The gnostic no-contact

Feb 8th, 2023 11:48 am | By

Wait though.

Scary Jeffrey says “I coach a lot of people one on one who want to go no contact with their parents and cannot bring themselves to admit it.”

If they can’t bring themselves to admit it then how does he know they want to?

It has to be a kind of gnosis, right? A superior mystical inward Knowledge that special people like Jeffrey Marsh have and others lack?

Which is how the whole ideology works, isn’t it. People have superior mystical inward gnosis that they are the Other sex despite what their bodies look like on the outside. The special enlightened awakened people who Know this are the ones deputized to inform the rest of us of this magical new Enlightenment.

So what Jeffrey March means by “coach people” is that he pushes them to make enemies of their parents even though they have told him they don’t want to.

They feel guilty, they feel awful, they know it’s the right thing they wanna do and they can’t admit it.

They know it’s the right thing they wanna do even though they say it isn’t, and Jeffrey Marsh is the magical gnostic seer who Knows what they want despite what they tell him they want.

The guy is a horror show all by himself.

[Updating to point out that the tweet is wrong about teens; Marsh doesn’t specify age.]

A misogynistic pissing contest

Feb 8th, 2023 11:00 am | By

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest

The World Health Organization (WHO) has placed a senior scientist on administrative leave following a series of complaints of a sexual nature, including an allegation he removed his trousers in the presence of a female colleague.

Aw come on, where’s ya sensa yuma?

The Telegraph has learnt that Dr Maurizio Barbeschi, who led the agency’s Health Security Interface Unit and was a senior advisor to WHO executive director Dr Mike Ryan, was put on leave in late 2021 after a series of complaints were made against him – some stretching back 20 years.

Cool. The complaints go back 20 years, and they suspended him more than a year ago, but nothing more has been done.

An internal investigation is ongoing, but several of those who officially reported Dr Barbeschi in January 2020 are angry the UN agency has not moved to resolve the matter more quickly. 

More quickly than three years.

Former colleagues and WHO consultants described the culture within Dr Barbeschi’s team as a “misogynistic pissing circle” and it’s claimed his inappropriate behaviour had been an open secret for years. 

Misogyny never goes away, it just moves its pieces around the board now and then.

Only as safe as

Feb 8th, 2023 10:49 am | By

Women need male permission to continue to live.

“You are only as safe as your male partner allows you to be”, the head of a group of leading girls’ schools has said in the wake of the suspected murder of Emma Pattison, the headmistress of Epsom College.

The danger of male violence against women from all backgrounds has been highlighted by Cheryl Giovannini, chief executive of the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) following the death of Emma Pattison. 

Meanwhile we’re not allowed to tell the truth about who is male and which people are women.

“It doesn’t matter how successful or accomplished or brilliant you are as a woman, you are only as safe as your male partner allows you to be,” she told the BBC.

Or as the male cop who “arrests” you for “violating Covid isolation rules” and then abducts and rapes and murders you allows you to be, which is zero safe.

[Emma] Pattison, 45, was a widely-respected school leader who was found dead in the early hours of Sunday morning alongside her seven-year-old daughter, Lettie, and husband, George, 39. She had only started as head of Epsom in September, after six years as head teacher of Croydon High School, a girls’ school in South London. 

George had a licensed gun. A gun was found at the scene.

Trouble at t’country club

Feb 8th, 2023 9:22 am | By

A moment of comedy as George Santos photobombs the bigwigs and Mitt Romney says oh no you don’t.

Senator Mitt Romney, the Utah Republican known for his party-bucking stands and emphasis on moral rectitude, could be seen scolding Representative George Santos, the New York freshman who faces multiple investigations after fabricating much of his résumé.

Mr. Romney admonished Mr. Santos for positioning himself in a prime camera-ready spot in the chamber, saying he didn’t belong there, and had no shame.

“I didn’t expect that he’d be standing there trying to shake hands with every senator and the president of the United States,” Mr. Romney said afterward to reporters who asked about the incident, which was captured on camera and erupted on social media.

He’s a newbie! He’s only been there five minutes! It’s like a 9th grader trying to sit at a table full of seniors and a nerd trying to sit at the cool kids’ table. It’s just Not Done.


He added: “Given the fact that he’s under ethics investigation, he should be sitting in the back row and staying quiet instead of parading in front of the president and people coming into the room.”

So it’s like a 9th grader who pretended to be a football star from the best school in town trying to sit at the cool kids’ table.

Barely a mention

Feb 8th, 2023 8:30 am | By

It’s only women.

In President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union since Roe was overturned and half of the country lost their right to be seen as full human beings, abortion barely merited a mention. In a speech where ‘junk fees’ got nineteen sentences, reproductive rights got just four:

“Congress must restore the right the Supreme Court took away last year and codify Roe v. Wade to protect every woman’s constitutional right to choose. The Vice President and I are doing everything we can to protect access to reproductive health care and safeguard patient privacy. But already, more than a dozen states are enforcing extreme abortion bans. Make no mistake; if Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it.”

Oh, gee, thanks – IF the situation gets even worse, he’ll say no. Big woop. The situation is bad NOW.

In all, Biden spoke on abortion for about thirty seconds. And while the president found emotion and energy when talking about other issues facing the nation, he seemed to almost shrug out the perfunctory few sentences on abortion.

Well, he’s Joe Biden. He’s never been a feminist. He’s a “devout” Catholic. He threw Anita Hill to the wolves. He’s never been a feminist.

We didn’t even get a full minute of his time.

If President Biden gave American women any message tonight, it’s this: We’re on our own.

It’s only women. He’s not much interested.

Anyone can play the game

Feb 8th, 2023 7:01 am | By

Katha Pollitt on “blasphemy” complaints in higher education:

Have we really reached the stage where accusations of blasphemy can get a professor fired? Seriously, blasphemy? In a secular college? In the United States? What century is this? When it comes to being offended on religious grounds, anyone can play the game. A Catholic student can accuse his history professor of bigotry for speaking with insufficient respect for the doctrine of papal infallibility. A fundamentalist Protestant can insist that a biology professor accept an exam answer claiming that dinosaurs and humans coexisted. A Jewish foreign-relations student can insist on an A for a paper claiming that God gave Jews the land of Israel. Left meets right; deference to religion meets the cult of My Feelings.

And, of course, a man who claims to be a woman can accuse his history professor of “transphobia” for any number of ludicrous reasons.

Speaking of critical thinking, can we stop applying the word “Islamophobia” indiscriminately? “Phobia” is a psychological term that means irrational fear. If you think a Muslim family moving into your neighborhood means tomorrow you’ll be living under sharia law, that’s Islamophobia. Back in 2015, a Texas high school had 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed arrested as a bomb maker after he proudly showed his teacher a clock he’d made out of a pencil case. That was Islamophobia. It is not Islamophobic to publicly doubt that Muhammad flew to heaven and back on a magical horselike creature or to conclude that the Quran is the work of human beings, not the direct word of God. The same thought process applies to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Greek myth. Islam is a religion like other religions, and as such should be open to critique and dispute. It’s hardly racist or bigoted to believe we have the right not to live according to religious beliefs we don’t share.

Indeed, and, again, also applies to the religion of Magic Gender Identity.

Guest post: Do you see how good it was?

Feb 7th, 2023 11:51 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on The women of Scotland would bring it.

A couple of videos from the day.

This one is… well, basically it’s a bunch of interviews with men. At an event called Let Women Speak. It has me in it, though :) (just in the crowd, nobody was stupid enough to try to interview me)

But this one is amazing:

And it has Spookie in it! And Lorna! And Dr Em! And Jean from Aberdeen! And the extra benefit of not having me in it!

Seriously, goosebumps with that one. These are ordinary women being absolutely brilliant. Say what you like about Kellie-Jay, nobody else could have made this happen. Nobody.

Do you see how good it was, now?

Guest post: The complex of interlinked, cascading disasters

Feb 7th, 2023 10:42 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Appetite is outpacing.

…We’re not going to stop flying…until we reach the point where we can’t fly any longer, whether it is economical, climate induced, or just the total collapse of systems (from environmental damage, much of which is not climate change, and most of which is being ignored right now. How many people are paying attention to the decline of flying insects, for instance? That is crucial…but people ONLY want to talk about climate change).

And we’re lucky if people are even willing to talk about that. Climate change is but a small part of the complex of interlinked, cascading disasters we’ve initiated and continue to fuel. These are themselves the result of a series of stepwise historical developments and processes that have combined to increase our numbers and our impact. Not all of them are immediately material; some are philosophical and conceptual shifts that gave licence to pathways that other mental frameworks may have prohibited. Any of them on their own would have been a major change, but their concatenation has produced a potent force for destruction. In roughly chronological order, some of the big ones are:

The development of settled agriculture: This was an assertion of, and commitment to the imposition of human monopoly over the productive capacity of a landscape, replacing a pre-existing, dynamic habitat with a limited , impoverished one intended solely for human use and benefit. This shift in attitude presages and underlines much of what followed.

The development of colonial empires: Us and Them on a large scale, where hinterlands are conquered for the benefit of the centre or homeland of the conquerors. Control is imposed and resources are extracted.

The “discovery” of the “New World”: This came in two phases, separated by tens of thousands of years. The first humans to arrive in North and South America from Eurasia most likely triggered (or at least assured) the extinction of the Ice Age megafauna, who were, unfortunately, lethally naive when it came to the new, human predators. The second wave, from the Vikings onward, resulted in the devastation of the indigenous societies that had evolved in the preceding millennia. The disease caused human catastrophe was probably inevitable, given the introduction of diseases to which North and South American peoples had no immunity. Even if Europeans had been completely benign and altruistic in their intentions, any contact at all would have still been devastating. The rapacious greed and territorial ambitions of the colonial powers made things that much worse, actively destroying many of the societies already weakened by rampant disease and its attendant disorder and chaos.

The rest of the big turning points I’ll list more quickly.

The exploitation of fossil fuels and the development industrial production methods.

Medicine, public health and the reduction of childhood mortality.

For the last five hundred years the synergistic acceleration of our technology has allowed us to exploit and appropriate more and more of the living and non-living Earth for our exclusive use. Even if we “cure” global warming, we’ll still be an out of control global society pushing beyond the natural limits that the planet had established over billions of years. We’re like some sort of collective Wile E. Coyote, just after he’s careened off the edge of the cliff, obliviously sailing along until he happens to look down. Some of us have been looking down for some time. Soon to come, the inevitable cloud of dust as we hit the canyon floor.

Thorry thorry thorry

Feb 7th, 2023 10:02 am | By

The BBC “apologises” for soliciting yet more abuse of JK Rowling.

The BBC has apologised for its “poor effort” to resist “baseless accusations” of transphobia against JK Rowling on BBC Radio 4. Stacey Henley, a trans woman and editor-in-chief at The Gamer, said the Harry Potter creator was pushing “transphobia” and a “campaign against trans people”. She made the comments while discussing a new Harry Potter video game called Hogwarts Legacy.

Effort shmeffort. Why seek out men who call themselves women to talk about JKR at all? The BBC doesn’t seek out white people who call themselves Black to talk about race and issues around race, does it? Who cares what some guy who runs a gamer mag thinks about JK Rowling? Why ask him? What’s his expertise or relevance? Why does the BBC go looking for people it knows are going to rant about terfs and transphobia to discuss feminist women? Fuck their “apology.” They got what they were looking for: more abuse of Rowling and thus more bullying of feminist women and women in general.

Our side of the story

Feb 7th, 2023 9:25 am | By

For some reason, just out of the blue, I have the impulse to quote from this Glinner post from May last year

Not content with bullying his female colleagues, Owen Jones has moved on to schoolgirls. The Times ran with this shocking story today, that has surely peaked anyone who happened upon it. A young girl resisted the gender woo emanating from a visting misogynist member of the House of Lords at her (Stonewall-affiliated) school and was in turn surrounded by 60 schoolmates who “shouted, screamed and spat at her”. The traumatised girl has been forced to leave school.

“Not nearly good enough!” says the Goebbels of LGBT Inc.

Who used Twitter to summon the mob at the girl’s school to tell him, Owen Jones, “their side of the story.”

Traumatised she may be, but Owen feels the young woman requires a national platform on which to be shamed and harangued out of her rights. Private Eye has had stories in two consecutive issues about Jones bullying women and Guardian staffers having to do emergency sessions with crisis hippies/support dogs.

But he’s still there, still bullying women, while the Guardian beseeches us to tell them about our experiences of misogyny online.

Appetite is outpacing

Feb 7th, 2023 6:23 am | By

The trouble is that individual abstinence won’t make any difference.

…for a small, yet growing, number of travelers, the problem with air travel goes way further. They are giving up flying because of its impact on the climate.

“I choose to stay grounded because it aligns with what is true,” said Dan Castrigano, 36, a former teacher who in 2020 signed a pledge not to travel by air. “The climate is breaking down.”

The last eight years on earth have been the hottest on record. Sea level rise is accelerating, and extreme weather events are happening more often than ever.

And a tiny fraction of the population deciding not to fly won’t make a dent in that. What might make a dent (if it’s not too late, which it probably is) would be to shut down flying altogether. That’s not going to happen. We can’t do what needs to be done, so everyone is screwed.

Air travel accounts for about 4 percent of human-induced global warming, and the United Nations warns that airplane emissions are set to triple by 2050. Planes are becoming more efficient, but our appetite for air travel is outpacing the industry’s environmental gains.

And appetite overrules information about airplane emissions and global warming. Appetite wins every time, until everyone explodes.

“A lot of people think that what you do as an individual doesn’t matter much. But the thing is, what we do as individuals affects everyone around us, and changes norms,” said Maja Rosén, 41, the president of We Stay on the Ground, who gave up flying in 2008. Ms. Rosén, who lives in Sweden, now travels primarily by train.

True, it does, but not enough.

Is their face red!

Feb 7th, 2023 6:07 am | By

Owen Jones trending.

Your experience

Feb 6th, 2023 5:25 pm | By

Hoo-boy. I bet the Guardian is sorry it asked this question.

How much time do you have?

Reply after reply after reply cites Owen Jones.

Is he?

Feb 6th, 2023 11:39 am | By

Imagine, say, Rachel Dolezal saying “I’m more of an African-American than Michelle Obama will ever be.”

You can do a lot in 20 years

Feb 6th, 2023 10:08 am | By

The NY Times on David Carrick:

The police officer told one woman he was the “safest person she could be with,” before threatening her with a gun and raping her repeatedly. He shut another woman in a small closet under his staircase, holding her there for hours on end. One of the women he sexually assaulted was a fellow police officer.

At a sentencing hearing in London on Monday, prosecutors laid out the shocking details of the sexual violence carried out by the officer, David Carrick, who raped, assaulted, and abused at least 12 women during his nearly two-decade police career.

That’s the thing about a police career, I suppose – it can enable predators.

Last month, after Mr. Carrick pleaded guilty, Shilpa Shah, the senior crown prosecutor in the case, said that the vast number of charges for rape and serious sexual assault over a 17-year period was “one of the most significant cases” with which prosecutors had dealt.

All the more so given that the perp is a cop.

The cases have fueled broader concerns about misogyny within policing and violence against women and girls.

Misogyny is everywhere. It’s pervasive, loud, seen as funny. It’s the water we swim in.

Alpha males on public transport

Feb 6th, 2023 8:56 am | By

From the Male Dominance Displays on Social Media files:

It’s a bit weird, she keeps saying. It’s a bit weird for a man to sit in the aisle seat next to a woman on an empty bus, she says. No it’s not a bit weird; it’s blatantly intrusive and rude and bordering on assault. It borders on assault because she’s physically pinned to her seat: she can’t get out unless he lets her. It’s not a bit weird, it’s a deliberate hostile aggressive act.

I had a man get pointlessly aggressive with me on a bus a few years back, not in the “Hi honey” way of course but in the random belligerent toad way. I had a heavy backpack and a couple of auxiliary bags and the bus was mostly empty, so I was in one seat and my stuff was in the other, and Mister Toad came along and ordered me to let him sit in that seat. No, I said, there are plenty of empty seats – there were empty double seats – so sit in one of them. He ordered me to move my stuff, I told him if I did that I would have to stand, carrying all that stuff, so no, GO AWAY. He persisted, and I persisted in refusing, and he finally gave up, with some snide remark about my moving all my household goods. After about the third refusal I was simply shouting at him “LEAVE ME ALONE” and for a surprisingly long time he wouldn’t. It was insane.

If the bus had been full, of course, I would have had to stand, carrying all the stuff, because that’s only fair. I’ve had to do that occasionally. But the bus wasn’t full. There is no bus rule that says you can’t put your heavy backpack in one seat and sit in the other; that’s not a thing.

Dominance display.

There were 12 families under there

Feb 6th, 2023 8:03 am | By


A huge earthquake killed more than 2,200 people and injured thousands more on Monday in Turkey and northwest Syria, flattening apartment blocks and heaping more destruction on Syrian cities already devastated by years of war.

The magnitude 7.8 quake, which hit before sunrise in bitter winter weather, was the worst to strike Turkey this century. It was followed in the early afternoon by another large quake of magnitude 7.7.

Two of them. Massive ones, hours apart.

In the Syrian rebel-held town of Jandaris in Aleppo province, a mound of concrete, steel rods and bundles of clothes lay where a multi-storey building once stood.

“There were 12 families under there. Not a single one came out. Not one,” said a thin young man, his eyes wide open in shock and his hand bandaged.

God is great.

Not so bad

Feb 6th, 2023 7:53 am | By

Salman is back.

In a wide-ranging interview with David Remnick [in the New Yorker], the novelist said: “I’ve been better. But, considering what happened, I’m not so bad.

“The big injuries are healed, essentially. I have feeling in my thumb and index finger and in the bottom half of the palm. I’m doing a lot of hand therapy, and I’m told that I’m doing very well.”

But he said it was difficult to type and to write due to a lack of feeling in some of his fingertips.

“I’m able to get up and walk around. When I say I’m fine, I mean, there are bits of my body that need constant check ups. It was a colossal attack.” He said he also has mental scars from the attack and that he is having to rethink his approach to security, having lived without it for more than two decades.

“There is such a thing as PTSD, you know,” he said. “I’ve found it very, very difficult to write. I sit down to write, and nothing happens. I write, but it’s a combination of blankness and junk, stuff that I write and that I delete the next day. I’m not out of that forest yet, really.”

If anything would give a person PTSD it’s being stabbed multiple times by a fanatic with a knife.

Remnick asked Sir Salman if he thinks he should have been more on guard after moving to New York in 2000, having previously lived underground for several years?

“Well, I’m asking myself that question, and I don’t know the answer to it,” he said. “I did have more than 20 years of life. So, is that a mistake? Also, I wrote a lot of books.”

I’m not the one who got stabbed, so I don’t know either, but from here I’d say hell no it wasn’t a mistake.

Guest post: The women of Scotland would bring it

Feb 6th, 2023 6:56 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on Good afternoon Glasgow.

It was really good. I knew the women of Scotland would bring it and they absolutely did. The talks were great. I understand there was a problem with the live feed, but a better version should be up soon. There were a few impromptu talks as usual and some of those were especially good. A new star was born in Jean from Aberdeen!

But the atmosphere was also brilliant. In the days leading up to the event, a few women told me they were nervous about going there alone so I offered to meet them outside the hotel and go down mob handed. In the end, there were about 15 people who came to group up. But one of the most nervous felt so comfortable after a while that she got up and spoke, amazing herself. She’d been fiercely anonymous on Twitter until yesterday, too. She did that because she felt the atmosphere was so welcoming.

I knew it was gong to be a good one, but it exceeded all expectations other than furry attendance (there were only two I know of).

Unfortunately, my picture ended up in the Daily Mail, confirming to the TRAs my status as a genocidal, fascist, nazi bigot. But you can’t have everything.

One lie about us has surfaced already. I’m sure there will be more. At one point, a sign appeared at the back saying something about destroying the gaystapo. It wasn’t one of ours. The speaker at the time said she didn’t think it was welcome and the people in the crowd said the same to the person holding it, who went away. Needless to say, there are pictures of the flag superimposed over KJK and claims that this was our message. Weak.


Feb 5th, 2023 4:26 pm | By

A few hightlights.

Nobody is born in the wrong body; STOP TELLING OUR CHILDREN THAT.