Let’s give your rights away

Nov 15th, 2023 5:00 am | By

Oh how I love it when men say let’s do a compromise on women’s rights.

How the trans row will end in compromise

By comparison, debates about Brexit and Scottish independence are akin to a chorus of Kumbaya at Brownie camp. There is something about the trans issue that brings out the irrational, the visceral, the absolutist.

Ooh I bet I know what that “something” is. I bet it’s the crazy irrational brainless stubborn wacky stupid mindless unthinking daft witless nature of women. Stupid bitches need a big patronizing man to show them how to do a compromise.

We are close to a compromise on the trans issue that will satisfy neither side of a deep divide. In fact each will greet a deal with dismay. And yet a middle way is necessary on this issue that has scarred public discourse like no other in recent years.

Except who is that “we”?

It’s a different “we” depending on who is talking. When Kenny Farquharson is talking it’s reasonable decent good people like him, who all happen to be men and thus who have nothing to lose if other men do help themselves to women’s rights. When the “we” who are talking are women things look rather different…but he’s too manly and important to pause for a think about that.

What does compromise look like on the issue of trans rights? Its exact contours are still indistinct but its general shape is now discernible. A useful guide is the judgment offered by Lady Dorrian earlier this month in a case brought by For Women, a feminist campaign group.

Dorrian upheld an earlier judgment that trans women should be treated the same way as biological women under legislation to improve gender balance on the boards of public agencies. She rejected the argument that this was incompatible with the Equality Act in which, she accepted, “sex” meant biological sex.

In short, she sought to protect trans rights while upholding a biological definition of woman.

Oh that kind of “compromise.” The one where men who call themselves women still get to steal jobs reserved for women, but in return the women get…uh…nothing.

I sometimes get the feeling diehards on each side of this argument would rather lose than compromise. Defeat would require no giving of ground.

Where’s the compromise? Spell out for us exactly what the compromise part is. Telling us that putting men who call themselves women on the boards of public agencies as a way to increase the representation of women on those boards is not repeat NOT a compromise. Saying “sure, they’re not literally women, but we’re giving them the women’s places on the boards of public agencies anyway” is NOT a compromise.

A key belief of gender critical feminism is that a man can never become a woman. And yet existing laws in place for decades allow a man to gain a gender recognition certificate to help them live the life of a woman.

And yet a “certificate” does not and cannot change the physical reality that a man is a man and not a woman. Imagine if a “certificate” could allow people to live the life of Kenny Farquharson; do we suppose he would cheerfully allow this someone to live in his house, drive his car, spend his paycheck?

A strand of thought is emerging that not only should extending trans rights be blocked but existing trans rights should be rolled back. At this point the distinction between gender critical feminism and social conservatism becomes hard to discern.

Define “trans rights.” Spell out exactly what they are and say what makes them rights as opposed to demands.

The compromise required of this particular side of the debate is to accept that for most intents and purposes a man can indeed become a woman in the eyes of society and in the eyes of the law.

Oh that compromise. The one that other people spell as “total submission.”

As a man, my view on the definition of woman is necessarily as an outsider. Having accepted this, I am still entitled to a circumscribed view, which I pose as a question: surely womanhood in all its glory is capacious enough, generous enough, diverse enough, to accommodate and perhaps even to welcome a small number of people who did not start life’s journey as women?

No, you’re not. You’re not entitled to jack shit when the issue is women’s rights.

There’s even more of this clueless entitled smug lecturing; read it at your peril.

Centering the centrism

Nov 14th, 2023 4:14 pm | By

This is where centrism gets you, especially radical centrism.

Split the difference, yeah? Call him “she” if you like him or think he’s a centrist or want to annoy some non-centrist pedant who knows what pronouns are. Call him “he” if he veers too far to the left or the right. Either way you’re obviously better than everyone else.

The organisation needed an activist

Nov 14th, 2023 9:37 am | By

The new CEO of Endometriosis South Coast issues a “statement” i.e. a tweet.

Endometriosis South Coast (ESC) are a small local charity with an annual income of around £8000. Our team consists of six trustees and five volunteers, all of whom were assigned female at birth and myself.

None of us are paid a salary; we do it to improve the lives of those who suffer Endo.

In the UK, 10% of those assigned female at birth suffer from this awful disease, which, via the NHS, takes on average eight years to diagnose. The cost to the economy every year is £8.2 billion, but honestly, how do you put a price on pain?

Our chair at ESC suffers from Endo very severely and is currently working towards her endometriosis research PhD – understandably, she wants to take a step back.

The trustees decided that the organisation needed an activist with a proven record to drive the charity forward and advocate for a women’s health hub in our city, and when asked, I duly obliged – I feel very honoured; thank you @EndoSouthC

My birth sex doesn’t come into it …..my CV does.

CEO’s are appointed by boards/trustees because of their “skill set”, not because of their sex (note I have a GRC).

There are numerous examples of charities/organisations employing CEO’s whose sex doesn’t correspond with those they serve – look no further than Laura Kerby at Prostate Cancer UK and Simon Cook at MSI Reproductive Choices.

Many gynaecologists are men – I don’t see any headlines about them. Some midwives are men – I don’t see any headlines about them either. And how about the male paramedic who may deal with miscarriage or prolapse – there are no headlines about them either. Am I wrong?

No, I am not.

I do believe the complaints against me are transphobic @millihill @runthinkwrite @HJoyceGender @MForstater @helenstaniland will not agree, of course.

In my opinion, many charities have failed women. For example, in Spain, Japan, South Korea and Zambia, women have rights when experiencing disabling periods. Why are we not talking about this instead of publishing headlines about trans women?

We need to talk about #Endo and supporting #women much more. Women deserve ACTION – that is why ESC asked me to be their CEO.

Recently, I did an FOI to our local Portsmouth hospital, asking them how many women they treated in 2022 with Endo. The answer was 249 – I want to know why this figure was so low, so I have made another FOI digging deeper. To date, I am still waiting for a reply. This is what activists do!

Diversity should be seen as a strength. Stereotyping is wrong, and by appointing me as the CEO of ESC, I will look at the issues Endo suffers endure with a different perspective than others. Who can argue that is not a positive?

ESC are an inclusive charity, meaning we welcome EVERYONE with endo and adeno. We do not mind if you are straight, gay, black, trans, non-binary or whatever.



Finally, a massive thank you to the many people who have sent me messages of support (even GC people).

Best wishes, Steph

Sure, have lots of diversity – by hiring and appointing more women for instance. Hiring a man as CEO of a women’s charity isn’t “diversity” it’s “same old shit.” The fact that he calls himself a woman does not make him more “diversity.” It makes him more narcissistic displacer of women.

Amongst them screaming

Nov 14th, 2023 8:52 am | By

Julie Bindel on the latest calculated insult to women:

When the announcement was made, by Endometriosis South Coast on Monday, many of us considered it to be a parody. “We are excited to share with you all that we welcome Steph to the team as our new CEO. Supporting to move forward with our missions as a charity – we are all grateful to have Steph on board” read the announcement on X

The new CEO is a man who identifies as a transwoman.

You know who can never have endometriosis? Men.

Steph Richards is well-known as a trans-activist, often leading the charge of protesters at feminist events, such as one I attended in 2021, in his hometown of Portsmouth. The FiLiA Women’s Rights conference, a gathering of more than 2,000 women from around the world, was picketed by a large group of protesters, draped in trans flags. 

Steph was amongst them, screaming about “transphobic feminists”, whilst inside there were women speaking about being raped in refugee camps, trafficked into prostitution, and overcoming childhood sexual abuse. 

How dare women talk about bad shit that happens to women instead of about men who pretend to be women?

It is utterly outrageous to employ a man to run a women’s health charity, however he identifies. There are plenty of women, including those whose lives are blighted by endometriosis, that could do the job. It is gaslighting in the extreme. 

And because it is gaslighting in the extreme, it’s all too obvious that it’s a deliberate, calculated, with malice aforethought insult. It’s an intentional attack on women and women’s rights and women’s right to organize and talk and campaign for their own issues.

Thanks to extreme transgender ideology being adopted by many women working in the sector, Steph is not the only example of a man taking such a role from a woman. The chief executive of Edinburgh Rape Crisis is a man called Mridul Wadhwa, employed by the handmaidens in order to look “intersectional” and “inclusive”. In 2021 Wadhwa caused outrage when he said on a podcast that those that believe in single sex spaces for rape victims and survivors, need to “reframe their trauma” if they are in the least bit bothered about a male person being in the vicinity of a supposed women only space.

How about men “reframe their trauma” instead? How about Steph “reframes his trauma” by not deliberately stomping all over women?

Change your definition, sluts

Nov 14th, 2023 7:29 am | By

Trans “activism” can never get enough punishment of women; it always wants more more more.

Two University of Wyoming sorority alumni have been callously removed as members after more than 50 years by the national organization after supporting a lawsuit to oust the first transgender member.

Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters at University of Wyoming alleged earlier this year that the 6ft2, 260lb trans member would ‘peep at (the other girls) while visibly aroused’ 

Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith, who had been with Kappa Kappa Gamma for more than 50 years, were expelled after they allegedly fundraised for the lawsuit contesting the sorority’s admission of a transgender woman. 

That’ll show those evil bitches.

A district court judge found in favor of the sorority and Langford in Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma, ruling that the sorority’s bylaws – as a private, voluntary organization – don’t define who’s a woman.

The six members had raised safety concerns and detailed allegations against Langford, but said they were told to ‘change our definition of woman’ in the September 2022 lawsuit

Women are told to change their definition of woman to mean the opposite of what it means.

That’s like being told to change your definition of “day” so that it includes “night” or your definition of “on” so that it includes “off.” You have to change your definition of this word so that it includes its own opposite. Let’s do that with all the words, and see how it goes.

At the heart of the lawsuit was the issue of defining a ‘woman’, with the sorority sisters arguing that because KKG’s governing documents define it as a space exclusively for females, the organization broke its own rules by admitting a biological male.

The sisters claimed that the sorority changed its criteria to allow Langford to apply, while KKGs lawyers said the definition of ‘woman’ has evolved since the sorority’s founding 150 years ago.

Yeah right it’s “evolved” to include men.

Ok so then can we have a word that means what “women” used to mean? “Wimen” maybe? “Wominn”? Something like that? Because we do still need a word that means “women” – not “women plus any men who feel like calling themselves women.”

‘The term (woman) is unquestionably open to many interpretations,’ the sorority’s filing claimed.

Yeah? Like what? Can it mean seal? Trumpet? Cheese sandwich? Moon? Luxury yacht?

Also that “unquestionably” is a bit of a laugh. Hello, I’m questioning your assertion.

Although the plaintiffs offered a definition in their lawsuit as an ‘adult human female’, KKG said this was restrictive, and were seeking to dismiss on the basis of changing views around what constitutes a ‘woman’.

No, let’s not do that. We all know perfectly well “what constitutes a ‘woman’.” We have not consented to changing the meaning of the word so that men can use it and then push us out of it.

Try being aware of women for once

Nov 13th, 2023 5:04 pm | By

This guy is so infuriating.

He’s the one who booted Joan Smith from her unpaid role as co-chair of his commission on violence against women and girls, without a word of explanation, and without ever replying to her questions or anyone else’s. It’s disgusting and he’s disgusting. Ungrateful, unfair, cowardly, sneaky, contemptible…and he’s a misogynist.

He turned off replies, but he can’t turn off quote-tweets, which are very angry. He ignores women and slobbers over trans people, and tries to shut us up when we object. He needs a very serious talking-to.

When they present that way

Nov 13th, 2023 9:29 am | By

What does that mean though?

What does “present that way” mean though?

It can’t mean dress up as the other sex in private, because obviously anybody can do that any time. So what it means is dress up as the other sex in public, i.e. involve other people, including total strangers, in one’s “desire.”

People don’t get to do that. I don’t care how “tormented” they are. Sorry, but I don’t. Everybody is “tormented” by something. When someone’s putative torment can be soothed only by enlisting strangers in that someone’s fantasy life, that becomes a problem for everyone.

Calendar notes

Nov 13th, 2023 9:13 am | By

It’s never not Trans Awareness something – month, day, year, week, century, decade, whatever – they’re all Trans of them.

No no Fred, it’s never enough, never never NEVER.

GLAAD confirms.

Each year between November 13 – 19, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help increase understanding about transgender people and the issues members of the community face.

Trans Awareness Week takes place the week before Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence that year.

Transgender Awareness Week is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the trans community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community.

As is every other week of the year. Transgender people and their allies never stop taking action to bring attention to the trans community. They literally never shut up about it for one second.

(Why aren’t more people bored by this? Seriously. Why isn’t there a saturation point. Why haven’t more people had enough yet? Even if you agree that trans people are the most blah blah aren’t you sick of hearing about it every second?)

Human Rights Campaign confirms.

Honor Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance with HRC

Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance is a time for the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate, uplift and honor our trans community.

By publicly demonstrating support while challenging anti-trans legislation and negative rhetoric, we can turn our solidarity as LGBTQ+ people and allies into a collective power to advance equality and justice.

What equality and justice do trans people not have?

Never you mind. Get busy celebrating and uplifting.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment

Nov 13th, 2023 8:45 am | By

Conservative lawyer says why Trump is disqualified.

[Michael] Luttig, however, has a plan to stop him. In August he joined with the liberal constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe to publish an article in the Atlantic magazine under the headline “The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again”.

The pair argued that section 3 of the 14th amendment automatically excludes from future office anyone who swears an oath to uphold the constitution and then rebels against it. Irrespective of criminal proceedings or congressional sanctions, they contended, Trump’s efforts to overturn the election are sufficient to bar him for life.

It makes sense. If you, as president, swear an oath to uphold the constitution, and then rebel against it, you’ve pretty much shredded your own allegiance to the very thing you want to be the boss of. You’ve also demonstrated that you’re an oath-breaker. If he did get elected he would have to swear the same oath again, and this time no one would believe him, so where does that leave us?

Luttig elaborates by phone: “The former president is disqualified from holding the presidency again because he engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the constitution of the United States when he attempted to remain in power, notwithstanding that the American people had voted to confer the power of the presidency upon Joe Biden.

“That constituted a rebellion against the executive vesting clause of the constitution, which limits the term of the president to four years unless he is re-elected by the American people. I cannot even begin to tell you how that is literally the most important two sentences in America today.”

He tried to steal it, using force and violence, and now he wants to try to get it by legit means.

Luttig this week helped form a new conservative legal movement, relaunching an organisation formerly known as Checks & Balances as the Society for the Rule of Law. The move was billed as a nationwide expansion aimed at protecting the constitution and defending the rule of law from Trump’s “Make America great again” movement. Its leadership includes Luttig, the lawyer George Conway and former Republican congresswoman Barbara Comstock.

“We believe that the time has come for a new conservative legal movement that still holds the same allegiances to the constitution and the rule of law that the original conservative legal movement held but has abandoned,” Luttig explains. “There’s a split in the conservative legal movement that mirrors the split in the Republican party about Donald Trump.”

On other side of that split is the Federalist Society, a group that for decades has played a crucial role in grooming conservative judges – its prominent figures have included Leonard Leo, who advised Trump on his supreme court picks – but has said little about the threat posed by the former president to the constitutional order.

Luttig, who, unlike Conway, has never been a member of the Federalist Society, said: “We believe that the Federalist Society has failed to speak out in defence of the constitution and the rule of law and repudiate the constitutional and legal excesses of the former president and his administration and, most notably, failed to repudiate the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election.”

What ever happened to law and order?

Bang bang cough

Nov 13th, 2023 7:36 am | By

People can be so tiresome.

Residents of India’s capital, Delhi, woke up to smoky skies as air quality dropped after the festival of Diwali. People in the city burst crackers late into Sunday night despite a ban on fireworks due to high pollution levels.

Delhi has been battling toxic air for weeks, with the government announcing an early winter break for schools in an effort to protect children. The city has high pollution through the year due to factors including vehicular emissions and dust.

So let’s definitely make it worse by making loud bangs to celebrate a religious festival. That’s an excellent reason to make more people have worse lung damage.

The same thing happens in Seattle with the 4th of July and/or New Year’s Eve. Gotta make a lot of bangs, no matter what the weather and air quality are. Making bangs is a human right. Bangs are people too.

On Monday afternoon, according to the federal government’s Safar app, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi was 445, with some places recording readings above 520. The AQI measures the level of PM 2.5 – fine particulate matter that can clog lungs and cause a host of diseases – in the air.

But totally worth it for the bangs!

This cannot be dismissed as an omission

Nov 13th, 2023 7:05 am | By

Fair Cop is on the job:

Just the police terrorizing women for knowing that men are not women.

A huge advocate

Nov 13th, 2023 6:36 am | By

The Daily Mail [sorry] on putting a man in charge of an endometriosis charity:

Endometriosis South Coast (ESC) announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Labour activist Steph Richards would be leading the organisation.

Ms Richards has previously claimed trans people can change their biological sex ‘a little bit’ and boasted about running a ‘safe space’ where men could dress up as women in secret, including as ‘schoolgirls’. 

He can combine the two! He can run his safe space for men who dress up as schoolgirls out of his office as CEO!

The charity explained that

‘Steph is a huge advocate for what people on the endo community go through.’

The what? It’s a community? Is every disease a community? How are diseases communities?

‘This is why they were appointed, not because they have their own endo journey.’ 

Oh please. The point is that he can’t possibly have his own “endo journey” while women can and therefore it’s 1. pointless and 2. wildly insulting to jump over all the women who could have done the CEO job and appoint a man instead. Wildly and, let me add, deliberately. There’s no way the people on the board didn’t know this was a calculated insult and taunt. They didn’t just happen to appoint a man, they did it on purpose, to make some kind of stupid sick twisted point. “This is incloooosion, so suck it up, you cows.”

Feminist author Milli Hill also took issue with Ms Richards’ appointment, arguing on X that it was no different to the case last year where a man was appointed Scotland’s first ever period dignity officer.

That position, controversially given to tobacco salesman turned macho personal trainer Jason Grant, was axed following the furore

So let’s do it all over again!

Why would women object to this?

Nov 12th, 2023 5:04 pm | By

But it’s women who know that men are not women who are the source of all evil.

It’s funny though that women who are feminist and gender critical don’t say things like that. Even about a man who gloats about being made CEO of an endometriosis charity.

A steph too far

Nov 12th, 2023 4:39 pm | By

Oh yay, a new way to insult women. People are so resourceful.

Steph Richards, that is. He’s a man. Endometriosis South Coast is excited to insult women by appointing a man CEO of an endometriosis charity. I wonder how many female CEOs of testicular cancer charities there are.

Guest post: Women’s concerns are real

Nov 12th, 2023 11:05 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on No escape for women ever.

Why are you so obsessed with hating trans people?

Who here is hating trans people? Having seen far too many linguistic word games and novel, unilateral, ideosyncratic redefinitions of basic terminolgy, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t immediately trust your definition of “hate.” There is much questioning and criticism of gender ideology and trans activism here. This is not hatred. The actual results of acceding to the demands of trans activism have harmed women. Trans identified males remain males** for life, whatever they wear, whatever surgeries and treatments they’ve had, whatever they claim to be. It is not hateful or bigoted to say this. To say it is hateful to call a male human being a male devalues the word “hate” to meaninglessness. Being male is not in itself a hateful state. But males, however they identify, have no place in women’s facilities.

As for claiming trans folks have the most privilege… Trans folks get murdered, harassed, and fired. Do you think we should stop having the government talk about indigenous rights because if they do that means indigenous people have the most power?

Trans activism has attained a remarkable degree of power and influnce in an incredibly short space of time, much of it on the back of questionable claims of being “uniquely” marginalized and downtrodden. A great deal of this has been behind closed doors, beyond public scrutiny or accountability, and without the input or consent of women, whose rights were being eroded or given away to men who demanded them. If they really were as powerless and persecuted as they are made out to be, trans identified males would not have the power and support of so many government departments and business organizations. For example, they’ve managed to get UK police departments to investigate the mildest statements of fact as “transphobic hate crimes.” Yeah, that’s marginalization and powerlessness. Have women ever had that degree of police attention for rape let alone Tweets? If misogyny was as much of a concern as “transphobia,” the police would be investigating absolutely nothing else at all.

What trans activists are demanding (recognition as the sex they are not) are not “rights” at all. Humans can’t change sex. “Gender identity” does not override sex. Women’s sex-based and sex-segregated (not “gender-segregated”) facilities (prisons, hospital wards, rape shelters, sports teams etc.) should not be made available to men, however they “identify.” Trans identified males remain males for life, whatever they wear, whatever surgeries they’ve had, whatever they claim to be. It is not hateful or bigoted to say this.

There is no right to be taken as what you claim to be, otherwise we would be forced to bow to the (self-declared) fact that Donald Trump really is a stable genius. Naively accepting all claims people make about themselves is not a thing, and certainly not a “right.” In fact society usually protects itself from malicious claims of this sort through laws that punish fraud and identity theft. Men claiming to be women is fraud against, and identity theft of an entire sex, a practice which is celebrated, aided, and abbetted by far too many in society, including the same governments that have otherwise outlawed harmful, false identity claims.

I have never seen any trans activists admit that Self-ID opens the doors of women’s facilities to opportunistic predators using this carte blanche as an all access pass. NOTE: I am not claiming that trans identified males are all “opportunistic predators.” But males as a group represent, statistically, a threat to women’s safety. Trans identified males remain male, and thus, part of that potentially threatening demographic. How do women tell the difference between a “harmless” male and one who is a predator? They can’t. The best rule is to keep all men out of female spaces. Period. Women have every right to consider any male entering their sex-segregated spaces as a potential threat, as they’ve already demonstrated a propensity to violate female boundaries. Gender Self-ID undermines this safeguarding measure by allowing men who declare themselves to be women unfettered access to women’s spaces on their own say-so. All a man has to do to bypass this usefull and valuable rule is to say “I identify as a woman.” Suddenly it’s now the protesting woman who is supposed to be viewed wth suspicion as a hateful, “transphobic” bigot, rather than the man demanding entrance to a place where he does not belong. Somehow, women are supposed to trust this man, no questions asked. Women should be under no obligation to tolerate such a gross violation and threat to their health, dignity and safety.

Women defending women’s rights (like Maya Forestater, JK Rowling, Allison Bailey, Julie Bindle, Kathleen Stock, Rosie Duffield, etc.) are routinely tarred as hateful transphobic bigots. Meetings that women organize to discuss their rights, or to just talk about things of importance to women, are routinely mobbed and picketed by trans activists and their allies. We are told that “women’s rights” is nothing but an anti-trans dog whistle, and that any such discussions that do not include men who claim to be women are hateful and bigoted. WE are told, despite the protests of many women, that there is “no conflict” between women’s rights and trans “rights.” These women have a different opinion, which is not allowed. Well, if women’s rights are “anti-trans,” it follows that trans rights are anti-woman. They are profoundly so.

Women’s concerns are real. These are not far-fetched, hypothetical, preposterous, irrational “phobias,” but the result of real harms that are actually happening. To paraphrase a venerable observation, men who claim they are women are afraid of being misgendered by women; women are afraid that men are going to kill them. Men who are violent sex offenders, who claim they are women, have been moved to womens’ prisons, where they have assaulted prisoners and staff. Men, claiming to be women, have been placed into what were originally meant to be exclusively female hospital wards. When women have complained or protested about these and other such occurrences, they have been accused of “transphobic” prejudice and bigotry. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I will: it is not hateful or bigotted to point these instances out; nor is it hateful or bigoted to oppose the disastrous consequences that these ludicrous policy decisions have had. It is not bigoted or hateful to seek to end the policies that have allowed these outrageous incidents to occur.

Trans activists have repeatedly stated that women resisting this invasion of their spaces have no legitimate self-interest in doing so, and that their supposed concern for their own welfare is a just a thin pretext to persecute trans identified males out of sheer malice and bigotry. I beg to differ. Women have every right to prevent harm to themselves at the hands of any , including those men who claim they are women. They have every right to oppose and overturn the legal and regulatory decisions that have so put them at risk, resulting in harm to women subjected to this ill-advised, ill-conceived and unjustified exercise in so-called “inclusivity.” All of these outcomes were foreseen by women whose counsel and concerns were ignored and ridiculed, and who are still ignored and ridiculed. Not all “inclusion” is good. Not all “exclusion” is bad.

If male facilities are unsafe or threatening for trans identified males to use that is not women’s problem, or responsibility to solve. Somehow, trans identified males’ feelings of distress or unease are more important than women’s feelings of distress or unease at sharing their facilities with men. Men’s feelings are to be respected and catered to; women’s feelings are to be ignored and over-ridden. Why? Why must women be forced to surrender their spaces and their comfort for the sake of men who don’t want to use the spaces set aside for their sex? Instead of demanding safety and dignity from their fellow men, they’ve focused their energy on degrading the safety and dignity of women, and slandering women who have the temerity to speak oiut against these efforts. It didn’t have to be this way, but it is. Had trans activists had directed their efforts on opposing male violence rather than invading women’s spaces, the relationship between trans activism and feminism would be very different than it is now.As it is, trans activists and their allies, along with the captured institutions whose power and authority have been wielded against women who say “No,” have much to answer for. It is not hateful or bigotted for women to demand those answers, or demand redress for the actual harms done to women in pursuit of a these misogynistic policies. It is not hateful or bigotted to demand the rollback and removal of those policies.

And in the end, intersex people also exist…

Yes, and?

My understanding is that the preferred trm is DSD, or Differences in Sexual Development, and that “intersex” is considered offensive by many people with DSD conditions. These people are not a “third” or “intermediate” sex falling between male or female. They are still male and female. Their particular conditions are, as far as my understanding goes, specific to one sex or another. Their existence does not render the concept of the sex binary invalid or unclear. It does not turn sex into a “spectrum.” It does not mean humans can change sex. The only relevence the existence of DSD conditions has to gender iideology and trans activism are the strategic appropriation of its “assigned X at birth” phraseology (as a way of diluting and muddying the concept and definition of sex to a degree sufficient to allow men to fall within the definition of “woman”), and the addition of the “I” to the forced-teaming LGBTIQetc. alphabet soup “community.” So for me, the deployment of the “Intersex Gambit” is a sign of either ignorance or bad faith. Should you choose to respond, I’ll thank you in advance for not using any of the following ploys. I’ll save you the trouble by responding to them in advance:

– “Transwomen are Women; it’s right in the name!” If that’s the case, then seahorses, saw horses and pommel horses are all Horses.

-“Clownfish can change sex!” Humans aren’t fish. No mammals can change sex.

-“Transwomen are just another kind of Woman, just like Black Women, Disabled Women or Tall Women!” No’ they’re not. Trans identified males are male; everyone else on that list is female, and no less female for being Black, Disabled, or Tall.

-“By defining women by their biological role in reproduction, you’re saying post-menopausal or infertile women are no longer female, no longer women!” I’ve only ever heard trans activists make this (strawman) argument. That would be like saying that a car that had run out of gas was no longer a car, or that a clock that had stopped was no longer a clock. Trans activism is just so very, very desperate to decouple the concept of “female” or “woman” from their reproductive role in sex in order to gloss over the inescapable material fact that no male will ever produce ova, and that the male body can never be turned into a female one. One might end up with a crude approximation with which some might be able to pass, but none of the work that these men have had done to them will turn them into an adult, human female.

If you want to defend your right to be non gender conforming and occasionally pee or use a change room at the gym, principles like those you’re disparaging are there for you too, whether you agree with the current language around gender or not.

Trans activism obliterates gender non-conformity by reifying gender roles rather than dispensing with them. One’s “gender identity” is supposedly more basic and fundamental than one’s sex. Yet a man is male whatever he wears or whatever he likes. Same with women. A man in a dress and lipstick is no less male than any other man; he is also no more female than any other man. If the basis of “gender identity reinforces the idea that liking “girly” things makes you a girl, then the patriarchy is safe and secure; genderism is serving it, not smashing it. To paraphrase another venerable observation:

Patriarchy says “If you’re a woman, you must wear a dress.” Gender ideology says, “If you wear a dress, you must be a woman.” Feminism says, “if you’re a woman you can wear whatever you want.”

There’s also the inherent homophobia in “transing away the gay,” which is exactly what Mermaid’s founder, Susie Green did to her son when he showed unwelcome signs of effeminacy. Her husband couldn’t stomach the idea that their son was gay, but they were happy to mutilate him in a misguided and impossible attempt to turn him into a girl. 

I’ve already said too much, so I’ll stop here. If there’s a TL;DR it’s “Show me the hate.”

*Trans identified males are not women and can never be women. A man can no more identify out of being male any more than he can identify out of being a primate, mammal, or tetrapod. It’s just an unalterable fact of material reality.

Guest post: An integrated solution whereby the Palestinians become full Israeli citizens

Nov 12th, 2023 10:41 am | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on The trees will speak.


“falsely claiming Israel is a totally innocent, ”

Nobody has claimed that. At all. If anything this is you projecting your view of Palestine onto us.

Israel is an ethnostate, that in and of itself creates problems. Palestine would equally well be an ethnostate, just a much worse run one.

We can all rattle off issues with Israel past and present. We are well aware of the bullshit you’ve been spouting, those issues do not excuse the targeted mass rape, murder and abduction of civilians.

7 October fully justified a military response.

That means that yes, if Hamas use their civilian population as shields, a lot of them are going to die, and no it won’t be murder, it won’t be collective punishment, it won’t even be disproportionate. It is what happens when those tactics are applied in a war.

If you seriously want to reduce civilian casualties, the first step would be maybe not supporting tactics that put civilians in danger. Hamas is very guilty of using such tactics. The line of bullshit you push here, is what makes those tactics effective.

“and accusing Israel’s critics of antisemitism, (exhibit “A” being Bruce Gorton calling me a goddamned Jew-hating nazi)”

Lets see, why did I call you a Nazi? Was it because you’re critical of Israel? No, its because you use Israel to deflect criticism from someone calling for the deaths of Jews in Australia, a totally different country.

Jews in Australia are not responsible for the policies of Israel – they don’t even live there. That whole “collective” guilt thing you’ve got going on when it comes to Jews, is a bit of a problem.

So far as Israel is concerned, you seem to be of the opinion that Israel has no right to defend itself, or its population. That in order to have a right to defend itself, it would have to somehow be blameless of all wrongs, or lack the capacity to do so. We have seen this line of reasoning before, it is the “no angels” argument applied to a state.

This isn’t a matter of Israel being helpless babes innocent of all wrongdoing, this is a matter of Israel being a fully modern, fully armed society that will damn well defend itself whether Nazis like you like it or not.

If you don’t like what Israel is doing, you’re going to have to come up with a reasonable alternative.

Here is what I can come up with, but it requires taking a different set of tactics to your perpetual bullshit:

The UN cuts the shit and condemns Hamas. Negotiations with the UN ensue, where the UN offers to take on the responsibility of seeing Hamas destroyed in lieu of aggressive military action by Israel.

The ICC issues warrants for the arrest of Hamas’ leadership. Global banking agrees to freeze accounts linked to Hamas. States that support Hamas cannot get loans from the World Bank or the IMF. We see if we can’t get the Bank of China in on the game (their excuses with regards to their treatment of the Uygers could be used as leverage for this purpose).

At the same time the UNRWA, which is extremely guilty of maintaining this forever war, gets folded into the UNHRC. The education the UN provides moves over to a soft curriculum designed to ease the next generation into reconciliation rather than radicalization. Israel is assured that it can employ observers to ensure that the education involved is not mainly propaganda for further war.

At the same time, Israel is required to come up with a roadmap for citizenship for its Palestinian population. The same requirement is placed upon the surrounding states. This aims to solve the problem of long-term statelessness with regards to Palestinians.

The two state solution is, bluntly, exactly what Apartheid envisaged with the Bantustans.

Instead the plan should be to emulate the one thing my country, South Africa, did right and move towards an integrated solution whereby the Palestinians become full Israeli citizens. This is a long-term goal, with a lot of work required to hammer out issues such as legal protections and suchlike, but it should be the overall direction for the future.

Yes, my country does have problems, very serious problems, but this I think is the only real workable solution long term. Otherwise you end up with a perpetually impoverished Palestine, next to a wealthy Israel, and more war ensues.

More inclusion but not for you

Nov 12th, 2023 9:36 am | By

I saw this:

So I decided to read the open letter to the Board of AdvanceHE. It’s what we’d expect – they always are, aren’t they.

Dear Board Members, 

As members of the higher education (HE) sector, who believe that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are crucial to the future of the sector, we recognise the importance of Advance HE’s work in this area. Advance HE manages the accreditation schemes Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter, delivers development programmes such as Aurora, and provides advice and guidance to the sector on matters related to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

Very high-educated to repeat “equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)” in the very next sentence after citing it the first time. Fans of EDI seem to get sexually aroused by mentioning it.

 One particular area that we, the undersigned, uphold, is the importance of including trans and non-binary people; we do not believe there is any conflict between Advance HE’s efforts to improve trans inclusion, and other areas of EDI in the HE sector, such as equality for women.

Oh well then, there’s no more to be said, is there. (They do in fact say no more about why they “do not believe.”) Just dismiss the idea that “trans inclusion” is in conflict with equality for women, without any argument or particulars. In fact of course there are very obvious conflicts. Every boost of a man who claims to be a woman is a boost not given to a woman yet it doesn’t count as another man in a sea of men, it counts as diversity equality inclusion. Believe that.

The 2020 Independent Review of Athena Swan highlighted that “the Charter must embrace the wider definition of gender” and following this, a transformed Charter was published including a key principle of “fostering collective understanding that individuals have the right to determine their own gender identity, and tackling the specific issues faced by trans and non-binary people because of their identity”.

In other words the charter must do more to stop working to promote women and start promoting men with interesting genders instead. Why must it do that?

However, recent events indicate a worrying watering down of this commitment to inclusion, following public criticism from a very vocal – but, we believe, dangerously transphobic – minority.  In particular, the Gender in HE Conference 2022 was originally scheduled to include a panel on “connections and tensions between sex-based and gender-inclusive rights“.  The very framing of this panel implied that the rights of cis women and trans women are separate and in tension. However, from the standpoint of inclusivity as upheld by the Athena Swan Charter principles, trans women are women and hence there is no such tension.

Aha! Magic! Just say they are women for the 40 billionth time and the problem is solved! Not for women, of course, but that doesn’t matter.

The fact that Advance HE were unable to find a trans or non-binary speaker to participate in this panel indicates that they failed to provide an environment in which trans people felt safe and supported to speak about their views and lived experience, again contrary to Advance HE’s own commitments to inclusion.

What about people who identify as animals? Furries should be supported to speak about their views and lived experience too you know!

Following online criticism of Advance HE’s approach, the panel was eventually replaced with a session named “A contested view, in conversation with Alice Sullivan”. This did not solve the problem of the complete lack of representation of trans people in a conversation pertinent to their rights and safety. 

When we talk about violence against women, let’s be sure to include some violent men so that violent men will be represented in a conversation pertinent to their rights and safety.

To emphasise to you that we, as members of the sector and of our academic communities, do indeed believe in the inclusion of trans and non-binary people in our workplaces and in the Athena Swan Charter, we the undersigned:

  • reject the premise that trans-inclusive EDI work is a threat to freedom of speech or our academic freedom.
  • further reject the suggestion that there is any tension between the rights of cis women and trans women, or between sex-based and gender-inclusive rights

Imagine having to work around those fools.

Guys just wanna have fun

Nov 12th, 2023 5:09 am | By

So Northumbria Police harassed a woman for saying men are not women, and because the police harassed her for stating an obvious banal truth, Newcastle United FC did its bit by punishing her further. Who else is going to step up? Will she be banned from the buses? Thrown out of Waitrose? Escorted out of the library?

A gender-critical Newcastle United fan says the club have suspended her membership because police investigated her for tweeting that “trans women are men”.

The cops investigate women for saying men are men, and then everyone else steps up to punish those wicked shameless whorey women who know that men are men. Welcome to the new Inquisition, so much more inclusive and diverse than the old one.

The 34-year-old, who asked not to be identified, was interviewed under caution by police after a complaint over tweets in which she also said that gender-affirming surgery was “mutilating children”. The investigation has now been dropped.

The woman was told by the club that her account had been “temporarily suspended” while Northumbria Police investigated her for online posts.

The lifelong Magpies supporter said the club had still not reinstated her membership.  “I have been in shock about the whole thing,” she told the Telegraph. “I’ve missed some big games. It’s been a bit of a nightmare.”

Remember, kids – this is not because the cops suspected her of raping someone, or cutting someone’s throat, or torturing someone. This is because the cops suspected her of saying men are men.

The club said it was “standard practice” to suspend anyone under police investigation and that her alleged offence “contravenes our ground regulations”.

Their what? What can it possibly have to do with Newcastle United that a woman said a man is a man?

It came as a shock for the loyal supporter, who was unaware she was under police investigation at all. “I didn’t have a clue what I had been accused of,” she said.

On Friday, she was asked to attend a voluntary interview at Forth Banks Police Station in relation to “malicious communications” over several posts on X, formerly known as Twitter.

One tweet read: “Just your daily reminder that trans women are men.”

Harry Miller from WeAreFairCop, a gender-critical organisation which advised the woman, said: “There’s nothing that comes close to being criminal. The process is the punishment. They (police) do this to terrorise members of the public. They have put this woman through absolute hell.”

All because she says men are men. That’s where we are now.

How did NUFC even know the cops had dragged her into the station for some torture? That would appear to be the doing of this smug asshole:

Guest post: Beginning to look suspiciously like privilege

Nov 11th, 2023 5:27 pm | By

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on No escape for women ever.

For being one of the most THE most powerless, oppressed, and persecuted group in the history of the multiverse, People of Gender sure seem to have it their way to an unusual degree.

Would Jews in Nazi Germany be be able to tell Aryans exactly what they were obligated to say unless they wanted “a formal complaint” and “a police visit?”, and would the German Police at the time be doing their bidding by showing up at the door of ordinary civilians for making non-threatening statements that some Jews might consider offensive?

Would the Taliban regime in Afghanistan – or anywhere else for that matter – have so many days, weeks, or entire months dedicated to “female pride” that you couldn’t keep track of them all, and would you be unable to walk through the streets of Kabul for more than 10 minutes during any of these periods without seeing at least half a dozen feminist flags?

Would the 2nd in command in Myanmar be proudly displaying Rohingya symbols or slogans on his social media profile, and would the 1st in command be using his very first day in office to muscle in special privileges for Rohingyas?

Would Chinese companies be changing their profile pictures on social media into the Uigur flag (if there is such a thing) at least once a year, and would they be offering crawling apologies, firing employees etc. at the first hint of protests from Uigurs?

Would south African Universities during the Apartheid era be cancelling books, talks, lectures or entire courses in anticipation of protests from blacks?

If you asked any of these groups to tell you about the struggles they were facing, is there any chance that fucking pronouns (!!!) would even make the list?

Of course not! It’s almost as if they weren’t the most oppressed group ever after all. Indeed when you look at it from such a perspective, the alleged “oppression” is beginning to look suspiciously like privilege. Crazy-talk, I know…

No escape for women ever

Nov 11th, 2023 9:31 am | By

What could possibly go wrong?

Local governments should be asserting, unequivocally, that men are women.