Get ready to catch your jaw when it drops. It’s about Bristol University’s Christian Union.
A university’s Christian society has banned women from speaking at events and teaching at meetings, unless they are accompanied by their husband, it has been revealed.
Oh come on. That’s a joke or a poe or a trick. Isn’t it?
The Huffington Post UK has seen the email sent out by president Matt Oliver to all BUCU members which said: “It is ok for women to teach in any CU setting… However we understand that this is a difficult issue for some and so decided that women would not teach on their own at our weekly CU meetings, as the main speaker on our Bristol CU weekend away, or as our main speaker for mission weeks.
“But a husband and wife can teach together in these.”
So, not a joke.
But…what? It’s a difficult issue for some? What is? Women teaching and speaking?
And because it is, for some, the thing to do is forbid it?
Uh huh. What next, BUCU? Other races? Foreigners?
Oliver’s email announced the departure of the international secretary James Howlett, who, according to Oliver, felt he “cannot support the decision on women teaching”.
“After a lot of time exploring this issue, seeking God’s wisdom on it and discussing it together as a committee, we made a decision about women teaching in a CU setting,” Oliver continues. “We all hold individual convictions on secondary issues such a women speakers, which are often reflected in the churches we choose to attend.
“It is good and right that we hold strong beliefs on the Bible’s teaching about secondary issues but they are not what we centre around as a CU and therefore are not always reflected in the CU’s practice.”
Hey, fuck you, dude – women are not secondary. Nobody is secondary. You don’t get to exclude people from the important work and call that “secondary.” You don’t get to treat people as inferior and subordinate and Not Allowed, and then treat your doing that as “secondary.”
The Christian Union’s announcement follows the controversial vote by the majority of Church of England worshippers not to allow women bishops, despite many church leaders voting in favour of the move.
Oliver told The Huffington Post UK the society had now released a statement saying: “Bristol University Christian Union has no formal position on the role of men and women in the church. We respect those of our members who hold strong Biblical convictions in this area and seek to find the most practical way of expressing this inclusivity.”
This what??!
“Inclusivity” – right, they’re being “inclusive” of those of their members who hold strong Biblical convictions that women are inferior and subordinate and have to stfu unless they’re in the custody of a man. They are not, however, being “inclusive” of half the population.
How’s your jaw doing?
(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)