469 women lose their work

Jul 13th, 2023 11:52 am | By

On the one hand “trans women” and on the other hand the Taliban.


Weird kind of history to make

Jul 13th, 2023 4:34 am | By

The BBC gushes over a man who won a “beauty pageant”:

Rikkie Valerie Kolle has made history as the first transgender woman to win Miss Netherlands. It’s the first time in the Dutch pageant’s 94-year history that a trans woman has been crowned winner. It means the 22-year-old will be the second openly trans competitor to take part in Miss Universe in December this year.

Well of course it’s the first time a man has been crowned winner of a competition for women.

This doesn’t infuriate me the way the intrusion of men in women’s sports does, because I think “beauty pageants” are bad and stupid and (obviously) sexist, but the fawning and drooling does annoy. Do grow up, BBC.

Rikkie says she dreamed of winning pageants like this as a child. “The journey started as a super insecure little boy,” she tells Newsbeat. “And now I’m standing here as a strong and empowering and confident woman. I’m really proud of that.”

Empowering? How? Don’t be absurd. Beauty pageants are enfeebling, not empowering. There’s no power in standing around in a dress or a swimsuit or underwear.

As Miss Netherlands, Rikkie is now entered into December’s Miss Universe competition – which was bought by trans businesswoman Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip last year.

Tell you what, how about trans women take over these “competitions” completely. Women have better things to do.

A quicky doesn’t count

Jul 13th, 2023 4:20 am | By

The ten second rule is meeting some resistance.

Does it count as sexual harassment if an assault lasts less than 10 seconds?

Many young people in Italy are expressing outrage on social media, after a judge cleared a school caretaker of groping a teenager, because it did not last long enough.

That’s such an interesting idea. Apparently if a guy grabs a woman’s breast or crotch for only 9 seconds it’s legal and fine and just what women and girls have to expect because of their foolish choice to be born female.

I beg to differ. Nobody should touch anybody anywhere no matter how briefly. Period. The only exception should be physical safety – if someone is about to step in front of a speeding cyclist on the sidewalk [pavement] then it’s ok, indeed imperative, to grab. Other than that: no touching without invitation. (The rules are different among friends, of course, but this is about street/school/stairway harassment.)

Francesco Cicconetti wrote on TikTok: “Who decides that 10 seconds is not a long time? Who times the seconds, while you’re being harassed? Men don’t have the right to touch women’s bodies, not even for a second – let alone 5 or 10.” He goes on to say that the judges’ decision to acquit the caretaker shows just how normalised sexual harassment is in Italian society.

Quite so. Apparently Italian women are supposed to stay inside, just as women are in Afghanistan and Iran and so on. If they’re out in public, they’re whores by definition, so they positively welcome being leered at and followed and grabbed. Plus they hate it and it serves them right for going outside, the sluts.

New thermometers needed

Jul 13th, 2023 3:50 am | By


A heatwave is sweeping across parts of southern Europe and north-west Africa, with potential record-breaking temperatures in the coming days. Temperatures are expected to surpass 40C (104F) in parts of Spain, France, Greece, Croatia and Turkey. In Italy, temperatures could reach as high as 48.8C (119.8F). A red alert warning has been issued for 10 cities, including Rome, Bologna and Florence.

A satellite image recorded by the EU’s Copernicus Sentinel mission revealed that the land temperature in the Extremadura region had hit 60C on Tuesday.

60C! That’s not even on the thermometer! It’s 140F!

Italian weather forecasters are warning that the next heatwave, dubbed Charon after the ferryman who delivered souls into the underworld, will push temperatures back up towards 43C in Rome and a possible 47C on the island of Sardinia.

Europe’s hottest-ever temperature of 48.8C (119.8F) was recorded near Syracuse on the Italian island of Sicily in August 2021.

A new study says 61,672 people died in Europe as a result of the heat last year. ISGlobal Institute in Barcelona said Italy had most deaths that could be attributable to the heat, with 18,010, while Spain had 11,324 and Germany 8,173.

The new normal.

Man takes care to make women angry

Jul 13th, 2023 3:18 am | By

Smug man boasts of intruding on women in a vulnerable state, emphasizes his determination to ignore their wishes and call them names in the process.


Zeus did a fly-by

Jul 12th, 2023 5:16 pm | By
Zeus did a fly-by

I told this story on Facebook but it’s about such a good thing I’m going to post it here too.

So when I realized back in the spring what a fool I’d been not going to the Arboretum I started going there quite often, and one of the first places I went was the trail that goes north and away from the arboish part of the Arbo but is still part of the same big chunk of land. That trail goes underneath a Seattle-East Side freeway to a small island in Lake Washington, and also to a second trail, a spectacular engineered one, that goes over the water to a raised lookout tower and a tiny island called Marsh Island and is just one epic view after another. Part of it is metal grid and part of it is woodchip-packed solid.

So, I went to that trail back in March or April, all bright-eyed and eager for the treat, but what I found when I got there was that it was destroyed. It was underwater. I was CRUSHED. A few weeks later I checked the other end, which is next to the Montlake Bridge of questing tourists fame. I was hoping I could go some distance onto the trail from that end – but no, that end was if anything even worse.

It wasn’t just that I wanted to walk on it, though it was certainly that, but it was also that it was such a great thing and so horrible that it was ruined. (The reason I stopped using it was because I got too irritated about encountering runners thundering over it in defiance of the very clear signage at each end of the trail saying no running on this fragile trail. It was the runners who destroyed it. Fiends.)

But. I had a faint hope that the scorching dry summer we get here might dry it out enough so that I could hop from puddle to puddle for at least part of the trail.

So, you know what’s coming next. After a couple of weeks of not being able to go on many explores I went back to the Arbo today and decided to go to Foster Island and maybe see if the trail was any better, so I did that, and by god it’s battered but NOT DEAD. It’s a little tacky in places, but only a little. I can’t tell you how ecstatic I was.

The lily pads were very much in evidence today.

Updating to add – I forgot! Just as I came around the curve into full view of the open water, the far side of the Bay, the vast sky, etc, a Bald Eagle sailed into view a few yards away, alone in that huge deep blue sky. I suspected it was Zeus in one of his many disguises.

Someone over the rainbow

Jul 12th, 2023 10:41 am | By

The Washington Post takes the “someone” approach.

Democrats said the legislation would put someone experiencing a miscarriage at risk by forcing doctors to take extra time determining whether they qualify for an abortion. It also sets unrealistic time constraints for someone to report rape or incest to qualify for an abortion exception under the bill, they said.

Any particular kind of somone? Dunno.

Abortion rights advocates are vowing to fight the measure. If it is passed, Planned Parenthood North Central States will challenge the law in court and refer patients out of state if they need an abortion during the next few weeks, the group said in a statement.

“We intend to show that in numbers on Tuesday at the Capitol, reminding those politicians really of the fact that they will be held accountable for every vote that they take to strip Iowans of their rights,” said Mazie Stilwell, the director of public affairs at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa.

It’s women who lose when abortion rights are demolished.

Say our name

Jul 12th, 2023 10:33 am | By

The NY Times on the other hand does not avoid the word. Take notes, Guardian.

The bill passed by Republicans allows for abortions up to about six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. The legislation includes exceptions after that point for rape or incest, when the woman’s life is in serious danger or she faces a risk of certain permanent injuries, or when fetal abnormalities “incompatible with life” are present.

Three times in one paragraph. Feel bad, Guardian.

Pretend there are no women

Jul 12th, 2023 10:19 am | By

The Guardian reports on the attack on women’s rights while pretending it’s not about women:

Iowa’s state legislature voted on Tuesday night to ban most abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy, a time before most people know they are pregnant.

Women, you absolute shits.

This is women losing the right to plan their own damn lives and here you are still pretending it’s about people in general. Stop doing that.

Same for the ACLU – stop that.

“The ACLU of Iowa, Planned Parenthood and the Emma Goldman Clinic remain committed to protecting the reproductive rights of Iowans to control their bodies and their lives, their health and their safety – including filing a lawsuit to block this reckless, cruel law,” the ACLU of Iowa’s executive director, Mark Stringer, said in a statement.

Not Iowans, Iowan women. WOMEN. It’s not a dirty word.

In the meantime, Planned Parenthood North Central States has said it will refer patients out of state if they’re scheduled for abortions in the next few weeks. The organization, the largest abortion provider in the state, will continue to provide care to patients who present before cardiac activity is detected.

This isn’t a removal of generic patients’ rights, it’s a removal of women’s rights.

Brace for a shock:

“You would be forcing a woman to a lifelong obligation which affects her education, career, family and community,” Amy Bingaman, an obstetrician and gynecologist, told lawmakers.

There it is, the one use of the word in the whole piece. A piece about abortion.

She was asking for it

Jul 12th, 2023 7:12 am | By

Hey, baby, lighten up, it was just a joke, don’t you have any sense of humor, what’s your problem, bitch?

Italians have reacted with outrage after a 66-year-old school cleaner escaped punishment for groping a female pupil because it “only lasted about ten seconds”.

The 17-year-old schoolgirl was walking up a flight of stairs between classes when the janitor, Antonio Avola, put his hand inside the waistband of her trousers and inside her underwear from behind.

When she confronted him, he responded: “Come on darling, you know I’m only joking,” according to other students who witnessed the incident, which happened at a high school in Rome in April last year.

Ah yes, it’s such a funny joke to be walking up some stairs on the way to a class and have a man’s hand suddenly thrust down the back of your underpants. What could be more hilarious?

The school caretaker was charged with sexual assault and sent to trial. Prosecutors had called for a sentence of three and a half years in prison.

But a court in Rome ruled that his groping had “only lasted between five and 10 seconds” and that his hand had not “lingered” down her underpants for very long.

That’s fine then! Fine fine fine! Girls are public property as long as you’re quick about it.

In her first comments on the case, the schoolgirl said on Wednesday: “For me it was no joke. A joke is something shared between two people. This is not the way that a janitor should joke around with a young girl of 17. I’m very angry. This is not justice. I feel betrayed twice over – first by the school, where it happened, and now by the court.”

Aw jeez. No sense of humor at all. What a prude. Girls just wanna have fun!

For many critics, the case reflects the casual sexism and objectification of young women that is still widespread in Italy.

The late Silvio Berlusconi provoked indignation late last year when he promised players at the football team he owned “a coachload of whores” delivered straight to their dressing room if they won their next match.

Oh come on. Everybody knows that’s all women are good for.

Dr She/her defends “bonus hole”

Jul 12th, 2023 5:29 am | By

Dr Helen Webberley of Gender GP fame notoriety leaps to defend the use of “bonus hole” as an alternative to “vagina.”

It is of course not even slightly true that “no one batted an eyelid when we moved on from Ye Olde English” – whatever tf that’s supposed to mean. Of course people batted an eyelid at changes in the language. People always do.

More to the point, yes this is “different” in the sense that it matters more than the subjunctive with counterfactual “if” or “like” vs “as” – this is about a deliberately insulting way of naming the part of the female body that is the entryway to life. “Hole” is insulting and “bonus” is insulting. Both are meant to be insulting. It’s yet another way this loathsome ideology treats women like so much rotting garbage.

The reason it’s newsworthy is not because it’s “about the trans community,” which it isn’t, but because it’s about women – half of humanity – the bullied half.

What is the problem with using new language? Who does it actually really hurt if we use a different word or phrase?

The problem is not using “new language”; the problem is using this “new language.” Whom does it hurt? Women, obviously. Derogatory language does harm people, all the more so when it’s systematic, all the more so again when it’s defended by fools like Helen Webberley.

True inclusivity means making sure that everyone in our society is comfortable and welcome, and part of that comfort means embracing inclusive language.

What tf is “inclusive” about “bonus hole”? True inclusivity means not inventing belittling insulting terms for other people’s body parts and then telling them to put up with it for the sake of inclusivity.

Job description

Jul 12th, 2023 4:57 am | By

Huh. It turns out that insulting people isn’t part of a president’s duties.

Ex-President Donald Trump can be held liable for disparaging comments he made about a woman who accused him of rape, the US Department of Justice has said. Its lawyers previously argued Mr Trump was legally immune as he was president when he made the remarks in 2019. But on Tuesday government attorneys said they no longer had “sufficient basis” to conclude Mr Trump had acted within the scope of his duties.

The legal action cites his remarks as president about her in 2019 while responding to reporters’ questions. The lawsuit has been updated to reflect further comments he made about her during a CNN town hall the day after the court’s verdict two months ago.

The justice department had previously taken the position that Mr Trump could be defended by government attorneys because he was serving in his capacity as president when he made the remarks. But on Tuesday its lawyers said “there is no longer a sufficient basis to conclude that the former president was motivated by ‘more than an insignificant’ desire to serve the United States Government”.

That sums up Trump’s whole presidency and in fact his whole life. His desire to serve anyone or anything other than himself is insignificant.

Delay trial until he can cancel it

Jul 11th, 2023 11:55 am | By

This is so crappy. So corrupt. So grotesque. So Berlusconi.

Lawyers for former President Donald J. Trump asked a federal judge on Monday night to indefinitely postpone his trial on charges of illegally retaining classified documents after he left office, saying that the proceeding should not begin until all “substantive motions” in the case had been presented and decided.

And what federal judge is that? One that Trump made a federal judge, of course! One that Trump made a federal judge in defiance of her woeful lack of experience or smarts or any other qualification other than trumpism. He commits a whole slew of federal crimes but no problem because he had carefully put a pro-him hack in the jurisdiction he just happened to commit the federal crimes in. Lucky break yeah?!

The written filing — submitted 30 minutes before its deadline of midnight on Tuesday — presents a significant early test for Judge Aileen M. Cannon, the Trump-appointed jurist who is overseeing the case. If granted, it could have the effect of pushing Mr. Trump’s trial into the final stages of the presidential campaign in which he is now the Republican front-runner or even past the 2024 election.

What a spectacle that’s going to be.

There could be complications of a sort never before presented to a court if Mr. Trump is a candidate in the last legs of a presidential campaign and a federal criminal defendant on trial at the same time. If the trial is pushed back until after the election and Mr. Trump wins, he could try to pardon himself after taking office or have his attorney general dismiss the matter entirely.

Some of the former president’s advisers have been blunt in private conversations that he is looking to winning the election as a solution to his legal problems. 

Gee, ya think? I thought he was doing it out of pure disinterested concern for the good of the nation.

The former president’s lawyers also suggested that they might raise “constitutional and statutory challenges” to Mr. Smith’s authority as special counsel. Moreover, they laid the groundwork for questioning whether an impartial jury could be seated at the trial while Mr. Trump was running for office.

Ugh god it’s almost funny. “But he’s running for office! So that he can steal more secret documents and break more things! How can a jury be impartial when he’s running for office?!”

“There is simply no question any trial of this action during the pendency of a presidential election will impact both the outcome of that election,” they wrote, “and, importantly, the ability of the defendants to obtain a fair trial.”

Therefore you must let him win that election and do the same thing all over again but more! Plus of course firing all the relevant prosecutors and agency heads until there is nothing but Trump loyalists as far as the eye can see. Fun times ahead!

Guest post: How about some other hypotheticals?

Jul 11th, 2023 11:28 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Any supposed costs.

I see trans women as real women.

Good for you. Now go ahead, date one. Are they still “real women” for you in this context? You’re happy to do girl dick? You’re expecting women and girls who know that TiMs are men to accept and submit to the presence of “girl dick” in their locker rooms: you should be willing to share in that acceptance too.

What you’re saying automatically in the argument…is you don’t believe these people are women.

Yes, and? Here’s your daily reminder that they’re not women; never have been, never will be. You might be willing to lie, but don’t expect others to follow suit. Endless repetition will not make it so.

Would Rapinoe embrace a transgender woman on the U.S. women’s soccer team, even if that woman took the place of someone assigned female at birth? “Absolutely,” she says.

How about some other hypotheticals? Ones that don’t involve engagement of her crippled empathy module. Let’s make it a little more personal.

What if that trans identified male took her place on the team? What if TiMs had kept her from playing at all? Would she be so sanguine about that, or is it only other women and girls she’s willing to sacrifice, not herself? Okay, how about if she had to play against a team that fielded a TiM? How about an entire team of TiMs? Would that be fair? Would she “see” and “feel” the fairness of the logical conclusion of her stance? Would she still be on board with that, or is she ready to think twice (or at all) about her position?

If I recall correctly, the US Olympic Women’s Soccer team was beaten by a boy’s high school team at an exhibition match. What if American Olympic officials had decided to drop Rapinoe’s team in favour of the high school boys who had beaten them? What if the officials had told the boys they could all “identify” as girls and become the US Olympic Women’s Soccer Team? For the duration of the Olympics. Afterwards they could go back to being boys again, because gender fluidity is a thing, right? How would Rapinoe have taken that? Would she have shouted “Brava!” and stood on the sidelines along with the rest of her team in exactly the same way she’s condemning other girls and women to stand aside, bow out, and bow down to males claiming to be female?

Who knew that being a role model for girls and women was so much less fulfilling than being a Quisling?

Rainbow sewage release

Jul 11th, 2023 10:59 am | By

Focus, Thames Water. FOCUS.

Coral bleaching probabilities

Jul 11th, 2023 7:56 am | By

So…this is not good.

It took me a minute to figure out the scale of it, thinking this could be just a small patch and we can’t tell…but then I spotted Florida. Tiny tiny Florida. The scale is enormous.

Any supposed costs

Jul 11th, 2023 7:34 am | By

TIME has a long profile of Rapinoe. It gets to That Subject toward the end.

Rapinoe has shifted her focus to trans-rights advocacy. She’s particularly contemptuous of policies designed to keep transgender girls and women from playing on female sports teams. “We as a country are trying to legislate away people’s full humanity,” she says. Proponents of such laws often claim they’re protecting women’s sports. “It’s particularly frustrating when women’s sports is weaponized,” she says. “Oh, now we care about fairness? Now we care about women’s sports? That’s total bullsh-t. And show me all the trans people who are nefariously taking advantage of being trans in sports. It’s just not happening.”

Excuse me? We can show you Lia Thomas, Austin Killips, Rhys McKinnon, the guy who spiked the ball into Payton McNabb’s face giving her a concussion (and has apparently remained anonymous all this time, which is nice for him), just to start. It is happening.

To Rapinoe, the benefits of allowing trans kids to play outweigh any supposed costs. “The most amazing thing about sports is that you play and you’re playing with other people, and you’re having fun and you’re being physically active,” she says. “We’re putting this all through the lens of competition and winning. But we’re talking about people’s lives. That’s where we have to start.”

Nobody is not allowing trans kids to play. That’s not the issue. Trans kids who are male should play with other male kids, that’s all. (Except of course when the teams aren’t divided by sex in the first place.)

Would Rapinoe embrace a transgender woman on the U.S. women’s soccer team, even if that woman took the place of someone assigned female at birth? “Absolutely,” she says. “‘You’re taking a “real” woman’s place,’ that’s the part of the argument that’s still extremely transphobic. I see trans women as real women. What you’re saying automatically in the argument—you’re sort of telling on yourself already—is you don’t believe these people are women. Therefore, they’re taking the other spot. I don’t feel that way.”

We’re not “telling on ourselves.” We’re telling the truth. Trans women are by definition men, aka people with male bodies.

Seeing what isn’t there

Jul 11th, 2023 7:10 am | By

Megan Rapinoe is confused.

“Absolutely ‘You’re taking a ‘real’ woman’s place,’ that’s the part of the argument that’s still extremely transphobic. I see trans women as real women. What you’re saying automatically in the argument—you’re sort of telling on yourself already—is you don’t believe these people are women. Therefore, they’re taking the other spot. I don’t feel that way,” Rapinoe told TIME when asked if she’d be okay with a biological man playing with her on the national team.

It doesn’t matter what you “see” people as, and it doesn’t matter what way you “feel.” You can see horses as airports and cars as flowers if you like, but that doesn’t change the reality. You can “feel” that peaches are snakes and hammers are root vegetables, but you’ll be wrong. It’s not “phobic” to know that men are not women.

“I don’t want to mince words about it. Dave Chappelle making jokes about trans people directly leads to violence, whether it’s verbal or otherwise, against trans people. When Martina or Sage or whoever are talking about this, people aren’t hearing it just in the context of elite sports. They’re saying, ‘The rest of my life, this is how I’m going to treat trans people,’” Rapinoe told TIME when talking about Dave Chappelle, Sage Steele and tennis legend Martina Navratilova.

Rapinoe should take a hard look at the things people say about tennis legend Martina Navratilova, and JK Rowling and Julie Bindel and the rest of the long list. She should ask herself if some of those things might lead directly to violence.

Try hyper pathetical

Jul 10th, 2023 5:38 pm | By

The Daily Mail:

The Met today reopened its investigation into a transgender activist and convicted attempted murderer who told activists at a London march to ‘punch TERFs’ in the [fucking] face. 

Sarah Jane Baker, who spent 30 years in jail for kidnap and then the attempted murder of a fellow prisoner, provoked outrage over her inflammatory comments on Saturday against feminists who are critical of trans ideology. 

Astonishingly, Baker was defended by the organisers of Trans+ Pride, who said Baker ‘holds a lot of anger’ which she had the ‘right to express… through their words’. 

Astonishingly but not all that astonishingly if you’ve been paying attention to trans ideology and “activism.”

She was reported to the police for inciting violence, but a Met officer told a complainant that it was not in the public interest to pursue the case. They said the call for violence was ‘hypothetical’ and allowed under free speech laws.

No it wasn’t. You can claim it was hyperbole if you want, but not hypothetical. That would be “What if we all punched a terf in the fucking face?” That’s not what he said; he told people to do it. He can always claim he didn’t mean it, but he’s in the video saying it.

However, the Met has since confirmed to MailOnline that the crime report has now been reopened and ‘enquiries remain ongoing’.  

It’s almost as if claiming to be trans is a cloak of invisibility for threats of violence. Normally a man telling a crowd to punch women in the fucking face would be considered sexist and abusive, but when it’s a “trans woman” doing it then it’s righteous.

“But it was one person”

Jul 10th, 2023 11:38 am | By

Twitter has limited visibility of a reply I made to a tweet of Peter Tatchell’s.

This one:

It’s an idiotic thing to say. Of course it wasn’t one person! It was also the crowd who cheered!

So I replied:

I appealed the ruling, but who knows if Twit will pay any attention. It doesn’t matter particularly, it’s just that they missed the point so completely. The whole issue is this guy who joyously screamed about punching women in the fucking face, and Twitter chooses to think I’m the one being naughty.

Update: Oh, I’ll be damned – they did pay attention and restore visibility. At the speed of light, too.