Nathan Williams at The Critic on “queerphobia”:
Last week I wrote an article about the nasty treatment people in the Green Party have faced when they have questioned the prevailing ideology on gender and sex. The exact figure depends on the question asked, but in general a majority of the public agree that biological sex is real and matters (these are known as “gender critical” or “GC” beliefs). The party appears to be calling most of the electorate “bigots”, which is not a great electoral strategy.
But on the upside, it’s such fun.
The Green Party has now issued a document that seeks to correct this, by branding almost the entire population as bigots. Their long awaited Queerphobia guidance is nine pages of near incomprehensible word salad.
These are sensitive issues where different people will draw the dividing line in different places. It’s precisely the sort of subject where we need to feel free to speak honestly and respectfully — about, for instance, the potential harms of choking, or autoerotic asphyxiation. The guidance prohibits such a debate, however, by defining it as bigotry to question any form of sexual attraction, whilst also making it a further offence to point out the obvious dangers of having no boundary.
Listen here, choking is kink, and kink is a good thing, and it’s sacrilege to say otherwise.
At least we’re on steadier ground with familiar terms like “lesbian”, right? If only. Unsurprisingly, the word “lesbian” is here assumed to refer to anyone who is attracted to women and identifies as a woman, so it includes trans women. But in a twist I wasn’t expecting, it can also include trans men if they wish to describe themselves as lesbian. The guidance is clear that trans men are real men and indeed are male (more on that later). So, the guidance is saying that it’s possible for someone to be male, and in every sense a man, but also a lesbian.
It’s really very simple. It goes like this: whatever the good people say is right.You’re welcome.
Where things get serious is in the section on transphobia, when the document strays into territory that could lead to the party breaking the law. As you might expect, the guidance takes the most extreme line on issues of sex and gender. Whilst the question of what the word “woman” means appears to have finally been settled in the rest of the country, the Greens have jumped the gender fluid shark to redefine “male” and “female” as well.
According to the guidance, all trans women are not only “real women” but are female. Remember that many trans women — likely the majority, though there’s a lack of good data — have undergone no medical transition. They are legally and physically no different from a typical male. According to the document, though, by uttering some magic words, they have transformed their sex such that they are now female — despite having the same gametes, chromosomes, hormones and physical characteristics that they did when they were male.
Well that’s the dogma. We’re not allowed to question it. Questioning it will be greeted with rage, ostracism, punishment, contempt, disgust, shunning, loss of friends, possible loss of job and career.
When I asked one of the authors how they could justify their claim that trans women are female, I was pointed towards a website. Nothing there provided any evidence that humans, uniquely amongst mammals, are able to spontaneously change their own sex. Apparently the key line is that “bio-essentialism plays into the hands of extreme right-wing ideologies”. Personally, I think basing your politics around an obvious untruth, so that it’s the Trumpian lunatics who end up looking like the sensible ones, is what plays into the hands of extreme right-wing ideologies — but perhaps that’s just me.
A party that aspires to power is not only promoting such a belief, but suggesting that it is an offence not to believe.
Others don’t suggest, they shout it as loudly and often as they can.
As I wrote in my previous piece, the party has apparently received advice confirming that members cannot be discriminated against or censured for holding gender critical beliefs without a breach of the Equality Act (EqA).
The legal advice confirms that members can not only have GC views but express them: for instance, saying “the majority of transwomen are intact males” is a lawful, protected statement of gender critical beliefs. The party seems to think its guidance can ignore the law — even if its own lawyers say otherwise…
It might seem bizarre that a political party would issue an anti-discrimination policy that breaks anti-discrimination law, but we’ve been here before. Last year the Liberal Democrats adopted a definition of transphobia every bit as draconian as the Green Party’s — including a prohibition on referring to a trans woman as a “biological man”
Look, it’s not that it’s illegally forbidden or anything, it’s just that it’s not allowed.
I’ve been observing a discussion, or more accurately a pile-on, on a friend’s Facebook post that dissents (very politely) from the gender dogma. It’s a sight to behold, grown-ass adults flying into verbal rages because people can’t believe that men are literally women. David Gorski is there, Matt Dillahunty is there, Hayley Stevens is there, Ashley Miller is there – all of them furiously reiterating the dogma and name-calling anyone who doesn’t submit.
The spectacle has caused me to do another round of the “could I believe it if I really tried hard enough?” routine. Nothing has changed. I still, to this day, to this minute, cannot for the life of me understand how adults can expect other adults to nod enthusiastically to the claim that sex is in people’s minds rather than their bodies. I still cannot understand how adults can expect us to agree that we can all change our sex with the power of thought. It’s an inherently outlandish claim – it’s like saying people can fly or live forever or travel back in time.
I still don’t get it. I never will. They didn’t think that themselves ten or fifteen years ago, so how do they manage to convince themselves that everyone must think it now and that everyone who fails to do so is an extremely bad person? I’ll never never never understand it.