For women like her

Apr 15th, 2023 8:51 am | By

Another victim of the crossfire:

AS Scotland emerged from lockdown restrictions in the summer of 2021 Mandy Rhodes began to feel deeply uncomfortable at her work. As the long-time editor of Holyrood magazine, Ms Rhodes is one of Scotland’s most influential political journalists. Her workplace is the Scottish Parliament where she has been reporting and commenting on the business of government for nearly 20 years.

Well we know how that’s going to go.

In recent years she’s become one of several prominent feminists who have found themselves targeted by transgender activists for espousing gender-critical views. Yet, nothing in her long career had prepared her for what she calls the malice beginning to filtrate Scotland’s corridors of power.

Infiltrate, I think he means. Or insinuate it way into, or similar.

She recalls a day in August 2020 when she says it became clear to her that the Scottish Parliament could no longer be considered a welcoming place for women like her who were refusing to remain silent over trans issues.

“I was applying the final touches to a magazine looking back at that term in Parliament and had asked each of the party leaders to reflect on what they felt had been achieved in the preceding months. We were sitting almost on deadline, waiting for Patrick Harvie’s piece to come in.”

Patrick Harvie:  Scottish Green Party, MSP for Glasgow.

“Eventually, it came through very late at night. Basically, it was a diatribe about how Holyrood magazine was part of a transphobic campaign and how much I was personally part of it.

“No one who knows me would ever describe me as shy and retiring. Yet I sat in my office crying. It felt like I was – and I don’t like the term ‘bullying’ as it’s used far too much – under siege at that point. I found it very disturbing that a political leader would send me something I’d requested for publication in the nation’s only political magazine and which is part of the architecture around that parliament and use it to call me a transphobe. So, for me going into Parliament now in the knowledge that there are people there who think I’m a bigot is truly astonishing.”

The term “bullying” does get used a lot, but on the other hand there is a lot of it, so that’s at least part of why it’s used a lot. Often it’s the only word that really names what we’re talking about, so we end up having to use it.

Trust the children

Apr 15th, 2023 5:46 am | By

Lucy Bannerman at The Times on Daniel Radcliffe’s confidence in the wisdom of children:

Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter actor, has said that children should be trusted to transition from one gender to another if they wish.

The actor said that it was “condescending” for adults to question whether such a life-changing decision was in a child’s best interests.

Radcliffe appeared to support gender transition for young people of any age, while hosting a group discussion for an American LGBT charity, the Trevor Project.

Hosting it quite badly, I would add. I watched the brief clip where he says that fatuous thing, and discovered that he’s remarkably clumsy and inarticulate for a professional actor.

In the half-hour conversation, which has been viewed almost 100,000 times on YouTube, Radcliffe asked six young people about their experiences of identifying as transgender and non-binary.

When Daley, a participant who was born male but identifies as female, insisted that it was possible for an 11-year-old to decide to change gender, Radcliffe said: “But there are also people who do have a slightly condescending but well-meaning attitude of like, ‘Well, people are young and like . . . you know, that is a huge decision’. I’d love to hear from all of you about, like, why we can trust kids to tell us who they are.”

He’s like down with the kids but like he can’t like form a complete sentence, especially not a complete sentence without the word “like” appearing several times.

Daley replied: “I don’t understand why I can’t just decide that I’m a girl. You don’t have to be 18 to decide, ‘oh I am who I am’.”

Another participant, who transitioned from male to female, added: “I don’t think we give children enough credit for coming into the world and having a sense of purity and understanding for themselves.”

When that participant, Deity, revealed how she started hormone treatment at an undisclosed age, a week after deciding she was transgender, the actor replied: “Wow, that’s amazing.”

Yes, it is.

Posh boy bites the hand that made him

Apr 15th, 2023 5:21 am | By

Julie Burchill is enjoyably unimpressed by Daniel Radcliffe.

Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has opined – more in sorrow than in anger, no doubt, with a caring, sharing smile on those sensitive lips – that adults concerned about children changing gender are ‘condescending’. More specifically, he ‘affirmed’ the beliefs of six trans and nonbinary children at a discussion organised by LGBTQ charity The Trevor Project this week, saying: ‘There are people who also have a slightly condescending, but well-meaning attitude of “People are young… and it is a huge decision”.’ According to Radcliffe, ‘We can trust kids to tell us who they are’.

Can we? Then why can’t they vote or join the military or marry that nice rapist they met online?

No, we can’t automatically “trust” what kids tell us, because kids are vulnerable and also because kids can get things wrong. Certainly parents should pay attention to what their kids tell them, but that’s quite different from a blanket assertion that children never make mistakes about “who they are.”

Half of the 5,000 children referred to the NHS’ Tavistock clinic from 2020 to 2022 were under 15 – and over a dozen were under four years old. This is despite the fact that teenagers’ brains are still growing. Unless they swallow gender ideology, of course – then the brain growth stops and they stay stupid.

Funny but also tragically accurate.

One of the handy effects of wokeism is that it conveniently ignores class as a form of privilege. So if you went to a fee-paying school, but then identify as ‘queer’ or an ‘ally’, you can then behave as if you had a tougher start than, say, JK Rowling. As a child, Rowling was told that, due to her social class, the nearest she could ever get to her dream of being a writer was being a teacher.

But now the born to class privilege Daniel Radcliffe gets to lecture Rowling from a very great height, thanks to darling gender ideology, which insists (loudly) that being trans is by far the worst oppression there is.

The u-word

Apr 14th, 2023 4:33 pm | By

Uh oh, Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri seems to have missed the memo.

Oh, good. I was just thinking: I have too many rights. We’ve got to cull, cull, cull! Do I really need to be voting and controlling my own body? That feels like much too much. Also, it’s spring! What better time to go through all the rights and see which ones spark joy (access to assault weapons) and which ones don’t (uncensored proximity to books, bodily autonomy). Just like they’re doing in Florida! Constitution? Please! If we were all meant to be covered by it, we would have been explicitly included!

Isn’t all this rights nonsense getting in the way of more important things, like the ability of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to consider exciting hypotheticals not borne out by science: What if a drug that has been proven safe for decades … weren’t? Plus, millions of Americans have been given the gift of learning the name Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, most often used in the sentence, “Wait, Judge Kacsmaryk can undo the FDA approval of a drug used safely by millions for 20-plus years just … because?” It was good that the 5th Circuit did not need to think about the people most impacted by the decision to overturn Food and Drug Administration approval. After all, we’re not really people! If we were supposed to be people, we wouldn’t have uteruses.

Oops oops oops – trouble ahead. You’re not supposed to say aloud that women have uteruses. It makes men who call themselves women very angry, so angry that they threaten to assault you.

“But wait,” you are saying. “What about the enormous stress and pressure that losing access to a safe medication abortion will place on people?” Easy! They are not people, for the purposes of this case. The math works if you remember that women are people only sometimes. All the math works if you remember that only certain folks get to be people all the time.

Ok now she’s really on thin ice.

But then she catches herself, and makes up for it.

It is a mistake to think that harm to the possibly millions of pregnant people nationwide at risk of suddenly losing access to a safe drug commonly used in medication abortion due to a single judge’s whim might be considered when deciding whether to stay the ruling that denied them access to a safe drug commonly used in medication abortion due to a single judge’s whim!

Whew. That was close. Women’s rights, uteruses, women are not people – but she probably caught it in time.

The right to become

Apr 14th, 2023 10:45 am | By


Green MSP says rapist Isla Bryson has right to become a woman


Rapists such as the convicted criminal Isla Bryson should be able to legally become women, a Green MSP has claimed.

Right or no right, men can’t “become women.” We can’t just “become” any old thing we fancy. We can’t “become” buildings or planets or tigers or the opposite sex. We can become lawyers or mountain climbers or citizens of various countries. There are things we can do and things we can’t do. There are things we can change and things we can’t change. There are realities and there are fantasies. It’s best to know the difference, and it’s not acceptable to try to force the entire world to endorse one’s personal fantasies. It’s also not acceptable for people in government to try to force everyone to endorse other people’s personal fantasies.

Maggie Chapman said that “any trans person” should be entitled to legal recognition of their gender. She refuted claims from Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s new First Minister, that Bryson was only pretending to be trans to get into a female prison.

No she didn’t. She rejected them, she didn’t refute them.

Asked whether people such as Bryson should be able to legally change their sex and be treated as a woman, Ms Chapman said: “I think any trans person should be able to get the gender recognition certificate that they seek, that recognises, in law, something that the rest of us just take for granted.”

Oh ffs. The rest of us “take it for granted” because it’s reality. Rabbits take being rabbits for granted; that doesn’t mean that anyone who has to seek to be a rabbit is a rabbit.

That’s such a ludicrous version of oppression or subordination or intersectionality – the fact that men don’t get to take it for granted that they’re women.

When it was put to the MSP that Bryson was only identifying as trans to avoid serving time in a male prison, Ms Chapman told the BBC that she did not agree.

“Well we don’t know that was the only motivation that Isla Bryson chose to do that,” she said. “Isla Bryson is a trans woman… it’s very very clear that we cannot let single cases determine the entire legislation that we’re talking about here.”

It’s true, philosophically speaking, that we don’t know that was Bryson’s only motivation, because we can’t know, because we can’t get inside other people’s heads. But we can have a damn good informed opinion on the subject, especially when the whole idea that men can be women is an absurdity in the first place. Rapists aren’t usually also up on the latest progressive belief system, and the criminal justice system is not based on knowing with absolute certainty in the first place. We have plenty of good reasons to think Bryson is pretending to be trans and no good reasons to think he isn’t, so let’s err on the side of safety for women, ok?

Troll farms require a lot of poo

Apr 14th, 2023 10:10 am | By

Disinformation rules.

Hundreds of Russian and Chinese state propaganda accounts are thriving on Twitter after Elon Musk wiped out the team that fought these networks, the BBC has found.

The unit worked to combat “information operations”, coordinated campaigns by countries such as Russia, China, and Iran, made to influence public opinion and disrupt democracy.

But experts and former employees say the majority of these specialists resigned or were laid off, leaving the platform vulnerable to foreign manipulation. 

But now they’re gone.

Oh well. I’m sure Russia, China and Iran want only what’s best for everyone.

We approached Twitter for comment but received no response other than a poo emoji – the standard auto-reply from the company to any press enquiry.

Russia-China-Iran-Trump on one side of us, cooking planet on the other. A poo emoji is about right.

25.91 inches of rain

Apr 14th, 2023 9:46 am | By

Approximately 88 billion gallons:

A complex of slow-moving thunderstorms dropped tornadoes and extreme rainfall across Broward County in Florida this week, causing historic flooding that forced residents to abandon vehicles and scramble to higher ground.

The excessive rainfall, which fell at rates briefly topping six inches per hour, was a product of slow-moving thunderstorms anchored atop a stalled frontal boundary. The initially unanticipated deluge stemmed from the natural randomness of the atmosphere, but it fits into a pattern of a warmer, wetter world with higher rainfall rates.

Statistically, the episode easily qualifies as a thousand-year rain event — or one that would have a 0.1 percent chance or less of occurring in any given year.

Approximately a third of the city’s average annual rainfall came down during an eight-hour window. With reports of up to 25.91 inches at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, the event obliterated the previous record for wettest calendar day, which was 14.59 inches, set April 25, 1979.

26 inches in one day!

I first tried to get more information via a National Weather Service video, but it started with an ad and when that finished and I again clicked start it began to load another ad so I gave up. But guess what the ad I did sit through was for. An SUV. Lots of aerial shots of shiny new SUV driving along mountain roads. Irony much?

H/t J.A.

Whither the indoor fountains of yesteryear?

Apr 14th, 2023 6:44 am | By

The rich get richer and the poor get…drought.

Swimming pools, flower gardens, indoor fountains — and the urbanites who can afford them — are big factors behind the increasingly dire water crises plaguing cities, an international research team says.

Published in the journal Nature Sustainability, a new study found socioeconomic disparity to be just as influential as climate change and population growth when it comes to explaining why the water supply in so many cities is shrinking.

Rich people can afford to waste water; poor people can’t.

Even 25 years after South Africa’s apartheid ended, Cape Town is still segregated in distinct geographic lines, making it easier to track water usage among income groups, Savelli said. The city also experienced a major drought from 2015 to 2017, a crisis so severe that the city narrowly averted “Day Zero,” when it believed water sources would dry up entirely.

In the same time period, Cape Town’s elite households consumed roughly 571 gallons of water daily, compared with 47 gallons for households in lower income brackets, the researchers found.

Despite only representing about 14% of the population, the wealthiest residents used more than half of the water (51%) consumed by the entire city.

And most of the water used by those privileged social groups went for nonessential needs, such as irrigation, swimming pools and water fixtures. Other social groups used the most water for basic functions like drinking or bathing.

Well obviously. You’re not going to take 20 showers a day because you’re rich, or drink 100 gallons of water, or wash a billion dishes. You’re going to use water for non-basic stuff, because you can.

It’s hard to imagine solutions like fines and restrictions being immediately effective in places like the U.S.

Take for example Los Angeles, a city with an infamous lack of groundwater sources. In 2022, celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Kevin Hart and Sylvester Stallone were called out for blatantly flouting fines and “notices of exceedance” for their drought-era water usage.

“For the celebrities or musicians or athletes who all live in the area, monetary penalties are going to be meaningless to them because it doesn’t matter. They have plenty of money and if they want to, they could spend $5,000 a month on a water bill,” said Mike McNutt, a spokesman for the local water district.

After increasing frustration, the district took the infrastructure route after all, installing automatic flow restriction devices capable of turning lawns brown and reducing even Kardashian’s Instagram-famous sink faucet to a mere trickle.

From let them eat cake to let them swim in a smaller pool.


Apr 14th, 2023 5:58 am | By

A tale of two convicted criminals in Texas.

First, Larry Pearson.

A Texas man was sentenced to 70 years in prison Wednesday after he was found guilty of harassing a public servant for spitting at Lubbock police officers.

Larry Pearson, 36, was arrested in May 2022 for domestic violence after a victim flagged down an officer in northeast Lubbock, prosecutor Jessica Gorman said. The victim told police that Pearson had hit her several times and that he had a gun. Gorman said that firearm turned out to be an airsoft gun.

A police report at the time stated the victim had “multiple visible injuries” on her face. Gorman said after Pearson was taken into custody, he was upset the victim was not arrested instead. That’s when he started kicking at the doors in the officer’s vehicle. When the officers opened the door to tell him to stop, Gorman said[,] he spat at both officers.

Next, Daniel Perry.

Less than 24 hours after a jury in Austin found Daniel Perry guilty of shooting to death a [Black Lives Matter] protester, Gov. Greg Abbott announced on social media Saturday that he would pardon the convicted killer as soon as a request “hits my desk.”

The unprecedented effort, which Abbott announced to his 1 million followers on Twitter, came as Abbott faced growing calls from national conservative figures such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted in the shooting deaths of two Wisconsin protesters in 2020, to act to urgently undo the conviction. 

“Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand your ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or progressive district attorney,” Abbott said in a statement. “I will work as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.”

Cool that Kyle Rittenhouse is an ally of Tucker Carlson’s here.

More on what happened at the protest:

Foster attended an Austin protest on July 25 while Perry was downtown driving for Uber. According to police, Perry stopped his car and honked at people protesting while they walked through the street, blocks from the state Capitol. Seconds later, he drove his car into the crowd, police said.

Foster, who was a 28-year-old white man and an Air Force veteran, had been seen openly carrying an AK-47 rifle at the time, which is legal. There are conflicting accounts as to whether Foster raised the rifle to the driver first — but seconds later Perry, who was also legally armed, shot and killed Foster and fled the area, police said. He called the police and reported what happened, claiming he shot in self defense after Foster aimed his weapon at him. Perry is also a white man.

Different cases have different particulars, but still – the contrast is rather striking.

Decent human being v bigot

Apr 13th, 2023 4:21 pm | By

Well that was a fun chat.

Kristjan used to comment here, though not very often. I liked him, so I asked him a question in all seriousness.

Oh well then, there’s no more to be said.

Absolute pine cone

Apr 13th, 2023 3:27 pm | By

Hey if you ever want to collect a sample of STOOOOPID replies to a gender critical tweet, just retort to a snotty tweet by justice correspondent at The Nation Elie Mystal. His admirers will arrive in their multitudes to tell you to shut the fuck up terf.

How very dare I?

Many many replies saying “She is awful.”

Elie Mystal isn’t an angry teenager, he’s an adult.

It’s bizarre.

One of the motht perthecuted

Apr 13th, 2023 11:11 am | By

Who says they’re “one of the most persecuted minorities in society”? Are they really? Persecuted in what sense? Why do grown-up people with serious jobs keep repeating this childish claim?

Or as la scap puts it…

Updating to add:

And don’t you dare question this claim of “most persecuted.” In fact don’t question anything; just shut up and get on with your knitting.

I wonder if he’s aware of the sickening insults women get. I wonder if he’s aware how many people question the discrimination women have faced since forever.

The less joy there seems to be

Apr 13th, 2023 10:42 am | By

Malcolm Clark on the horrific mess.

She’s not so much admitted it as boasted about it.

Watch the clip. Man has delicate features; if only he transitioned he would be PERFECT.

Susie Green changes her story

Apr 13th, 2023 9:56 am | By

A couple of weeks ago Dr Helen Webberley won her appeal.

A GP offering treatment for transgender patients online has won a High Court appeal against her suspension as a doctor and can now work again.

Note the word “treatment.”

Dr Helen Webberley has been unable to practise medicine since last year after a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service panel found she committed serious misconduct.

But on Friday, a High Court judge said the panel’s determination was “wrong”.

Dr Webberley said she was celebrating a return to her “life saving work”.

Mr Justice Jay said he had “concerns” about “certain aspects” of Dr Webberley’s “practice” in relation to Patient C – including a “failure to have a face-to-face consultation on the issue of fertility”. But he added: “It is far from clear to me that what did take place should be strongly criticised.” The judge went on: “The sole focus of this appeal has been the quality of the appellant’s clinical practice in relation to one patient, Patient C. This appeal does not raise any wider issues about the wisdom or otherwise of administering puberty blockers to the younger age group who wish to undergo interventions for gender reassignment with full parental agreement.”

But Webberley is treating it as endorsement of everything she does.

In a statement on her website, Dr Helen Webberley thanked her supporters and said she had faced “discrimination” because of her work. “Today marks the day where I am free to practise in my profession again,” she said. “The GMC proceedings against me are over, and I have been fully cleared to continue my work. The High Court judge has ordered that the case be closed with no further action. I am simply a well-meaning, well-educated GP who was willing to learn how best to provide this care and I was brave enough to stand against the outdated NHS model of care which is evidently not fit for purpose in its current state.”

Now to today and a post by Maya Forstater:

The recent TGEU “Landscape report” on what it terms the anti-gender movement in Europe tells this short story:

“Attempts at defunding have impacted the charity Mermaids, which supports trans children. An anti-trans social media campaign convinced the Big Lottery Fund to review their grant, though funding was upheld when the claims were found to be baseless.”

How were the claims “found to be baseless”? They asked Susie Green and she said no. That’s some high quality finding right there!

This refers to events in 2018/19 when Mermaids was given a £500,000 grant by the National Lottery Community Fund. Over 800 people wrote to the fund (both for and against awarding the grant). It undertook a review and raised the concerns with Mermaids, which denied them all. The lottery took these denials in good faith and awarded the grant.

Lottery fund: “Hello, Mermaids? National Lottery here. We have concerns. Are we right to have them?”

Susie Green: “No.”

Lottery fund: “Righty-ho! The check is in the post.”

Yesterday, in the wake of Dr Helen Webberley winning her appeal against the General Medical Council, Green (who now works for  Webberley’s private prescription service Gender GP) tweeted an extraordinary thread which gives a quite different account than that given to the National Lottery review.

Extraordinary how? The no turns out to be a yes. That’s how.

Maya gives the details of what the Lottery asked and what Green answered. Does Mermaids push medical transition as opposed to less permanent and drastic actions? Green said no then and says you’re damn right we do now.

Susie Green now says that she encouraged GenderGP to extend its practice to children. Gender GP practices a model that does away with lengthy psychoanalytic assessment processes which it calls “intrusive and over-bearing questioning”, and instead offers hormone prescriptions based on “acceptance and informed consent”.

Read Maya’s post, then read it again. It will make your hair stand on end.

Due to safety concerns

Apr 13th, 2023 4:35 am | By

Callow misogynist reporter Tom Harwood tells us Labour is afraid of Pride.

LGBT Labour is a highly visible and notable wing of the Labour Party, with dozens of official patrons in Parliament, and a string of campaigning successes under the last Labour government.

Yet today GB News can reveal that the official Labour group are considering withdrawing from marching from all LGBT pride events this year due to safety concerns for their members, fearing backlash from the community.

In other words Harwood is revealing that the official Labour group is afraid of people involved in LGBT pride events. Which ones? The L? Probably not. The G? The B? Come on. No, they’re afraid of the T, because the T and their “allies” get violent. Harwood is trying to tell us Labour is being mean to LGBT but in fact he’s telling us Labour is afraid of the T.

A senior source within the group told us that the Labour Party has become viewed with increasing hostility within parts of the LGBT community in recent months, following a series of U-turns from the leadership of the Party.

The hostility has grown to the point that many members now do not feel comfortable marching under the Labour Party banner.

Because T and their “allies” get violent. Physically violent, not just verbally.

The Labour Party leadership’s murky U-turns on transgender issues have led to what I am exclusively told are genuine safety concerns for members at pride events. In an extraordinary development, unthinkable just a few years ago, the Labour Party brand is becoming toxic within the LGBT community. So toxic that the official LGBT wing of the Labour Party is questioning the extent to which it can represent the party.

He’s exclusively told. Babes have I got the latest gossip for you.

In response to the maniacal violent scenes

Apr 12th, 2023 5:07 pm | By

This is interesting. Women were not permitted to speak, with the result that more women are speaking, and so are men. The bullies scored an own goal.

Meanwhile in Florida

Apr 12th, 2023 9:22 am | By

DeSantis is evil, and not as stupid as Trump.

Al Lawson felt the weight of his victory the night he was elected to Congress in 2016.

He was born in Midway, a small town that’s part of a stretch of land in northern Florida dotted with tobacco fields once home to plantations. A former basketball star, he was once reprimanded for drinking out of a whites-only water fountain. In some of his early campaigns for the state legislature, he ran into the Ku Klux Klan.

There was jubilation when he was elected.

“Everywhere I would go, it was like a celebration,” Lawson said one morning last month in his office in downtown Tallahassee. “People saying: ‘Boy, I wish my daddy, my granddaddy – I really wish they could see this.’”

In Congress, Lawson was a low-key member known for delivering federal money for things like new storm shelters to help his northern Florida communities. He was easily re-elected to the House in 2018 and 2020. But when he ran for re-election in 2022, he lost to a white Republican by nearly 20 points.

Why? Because DeSantis carefully gerrymandered his district to make sure that he would lose.

It was a brazen scheme to weaken the political power of Black voters and a striking example of how DeSantis has waged one of the most aggressive – and successful – efforts to curtail voting rights in Florida.

In addition to reducing Black representation in Congress, the governor has tightened election rules, created a first-of-its-kind state agency, funded by more than $1m to prosecute election fraud, and gutted one of the biggest expansions of modern-era voting rights.

Nice guy.

Pub decor

Apr 12th, 2023 9:10 am | By
Pub decor

Ugh. I don’t think the police should have been involved, but at the same time I really don’t think pub owners or restaurant havers or food truck users should have racist caricatures on display. Not every “should” or “should not” is a police matter, to put it mildly.

The landlady of a pub whose collection of golliwog dolls was confiscated by police has assembled replacements, which she plans to display in defiance of a continuing investigation.

Last week four Essex police officers and a trainee seized all the dolls on show in the White Hart Inn in Grays as part of an investigation into an alleged hate crime.

We don’t have “golliwog” dolls in the US; it’s not even a word in US idiom. This is a golliwog doll:

No, I don’t think pubs should have those on display. I also don’t think it’s a police matter.

The dolls divide opinion in Grays. On Tuesday some pub regulars turned up to show support, but others expressed their fury. The pub’s landlady, Benice Ryley, 62, refuses to accept they are racist.

A neighbor disagrees with her.

Tony Daly, who manages a nearby charity shop, said the dolls made his “blood boil” and said he was shocked they had been on display in such a diverse area.

He also plans to confront Ryley over the issue. He said: “I find them very offensive and I’ll be going there to peacefully put my point across and to educate her. I grew up in Tottenham in the 70s when we fought against those kind of things. They used to call black people golliwogs. It’s a racist symbol that says slavery to me and the black and white minstrels. It’s so outdated and offensive to black people.”

It may be that Ryley is unaware of the black and white minstrels, but if so she should have taken the trouble to learn more. I hope she can hear what Tony Daly tells her.

Sunder Katwala, director of the integration thinktank British Future, said he was concerned by a post by Chris Ryley [husband of Benice and licensee of the pub] on Facebook. The 2016 post showed dolls hanging from a shelf in the bar alongside a comment by him saying, “They used to hang them in Mississippi years ago”. Katwala said that Chris Ryley had referenced lynchings in Mississippi in connection to the pub’s golliwogs collection in a Facebook post in 2016.

Uh, yeah. That makes the denial of racist intent less credible.

Pakistan Willoughby

Apr 12th, 2023 8:14 am | By
Pakistan Willoughby

Saying men are not women is exactly the same as the Nazis says Willoughby.

We want trans people – people like Willoughby himself – to stop demonizing and trying to erase women. We want trans people, especially men who claim to be trans, to stop taking everything that belongs to women, and talking over us, and calling us Karens and cunts, and accusing us of hate crimes, and calling us Nazis. That’s what we want.

Is the what the same as the what?

Apr 12th, 2023 7:58 am | By

Watchdog to examine ‘implausible’ UK census trans figures

The statistics regulator is examining concerns that the data behind landmark census figures on the UK’s transgender population may be flawed.

Academics have queried findings by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that 262,000 people identify as transgender in England and Wales.

Next look into how many people identify as a different species.

Michael Biggs, a professor of sociology at the University of Oxford, believes the question posed to record the gender identity of respondents may have confused those whose first language is not English.

He claimed it may be why the London boroughs of Newham and Brent, which have a significant percentage of residents who speak English as a second language, recorded the highest proportion of transgender people in the UK. Overall, those who speak English poorly were found to be five times more likely to be transgender, prompting concerns about the data.

Ssshhhh never mind never mind – the point is there are lots and lots of trans people and we have to change everything to make them comfortable and happy and unlikely to come after us with machetes.

Biggs, who first made his census claims in The Spectator magazine last week, said the problem with the figures originates from the question itself. He noted that the ONS did not simply ask respondents: “Are you transgender?” Instead, it asked: “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” This was done following consultations with LGBTQ lobby groups such as Stonewall, he claimed.

Biggs said the authors “never thought about how a Bangladeshi grandmother or a Hungarian plumber will think about this question”, adding: “I’d be disappointed if a master’s student at Oxford made that error.”

Seriously. It’s not a normal question – normal in the sense of being ordinary, commonplace, instantly comprehensible to anyone and everyone. It’s a question from the magical world of Gender Lunacy. To people who don’t live in that world, the question is at best idiotic. At worst it’s random syllables.

What is “identify with” supposed to mean? Why is a government census asking people what they “identify with”? Who needs statistics on what the populace “identify with”? We don’t “identify with” a height or a date of birth or a medical history or an employment history – and why would the state give a damn if we did? Why would the state care?

“Gender you identify with” and “sex registered at birth” are pseudo-progressive jargon, and the state shouldn’t be using that jargon.