The screams of children

Feb 2nd, 2016 3:40 pm | By

Brace yourselves; this is horrifying.

Boko Haram attacked a village and two refugee camps on Saturday, setting fire to huts with people inside them.

DALORI, Nigeria (AP) — A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children burning to death, among 86 people officials say died in the latest attack by Nigeria’s homegrown Islamic extremists.

Scores of charred corpses and bodies with bullet wounds littered the streets from Saturday night’s attack on Dalori village and two nearby camps housing 25,000 refugees, according to survivors and soldiers at the scene just 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the biggest city in Nigeria’s northeast.

The shooting, burning and explosions from three suicide bombers continued for nearly four hours in the unprotected area, survivor Alamin Bakura said, weeping on a telephone call to The Associated Press. He said several of his family members were killed or wounded.

Some people were able to flee to a nearby village, and there three women blew themselves up, killing a bunch more.

Monster god strikes again.

Dispatch from the man room

Feb 2nd, 2016 3:09 pm | By

A friend sent me the link to a post by a Man on a blog called “Fix the Family” – a post about reasons “to NOT send your daughter to college.” “You” here of course assumes you are a Man. Only men get to send anyone anywhere, and only men get to keep people away from anywhere.

(I look at the top and see home, about, videos, blog, man room…)

(There’s no woman room. Don’t be silly.)

The logo is a guy talking.

Resurrecting Manhood Today

Probably the most controversial and rejected position we have at Fix the Family is that parents should not send their daughters to college.  It is even more vehemently opposed than the submission of wives to their husbands.  Both of these positions we have are a threat to the trophies of the feminist agenda, so the rejection we receive is always emotionally charged and ends up insulting, since once explained logically, the opposition runs out of substance and is only left to hurl insults and presume and misconstrue this practical wisdom into some chauvinistic evil.  But to distinguish these 2 issues, we are NOT saying that sending a girl to college or women working is a sin.  But after looking at the issues we raise, we would challenge anyone to convince us that college for girls is not a near occasion of sin.

The funny thing is this is a Catholic blog. Of course Catholicism is not egalitarian about women, but the kind of drivel in that passage sounds more fundie Protestant than Catholic to me. I think this guy has been watching too much Duggar-tv.

Why shouldn’t daughters go to college? Because that’s for men. Simple.

If we look COMPREHENSIVELY at the Catholic doctrine, we’ll see very little that promotes a woman working outside the home.  Further a good working knowledge of the basics for today’s culture and progressive society can be learned in 12 years of school.  Politicians say that 12 years is not enough today, but that is because of a failed corrupted education system.  Homeschooling parents can educate their children in 12 years.  College may be necessary for the provider of a family depending on the vocation God is calling them to or for those who are called to the Priesthood, both of which are intended for men.

There y0u go: intended for men. What more do you need to know? Women can produce milk, therefore, no college for them.

The Church teaches that husbands and wives are of equal dignity, but with different roles.  Almost all of our children will choose to marry.  Actually, since the purpose of a college degree is for a job, it becomes unnecessary for our daughters to have such a credential.  My personal impression is that the day-to-day grind of a job is below the dignity of women.  In a way, it is like being a hired hand, as result of the fall and the penalty for original sin.  Of course the Lord and the Popes have raised the dignity of work as a way of husbands living out their vocation and duty.  But the penalty for the woman as a result of the fall was pain in childbirth (which requires having babies), not to work.  Sending our wives out to work should be a very last resort, a misfortune, so it shouldn’t be part of a plan for young ladies before they even get a start at family life.  Keeping a home, being a loving wife, and being a nurturing mother are of immeasurable dignity to a woman and not something to be farmed out to servants.

He needs to make up his mind. Is having children a penalty, or a great big prezzie?

We believe in women making wise prudent choices for themselves.  The indoctrination of the feminist culture and the practicing of a sexually promiscuous lifestyle severely cloud, practically blind that good judgment.  Getting a college degree often makes a young lady feel an “obligation” to use it, to make money.  Often her husband doesn’t want to see it go to “waste.”  So the degree is what actually traps her.  Not having a degree frees her to enter into a marriage with proper roles in which her husband will provide for her and their children.  Christian marriage by definition does place her in a submissive role to her husband, but no one forces anyone to marry anyone.  She should go to the altar with full knowledge of what she’s entering into.

Hmm. We believe in women making wise prudent choices for themselves, except not going to college, or working outside the home, or staying single. Other than that, they can choose like mad.

Then he draws up a numbered list of reasons that daughter should stay the hell away from tertiary education. 3 is very strong.

3 She will not learn to be a wife and mother.  Nothing that is taught in a college curriculum is geared toward domestic homemaking.  On the contrary, it is training in a very masculine role of a professional career.  So there becomes a severe inner conflict in a woman when she starts trying to be a homemaker and juggle a career alongside it.

She won’t settle down nicely to being a wife and mother and nothing else unless she is kept strictly away from all alternatives. She won’t even know how to write blog posts saying why women should be kept at home and uneducated.

H/t Gretchen


Feb 2nd, 2016 12:05 pm | By

I knew this yesterday, but didn’t feel like posting about it.

One of my quondam elephant friends, Chai, was found dead Saturday morning. It breaks my damn heart. I was working at the zoo (Woodland Park in Seattle) when she arrived there in 1980. I went to take a look the day she arrived. She was a year old. A couple of years later I became one of her keepers. She was a wonderful elephant.


800 lashes, in 16 installments

Feb 2nd, 2016 10:02 am | By

Ashraf Fayadh’s death sentence has been overturned, but he still faces prison and torture. This is what the Saudis do – they say oh all right, if you’re going to get that upset, we won’t kill the liberal guy, the Sri Lankan woman who had sex, the guy who wrote poetry, we’ll just lock them up for years and years and maybe torture them too.

A Saudi court has overturned the death sentence of a Palestinian poet accused of renouncing Islam, imposing an eight-year prison term and 800 lashes instead. He must also repent through an announcement in official media.

Saudi Arabia, where the state religion is absolutely mandatory, on pain of torture, prison and death. Saudi Arabia, that prides itself on living according to its state religion, which kills people for attempting to escape it.

Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: “Instead of beheading Ashraf Fayadh, a Saudi court has ordered a lengthy imprisonment and flogging. No one should face arrest for peacefully expressing opinions, much less corporal punishment and prison. Saudi justice officials must urgently intervene to vacate this unjust sentence.”

The author Irvine Welsh said: “When this twisted barbarism is thought of as a compromise, it’s way past time western governments stopped dealing with this pervert regime.”

Exactly. South Africa was a pariah state. Why isn’t Saudi Arabia a pariah state? Is it just so that we can keep driving our giant cars?

The death sentence imposed in November provoked a worldwide outcry.

Hundreds of leading authors, artists and actors, including the director of Tate Modern, Chris Dercon, the British poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, and actor Helen Mirren, have appealed for his release. More than 60 international arts and human rights groups, including Amnesty International and the writers’ association PEN International, have launched a campaign calling on the Saudi authorities and western governments to save him. Readings of his poetry in support of his case took place in 44 countries last week.

Jo Glanville, the director of English PEN, which appealed for Fayadh’s release, said: “It is a relief that Ashraf Fayadh no longer faces execution, but this is a wholly disproportionate and shocking sentence. It will cause dismay around the world for all Ashraf’s many supporters. The charges against him should have been dropped and he should be a free man today. We will continue to campaign for his release.”

A god that won’t let us leave is a kidnapper and an enslaver. Fuck that god.


Paper crowns

Feb 1st, 2016 5:51 pm | By

Raw Story has more on Roosh V’s plans to promote rape as a good thing. It turns out it’s supposed to be a global event, like those protests against wars or slavery or similar. Of course this Roosh guy is doing the opposite of protesting bad shit, so that’s a twist on the story.

The spokesperson for a U.S.-based anti-woman group who advocates for “legal” rape has organized worldwide meet-up events in 43 different countries on Saturday.

On a website advertising the “Return of the Kings” event, self-styled “pick up artist” Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh has encouraged his misogynist supporters to “come out of the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen for fear of retaliation,” The National reported.

The website promises 165 events in 43 countries at 8 p.m. local time on Saturday. Valizadeh has instructed his followers to go to a public location at each meeting area and identify themselves by asking, “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” From there, group members will be taken to a secret meeting location.

Very secret. Impossible to find out where the secret location is unless you go to the public one and say the publicly announced secret code phrase. So stealthy.

Australian Greens Party candidate Jill Thomsen lashed out at Valizadeh’s group on Twitter.

“The creeps from @ReturnOfKings are meeting in Sydney,” she wrote. “Their masculinity is so fragile they will use ‘codewords’ to find each other in public.”

Codewords that they announce in public.

ABC (Australia) has more.

A man who believes rape should be legalised has not applied for a visa, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says, despite ‘Roosh V’ confirming plans to visit Canberra this weekend.

But Mr Dutton has not ruled out stopping his entry into the country, stating he would continue to monitor the case.

Daryush Valizadeh, also known as Roosh V, is the creator of Return of Kings (ROK), a group organising “tribal meetings” for this Saturday in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

It’s tempting to think it’s all a big joke, but the difference between this as a big joke and this as serious isn’t all that big.

Yo, laydeez, no rugrats for now, k?

Feb 1st, 2016 4:02 pm | By

Nina Liss-Schultz at Mother Jones:

Amid the rapid spread of the mysterious Zika virus throughout Latin America and the growing evidence that it may lead to birth defects, governments in the region have made an unusual request: that women should hold off on having children for as many as two years. The unprecedented directives from heads of state and government officials have shocked many public health and medical experts. They say the prohibition of pregnancy could have untold effects on the birthrate in Latin America, and that managing and terminating a pregnancy is often not an option for many women in the region, where contraceptive access is limited and abortion laws are some of the strictest in the world.

“The way these governments are handling the virus is foolish, highly unrealistic, and insensitive to women,” says Carmen Barroso, the regional director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in the Western Hemisphere. “Even if a woman is convinced by the governments’ messages, she might still get pregnant unintentionally. What the government should be doing, besides combating the virus, of course, is they should make it easier for women to avoid pregnancies they don’t want.”

Nah. It’s so much easier to just tell women to be and stay unpregnant for the next two years. The sluts.

El Salvador, Nicaragua, Chile, and the Dominican Republic all ban abortion, with no exceptions for rape, fetal anomaly, or the health of the mother. The Vatican city-state and Malta are the only two other places in the world with comparable laws.

Well women should have thought of that before they decided to be born there. The sluts.


It’s hard to resist the cachet of a celebrity

Feb 1st, 2016 12:45 pm | By

Massimo Pigliucci has interesting thoughts on the Dawkins trainwreck today.

One has to do with what kind of scientist or intellectual Dawkins is, which is something I’ve been wishing someone would point out ever since the merger. Massimo is well placed to say it, being a former biologist and current philosopher.

A few years later, when I was a full professor, but still at the University of Tennessee, I actually taught a graduate seminar on the Gould-Dawkins rivalry, and that’s where I learned something that still few people seem to realize. You see, Dawkins is often portrayed in the media as “a leading evolutionary biologist.” But if by that one means an active research scientist who has actually made major contributions to his field, then that title really ought to describe Gould, not Dawkins.

Dawkins essentially ceased publishing in the primary literature (with a few exceptions, mostly commentaries) after he wrote TSG. Absolutely nothing wrong with that: the man had found his true calling as a science popularizer, and Zeus knows we need a lot of ’em! But even TSG was just that, a popular book, not the presentation of original ideas (except for the whole “memes” thing, more on that in a minute). Indeed, TSG was the popularization of notions developed in the preceding couple of decades by true giants of the evolutionary field, including George Williams (nature of natural selection, criticism of group selection), William Hamilton (kin selection), and Robert Trivers (reciprocal altruism). (Here is a short article I wrote for Skeptical Inquirer about going beyond the selfish gene.)

See, I did know that, because of having read it from various people, probably including Massimo over the years. And it’s not a slam – I’m just a blogger and essayist, and I think that’s an ok thing to be, and I think being a brilliant popularizer is a fantastic thing to be. It’s just that I don’t think that should be confused with other things, like being “a leading evolutionary biologist.”

Massimo goes on to praise Dawkins’s stream of great public understanding of science books, praise I echo. Then he says that streak came to an abrupt halt with the publication of The God Delusion.

The broader point is that I think Dawkins has been sliding down ever since he became a (very) popular spokesperson for atheism. Which is highly unfortunate, because atheism does need good spokespeople. But the most effective ones, I would think, are those that come across as reasonable and articulate, and who are very careful about what they say in public, especially on social media. Dawkins is articulate, but doesn’t come across (to non atheists, and indeed even to some atheists) as reasonable. And he’s definitely not careful about his public statements, as we’ll see below.

Exactly. I just think it’s really really bad news that Dawkins is the face of atheism for so many people. Massimo saw this years before I did.

Then he gets to last week, and That Tweet endorsing That Video.

The video linked to in the tweet, and which Dawkins clearly endorsed, can be found here. It is an egregious, unqualified, piece of racist and misogynist garbage. Please, pause reading this post for a couple of minutes and see for yourself. It’s simply horrifying.

Then again, this was not an isolated incident. Dawkins had racked a considerable number of similarly embarrassing tweets over the past few years. Here is a sampler, ranging over such light topics as abortion, rape, pedophilia, and Islam (of course!). Use Google to find many, many more.

I’ve collected lots. Others have too.

This is why the NECSS organizers (to be clear: I am not one of them) took the extraordinary, and likely costly, step of withdrawing the invitation to Dawkins to come to New York. You can read Steve Novella’s full explanation here, which I find convincing and earnest. If anything, in my mind, the question is why was Dawkins invited to NECSS to begin with, considering that his socially erratic behavior was notorious. But I suppose it’s hard to resist the cachet of a celebrity, and Dawkins sells tickets at whatever event he is invited.

Quite. And this raises that other issue, which is why CFI felt able to merge with his foundation and add him to their board. He has been doing a terrible job of making that look like a good decision over the past week.

Massimo gets to that, after a lucid analysis of the splits in the SAHF community (acronym his).

Remember what the SAHFs evolved for: to further reason and critical inquiry, to promote science and debunk pseudoscience, to build a community of like minded people, to provide a civilalternative to religion. Does any of the above sound anything like this set of highly worthy goals?

No, clearly. But there are countless good people involved with SAHF, and they deserve to be able to return to the original goals of what they set out to do, shutting off the insanity and incivility, taking a stand again in favor of reason and decency.

That is why I applaud the step taken by the NECSS organizers. That is also why I wish (I know it’s not going to happen) that CFI divested itself from its link with the Richard Dawkins Foundation, engaged in some serious soul searching, and regrouped around the basic principles set forth by Paul Kurtz. I met Paul, and he was no saint (who is?). But I’m pretty sure he would be disgusted by the shamble in which his intellectual heirs currently find themselves.

So the Dawkins-NECSS debacle is a splendid opportunity for the good people within SAHF to step back, appreciate and remind themselves of all the good they have done in decades of activism, but also conscientiously and critically inquire into the bad or questionable stuff. Every movement goes through growing pains, and this is just one of those moments. I sincerely wish them all the best for a speedy and safe transition to maturity.

Hear hear.

Dawkins the feminist

Feb 1st, 2016 11:35 am | By

Today’s installment of wit and insight from TwitterDawkins – another insightful retweet.

Nadine Feiler ‏@nadine_feiler 8 hours ago
@RichardDawkins @thunderf00t @Sargon_of_Akkad Change of mind ;)

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Only heterosexual men will be allowed to attend the meetings

Feb 1st, 2016 11:17 am | By

Dear god.

From the Scottish paper The National:

CONTROVERSIAL American pick-up artist and rape advocate Roosh V has organised meetings in Edinburgh and Glasgow for next Saturday.

Only heterosexual men will be allowed to attend the meetings, and any women attempting to come along will be filmed with footage sent to his worldwide “anti-feminist” network who will then “exact furious retribution”.

It would be interesting to see a Venn diagram of that network and people who follow Dawkins on Twitter.

At 8pm next Saturday supporters of the militant misogynist will turn up at Glasgow’s George Square and Edinburgh’s Grassmarket to meet other men before heading to another, secret location.

It’s part of an international meet-up taking place in 40 countries. On the website advertising the event, Roosh V writes that it is time for his supporters to “come out of the shadows and not have to hide behind a computer screen for fear of retaliation”.

Rapists’ Liberation! What a glorious cause.

Also, though…rape isn’t just some harmless pleasure suffering under a puritanical taboo. It’s a crime, a crime of violence. Women are not public property.

His belief that feminism has made men weak, has found a global audience, with a recent BBC report suggesting he had a million people using his website. Forums on the website also include user submitted guides on where best to sexually assault women in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Ahead of Saturday’s event, he wrote: “Up to now, the enemy has been able to exert their power by isolating us and attacking with shrieking mobs, but we’ll be able to neutralise that tactic by amassing in high numbers come February 6. I will exact furious retribution upon anyone who challenges you in public on that date (remember to record them). Therefore let the sixth of February be a clear signal to all that we’re not going anywhere. We have finally arrived.”

He has a dream today.

My turn to give advice

Jan 31st, 2016 4:52 pm | By

You know what I wish? I wish Dawkins would just change direction. I wish he would buckle down and find out who all those progressive feminist universalist Muslim and ex-Muslim women are and promote them. That’s what. I wish he would stop using his massive Twitter voice to attack and bully individual women he takes a dislike to, and individual Muslim schoolboys he takes a dislike to, and instead use it to tell his million fans about people he likes. Stop the bashing, and start promoting instead.

He could do that. It wouldn’t hurt him. It would be fun, and he could feel he was accomplishing something. He would be accomplishing something. He’d be putting his fame to good use.

What’s he accomplishing now? What good does he do by trashing feminism and promoting other people who trash feminism? How does that help anything? In fact how is he not just wasting valuable time and resources that he could be devoting to promoting the very people he claims to be such an ardent ally of? I feel like writing a new Dear Muslima addressed to him. Millions of girls taken out of school to be married to men older than their fathers, and here’s Dawkins busy retweeting MRAs all day instead of doing anything to help those girls.

I’m serious. He could be helping, and he’s not. Why not?

From the propaganda department

Jan 31st, 2016 4:41 pm | By

An item that Dawkins retweeted this morning:

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Yes, that’s right, Richard, feminists get upset by a tits and ass shirt worn by the talking head for a big exciting space event, and they don’t get upset by women being shot in the head on the street.

Except no it’s not. It’s not right, it’s a lying crock of shit, and you’re a mean bullying ideologue for repeating this kind of thing.

Not to mention how fucking callous it is to use that photo to make a cheap and dishonest point about feminism.

Please and thank you

Jan 31st, 2016 3:47 pm | By

Seen on Twitter:

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Many public places in Saudi Arabia are closed to women. Some have segregated “family” areas, and some don’t; women by themselves are not welcome.

We understand why, of course. We’re not stupid. It’s because if they’re out by themselves they’re sure to fuck the first male they see, and disgrace the men of their family.

Guest post: How inclusion works at NUS Scotland Women

Jan 31st, 2016 12:31 pm | By

Guest post by Magdalen Berns.

Since I wrote about my experience of being excluded from Edinburgh University Student Association (EUSA) Women’s Liberation, LGBT Liberation, and LGBT Society Facebook groups, I can now confirm that I have also been banned from the NUS Scotland Women’s Campaign Facebook group which represents around 0.2% of roughly 100,000 female Scottish higher education students. My latest thought crime was having the temerity to post a discussion between Chris Hedges, Lee Lakeman and Alice Lee and quoting the following remark from Alice Lee.

I think with neoliberalism it’s worse for women of colour, indigenous women, because now a sort of–they use an excuse of subjugating women and the exploitation of women of colour and indigenous women almost as if it was a viable option for women–that’s the only thing that we’re good for. So it really puts us to being not human, in a way that it dismisses us and all the contributions that women make in those countries.

Such a post must have disrupted the natural order of things by “offending” the self defining student “sex work” caucus again. Back in September last year, I posted an article which resulted in members attempting to get me banned for being a “SWERF”. The President of the NUS disagreed with the hostile way I had been spoken to and offered to take a formal complaint from me. I still had not heard back about that by October, so I shared another article which was deleted by the NUS Scotland Women’s Officer after complaints were made by the Edinburgh “sex worker” caucus who were harassing me all over social media at that point. The Women’s Officer vowed to “look into” how a conversation on prostitution could be facilitated without making student “sex workers” feel unsafe. I haven’t heard from either of the NUS Scotland Officers since, and I did not get any warning before being banned from NUS Scotland Women’s Campaign Facebook group. I can only assume representatives have allowed themselves to become too intimidated to be seen to be showing any sort of sympathy for the idea that women have legitimate reasons for disagreeing with the global sex trade in women and girls. The threat of a non-confidence smear campaign seems to be one tactic which keeps NUS Officers in line.

In the spirit of identity politics, I looked over who should be checking whose privilege according to NUS  “intersectionality 101” publications. It turns out the documents don’t have anything on “sex workers” (yet). Although one part says, “listen to and support lesbian women, do not question their judgement”, the “intersectionality 101” presentation makes no mention of sexuality and none of the “intersectionality 101” publications have anything to say about heterosexual women. A comprehensive description of class oppression is also absent from the “intersectionality 101” toolkit which might explain why student reps find it difficult to appreciate that vast majority of prostituted women and girls don’t have access to higher education because they are underprivileged compared to the student “sex workers” we are are told to listen to.

NUS “feminism” is easily reconciled with the cognitively dissonant act of banning a sister for posting an article on how structural racism, imperialism and colonialism work to subordinate the world’s most marginalised women in prostitution, because the NUS essentially rejects the idea that women are a subordinated sex class. Having resolved that the word “sister” is too exclusionary to be allowed at conference last year, the NUS recently came up with a set of new ideas designed to undermine female students’ ability to unite against patriarchy. It is no wonder that NUS Women are now under the assumption that “inclusion” means women should speak of oppression only when this is being done to shut other women up.

Taking Mill personally

Jan 31st, 2016 12:00 pm | By

Via Maryam: a lecturer at a Swedish university is being investigated for lecturing on John Stuart Mill. It’s in Swedish but there’s a translate button at the top, so one can get the gist. Rrr provided us with a translation:

Groundless investigations of teachers jeopardize academic freedom and reduce the working and learning environment within the university.

Adamson (the male lecturer, who was by the way previously fired from Malmö university for criticising the Swedish variety policy) claims the quotes about religion are untrue. “All I did was to point out that while religions may not necessarily be true, they can give a sense of cohesion that secular society can not offer.”

The school planned an extensive investigation by an external jurist and some persons randomly chosen by the teacher, the complainant and the employer – not as a legal process but in order to gain a better view of what happened, explains the HR officer. The two lecturers oppose this, on the grounds that as a state institution the school cannot perform an investigation that is not a part of a legal procedure. (The other teacher holds a PhD in public administration.) They also refuse to take part in the selection of witnesses and stress that any participation of students may cause strife in the class and potentially be damaging.

The ARW’s take, based on the complaint and e-mails it has read, is that there are no grounds to believe that there can have occurred any direct discrimation, nor oppressive special treatment. The complainant refers to no concrete decision against her, such as exam results, and that the mere feeling one is discriminated against is insufficient for a suspicion of actual discrimination. For there to have been oppressive special treatment, the official guidelines from the directorate of worker protection requires a series of serious oppression over a significant period of time. Neither requisite is satisfied in this case.

In a situation like this it would be unnecessary and even harmful to commence an extensive inquiry. Instead the case should be rapidly handled by internal legal counsel, who can on the above grounds immediately decide that the accusations lack merit. A more ambitious inquiry would send a signal that even trivial occurances will be taken most seriously, which would blow them out of all proportion. The result: impeded freedom of speech and a worse working environment, where one has to watch one’s tounge in order not to offend someone.

The studying environment itself deteriorates if students are unnecessarily called to witness. Finally, an unfounded and extralegal inquiry, which also takes a long time, can be seen as the teacher proper being faced with oppressive special treatment, which in turn leads to further inquiry, and so on. The union representative supports the teachers’ demand that the inquiry be cancelled.

This is a case where the Principal and other officers must show a backbone and a principled behaviour to without hesitation stand on the side of the teacher and of academic freedom. A first step is to immediately abort the inquiry. The alternative would be to succumb to populism and political correctness in a way not flattering for a serious place of learning. The Principal or other officer should further make it clear, preferably in public, that it is sad if a student feels religiously discriminated but that the university is not a “protected workshop” where nobody is ever sad or upset, but that it is a preparation for life – where things are obviously different.

That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing any university should “investigate.” Religion is in fact a social phenomenon, and if you can’t learn about that in a university, then where can you learn it?

He’s STILL willing to make a lowly street level activist a target of unrelenting mockery

Jan 30th, 2016 5:13 pm | By

Dan Fincke made excellent points in a public post on Facebook sharing a public post by Julia Galef about the Dawkins-NECSS disruption.

1. Dawkins is not just any speaker, he was to be the keynote and he’s got outsized influence in the movement. With greater power comes greater responsibility. Endorsing him to speak is to effectively continue to endorse him as the de facto face of our movement. It is worse when someone of his stature does something like this.

2. Dawkins is also not just any speaker because he is building off his academic stature in gaining his reputation and outsized influence. Standards are different for a professional activist like, say, David Silverman, and a professional. Professionals are expected to police themselves as part of the responsibility that comes with their authority, prestige, and prominence related to their academic titles and institutional affiliations. The idea of tenure is a trust. We trust you to behave professionally and in return you get unrestricted free speech rights. Soft penalties for abusing that authority like being academically shunned or disinvited from speaking opportunities are a relatively a mild form of recourse still left available to chastise someone abusing their professional privileges.

I think he meant a professional academic, or an academic (since professional academic is tautological), rather than just professional. Professional entertainers for instance work under different rules. At any rate, yes, that. Dawkins should police himself as part of the responsibility that comes with his authority, prestige, and prominence related to his academic titles and institutional affiliations – including CFI. He should police himself in order to avoid making CFI look bad by being a bully on Twitter days after the merger was announced.

6. Even after he “took it down” because it was a real person he acted spiteful and petulant in follow up tweets. He started questioning whether she was really harassed (ignoring evidence presented to him) and calling her vile and recommending that this very low totem pole individual who was already disproportionately signaled out for harassment and death threats and mockery be given plenty of more mockery. He’s STILL willing to make a lowly street level activist a target of unrelenting mockery rather than shift the focus to ideas. That’s irresponsible, especially coming from such an extraordinarily powerful person. I agree with those that found her actions in the original video that made her infamous to be repulsively uncivil. But seriously, street level arguments between ideologues are emotional and intense confrontations. They shouldn’t destroy someone’s life. Dawkins and his defenders are constantly bemoaning powerful people being raked through the social media mud over a single comment. But Dawkins is rallying millions of social media followers to redouble their efforts to mock a street level activist for being obnoxious in the heat of an argument? This doesn’t make him unfit to receive continued treatment as the de facto face and voice of our movement? Then this movement is fucked.

That. I couldn’t agree more.

There are seven, they’re all good, you should read them all.

Not even her

Jan 30th, 2016 1:00 pm | By

Dawkins’s Twitter is of course full of his retweets of people raging at the “witch hunt” against him. (And yet he goes on pretending to be unaware that many of his 1.34 million followers will harass anyone he targets on Twitter. He remembers them when they’re raging at the witch hunt, but not when they’re harassing Chanty Binx.)

A sample, with account names left off to simplify.

@NECSS Shameful display of intolerance and ignorance on your part, in your treatment of @RichardDawkins. Ridiculous overreaction to satire.

@JackSyit @RichardDawkins I agree. He’s a liberal feminist who abhors racism and sexism. But he’s brutally honest & many hate that.

.@RichardDawkins #cologne rapes and enormous problems of Muslim world but “feminists” and Islamists unite over hatred of cartoons.

I can’t be the only one that see the irony in this situation. @RichardDawkins is more of a feminist than any of those attacking him.

@RichardDawkins Fundamentalist feminists are irony deficient.

@NECSS You people have lost all credibility. Unless you can issue an absolutely rectifying apology to @RichardDawkins . Admit you’re wrong

I’m an atheist. I don’t agree with @RichardDawkins about everything & don’t need him to speak for me, but this Twitter lynch mob is pathetic

@RichardDawkins The regressive left is a new enemy of logic and reason. Stay classy, prof.

@RichardDawkins The regressives have multiplied and have made you their newest target. Stay strong, we have your back.

Feminists turn on @RichardDawkins because he tweeted this amusing video. Humourless harpies. … …

@ttrwttr @RichardDawkins @NECSS

Embedded image permalink

Don’t always agree with @RichardDawkins but he’s fair & consistent. Same can’t be said about his hysterical detractors.

That’s a tiny, tiny sample. I gave up trying to scroll to the bottom of them.

His own tweets are as horrible as ever, if not worse.

Richard Dawkins ‏@RichardDawkins

‘It’s time feeble feminists started to condemn the misogyny in Islam’
Yes, don’t tell me, I know there’s a paywall …

[In response to someone saying the vid is not funny]:

.@ttrwttr @NECSS That’s your opinion. I found it very funny and acute. Maybe not as good as Lehrer or Python but they set a v high standard

Now who will de-platform me for posting this? Come on, why not? …
Or this? …
Both “offensive”

Dear @NECSS, please listen to @StephenFry before you disinvite anyone else for “offending” the offence junkies,

@Ivriniel @CHSommers She most certainly deserved mockery. In spades. She did not deserve violence. Nobody does, not even her.

That one is particularly disgusting. Again he insists that a random powerless ordinary woman “deserved” mockery, and not just that, but “in spades” – deserved extra added mockery. Reasonable people with a nodding acquaintance with basic decency consider that bullying and harassment, while Richard Dawkins thinks it’s just reward for a woman he dislikes. Then he says nobody deserves violence, “not even her,” as if she were so evil she came close to deserving violence.

He’s become the George Galloway of atheism.

Helping to divide us, 140 characters at a time

Jan 30th, 2016 11:46 am | By

Steven Novella has written the blog post he said he would write, explaining the decision to withdraw Dawkins’s invitation to speak at the NECSS conference in May.

NECSS is run by the New York City Skeptics and the New England Skeptical Society, both non-profit organizations. NECSS has its own executive committee, consisting of members of both organizations. There has been much speculation about who is making the decisions for NECSS – it is this committee. I will just say that there were a range of opinions on this matter within the committee, and we came to the best decisions we could, given that range of opinions. When I refer to “we” in this article, I am not speaking for every individual on the committee, just the majority result.

It wasn’t one person, and it wasn’t unanimous.

Richard Dawkins has been a polarizing figure in the skeptical community for several years.  On the one hand, many people (myself included) greatly respect the work that Dawkins has done. He is a brilliant science communicator. His books have brought many people to rationalism. He is one of the few “rock stars” of our movement.

For what it’s worth, I still agree with that. On the other hand, sadly, I think he’s done a lot to tarnish even his brilliant science communication now; that’s one of the many reasons I wish he would stop. Now that he’s so firmly established himself as a serial outrage-machine on Twitter, it just really is hard to read his books without that getting in the way. Imagine you found out that, oh, Paul Krugman, say, or Daniel Dennett, is actually the mind behind Milo Yiannopoulos. That would change how you saw him and his books.

I also greatly respect and appreciate the fact that he is an outspoken public atheist. This is tremendously important, and serves to legitimize atheism for many. Dawkins has dedicated much of his career and effort to charitable endeavors, to make the world a better place.

I guess, sort of, but less so than the part about brilliant science communication. Now the “outspoken” quality is all tangled up with the “mean bullying” quality, and I have no idea how to disentangle them.

All of this is why it has been very puzzling to many that his social media activity has often not reflected his reputation as a public intellectual. He has famously made tweets or blog comments that have come off as insensitive or worse. I will not dissect each instance here, which is well trammeled territory already.

Interestingly, Dawkins himself recently tweeted:

“I’m really as polite as my books. Twitter brevity forces you straight to the point, which can sound aggressive.”

Interestingly and horrifyingly. Yes, really – I find it horrifying how completely unable he is to see (or admit?) even that he is frequently rude. I speak as a frequently rude person myself. I make some effort not to be, and doubtless should make more, but for sure I do not go around telling people how especially polite I am. It creeps me out that Dawkins keeps insisting he’s actually a nice guy.

For further background, over the last 5-6 years the skeptical movement has been rocked by intermittent controversy over sexism and racism in the movement. This is a complex topic I am not going to tackle or resolve here. Suffice it to say this controversy has caused many in the movement to form various camps, some championing free speech, others social justice. Others have tried to chart a course down the middle, while still others left the movement.

In the mix, unfortunately, there have been truly vile trolls who have made threats of violence and rape, serving mostly to radicalize the entire issue. Trolls and psychopaths are part of the new social media reality, a new reality to which we are all still adapting.

Some of them, of course, are commenting on Novella’s post.

Given all this, they had to figure out whether or not to invite Dawkins. They had reservations, but decided to go for it anyway.

Unfortunately, within a week of opening registration many of us became concerned that this might not be tenable.

Dawkins retweeted a video (called “Feminists Love Islamists”) depicting an Islamist and an angry feminist (who it turns out is a real person and not just a character) and essentially making the claim that these groups share an ideology. Dawkins tweeted:

“Obviously doesn’t apply to the vast majority of feminists, among whom I count myself. But the minority are pernicious.”

He included a link to the video. This, of course, set off another round of controversy over Dawkins’ social media activity and the attitudes they reflect.

That made things awkward for NECSS.

Since we had just opened registration this created an urgency, because we did not want to “bait and switch” our attendees if we would ultimately decide to reverse our decision to have him at the conference. We felt it was important to make a decision quickly.

You can see how that makes sense. Dawkins’s tweeting seems to be getting progressively more obnoxious, ratcheting down almost every day, so what would he be blurting out in March, let alone April?

He addresses some concerns – why invite him in the first place, why not talk to him first, what about free speech.

People have a right to speech, but they don’t have a right to access a private venue for their speech. In fact, whom we invite or uninvite to our conference is the primary mechanism of our free speech. This was ultimately about the character of NECSS and the statement we wish to make (or not make) to our community. Obviously where one sets the threshold for not inviting, or uninviting, a guest is subjective and there is room for reasonable disagreement here.

I think there should be a much higher threshold for disinviting than there is for not inviting in the first place. I suppose this situation should be a warning for other orgs, even if they don’t already have scruples about inviting Dawkins to speak – they don’t know what he’ll be tweeting next month, and disinviting is a much bigger deal than not inviting in the first place, so think carefully about inviting.

Others have questioned whether or not we condemn all satire, with South Park being brought up as a frequent example. We are not against satire, but this video is no South Park. The video in question, in my opinion, was spiteful and childish and was merely hiding behind satire. That is a judgment call, but making that judgment does not condemn satire as a form.

Satire as a genre is a good thing. It doesn’t follow, and it’s not the case, that all satire is good.

Another frequent point is that we are against any criticism of feminism, as if it is a taboo topic. This is also not true. No topic should be taboo, and we favor open and vigorous discussion of all important issues. In fact, pointed criticism is good for the feminist movement – or for any movement. (This does not mean that NECSS is the proper venue for any particular topic.)

The point, rather, is that this video, and the discussion that surrounded it, was not constructive. It was hateful and divisive.

It was one item in the massive catalogue of hateful garbage the antifeminists have been cranking out for the past several years. It had nothing to do with reasoned criticism.

I want to directly address Dawkins’ last statement:

“The science and skepticism community is too small and too important to let disagreements divide us and divert us from our mission of promoting a more critical and scientifically literate world.”

I completely agree. That is, ironically, the exact reason we were so disturbed by that video and Dawkins spreading of it. I do wish Dawkins would recognize (perhaps he does) his special place within our community and the power that position holds. When he retweets a link to a video, even with a caveat, that has a tremendous impact. It lends legitimacy to the video and the ideas expressed in it.

That is why Dawkins is so polarizing. In my opinion, someone in his position, with his eloquence, knowledge, and intellect, with his academic background should be doing everything he can to elevate the level of discussion. He has the ability to address legitimate criticisms of feminism, or atheism or skepticism, if he thinks he has them. He could be a force that is helping unite our very small and critically important rationalist movement.

Instead, I fear, he is helping to divide us, 140 characters at a time, and helping to lower the level of the discussion.

Precisely. I also do wish Dawkins would recognize his special place within our community and the power that position holds. I told him that when we had the conversation that led to the joint statement in July 2014. He definitely does recognize his special place for some purposes, i.e. when it’s pleasant for him, but he seems not to when it comes to recognizing the harm he does to the random people he targets. He’s doing it now, today – he’s still producing hateful tweets about the woman in the video, still insisting that she deserves all the mockery possible. His special place right now seems to be Bully in Chief.

Bullies march

Jan 30th, 2016 10:55 am | By

Racist bullies went on a rampage in Stockholm last night.

Hundreds of masked men marched through Stockholm’s main train station on Friday evening, reportedly beating up refugees and anyone who didn’t appear to be ethnically Swedish.

Wearing all-black balaclavas and armbands, the men “gathered with the purpose of attacking refugee children,” Stockholm police spokesperson Towe Hagg said.

Attacking children – that’s a nice touch. Hundreds of men getting together to attack children; what courage.

Before the attacks, the mob handed out leaflets with the slogan “It is enough now!” which threatened to give “the North African street children who are roaming around” the “punishment they deserve”.

The leaflet refers to the death of social worker Alexandra Mezher, who died after being stabbed at a refugee shelter for unaccompanied children.

So hundreds of men attack random children.

After the attack, the Swedish Resistance Movement, a neo-Nazi group, released a statement claiming the attack had “cleaned up criminal immigrants from North Africa that are housed in the area around the Central Station”.

The statement added: “These criminal immigrants have robbed and molested Swedes for a long time.”

“Police have clearly shown that they lack the means to stave off their rampage, and we now see no other alternative than to ourselves hand out the punishments they deserve.”

I’m so sick of bullies.




Jan 29th, 2016 3:52 pm | By

In squalid news from the UK:

The former Dragon’s Den judge Douglas Richard has been found not guilty of child sex charges.

The 57-year-old, who once advised Prime Minister David Cameron, engaged in “sexy chat” with a 13-year-old after meeting her on a ‘sugar daddy’ website and went on to act out his fantasies when she travelled from her home in Norwich to meet him in London.

However, the American millionaire claimed he believed she was an experienced 17-year-old and told jurors he would never “knowingly” have sex with a child.

Those goddam 13-year-old girls are so deceptive.

Image management

Jan 29th, 2016 3:21 pm | By

The Independent reports:

A government minister has urged Saudi Arabia to do a “better job” of trumpeting its human rights successes during an official visit to the country, less than a month after it carried out the mass execution of 47 people.

Tobias Ellwood, the Foreign Office minister for the Middle East, made the comments on Monday as he and other British delegates addressed Saudi Arabia’s National Society for Human Rights in the capital Riyadh, The Independent understands.

Its what? Trumpeting its what? Trumpeting its what successes? Trumping its human rights what?

Saudi Arabia doesn’t have any fucking human rights “successes.” Saudi Arabia doesn’t believe in human rights, because it thinks human beings are slaves before Allah and Mohammed. Saudi Arabia wants nothing to do with human rights, because it’s run by one extremely rich family who grabbed power a few decades ago and don’t intend to give it up. Saudi Arabia hates human rights, because the house of Saud depends on the Wahhabi clerics in order to keep its stranglehold on power.

How dare a UK government minister give Saudi Arabia advice on how to pretend it gives a fuck about human rights?

During the visit, which was not publicised by the Foreign Office, Mr Ellwood was told that Saudi Arabia had introduced a series of reforms, such as allowing women to vote in municipal elections.

In response, he told his hosts that they needed to improve the way they promoted their human rights successes, according to people present at the meeting.

So the FO sent someone completely ignorant of the Saudi way with human rights to Saudi Arabia? Why?

Accounts of the meeting that appeared in three Saudi media outlets claimed that Mr Ellwood went even further, saying that people in Britain were unaware of the “notable progress” made on human rights by the Saudi regime.

An article in the daily newspaper Al Watan read: “Tobias Ellwood revealed the ignorance of the British to the notable progress in Saudi Arabia in the field of human rights, confirming throughout the visit of a British FCO delegation… that he had expressed his opinion regarding the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia before the British Parliament, and that the notable progress in this area has been obscured.”

Tell that to Raif Badawi. Tell it to Waleed Abulkhair. Tell it to the Sri Lankan domestic servant who was sentenced to stoning to death for having sex outside marriage. Tell it to the entire female population of Saudi Arabia.

Maya Foa, of the human rights organisation Reprieve, added: “These comments are astonishing. The Saudi authorities have a bad reputation on human rights because of their appalling human rights record – not because of bad PR.”

And as long as that’s the case, we don’t want them to improve their PR.