Originally a comment by Papito on Iss biggitree an prejjudiss.
This is the way the racket works: Willie can get the nurses and doctors fired if they don’t lie to him, so they lie to him.
Establishing “misgendering” as some sort of unforgivable prejudice means that he can force them to lie by threatening their livelihoods. So of course they lie; they need their jobs.
Martina Navratilova doesn’t have to lie to him, he can’t force her to lie to him with threats to her livelihood, so she doesn’t.
If gender critical belief were protected to the extent that it should be, then no doctor or nurse could be forced to lie to creeps like Willie. Consequently, many of them would stop. Others would still continue to lie because they were concerned about anonymous violence towards them, or social shunning, banks closing their accounts, etc., and those few who truly believe that sex doesn’t exist and people aren’t living organisms at all, but constructs like potato-head toys that you can plug and unplug organs and features from at will, might continue to call Willie a woman.
It’s circular reasoning: TRAs have bullied people into lying to them, and now say having the lies repeated back to them proves the lies are the truth. No, all it proves is the coercive power of TRAs over other people and their beliefs.
It’s like a foreman at a sweat shop saying he’s proven that twelve-hour shifts are fair because all the workers he’s asked say so.