The Oxford University LGBTQ Society has a passionate Statement on Facebook denouncing the L part of itself.
Our statement on Kathleen Stock’s speaking event at the union. Watch this space for updates regarding our next steps.
Steps? Like what? Kicking her?
The Oxford University LGBTQ+ Society is dismayed and appalled that the Oxford Union decided to platform the transphobic and trans exclusionary speaker Kathleen Stock.
Stock has been campaigning against trans rights, labelling them as dangerous to women, calling for the exclusion of trans people from the LGBTQ+ movement, supporting conversion therapy, and supporting hate groups such as the LGB Alliance and Lesbian Project.
Once again, the Union is disregarding the welfare of its LGBTQ+ members under the guise of free speech. Letting Stock bring her campaign of hate and misinformation to Oxford, allowing her to stoke fear against trans people without challenge or opposition – right before pride month and at a time when the trans community is facing a constant attack on its lives and rights – is a move we vehemently oppose and will actively protest.
We call on the Union to rescind its misguided
invite[invitation], and on all Oxford students to stand in solidarity with the trans community and express their dissent with these views.As always, if you need support or someone to talk to, our welfare secretaries are available at If you’d like to join the efforts against Stock’s speech, reach out to our president at
Stock has not been “campaigning against trans rights.” There’s no such thing as a “right” to force other people to endorse or corroborate or play along with one’s personal fantasies. There’s no such thing as a “right” to force lesbians to pretend that men can be lesbians. There’s no such thing as a “right” to compel everyone to adopt the manipulative vocabulary of the trans ideology. Gender critical feminists are not trying to take human rights away from trans people, we’re trying to keep trans people from giving our rights to men who pretend to be women.