That was love, was it?

Oct 23rd, 2023 2:21 am | By

“No place for hate” indeed.

Gee I hope the man’s fist is ok.

Never bin the glitter

Oct 22nd, 2023 5:35 pm | By

Here is how not to resist the social contagion of trans ideology.

What a string of terrible ideas. Don’t bin the glitter! Let him glitter as much as he wants. Join him in glitter play if he welcomes you. Don’t force him into sports or camping – offer them if you like, but don’t force. Not everyone likes sports, not everyone likes camping, and no one should have to. Offer him a lot of things, especially things you liked as a child, but also let him find them himself.

There are some exceptions to that rule I suppose. If he develops a taste for violence, then it’s time to step in. If he starts being a bully, tell him not to, and why. But do not bin the glitter.

His hate must be ok then

Oct 22nd, 2023 5:26 pm | By

“No place for hate,” says the huge burly man’s placard, as he punches an older woman in the head hard enough to knock her down.

This was the “No Place For Hate” counter protestor at Nanaimo City Hall today who crossed the street to the side where the parental rights group was gathered, put his sign directly in an older woman’s face and then punched her hard in the side of the head when she tried to move it away. She dropped to the pavement immediately from the blow. She was taken to hospital and is planning to press charges, we are being told. I didn’t take this photo and I wasn’t at the City Hall portion of the event (just the rally at the park later). But feel free to share this photo since people need to be warned of him for their own self-protection.

Guest post: Our core isn’t a flawless gem

Oct 22nd, 2023 11:43 am | By

Originally a comment by Nullius in Verba on A pause for extra sass.

I think that bit about the brutishness of human existence is critical—not Critical. This metaphysics of history and humanity in Critical Theory-flavored views, which they inherit from Marx, is that if not for [insert favored villain], life would be utopian. At the core of existence is pure gold, and it will be revealed by removing all the base substances through the hermetic alchemy of Critique and Dialectic. Humanity is already perfected, and all we have to do is deal with the colonialists, racists, sexists, cisheteronormativists, capitalists. Once we do, the Perfect will be revealed, and Social Man will be finally recognize himself as his own creator and realize the End of History.

In really real reality, however, we see no reason to presume this sort of antediluvian perfection. There’s no Fall, no expulsion from Eden as punishment for crimes committed by Europeans. Humans are but mammals, products of evolution and therefore intrinsically imperfect. Our core isn’t a flawless gem to be found be casting off the impurities that sully us. Our core is stupid and selfish, to be accounted for and mitigated by the systems and technologies that we’ve developed over painful, bloody millennia.

Might be

Oct 22nd, 2023 11:34 am | By

Please flag the problematic books, says…Cambridge University Library???

The University Library, one of just six legal deposit libraries in Britain with some 10 million books, is asking lecturers to flag “problematic” books that might be “offensive/harmful”.

But…dear “university library,” most books might be problematic or harmful. There’s always that potential in nearly everything. If that’s your criterion you should be a paper-recycling facility, not a library.

Examples of such books are being sought from across the university’s colleges, with officials planning to draw up guidance for librarians and readers on how to cope with them.

I think you’ll find that “how to cope with” books is called “education” and that it’s something Cambridge University has a bit of a reputation for. Fun fact: Christopher Marlowe is an alumnus. Now he was offensive if you like.

Prof David Abulafia, a leading historian at Gonville and Caius College, said: “Identifying books because they are seen as problematic itself has a very problematic history – witness bibliographies in the Nazi period where books by Jewish authors are marked with a star.

“It is absolutely not the task of librarians to sit in judgment, least of all in a university where they don’t do any of the teaching and where it is vital to promote free debate.”

It’s not even the task of librarians to try to console or soothe people who find books problematic.

Cambridge’s University Library, founded in 1209, established a “decolonisation working group” in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, but it is continuing to expand with 17 current members.

The group say they are “actively re-contextualising library holdings which are a legacy of colonialism and occupation” and developing “policies and guidance relating to decolonisation”.

What happens when someone finds the decolonisers problematic?

H/t NightCrow

Guest post: Piggyback on something legitimate

Oct 22nd, 2023 10:42 am | By

Originally a comment by Sastra on Inextricably entwined with cultural fads.

The social contagions that get real social traction are those that can piggyback on something legitimate, and roughly similar. Both Multiple Personality Disorder and Recovered Memory Syndrome were presented as new examples of women/children who suffered abuse in the past which is being dismissed today because “it didn’t happen.” The coping strategies (splitting the mind into separate alters or repressing all knowledge) were legitimized because the person making the claim was clearly suffering. That left the sympathetic with the easy conclusion that This Is Totally Familiar. Kid with behavior problems is being beaten at home. Woman says she was raped and isn’t believed.

Been there; done that; not going back. Believe. Multiple Personality is real and recovered memories legitimate. Skeptically examining the unique properties of the particular way these Totally Familiar issues are manifesting just compounds the sin of not believing. Say it’s a social contagion and it’s just like saying kids don’t get beaten and women don’t get raped. We know what you’re like — and it isn’t nice.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen transgender identities jump on the back of homosexuality. If being trans is a social contagion, then so is being gay. Only bigots think the latter, therefore only bigots think the former.

A trail of blood

Oct 22nd, 2023 9:48 am | By

The Detroit Free Press:

A politically connected Detroit synagogue president was found stabbed to death Saturday morning outside her home in the city’s Lafayette Park neighborhood, east of downtown.

Samantha Woll, 40, led the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue and previously worked for U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Holly, and on the reelection campaign of Attorney General Dana Nessel, a Democrat.

Police said in an afternoon statement that they were investigating after finding a body stabbed multiple times in the 1300 block of Joliet Place. A trail of blood led to the victim’s home, where police said they believe the crime occurred.

Which sounds as if she tried to get help before she bled out, which is horrifying.

Woll had led the synagogue since 2022 and was involved in other local Jewish organizations. A statement sent by its rabbi said it was “shocked and saddened,” by Woll’s “unexpected death.”

Well, it’s not an unexpected death, it’s a murder. Let’s not euphemize it.

In a social media post, U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, called Woll a friend and an organizing community member who had a sweet smile and warm eyes.

“Our community is devastated and we are shocked,” she said. “Please keep her family and our community in your prayers.”

In 2017, The Detroit Jewish News selected Woll as one of its “36 under 36,” describing her as co-chair of the American Jewish Committee’s ACCESS Detroit Young Leadership Program and founder of the Muslim-Jewish Forum of Detroit, a grassroots organization aimed at building relationships between young adults of those faiths.

“By extending her hand and creating space for connection between Muslims and Jews, she has exemplified the values of healing the world,” The Detroit Jewish News article said.

And this is the thanks she gets.

I suppose the most we can hope is that it was a burglary that escalated or similar, not ethno-religious at all.

The binary does not exist

Oct 22nd, 2023 8:30 am | By

From an article in the current Scientific American:

“Sex” typically refers to biological sex, which can be defined by myriad characteristics such as chromosomes, hormone levels, gonads, external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics. The terms “female” and “male” are often used in relation to biological sex. “Gender” refers to how an individual identifies—woman, man, nonbinary, and so forth. Much of the scientific literature confuses and conflates female/male and woman/man terminology without providing definitions to clarify what it is referring to and why those terms were chosen.

So “woman” and “man” don’t label biological sex? They’re purely social? They label only how people “identify” and not what people are? And this is settled knowledge and everyone agrees with it? But nevertheless the scientific literature confuses the terminology?

Are we quite sure about that?

For the purpose of describing anatomical and physiological evidence, most of the literature uses “female” and “male,” so we use those words here when discussing the results of such studies. For ethnographic and archaeological evidence, we are attempting to reconstruct social roles, for which the terms “woman” and “man” are usually used. Unfortunately, both these word sets assume a binary, which does not exist biologically, psychologically or socially. Sex and gender both exist as a spectrum, but when citing the work of others, it is difficult to add that nuance.

Oh, neither sex nor gender is binary? Both are a spectrum? I did not know that.

The inequity between male and female athletes is a result not of inherent biological differences between the sexes but of biases in how they are treated in sports.

Therefore it’s totally fair for men to infiltrate women’s sports. That’s science, baby!

A pause for extra sass

Oct 22nd, 2023 8:02 am | By

Gareth Roberts takes a blowtorch to the “thinking” of Owen Jones:

‘Oh, and by the way’, said Owen Jones in his ‘sassy’ mode the other day on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, ‘it wasn’t actually Hamas who introduced the law banning homosexuality in Gaza. Guess who it was?’ He then gave an extra pause for extra sass. ‘The British Empire.’ (Dramatic chord!)

There’s an ordinance! A British Mandate Ordinance! Can’t argue with that, now can you.

Jones, who has been a vocal supporter of Palestine during the current conflict in Gaza, clearly thought he had got one over on those critics who have tried to remind him of Hamas’s less than savoury attitudes to gay people. Never mind that the British Mandate for Palestine ended in 1948, when Dorothy Squires was Britain’s top hitmaker and Mrs Dale’s Diary was the hot new soap. The obvious thought that the Gazans have had 74 years to repeal this anti-gay ordinance doesn’t seem to have occurred to Jones. In fact, they have made the ‘offence’ and its punishment more severe in recent years. Meanwhile, the other jurisdictions that also were formerly under the mandate had no such issue – Jordan scrapped the law in 1951, Israel in 1988 (though it stopped bothering to prosecute homosexuality much earlier).

This bizarre romanticism of non-Western cultures as prelapsarian paradises is, ironically, a very Western thing. In fact, there is a bulging smorgasbord of ironies here.

The first and most obvious is that this view is deeply racist. It treats the non-Western peoples of the world as children, with no agency or identity of their own. They can only copy us, and once something Western goes into their laws, bish bosh, it’s in for good. Even after decolonisation, it never occurs to them to change it…

We are also often asked to swallow an absurdity of presentism – that before the coming of the dread British Empire, it had never occurred to these populations to do anything that is disapproved of by Westerners on the internet in the year 2023.

In other words he implies that before the British Mandate Palestine was a utopia of idenniny recognition and celebration.

But in truth, Western Enlightenment ideas didn’t enable slavery, colonialism or the punishment of sexual difference. They stopped them. Jones and his ilk are posing against the very institutions and economic system that support and enable their charmed lives. The default of civilisation isn’t egalitarian Eden, it’s earth-grubbing poverty, backbreaking toil and perpetual war conducted by any means, with a ‘99.99 per cent for me, and a tiddler for you’ distribution of the spoils.

And no time or energy to have luxury idenninies.

Inextricably entwined with cultural fads

Oct 21st, 2023 5:23 pm | By

This is a useful mini-essay.

Karen Carpenter’s tragic battle triggered a social contagion of anorexia; Princess Diana’s public struggle with bulimia had the same effect.

The book Sybil kicked off the multiple personality disorder epidemic in the 80s. Running parallel to that was the Satanic Panic, set off by the book Michelle Remembers. As a result, thousands of lives were destroyed.

As cutting started to appear in movies and TV shows, the number of teens self-harming increased, and when TikTok influencers with Tourette’s launched to fame, adolescent girls began experiencing TikTok tics.

Mental illnesses are inextricably entwined with the cultural fads and whims of the era in which they arise. Our celebration of the likes of Jazz Jennings and Ellen Page captures the minds of young people, plants the dangerous idea that the discomfort and anguish of puberty can be miraculously solved with drugs and surgeries, sending many down the same devastating path to destruction.

Children and adolescents no more need trans role models than they do anorexic or bulimic role models. Every time we celebrate a celebrity coming out as trans, we sacrifice countless young people to the horror of this medical atrocity.

Seriously. How many wannabe Ellen Pages are out there? I bet it’s quite a few. Horrible.

A number of meanings

Oct 21st, 2023 12:45 pm | By

Steerpike at the Spectator has more:

In the past fortnight, pro-Palestine marches in London have attracted some unseemly elements to their cause. One such example was offered today at an event for Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir in central London. After one speaker asked the crowd ‘What is the solution to liberate people in the concentration camp of Palestine?’ a chant of ‘Jihad, jihad, jihad’ echoed out around the speaker. An incitement for holy war? Surely grounds for a police intervention…

Unfortunately not, it seems. For the Metropolitan Police have now used their overactive Twitter/X account to confirm they will not be taking any action:

“The word jihad has a number of meanings but we know the public will…”

blah blah blah see previous post for the full blah. The Met Police who look fixedly the other way when trans “activists” abuse women also pretend they don’t know what Hizb ut-Tahrir means when it shouts “Jihad jihad jihad.” When in doubt side with male people; when in doubt side with Islamist male people.

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Oct 21st, 2023 12:31 pm | By

In London today:

They have assessed this video, filmed at the Hizb ut-Tahrir protest in central London today, and have not identified any offences arising from the specific clip. However, recognising the way language like this will be interpreted by the public and the divisive impact it will have, officers have identified the man involved and will be speaking to him shorty to discourage any repeat of similar chanting.


Not quite, Sunshine. It’s not quite that bland. Jihad means, for instance, what Hamas did two weeks ago today. It means, ultimately, everyone on the planet must submit to Islam, and Islamism must be in charge everywhere on the planet. It means submit or die.

He doesn’t even mention women

Oct 21st, 2023 8:58 am | By

Dang that really has it all.

He closed comments. There is a good deal of rage in the quote tweets. Like…

He did what?

The Irish Independent last March:

Equality Minister Roderic O’Gorman has been accused of playing “parish pump politics” after his department transferred €1.1m to LGBTQ+ projects. The money was originally allocated to schemes for the Traveller and Roma communities, migrant integration and Magdalene laundry redress.

So, obviously, just the right man to close a summit on menopause.

Another flip

Oct 21st, 2023 8:42 am | By

Trump is having a bad day.

A former lawyer to Donald Trump has pleaded guilty in an election subversion case in the US state of Georgia. Kenneth Chesebro is the third of 19 co-defendants to plead guilty in a deal with Fulton County prosecutors. He is accused of putting forward a slate of fake pro-Trump electors in Georgia and other states to overturn the outcome of the 2020 election.

That is, to steal the election. “Overturn” makes it sound vaguely legitimate. It’s important to be very clear and uneuphemistic about this.

Under the plea deals, the former defendants will have to testify under oath in forthcoming trials.

His guilty plea can be seen as a victory for Fulton County prosecutors as they continue to build their case against Mr Trump, said Atlanta lawyer Rachel Kaufman.

“The chips are falling and falling on Trump,” Ms Kaufman told the BBC.

“Chesebro pleading guilty and agreeing to testify truthfully against his co-defendants is the biggest blow yet to any defence they’ve been building. Chesebro was like the captain of Trump’s legal team – and was often the only link between Trump and the other co-conspirators,” she said.

Good to know.

His fans will pay the fine

Oct 21st, 2023 8:32 am | By

Judge holds Trump to account.

A New York judge has fined Donald Trump for violating a gag order in his civil fraud trial.

Mr Trump was fined $5,000 (£4,100) by Judge Arthur Engoron on Friday. The judge said in court that the former president had failed to remove an online post mocking a clerk at the court. He also threatened Mr Trump with jail time, and demanded he take down the “untrue and disparaging” post made about the clerk earlier this month.

Trump’s flunkies took it off social media but left it on his website. He can fling insults around but apparently he’s too important to erase them himself: that kind of menial work is for the underlings.

Later in the day, Judge Engoron ruled that Mr Trump pay a fine given that “the violation was inadvertent, and given that it is a first time violation”.

“Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him,” Judge Engoron said in his ruling.

Go on, Don. Test him.

Touring and performing

Oct 20th, 2023 11:18 am | By

Reduxx reports:

A trans-identified male musician in California is currently touring and performing songs calling for the murder of women critical of gender identity ideology. Precious Child, who previously involved himself in the Wi Spa controversy, utilizes graphic sexual and violent threats against “TERFs” in his music.

During his most recent performance at the Knockout Bar in San Francisco, Precious Child performed his song “TERF Killer,” riling the audience into chanting “kill a TERF today.”

That is, today kill a feminist woman who knows that men are not women.

In a video of the performance shared to his YouTube account, Precious Child can be seen chanting “kill a TERF today” while the accompanying music video is shown on a screen behind him. The video features images of bullets and of a knife stabbing into the air as the words “kill a TERF today” flash repeatedly across the screen.

Precious Child has a history of repeatedly threatening critics of gender ideology, with a particular focus reserved for females who oppose gender self-identification law.

Earlier this year, he released a music video for Pride month titled “VILENCE” [sic] which depicts masked trans activists posing threateningly with a variety of weapons – a sword, baseball bats, an axe, and Molotov cocktails – as he sings the refrain, “Give ’em the violence, or they will silence.”

“They’re hunting, beating, strangling, stabbing, killing… with the lies they scream. My knife, my fist, my gun, my violence. I am the future because I am violence,” Precious screams before a baseball bat studded with nails spins on the screen.

Hugely progressive, isn’t it.

Peak stupid

Oct 20th, 2023 9:45 am | By

Via the Sydney Morning Herald:

A lesbian community organisation will be forced to keep its events open to men, straight women and transgender women after the Australian Human Rights Commission refused to grant it an exemption from anti-discrimination laws.

The AHRC’s decision prohibits the group from staging a planned “Lesbians Born Female” event to commemorate International Lesbian Day. It also challenges traditional notions of sex as a biological concept as the commission concluded that sex is non-binary and changeable.

Ok Australian Human Rights Commission, let’s see all of you change your sexes. Go on, show us how it’s done.

“The commissioner submits that the word ‘sex’ is not a biological concept referring to whether a person at birth had male or female physical traits,” the AHRC said in its decision. “Nor is it a binary concept, limited to the ‘male’ or ‘female’ sex.”

But…it is. That is what it refers to.

It’s like on a farm. A cow (female sex) gives birth to a calf. The calf is either female or male. Same with horses, sheep, goats, donkeys, chickens, ducks – every farm animal you can think of. Same with animals you don’t see on farms – tigers, giraffes, elephants, kangaroos.

“‘Sex’ can refer to a person being male, female or another non-binary state. It is also broad enough to encompass the idea that a person’s ‘sex’ can be changed.”

No it isn’t. What are they smoking?

The verdict was welcomed by Equality Australia chief executive Anna Brown, who said if the application had been successful, already marginalised and vulnerable trans people would have been further excluded.

Well hey guess what, they could set up their own god damn community organization. They could set it up and exclude lesbians because it’s for trans people. They could have their own commorg and lesbians could have theirs.

I wonder if gay men in Australia are being told they can’t exclude trans men.

Carole Ann, a spokeswoman for the Lesbian Action Group, which submitted the application, said the AHRC’s stance “obliterated” biological reality. “It wasn’t unexpected, but it is still disgraceful,” she said. “It basically puts us back in the closet if we want to have any events for lesbians who were born female.”

Ann is due to speak in state parliament on Tuesday alongside former Liberal MP Moira Deeming, University of Melbourne academic Holly Lawford-Smith, and other prominent women campaigning for sex-based rights.

The AHRC’s ruling is based on changes made to the Sex Discrimination Act 10 years ago. Under the changes, sexual orientation and gender identity were included as protected attributes, the definitions of a man and a woman were repealed from the legislation, and references to the “opposite sex” were replaced with “different sex”.

Sure that’s how all this works – you just repeal the definitions of a man and a woman, and then no one is either any more. Change the words and you change the thing. Magic!

The commission said the changes to the act made it clear that for the purposes of state and federal law, sex was no longer fixed or binary.

And therefore women just can’t have any rights. Boom; done.

Brown said the intention of the new law was clear. “The Sex Discrimination Act was amended in 2013 to protect LGBTIQ+ people and explicitly protects trans women and non-binary people from unfair treatment,” she said.

But the “treatment” is not “unfair.” It’s not unfair to know that men are not women. It’s not unfair for women to avoid men in some circumstances.

The AHRC, which received 236 submissions for and against the application, said it was swayed by a submission that argued it was not appropriate or necessary to exclude trans, bisexual or queer women to allow lesbians to celebrate their culture.

The commission warned that granting an exemption could lead to further exclusion of, and discrimination against, trans women who are lesbians.

No trans women are lesbians, because trans women are men.

Baby talk. We’re stuck in baby talk, apparently forever.

What was that about “truly shameful”?

Oct 20th, 2023 8:32 am | By

Lying seems to be an occupational hazard of trans ideology. Not that being a trans ideologue is a real occupation, but it might as well be.

Of course Bell doesn’t oppose “care for trans kids.”

If your ideology causes you to tell lies like this in public, get rid of your ideology. It’s poison.

Guest post: Demonstrates serious professionalism

Oct 20th, 2023 7:52 am | By

Originally a comment by KBPlayer on No No No.

My corporate lawyers employers really value getting inclusive awards and they sent us 10 commandments for Happy Pronoun Day.

Only about 4-5% of employees put pronouns in their signatures. The pronouns are in fact what you would expect – he for the blokes, she for the women, and nothing like they or zi. Annoyingly, this does include some colleagues that I like. No-one ever talks about it though, not in my hearing anyway.

The 10 commandments:-

1. Normalise pronoun sharing – this is to make an inclusive atmosphere, where everyone is comfortable expressing their gender identity. [And those who don’t believe in this feeling pretty damned uncomfortable. Everyone should genuflect so the Catholics feel comfy.]

2. Respect how others choose to identify. [I’d like to see a trainee identify as an Associate or a Partner, and what respect they would get.]

3. Avoid assumptions. Unintentional misgendering can be hurtful and alienating. [Well I wasn’t much hurt when the woman at the laundrette called me Sir when I phoned to ask how much to clean a duvet. That’s my baritone voice for you. I was more hurt by the cost of cleaning a down duvet, not to mention heaving it to the laundrette.]

4. Demonstrates serious professionalism – shows that you are aware and sensitive to the needs of a diverse workforce and our clients. [See point 1.]

5. Foster trust and relationships [See point 1]

6. Encourages open communication [See point 1]

7. Saves time and reduces awkwardness [See point 1]

8. Promotes learning and awareness. Seeing pronouns in email signatures can prompt others to learn more about gender diversity and pronoun usage. It encourages education and fosters greater awareness about the experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals. [Hmmm I’d be a bit careful there. “Gender awareness” can have the opposite effect, that the aware become highly hostile to this enforced bullshit.]

9. Reflects personal values: Seeing pronouns in email signatures can prompt others to learn more about gender diversity and pronoun usage. [See point 8]

10. Affirms support for the LGBTQ+ community: Displaying your pronouns shows solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. It sends a clear message that you are an ally and advocate for inclusivity and acceptance. [I choose my own allies and advocacy thanks].

A complex process

Oct 20th, 2023 4:06 am | By

Once more unto the breach dear friends – we will square the circle, we will we will we will.

A ‘balance between fairness and inclusion’: USA Cycling unveils new Transgender Athlete Participation Policy

Raises hand

Excuse me excuse me this is competitive sports you’re talking about. It can’t be “inclusive” at all times because of the competitive bit. The whole point of competition is to exclude everyone but the winner. Inclusion isn’t the goal.

Also, of course, what they mean by “a balance between fairness and inclusion” is inclusion of men who pretend to be women at the expense of women. You can’t “balance” that. You might as well try to balance a piano on your finger.

As of 17 July 2023, all transgender women who have transitioned after puberty are banned from competing in the women’s category at UCI-sanctioned events.

For non-UCI-sanctioned events, USA Cycling has devised a two-tiered system aimed at striking a balance between fairness and inclusivity in the sport.

That is, a balance between fairness to women and inclusivity of men in the women’s category in the sport. Put like that it doesn’t sound quite so fair and balancey, does it.

“The revision of our Transgender Participation Policy was a complex process guided by several factors. Foremost was the direction of our Board of Directors, who asked us to prioritize the balance between fairness and inclusion,” states USA Cycling CEO Brendan Quirk.

The Board of Directors asked them to prioritize the balance between fairness to women and inclusion of men, in other words it asked them to do the impossible.