by security staff on Tuesday morning as “an error” and apologising on behalf of the Scottish parliament.

The member of the public, who was observing a discussion of amendments to the Scottish government’s controversial gender recognition bill, posted on social media that “the Scottish parliament is now policing clothing colours”.

She later confirmed to the Guardian that she had been asked to remove the item but refused, and was then informed by security staff that the scarf was “political” because it was “associated with the women’s movement”.

In fact, if you think about it, women are political. They should be kept out of everything.

Johnstone’s full statement said: “Let me make one thing crystal clear, suffrage colours are not, and never have been, banned at the Scottish parliament. We actively support and promote universal suffrage in a number of ways at Holyrood and will continue to do so.”

That’s so very interesting. Note what she doesn’t say. She doesn’t say “we actively support women’s suffrage” – no no, that would be an obscenity, and would cause Holyrood to disintegrate into a pile of sawdust. The word “women” must be avoided at all cost.


Nov 15th, 2022 9:08 am | By

The Glorious Cause.

What’s the rallying cry?

“FUCK YOU BITCH” over and over and over.

To convey a degree of seriousness

Nov 15th, 2022 2:41 am | By

Monster egotist promises to continue monster egotistical plans. Now there’s a surprise.

Donald Trump is expected to announce his 2024 presidential campaign on Tuesday night as planned, according to multiple sources close to the former US president, inserting himself into the center of national politics as he attempts to box out potential rivals seeking the Republican nomination.

Of course he is. He’s bored.

Trump’s remarks were being finalized late into the night with a pair of speechwriters and his political team, the sources said, with aides keen for the former president to convey a degree of seriousness as he seeks voters to elevate him to a second term in the White House

You mean a degree of sounding like a grownup as opposed to a petulant noisy child? Don’t be silly.

The group urging a delay feared that Trump could sink the Senate runoff for Republicans as he is widely considered to have done in 2020, when he focused on his own angry complaints about the 2020 election rather than helping the party’s two candidates, who both ended up losing.

You can’t have it both ways. If you choose, with your eyes open, a furious narcissist as your party’s top guy, it’s silly to expect him to stop acting like a furious narcissist just because he will ruin everything for you. You brought him, you take him home.

To get ahead of rivals, reinforce his status as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, and if nothing else, seize the limelight, Trump has been itching for some time to launch his 2024 campaign and has already started laying the groundwork for the effort.

Seize the limelight above all. He’s been out of it for two years, he misses it desperately.

Mick Jagger wannabe

Nov 15th, 2022 1:40 am | By

Ah yes, so very progressive.

That’s “Ima beat yo’ ass, bitch.” From a very very very white guy.

Insults in place of engagement

Nov 14th, 2022 11:27 am | By

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie points out that the abuse of JK Rowling is classic sexism. One way we can tell is that men don’t get targeted the way she is.

“I think that she’s been treated abominably. And, I think a lot of that treatment is because she’s a woman,” she said. “I think that a man who aired his views, reasonable views, would not be treated in that way.”

Is Graham Linehan perhaps a counter-example? He’s certainly been a target, but JKR gets a lot of specifically sexual/sexist abuse. I don’t think that happens to men the same way.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Adichie told journalist Emma Barnett she thought it was “very dangerous” that people were “refusing to engage with what she (Rowling) said”, but were instead “hurling insults”. 

Adichie said some young people in Lagos, Nigeria, viewed Rowling as “transphobic” and even thought that “she wants to kill trans people”.

But when challenged about where in Rowling’s writing that had been stated or implied, “none of them could point it out to me”, she said.

Similarly, speaking with students on a US university campus, the author said she “felt as though they were repeating party lines”.

Part of the problem, she said, is that the strident opinions of young people are going unchallenged by adults.

Also that strident opinions of people old enough to know better are going unchallenged by people old enough to know better. There’s an orthodoxy-policing thing going on even among people over 19.

The 45-year-old said: “I sometimes feel as though we have abdicated our responsibility as grown-ups because I know what it was like to be young. I thought I knew everything. Now, I look back, I’m like, I knew nothing. I was wrong in many of my sort of fierce positions.”

Same. I’m very confident I didn’t know everything when I was young. Very confident indeed.

Guest post: It is the failure to treat which is immensely cruel

Nov 14th, 2022 10:54 am | By

Originally a comment by tigger_the_wing on What the future implications might be.

It sounds bloody awful, to be honest. It’s the ‘no co-morbidities part which has hitherto kept people alive long enough to survive the waiting list, get appropriate treatment, and go on to have a healthy life.

If you are suicidally miserable because you are in severe, intractable, possibly increasing pain from a condition which will imminently kill you, and want to die because facing further pain is pointless, then euthanasia is obviously a lot less cruel than making you wait for natural death.

However, if you are suicidally miserable solely due to a treatable mental illness or disorder, then it is the failure to treat which is immensely cruel, and killing you because you might appear to want that in the moment, because of under-funding of the resources which would restore your health, is abhorrent.

We’re seeing the same short-term thinking in the treatment of dysphoria in teens; the only difference is that the teens who undergo the appalling medical and surgical alternative to real treatment are still alive afterwards, and can sue for the abuse.

A dead person cannot sue; I don’t want to have to find out whether or not their bereaved families can.

Actual science

Nov 14th, 2022 10:49 am | By

Not that SciAm article again. How many biologists have to point out how many times that it’s woo-woo crap?