The dog ate them

May 1st, 2023 5:47 am | By

The Telegraph:

The NHS Tavistock gender clinic has been threatened with court action by the information regulator after failing to reveal its relationship with Mermaids.

The Trust claimed in response to Freedom of Information requests from a parent that it “does not hold” emails or minutes of meetings between staff and the controversial charity, which has been accused of putting pressure on staff to transition children.

The matter was referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) which has now ruled that “on the balance of probabilities”, the Trust does have relevant emails.

Well that’s a good look. It seems the Tavistock is not just refusing to hand over requested information, but also lying about it. Gender ideology is not good for the morals.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has until the end of this week to conduct fresh searches and provide a new response or the ICO could write to the High Court and the issue “may be dealt with as a contempt of court”. If found guilty of contempt the Trust could face a fine.

And, one would hope, yet more damage to its reputation.

The trans clinic is due to close after concerns were raised about its treatment and an independent review found that it was “not a safe and viable option”.

It has since emerged that staff from the controversial clinic will be involved in setting up and training staff at the new regional centres which will replace it. The Tavistock was originally ordered to close this spring but is still operating.

Jeezus. “We’re shutting you down because you are fanatics bent on destroying children’s futures; please train your replacements.”

Mermaids’ influence on the Tavistock was cited by some whistleblowers as one of the reasons why it lost its way, with claims that activists put pressure on clinicians to affirm children’s belief that they were trans and to prescribe potentially life-altering drugs.

If only Mermaids had instead named itself Goblins or Child-eating Dragons.

The FOI request asked for details of emails sent between Ms Green and Trust staff and records, notes, or minutes of any meetings with the charity boss between 2014 and 2018.

The Tavistock originally refused to provide the information under a section of the law which allows them to deny “requests which have the potential to cause a disproportionate or unjustified level of disruption, irritation or distress”.

But when the ICO asked them to justify that refusal, the Trust withdrew it and said instead that following “an extensive search of emails … the Trust does not hold the requested information”.

Jeeeeeeeeeeeezus. How do they get away with this crap??

“We don’t want to give you these emails, you won’t like them.”

“You have to.”

“We can’t find them!”

Very convincing.

It is not the first time issues with the Tavistock’s FOI responses have been raised, and in 2021 the Board of Directors was told that all requests relating to the gender identity clinics for both adults and children were being “hampered”.

Communications staff had to clear all requests and they had “not approved GIC responses with waiting list data due to poor performance and the potential reputational impact”, meeting minutes show.

A spokesman for the Trust said: “We have noted the ICO’s recent decision and are proactively working toward supplying the relevant data before the deadline.”

Why weren’t they “proactively working toward” doing that already? What do they mean “proactively”? What do they mean “working toward”?

Cheat wins top prize

May 1st, 2023 5:09 am | By

Man steals first prize in women’s cycling race.

Austin Killips (Amy D Foundation) won the fifth and final stage of the Tour of the Gila women’s race on Sunday, sealing the overall victory in the process.

Of course he did: because he’s a man.

Marcela Prieto (Pato Bike BMC), who won the opening stage and wore the leader’s jersey until Killips moved into the lead after the stage 3 time trial, settled for runner-up honors on the final stage. 

She had to, because Killips was allowed to compete in a women’s race.

MRA crowd management

Apr 30th, 2023 5:27 pm | By

Women speak.

Men assault.

Guest post: Talk about navel-gazing…

Apr 30th, 2023 4:47 pm | By

Originally a comment by ibbica on Risky.

Wow talk about navel-gazing…

“Transgender people” need more studies because… men, sorry, “prostate-havers” dosing themselves with hormones haven’t been studied enough, but oh by the way shut up don’t you dare suggest that might be a bad idea.

Can’t find transgender patients for studies because… they refuse to admit what they’re claiming to be isn’t what they are but oh by the way no you’re the deluded one they obviously Know what they are, duh.

Transgender patients are underrepresented in studies… I mean, they make up a whopping 1% of the population, and it’s the most oppressed 1%, but don’t ask which 1% because they’re actually the other sex wait I mean no difference between them and the uncool people who simply recognize their sex instead of divesting themselves of physical reality and picking their sex but we know they have worse clinical outcomes because Oppression so shut up already.

Or something.

You know who have been, and still are, underrepresented in medical research? Hint: it’s a group making up about 50% of the human population, easily found and readily identified for studies, who typically tell the entire truth about their physical characteristics and ailments, but often intentionally avoided because their hormones cycle predictably (!) or because they’re Not Typical Humans (!).

(…Ok yes, I know YOU knew that, but THEY are clearly oblivious to it.)

Something very fundamental

Apr 30th, 2023 11:38 am | By

And speaking of respect and deference and magic titles and awe and majesty –

Once I stopped laughing I conceded that in one way she’s quite right. It’s a polite fiction that Choss Windsor is “The King” for the simple reason that it’s a polite fiction that anyone is “The King” or “The Queen.” Of course it is; what else would it be? It’s a hereditary monarchy, i.e. it’s an artificial social arrangement by which one particular person descended from one particular person and so on back to William or Alfred or Baby Jesus gets to be top dog and have lots of money and a Royal Train.

In another way it’s a ludicrous thing to say. There are facts about the ancestry of King Choss; what facts are there that make Dylan a woman? There are ancient social conventions about the meaning of the ancestry of King Choss; what ancient social conventions are there that make Dylan a woman? There are none! There are only some very very very new conventions which are hotly contested and extremely stupid.

And no, it’s not “kind & polite” to address people the way they ask to be addressed no matter what. It depends. Other things being equal that is of course the norm, but when other things aren’t equal it isn’t.

As far as the eye can see

Apr 30th, 2023 10:47 am | By

It seems today’s Hyde Park Let Women Speak was very large and festive.

I like that Truth Will Always Matter TWAM banner.

Dream on

Apr 30th, 2023 4:20 am | By

Good grief. How about “No.”

Coronation: Public asked to swear allegiance to King Charles

Why on earth would anyone want to do that?

People watching the Coronation will be invited to join a “chorus of millions” to swear allegiance to the King and his heirs, organisers say. The public pledge is one of several striking changes to the ancient ceremony revealed on Saturday.

In a coronation full of firsts, female clergy will play a prominent role, and the King himself will pray out loud. The Christian service will also see religious leaders from other faiths have an active part for the first time.

They couldn’t make it sound more repulsive if they tried. Monarchy on the one hand and god-bothering on the other – no thank you.

The public will be given an active role in the ceremony for the first time, with people around the world set to be asked to cry out and swear allegiance to the King.

An active role, which is to swear allegiance to this one man because of who his mother was. Much active, very participate.

The order of service will read: “All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

Not going to happen. I pay no allegiance to Choss, true or semi-true or pretend.

A spokesman for Lambeth Palace, the archbishop’s office, said: “The homage of the people is particularly exciting because that’s brand new. That’s something that we can share in because of technological advances, so not just the people in the Abbey, but people who are online, on television, who are listening, and who are gathered in parks, at big screens and churches.

“Our hope is at that point, when the Archbishop invites people to join in, that people wherever they are, if they’re watching at home on their own, watching the telly, will say it out loud – this sense of a great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the King.”

Why does he need all this support? He’s the one with all the money and the multiple giant houses on giant tracts of land and a whole train all his own. How about he supports us instead?

As part of the service Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh peers will present the King with pieces of the coronation regalia, including bracelets, the robe, the ring, and the glove.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a practising Hindu, will read from the biblical book of Colossians.

That made me burst out laughing. It’s so take your favorite toy to school day. Rishi will read from the Bible and Fred will read from the Upanishads and Muriel will read from Atlas Shrugged.

After the religious service has ended, the King will receive a greeting by Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist leaders.

No atheists of course. No skeptics, no humanists, no secularists – just faith-heads of all flavors. So novel, so exciting, so progress!


Apr 30th, 2023 1:38 am | By

You don’t say.

Transgender women face prostate cancer risk, says first-of-its-kind study from UCSF

Of course they do: because they are men.

Transgender women have a small but meaningful risk of prostate cancer, but traditional screening tools may not work well for them, especially if they’re taking estrogen for gender-affirming care, according to a national study led by UCSF researchers.

Or rather, especially if they’re mucking up their bodies by taking estrogen to foster a delusion that they’re women. “Gender-affirming care” is a misnomer, and medical researchers shouldn’t be using it. “Gender affirmation” isn’t medical.

The research, published Saturday in the journal JAMA, is the first in the U.S. to look at prostate cancer in transgender women. It underscores the need to improve overall health care for transgender people, who are underrepresented in medical research and who experience worse outcomes than cisgender patients for all kinds of health issues.

Perhaps because they’re recklessly tampering with their bodies?

Transgender people, who are thought to make up less than 1% of the population, have mostly been left out of large studies of all kinds of health issues. When the UCSF team decided to look at prostate cancer in transgender women, the first problem they ran into was finding patients. Generally, “transgender” isn’t noted in patients’ medical records, so scientists had to look for secondary clues like estrogen prescriptions or a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

Not noted in patients’ medical records! Gee, you think that might be a bad idea?

Left with no alternative

Apr 29th, 2023 5:56 pm | By

Statement from the Edinburgh Principal:

I would like to express my extreme disappointment that last night, for the second time in six months, we were left with no alternative but to stop the screening of ‘Adult Human Female’ because of safety concerns for attendees. 

No alternative? Please. The alternative was to force the protesters to get out of the way so that people could go in to see ‘Adult Human Female.’ That’s it, that’s the alternative.

We refuse to be intimidated by the unreasonable behaviour of those who sought to prevent lawful discussion of challenging topics on our campus yesterday. 

But they don’t. They don’t refuse to be intimidated. They let the bullies do whatever they wanted, and then they canceled the screening. That’s not refusing to be intimidated, it’s being intimidated.

It is unfortunate and disappointing that last night attendees were again prevented from being able to gather and discuss these issues on our campus. We worked with organisers of the event and leads of organisations representing those who wished to participate in peaceful protest at the screening of the film, putting increased measures and extra security in place to mitigate risks, whilst ensuring that all were in a position to express their views, including respecting others with differing perspectives.

Despite these significant additional measures, a small handful of disruptive protesters restricted access to the venue preventing the organisers from holding the event, and leading to increased tensions and safety concerns.

Then get them out. Get the small handful of disruptive protesters out. That’s it, that’s the solution. Just stop it.


Apr 29th, 2023 5:36 pm | By

In Edinburgh the University actually helped the protesters prevent women from getting in, before piously announcing it was forced to cancel the screening because of the protests the university itself assisted.

Please, tell us more about how marginalized and persecuted our trans sisters and brothers are.

Guest post: And who has paid the price?

Apr 29th, 2023 5:17 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Look back in horror.

Okay, I’ll see your “look back in horror” and raise you “looking on in horror right now. Just off the top of my head here’s what being “uncritical” of gender has resulted in:

Violent male sex offenders being imprisoned with women in what were and should be female only prisons. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men being admitted into what were and should be female only rape and domestic violence services. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men being housed in what were and should be female only hospital wards. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men and boys competing on what were and should be female only sports teams. The women and girls have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men invading women’s toilet and changing facilities. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

The mutilation and sterilization of children whose minds are insufficiently developed to comprehend the import and gravity of the disastrously life-altering path they’ve been encouraged to take.

The erosion of women’s health care through the erasure of the words “woman” and “women” in the name of “inclusion.” There is no comparable erasure of “man” and “men” in health communications which are equivalent to the campaigns from which all references to women have been excised.

The bullying, intimidation, villification and assault of any and all women who dare to oppose any of the above, or who even questions the validity and coherence of trans ideology.

Trans identified males are not women. Never have been, never will be. Don’t go on about how “marginalized” and “victimized” they are, or how they are at much greater risk of being victims of violence or murder than anyone without some hard statistics to back these claims up. The ability of this oh-so-powerless group of helpless snowflakes to force women to submit to their presence in what had once been and should be female only spaces proves that these protestations of victimhood are lies. Just own up to the fact that you’re defending entitled men. Powerful entitled men. Trans activism has been wildly successful in its recruitment of a startlingly broad range of public and private institutions to advance and enforce their completely unreasonable and dangerous demands. (See the above list from off the top of my head, compiled without leaving this page, and without breaking a mental sweat.) And who has paid the price for this imposition of the will of a tiny minority of men? Women and girls. That’s the real horror. Actual harm, actual violence, actual dismissals, silencings and deplatforming. You don’t have to wait for the hypothetical perspective of some imagined, delusional, “inclusive” future to find faux horrors to boggle your mind as you look back. Open your fucking eyes and look at the horrors noted above. Horrors you are promoting. So yeah, I’m “critical” of gender. Why aren’t you?

It’s a secret that Riley Dennis is Riley Dennis

Apr 29th, 2023 10:52 am | By

News from Australia:

The Australian government has instructed a news outlet to remove or heavily censor an article that “offended” a trans-identified male living in the country.

Reduxx, an independent media project dedicated to exposing gender ideology, received a notice from Australia’s eSafety Commissioner on April 28. The notice alerted them to a complaint made about an article they published on April 1.

The article, “Thousands of Complaints Filed After Trans YouTuber Allowed To Play On Women’s Football League, Reportedly Injured Players,” revealed the identity of a transgender male who had been the subject of mass complaint after reportedly injuring female players at a football game while playing on the women’s team.

The male in question is Riley Dennis.

Apparently his anonymity is more important than the safety and fair sport of female football players.

Why would that be? Why should it be a secret who he is? Why should he be protected while the women are both harmed and injured?

Dennis is a trans activist and former YouTuber best known for having condemned lesbians as “transphobic” for not dating trans-identified males.

Surely Dennis is even more transphobic for not dating trans-identified males. Why do women have to when he doesn’t have to? Who made that rule? Other than Rapists Unlimited?

Despite Reduxx not being located in Australia, the outlet was instructed by the Australian government to remove all images of Dennis, including all references to the player’s name, soccer club and social media handles.

How about “No.”

The basis

Apr 29th, 2023 10:39 am | By
The basis

Owen Jones wonders aloud why some of us dislike Dylan Mulvaney.

Let me explain.


Dance for freedom, dance for Iran

Apr 29th, 2023 8:45 am | By

Happening now – so if you happen to be at Piccadilly Circus or a few minutes away you still have time to join in –

You can watch it for free so shut up

Apr 29th, 2023 6:23 am | By

Behold: an idiot.

Ghul purports to be an academic herself, so you’d think she’d know better, but this is now, so actually you wouldn’t.

Normally progressives like her don’t say “It’s fine that you were forcibly prevented from watching and then talking about a film in public because hey you can always watch it in private and talk to yourself about it.” Normally they don’t, but when it’s about the poor fragile victimized men in skirts they do.

Yeah seriously gender critical feminism is so cool and edgy while trans ideology is tame stodgy conservative white-shoe old-skool boring cream of wheat.

Heckler’s veto

Apr 29th, 2023 5:38 am | By

Women may not talk back.

Guest post: The “So Very Skeptic Atheist Bros”

Apr 29th, 2023 5:18 am | By

Originally a comment by Cluecat on Summation.

This is something that seems very strange – how is it that *this* is what the “So Very Skeptic Atheist Bros” have thrown everything away for. Really.

They’ve quite literally gone from “Hurr, Religiot! Humans don’t have souls! You’re all stupid to insist on it!” to “Hurr! Of course I have a pink sparkly feeeeeemale identitay! You’re all stupid to deny it!”.

They’re right back agreeing that souls exist, and that they can be in the “wrong” bodies (by some mechanism that’s never made clear). Do they understand this, these Big Skeptic Bros?

It’s embarrassing, frankly. It’s the antithesis of everything they have been claiming when it comes to any other area. Unlike those who have been seriously considering the ideas and discussing what this *means* for practical life (in addition to intellectual implications), they’ve just been calling believers stupid. So it’s looking like they just wanted an excuse to feel Very Superior Doodz, and be dicks to people. All that Skeptic Stuff, and the Deep Thinkers, and the Rational Bros, and… they’ve thrown it away. For a bunch of fetishists in dresses.


So embarrassing.

It was a short letter

Apr 28th, 2023 5:57 pm | By

Hmm. So the Supreme Court answers to no one, so the Supreme Court justices can…do whatever they like.

It was a short letter. John Roberts, chief justice of the US supreme court, was brief in his missive to Democratic senator Dick Durbin, who chairs the Senate judiciary committee. Citing “separation of powers concerns and the importance of preserving judicial independence”, Roberts declined to appear before the committee to discuss disturbing recent revelations of ethics violations at the court.

What about ethical concerns and the importance of preserving judicial non-corruption? No? Nothing?

Congress is meant to exert checks on judicial power – to investigate or even impeach judges who abuse their office or interpret the law in ways that violate its spirit, and to affirm that the elected branches will hold more sway over policy than the appointed one. But the chief justice’s show of indifference to congressional oversight authority reflects a new reality: that there are now effectively no checks on the power of the court – at least none that Democrats have the political will to use – and that the justices can be assured that they will face no repercussions even if they act in flagrant violation of ethical standards. It seems that they intend to.

Clarence Thomas in particular. Harlan Crow? Conflicts of interest as far as the eye can see?

During his long tenure on the court, he has repeatedly had trouble filling out his financial disclosure forms correctly. Once, he failed to report more than half a million dollars in income that his wife, the conservative activist Ginni Thomas, received from the rightwing Heritage Foundation. He said at the time that he had misunderstood the forms. That was also his excuse regarding Harlan Crow’s largesse.

You know…you’d kind of expect a judge who has a seat on the Supreme Court to be able to figure out what the rules are. You’d kind of expect him to have the requisite smarts and knowledge and understanding and resources and commitment to ethical norms to do that much. Wouldn’t you?

Get your gerrymandering in early

Apr 28th, 2023 12:35 pm | By

Republican Supreme Court rules gerrymandering is totes legal.

Barely a year after Democratic justices on the North Carolina Supreme Court said new maps of the state’s legislative and congressional districts were partisan gerrymanders that violated the State Constitution, a newly elected Republican majority on the court reversed course on Friday and said the court had no authority to overturn those maps.

The practical effect is to enable the Republican-controlled State Legislature to scrap the court-ordered State Senate and congressional district. boundaries that were used in elections last November, and draw new maps skewed in their favor for elections in 2024.

Can legislatures fix elections in advance? Sure sure sure, no problem. (Unless the legislature happens to be majority The Wrong Party.)

Look back in horror

Apr 28th, 2023 12:13 pm | By


Right?? Who the hell ever heard of “race” and “critical” being discussed in the same breath?

Oh wait…