Solidarity becomes a dirty word

Dec 2nd, 2015 8:44 am | By

The Goldsmiths Feminist Society removed their statement of solidarity with Goldsmiths Isoc from Facebook but they later tweeted the tumblr version, which remains.

Goldsmiths Feminist Society stands in solidarity with Goldsmiths Islamic Society. We support them in condemning the actions of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society and agree that hosting known islamophobes at our university creates a climate of hatred.

We showed our support on our Facebook page by sharing ISOC’s post with a message of solidarity. Our Facebook page is designed as a space for us to communicate with our members, and their safety is our first priority, under the policies set out by our Student Union. We reserve the right to remove comments and posts that violate these terms or contribute to the marginalisation of students.

The Goldsmiths Feminist Society condemns the “actions” of the ASH Society, meaning, inviting Maryam Namazie to give a talk, and putting up posters advertising her talk (many of which were removed). What business does the Goldsmiths Feminist Society have condemning any of that? Why shouldn’t an atheist secularist humanist society invite an atheist secularist humanist activist to speak? Why is the GFS treating Maryam as some sort of horrifying contaminant?

And what on earth is this “known Islamophobe” shit? Besides a big lie put about by the Goldsmiths Isoc? Maryam does dislike Islam, but she has every right to dislike Islam, as we all do. But “Islamophobe” really (though not literally) means hater of Muslims, and that’s just a lie. Maryam’s family are Muslims; she takes great pains to distinguish between Islam and Muslims, and between Islam and Islamism.

The GFS simply bought the Goldsmiths Isoc’s account of Maryam and her talk whole cloth, and that account is a shameless lie.

This is feminism?

So the members of the GFS would be happy to be forced to wear a hijab, would they? And to be forced to sit in a section separate (and smaller and worse) than the section for the real people, the men? And to be subject to stoning should they ever marry and then fuck someone else? And to force their daughters into marriages against their will? And to discipline their daughters ferociously if they ever rebelled against wearing the hijab or marrying someone they don’t want to marry? That all sounds good to them, and feminist too?

What an insult.

Solidarity with fascists

Dec 1st, 2015 5:35 pm | By

Daaaaaaaaaamn – the Goldsmiths Feminist Society expressed solidarity with…ISOC.

Embedded image permalink

The post has apparently been deleted now, but hell and damn, what is wrong with everyone?

After a spate of unfortunate “incidents”

Dec 1st, 2015 3:41 pm | By

Hooray, a December panto at the Norwich Playhouse.

Spooky Kid Productions presents

Thu 10th Dec to Sat 12th Dec – 7:30pm
2 hours plus interval
£15 all tickets (+ £1.20 per transaction when tickets posted)

Jack The Ripper The Panto

Ahahahahaha look at her, isn’t that funny? No teeth, because she’s poor, you see, and big tits because she’s a whore, and terrified because of the knife. How funny! What larks!


Based on the 19th century’s most notorious killer, Jack The Ripper The Panto is a love story with prostitutes, murders, drugs and a good old sing song.

After a spate of unfortunate “incidents” Jack Ripper is forced to flee to London with only Manson, the psychotic cat, and a Fairy Godmother for company. With no shelter and no food Jack is forced to take drastic steps to survive. Falling foul of Inspector Abberline and the London Peelers and falling in love with brothel cleaner and wannabe prostitute Cindy, only one thing’s certain – this isn’t going to end well. Throw in a load of audience participation, the singalong favourite Thrash Me Thrash Me, and a laugh-a-minute script, and you have an unmissable evening’s entertainment.

Jack The Ripper The Panto has sold out theatres in the region since 2009 with its blend of politically incorrect comedy mixed with the pantomime structure we all know from our childhood. Please be aware, however, this is not a show for children, or, for that matter, the easily offended, or basically anyone who doesn’t think the idea of a pantomime about Jack the Ripper is big, clever or funny!

Excuse me, I have to go autoclave myself.

Wrong again, God boy

Dec 1st, 2015 2:54 pm | By

Just in time for Christmas secular winter solstice shopping, the 7th collection of Jesus and Mo cartoons is published.

And guess what! I got to write the foreword for it!

Here it is:

We’re living in a time of flourishing, intensifying fanaticism, specifically religious fanaticism.

In a way that seems strange. You would think religious fanaticism would be on a steady downward trajectory as technology and communication proceed in an upward one. How can murderous devotion to an antique Holy Book co-exist with the Mars Rover and the iPad?

Jesus and Mo implicitly and slyly puts that question whenever we see the boys watching television or at a laptop or reading a wide assortment of newspapers. The core running joke of the strip is that here we have the two Mega-Prophets of their respective Mega-Monotheisms, zoomed intact from the 1st and 7th centuries to the 21st, entirely at home here while still peddling the past-its-sell-by-date ontology and epistemology of Back Then. The grinding as the two pass each other is an infinite source of pointed blasphemous jokes.


Then again maybe they’re not the actual Mega-Prophets, but a couple of random guys who think they are. Or maybe they’re a couple of random believer-guys named after the respective Mega-Prophets. According to Author, they’re two actors he pays to play the roles of Jesus and Mohammed; he pays them in beer. They make sense as any of those, because the point for all versions is that they’re stuck in the 1st and 7th centuries while more reasonable people have moved the fuck on.

It’s blasphemy to say that, and blasphemy to make jokes about it. The “respectful” view is that the Mega-Prophets and their sayings are timeless, and holy, and eternally true. The blasphemous view is that the sayings are human sayings like any other, and that some of them are eye-wateringly horrible. The blasphemous view is that we’re allowed to evaluate them on their merits, and reject the horrifiers.


There’s a supporting character who expresses this blasphemous view, and that’s the barmaid. It’s an artful move to make it a woman who is always puncturing the Mega-Prophets’ balloon, who speaks for reason and skepticism, who is unimpressed by their authority. It’s poetic (or cartoonic) justice that she gets the part, since the Mega-Monotheisms have so ruthlessly excluded women from any authority while still telling them what to do down to the smallest detail.


The barmaid stands in for us, the readers. She’s a wish-fulfillment for all of us who would just love to shoulder up to one of the Holy Boss Dudes to ask some sharp questions. If only we could hold those bastards to account. What’s the big idea with Islamic State, for instance? Who approved that?

2015 has been a terrible year for blasphemers and jokers. The slaughter at Charlie Hebdo ushered in the year on January 7th when Islamist gunmen broke into their office and murdered eleven people – the editor, cartoonists and writers, and other staff.


Two days later Saudi Arabia publicly administered 50 lashes to Raif Badawi, with 950 more due to follow, along with ten years in prison and a massive fine, all for the “blasphemy” of running a website called Free Saudi Liberals.

On February 14th a gunman shot up a conference on free speech in Copenhagen, killing a Danish film director and injuring three others. The “blasphemous” Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks was there but he escaped injury.

Less than a fortnight later, on February 26th, men with machetes killed the atheist blogger Avijit Roy and badly injured his wife Bonya Ahmed at a book festival in Dhaka. There is a list; people on the list are being hacked to death one by one. On March 30 it was blogger Washiqur Rahman. May 12 it was blogger Ananta Bijoy Das. August 7 it was Niladri Chattopadhyay Niloy, who used the pen name Niloy Neel. October 31 it was the publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan who was killed; another publisher and three writers were injured. We can be all too confident there will be more.

Grim times, and no sign that they’ll get any better soon – so we need blasphemous jokes more than ever. The blasphemy is crucial. The blasphemy is our goddam lifeline. In a time of fanaticism, blasphemous jokes are our ambassadors to the Court of Murderous Dogmatic Certainties. They are our means of dealing with the nightmare. Serious argument and persuasion, evidence and reason, are the essential underpinnings, but for keeping us going in a world where one fucking fool with a machete can cut us down at will, we need those blasphemous jokes.


Blasphemous jokes are the deadly enemy of fanaticism; long live blasphemous jokes.

RSF has news

Dec 1st, 2015 2:40 pm | By

Wait wait wait hold the phone –

Reporters Without Borders says Raif could be released soon.

RSF has been campaigning for many months for the release of Badawi, who has been sentenced to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes.

The possibility of a pardon was mentioned at the end of last week by the Swiss foreign ministry’s secretary of state after an official visit to Saudi Arabia. He said Badawi’s sentence had been suspended while a proposed pardon was being considered. RSF hopes that the pardon materializes and that its many appeals to the Saudi king will finally lead to Badawi’s release.

The release of the winner of the 2014 RSF Press Freedom Prize and the 2015 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought would send a strong message to the international community,” said Alexandra El Khazen, the head of RSF’s Middle East desk.

We urge the Saudi authorities to approve Raif Badawi’s pardon and we hope that we will soon be able to see this young blogger released and reunited with his family. We meanwhile remain vigilant and call for the international pressure to be maintained.”

Various people on Ensaf Haidar’s wall are saying that others could be pardoned at the same time.

Let her go home

Dec 1st, 2015 12:06 pm | By

There’s a petition you can sign to stop the stoning of the Sri Lankan domestic worker by the Saudi fascists.

A 45 year old, unnamed Sri Lankan migrant domestic worker and mother of 3 has been sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for “adultery.” Zina – that is any sexual relations outside of marriage – are Hudud crimes or “crimes against God.”

The man in the alleged relationship who is single has been sentenced to 100 lashes for “fornication.”

The Muslim Women’s Research & Action Front Sri Lanka says that the stoning is imminent and to take place on Friday 4 December 2015.

We, the undersigned, condemn the death penalty and stoning or flogging, including for private sexual relations between consenting adults.

The state must not kill people for love.

The Saudi authorities must release the two and extradite them to their home country.

Signatures are coming in every few seconds.

The pants have been incinerated

Dec 1st, 2015 11:54 am | By

Goldsmiths ISOC posted its ludicrous version of what happened at Maryam’s talk yesterday, claiming that their members were harassed by the Goldsmiths ASH.

Goldsmiths Islamic Society (ISOC) would like to categorically condemn the vile harassment of our ISOC members (both male and female) by the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society (ASH).

On Monday 30th November, students of Goldsmiths University, alongside members of the public attended an event organised by the ASH titled “Apostasy, Blasphemy & Free Expression, In the age of ISIS”. The ASH invited Maryam Namazie, who is known as a notorious islamophobe to speak at the event, despite our polite request for them to reconsider. The university should be a safe space for all our students. Islamophobic views like those propagated by Namazie create a climate of hatred and bigotry towards Muslim students.

Muslim students who attended the event were shocked and horrified by statements made by Namazie, and peacefully expressed their dissent to the disrespectful cartoons shown of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). These students were subsequently made subject to unnecessary bullying, abuse and violence by the ASH society and security staff. Some students were even forcibly removed from the event.

Following the event, members of the public who were present at the event have been tweeting unauthorised pictures of our University students with fabricated statements regarding false allegations of “death threats”.

We would like to make it very clear that Muslim students did NOT make any alleged “death threats”. This is a fabrication made by supporters of the ASH and Namazie in an attempt to distort the truth and further marginalise Muslim students for expressing dissent at offensive statements and images.

A university should be a safe environment/space for all students including Muslims in this sensitive time. Hateful statements that encourage Islamophobia by Namazie and the ASH can lead to very serious & violent consequences towards the Muslim students at the university. A university institution needs to prioritise the safety of its students and take action to ensure students are not harrassed/intimidated online or on campus.

What a pack of liars. There’s video showing who did the harassing and to whom.

Because if you executed the homos like God recommends

Dec 1st, 2015 10:31 am | By

So there’s this preacher in Tempe, Arizona…which can just mean he’s some guy who got a few people to listen to him say things somewhere. He could be some guy who invented his own church and got a few neighbors to sit in front of him while he delivers “sermons.” Or he could be a Baptist in good standing; who knows. The point is that “preacher” doesn’t tell you much of anything. We know a few people listened to him because we can hear a few people laughing slightly on the video.

So there he is, in Tempe, and he says all the “homos” should be killed because Leviticus, and that would cure AIDS.

Conservative “Christian” Pastor Steven Anderson openly called for executing every gay person in America during a Sunday sermon at his church in Tempe, Arizona. He claimed from the pulpit that gays need to be put to death in the name of God by Christams Day in an effort to wipe out AIDS, even though AIDS is not a virus exclusive to the LGBT community. Anderson opined:

Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along — and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable — right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.

I recommend watching the video though, to get the full flavor – the way he keeps saying “homos” is quite striking.

Jezebel baby killer

Dec 1st, 2015 9:52 am | By

One front of the eternal war on women is Planned Parenthood clinics.

The shooting Friday at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was horrifying, but according to a former Planned Parenthood worker, it wasn’t shocking. Instead, the former employee said, the attack that left three people dead was a continuation of decades of extremist tactics directed at the health care organization’s facilities, staff, volunteers and patients.

Author Bryn Greenwood, who tweeted that she worked at a Kansas Planned Parenthood facility for three years, said on Twitter that, in her experience, regular acts of violence, intimidation, arson and vandalism were common.

Because women have to be kept under control, obedient, submissive, dominated. Women have to remember at all times that they don’t count as fully human.

According to Greenwood, her clinic was targeted with small explosive devices, threats, stink bombs and gunfire. in one attack, an arsonist poured gasoline under the doors and set it on fire. All this at a clinic that, according to Greenwood, did not even provide abortion services.

Doesn’t matter. Collateral damage.

In an interview with Mic, Greenwood confirmed her dates of employment and position at Planned Parenthood.

She said that the first arson attempt at the clinic “occurred when I was sitting in my office, about twenty feet down the hallway. The alarm went off, we evacuated patients and called 911. I like to think I was calm, but it was the first time I ever felt truly threatened.”

Greenwood added that in her role at the clinic, “I heard some harsh things. Sometimes at community fair events, people walked by my table and said things like, ‘jezebel’ or ‘baby killer.’ I had many more people politely tell me they thought sex education in schools was wrong. I even had teachers tell me that.”

Greenwood’s tweets are part of a wider conversation happening on social media to remind people that Friday’s attack, while jarring, is just the latest in a long history of threats on Planned Parenthood clinics and employees. In the aftermath of the Colorado attack, feminist activist Michelle Kinsey Bruns, who uses the Twitter handle ClinicEscort, rapidly churned out 100 tweets detailing Planned Parenthood’s history with violence, dating back to 1976.

I have to go read those tweets now.

Fatima Mernissi

Dec 1st, 2015 9:14 am | By

That’s a loss:

The Moroccan writer and sociologist Fatima Mernissi, known for her pioneering work in the field of Islamic feminism, has died.

Her work also touched on broader issues of human rights and democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

Her best known work, Beyond the Veil, examines Islam from a feminist perspective and critiques traditional, male-dominated interpretations.

Moroccan-American author Laila Lalami was among many others who paid tribute to Mernissi, writing that “in addition to being a wonderful scholar, Fatema Mernissi was a kind and generous human being. A rare combination.”

Mernissi’s work drew attention to the active political role played by women in the early history of Islam, for example in her book The Forgotten Queens of Islam.

She contrasted this with claims of some conservative Islamists that the idea of a female political leader was un-Islamic after Pakistan elected its first female Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, in 1988.

We need more like her.

H/t Maureen.

The “brothers” came in

Nov 30th, 2015 5:51 pm | By

So Maryam gave her talk at Goldsmiths…and “brothers” from ISOC did their best to disrupt it.

After my talk began, ISOC “brothers” started coming into the room, repeatedly banging the door, falling on the floor, heckling me, playing on their phones, shouting out, and creating a climate of intimidation in order to try and prevent me from speaking.

I continued speaking as loudly as I could. They repeatedly walked back and forth in front of me. In the midst of my talk, one of the ISOC Islamists switched off my PowerPoint and left. The University security had to intervene and remain in the room as I continued my talk.

Eventually the thug who had switched off my PowerPoint returned and continued his harassments. At this point, I stood my ground, screamed loudly and continued insisting that he be removed even when the security said he should stay because he was a student. When he was finally escorted out of the meeting, discussions on many issues from apostasy, the veil to Islamism and Sharia laws continued, including with some of the ISOC “sisters” who remained behind.

That’s their Islam, their religion of peace – one that can’t let people dissent from it.

In the Q&A, a women’s rights campaigner who had been kidnapped by Islamists in Libya and held for three days said that the attempts at intimidation reminded her of those dreaded days.

Another CEMB activist said one of the ISOC thugs disrupting the meeting threatened him by pointing a finger to his head.

The behaviour of the ISOC “brothers” was so appalling that a number of Muslim women felt the need to apologise, to which I explained that no apology was needed from those who were not to blame.

Absurdly, this very group which speaks of “safe spaces” has in the past invited Hamza Tzortzis of IERA which says beheading of apostates is painless and Moazem Begg of Cage Prisoners that advocates “defensive jihad.”

“Safe spaces” in which to advocate the stoning of women for having sex.

Despite the many attempts of the ISOC “brothers,” the meeting ended successfully and raised critical issues, including that criticism of Islam and Islamism are not bigotry against Muslims who are often the first victims of Islamism and on the frontlines of resistance. The meeting also helped expose the Islamists for what they are – thugs who cannot tolerate dissent.

Nonetheless, the Islamists at ISOC will need to learn that apostates, and particularly women, have a right to speak and that we will not be intimidated or back down.

Freedom of expression and the right to criticise and leave Islam without fear and intimidation is a basic human right. We have a responsibility to fight for these universal values at British universities and also across the globe.

A video of the talk will be made available shortly.

Well done Maryam.


State murder

Nov 30th, 2015 5:14 pm | By

News from our beloved ally Saudi Arabia, so very different from that horrid Islamic State that’s always killing people for no reason.

Sri Lanka has urged Saudi Arabia to pardon a domestic worker, sentenced to death by stoning after she admitted committing adultery while working in the Arab kingdom.  An official from Sri Lanka’s Foreign Employment Bureau said the married 45-year-old, who had worked as a maid in Riyadh since 2013, was convicted of adultery in August.

She had sex with someone. Saudi Arabia is going to throw stones at her to kill her, because she had sex with someone. This is our “ally.”

(You know how the stoning works, right? The woman is buried up to her shoulders, and the men stand in a circle around her and throw stones at her head. It takes awhile to kill her. She screams a lot.)


Suckled in the bosom of Fatwa Valley

Nov 30th, 2015 5:02 pm | By

Kamel Daoud in the New York Times on November 20:

Black Daesh, white Daesh. The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things. The Islamic State; Saudi Arabia. In its struggle against terrorism, the West wages war on one, but shakes hands with the other. This is a mechanism of denial, and denial has a price: preserving the famous strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia at the risk of forgetting that the kingdom also relies on an alliance with a religious clergy that produces, legitimizes, spreads, preaches and defends Wahhabism, the ultra-puritanical form of Islam that Daesh feeds on.

It’s rich, isn’t it? We pitch a huge fit over a fourteen-year-old kid who brings a clock to school, but we clutch the throbbing heart of Wahhabism to our oil-loving bosom, and then give it all our money. We jump at phantoms, we yank people off airplanes, we start wars, and all the time, we’re treating the official, state-based, “legitimate” version of IS as our great great great friend and trusted colleague. Saudi Arabia is an ally! We saw fit to shun South Africa, and rightly so, but Saudi Arabia is our god damn ally.

Wahhabism, a messianic radicalism that arose in the 18th century, hopes to restore a fantasized caliphate centered on a desert, a sacred book, and two holy sites, Mecca and Medina. Born in massacre and blood, it manifests itself in a surreal relationship with women, a prohibition against non-Muslims treading on sacred territory, and ferocious religious laws. That translates into an obsessive hatred of imagery and representation and therefore art, but also of the body, nakedness and freedom. Saudi Arabia is a Daesh that has made it.

And Daesh is a Saudi Arabia that lacks only a centralized state to make itself an official member of the family of nations. Oh wait, it also needs a shit-ton of oil.

The West’s denial regarding Saudi Arabia is striking: It salutes the theocracy as its ally but pretends not to notice that it is the world’s chief ideological sponsor of Islamist culture. The younger generations of radicals in the so-called Arab world were not born jihadists. They were suckled in the bosom of Fatwa Valley, a kind of Islamist Vatican with a vast industry that produces theologians, religious laws, books, and aggressive editorial policies and media campaigns.

And all of the laws and books and policies? They suck. They’re antediluvian, they’re fascist, they’re woman-hating and life-hating; they suck. There’s nothing good to say about them.

Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost. Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books.

Kamel Daoud, a columnist for Quotidien d’Oran, is the author of “The Meursault Investigation.” This essay was translated by John Cullen from the French.

Sue me, Saudi.

Seen from above

Nov 30th, 2015 4:13 pm | By

Scott Kelly sends a snapshot of California from the ISS.

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And how old is this ‘kid’?

Nov 30th, 2015 12:26 pm | By

I was running around outside most of last week so I didn’t see Dawkins’s latest adventures in publicly chastising a 14-year-old boy for saying he “made” a clock when he didn’t really “make” a clock in the strictest sense of “making” something. I’ve seen some of his previous adventures in that exciting field, and blogged about some of those, but I missed the latest, in which he really outdid himself. He outdid himself by such a margin that CNN took the trouble to report on it.

Eminent British scientist Richard Dawkins has drawn criticism on social media for what some say is an unfair comparison between Ahmed Mohamed, the Texas teenager whose school project was mistaken for a bomb, and a young ISIS killer.

But Dawkins says he was merely drawing a parallel between their ages.

“HORRIFIED anyone thinks I could POSSIBLY liken Ahmed to a killer,” Dawkins said in a tweet Wednesday. “My ONLY point of comparison was their AGES: kids not immune to criticism.”

Yes. You know…it’s striking how many of these HORRIFIED anyone thinks he could POSSIBLY whatever it was that time, and that one, and that one, tweets he’s tweeted. He’s tweeted very many of them. He’s always finding himself having to tweet these all-caps horrified corrections. Wouldn’t you think he would spot the pattern, and correct for it? Wouldn’t you think it would dawn on him that people keep getting his meaning wrong, and that might not be solely because people are stupid? That he might be phrasing them clumsily? That in his eagerness to be provocative and witty, he often comes off just being rude?

Wouldn’t you think he could go back and look at that tweet again and realize that it does look as if he were saying what so many thought he was saying?

Or is that just me?

Dawkins, a leading voice in the atheist movement, was reacting to news that the Mohamed family was demanding $15 million in damages and an apology from city and school officials in Irving, Texas, over their treatment of the teen.

In September, the 14-year-old, who is Muslim, was detained, questioned and hauled off in handcuffs after bringing a handmade clock to school, which a teacher thought could have been a bomb.

“Don’t call him ‘clock boy’ since he never made a clock. Hoax Boy, having hoaxed his way into the White House, now wants $15M in addition!” Dawkins tweeted Tuesday.

Dawkins has been calling Ahmed “Hoax Boy” for weeks. It’s exceptionally obnoxious. Ahmed is fourteen. I flatly don’t believe he decided to devise a cunning plan to get invited to the White House for a brief visit, and that fiddling with a clock was that plan. I think a grown man, an Oxford academic, a best-selling author, should not be labeling him “Hoax Boy” in that childish and nasty way.

The evolutionary biologist has been vocal in his belief that the case — which made Ahmed a cause célèbre, prompted the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed to trend, and led to a personal invitation to the White House from President Barack Obama — was a “hoax.”

He has repeatedly insisted that Ahmed did not make a clock but rather “took a clock out of its case and put it in a box,” and has questioned the teen’s motives in doing so.

And repeatedly called him “Hoax Boy” – on Twitter, where he has 1.2 million followers.

And then he did even worse than that.

When Twitter users chided the 74-year-old scientist for “picking on a kid,” he responded by tweeting a link to a news story about a child ISIS killer.

“‘But he’s only a kid.’ Yes, a ‘kid’ old enough to sue for $15M those whom he hoaxed. And how old is this ‘kid’?” tweeted Dawkins, linking to a story about a young ISIS killer beheading a victim.

Photo published for Isis: Shocking video shows Islamic State child executioner beheading victim

And then he was surprised and HORRIFIED that people thought he was comparing Ahmed to the kid in the photo.

Me, I’m horrified that Dawkins is still on Twitter.

And there’s more. The story goes on. People protested and Dawkins responded in his usual clueless and belligerent way, and it’s enough to make you want to eject your lunch.

He’s mean; that’s all there is to it. He’s a mean bastard, and Twitter gives him a place to take his meanness out for exercise, and that’s what he does. Apparently nothing will convince him this is not a clever or useful or productive thing to do.

Any body at all?

Nov 30th, 2015 11:57 am | By


What it’s like being invisible

Nov 30th, 2015 11:09 am | By

Via Josephine Liptrott:

Greatest designer:

  1. man
  2. man
  3. man
  4. man
  5. man

Greatest comedian:

  1. man
  2. man
  3. man
  4. man
  5. man

Greatest author:

  1. man
  2. man
  3. man
  4. man
  5. man

Greatest woman:

  1. woman
  2. woman
  3. woman
  4. woman
  5. woman

Men do, women just be.

Yorks coast

Nov 30th, 2015 10:54 am | By

I happened to see this while looking for something else, and couldn’t resist it. It’s from a BBC feature on vintage railway posters.


One of those gentle violent guys

Nov 30th, 2015 10:40 am | By

The New York Times apparently perpetrated one of the most oxymoronic lines one could dream up in its initial reporting on the guy who killed three people and injured nine more at Planned Parenthood. Gawker has the record.

After what was likely a heated debate around the editorial desk, The New York Times decided to rework a story that described Robert Lewis Dear, the man who killed three people and wounded nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, as “gentle.”

A story published on Saturday about Dear’s background used that adjective, defined as “[a person of] a mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender” to describe Dear, following that adjective with details about how he harassed women for years.

Jack Mirkinson tweeted a snapshot:

Embedded image permalink

Acquaintances described the guy as a gentle loner who occasionally unleashed violent acts toward neighbors and women he knew. Some “gentle.” (Also, weren’t some of the neighbors women? Was he surrounded exclusively by men?)

To be fair, you can see how they screwed that up. The acquaintances they talked to probably said he seemed like a gentle loner and yet he had violent outbursts. Violent people can seem gentle at intervals; few people are all one thing all the time. But still. You can see how they screwed it up, but it’s more difficult to see how they failed to catch it before publication.

A deep concern

Nov 30th, 2015 9:19 am | By

A public Facebook post by the Goldsmiths ISOC dated 5 hours ago:

Goldsmiths Islamic Society expresses a deep concern regarding Goldsmiths Atheist, Secular & Humanist society’s event with renowned Islamophobe Maryam Namazie, which is due to be held tonight. Namazie is known to hold very controversial views i.e. labelling the the niqab as a “bin bag” and calling the veil a symbol of “far right Islamism”. She also regularly shares platforms with right wing fascists such as Douglas Murray, of the Henry Jackson Society. We feel that at such a sensitive time for Muslims, where islamophobic attacks have dramatically risen, it is dangerous for such a person to be given a chance to express such bigoted views. We feel such an individual will violate our safe space, and are disappointed that someone so controversial has been given a platform.

Yes, Maryam holds “very controversial views,” like the view that all Muslims should be entirely free to leave Islam whenever they want to, and the view that women should never be forced to wear a niqab or a hijab or any other religious gear, and the view that the laws should be the same for all people, not sorted and altered according to religion.

Maryam also holds the view that Muslims as a group should not be confused with Islamists, and the view that Islamism presses hardest on Muslims, and that it’s both possible and necessary to dissent from Islamism and Islam without demonizing Muslims in the process.

Goldsmiths ISOC is doing far more to muddy those waters than Maryam is. Whoever wrote that awful post is presuming to speak for Muslims in general at Goldsmiths, as if all Muslims at Goldsmiths are as illiberal and coercive as the jerk who wrote that post.