Originally a comment by Cluecat on Scary guy.
Strange, isn’t it, that just a few years ago there was a massive issue raised by the Skeptic/Autism Advocate communities about Autistic youngsters (primarily male) being fed Lupron as a supposed “cure” for their Autism – that was totally caused by mercury poisoning (somehow that none of these practitioners ever really managed to satisfactorily explain).
There was a huge fuss about how chemical castration doesn’t cure a neurological developmental disorder, and that feeding these kids the same stuff that everyone decided was too harsh to give to literal sex offenders was correctly recognised as medical abuse (often driven by the kind of parent that won’t accept a “defective” child), and totally unacceptable.
Whatever happened to all that outrage about poisoning children with drugs that affected every system in their bodies, that was well-documented to have horrific side-effects and long-term consequences?
Whatever happened to those people who were saying that the Geiers and their contemporary quacks deserved to lose their licences to practice, and that many of the “Autism Warrior Parents” were participating in what looked an awful lot like Munchausens by Proxy?
Whatever happened to the idea that this was a monstrous human rights abuse perpetrated against vulnerable youngsters by people who certainly didn’t have the child’s best interests in mind?
Whatever happened to the evidence from the young women that had been given these meds for legitimate reasons (precocious puberty, childhood cancers) who had documented those horrific side-effects and long-term consequences of being on these meds for a year or so (osteoporosis, factured hips in their 20’s, teeth crumbling, constant pain & fatigue, some are full-time wheelchair users because their bones just fall apart, etc.)? Or does none of that evidence matter because nobody listens to women & girls?
How did everyone suddenly switch to “it’s perfectly fine to sterilise and poison Autistic youngsters – and let’s add any potentially Lesbian and Gay kids, or anyone else who doesn’t fit into sex role stereotypes that would have been considered extreme during the 1950’s while we’re at it, and call anyone who objects ‘bigots’ who want to murder pwecious baybeez!”?
Concern for the well-being of children over the long-term isn’t “hatred”.
Wanting children to be able to live the best lives they can with the support they deserve isn’t “bigotry”.
Nobody with any sense accused those previously documenting the effects of Lupron on Autistic youngsters of “enacting genocide”.
The terrifying thing is that those people don’t see that this is the same lethal quackery it always was. The people who cheered as the Geiers were booted out of medicine are declaring the same “treatments” are “essential healthcare” and anyone with any concerns about what’s happening is “evil” and deserves to be tortured and murdered. How can they not see it? They’re not all making money from it.
People who think they’re (identifying as?) progressive are cheering this on. How many youngsters have to suffer before reality comes crashing back in?
And how many of the people cheering this on will ever take any responsibility for what they’re promoting?
Even if they did (which they won’t – see all human history), what could they even do to help those whose bodies have been poisoned and whose lives have been blighted by this insanity?
This is going to be the lobotomy craze turned up to eleven. How can humanity fail to learn from the same mistakes, over and over again?