Welcome to our archive of news stories relevant to the project of fighting fashionable nonsense. The stories are drawn from the electronic pages of the world’s media. On this page, you’ll find links to those stories that have been featured on Butterflies and Wheels during the current year. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to separate archives of stories from previous years.

We’re always pleased to hear about news stories that you think should be featured on Butterflies and Wheels. Just send an email here, if you want to point one out to us.

A note about links

Inevitably links go out of date. We suggest, therefore, that you make hard-copies of the stories that particularly interest you.

History is Potentially Lethal *

May 31st, 2003 | Filed by

Marxist left and Hindu fundamentalist right subordinate history to political goals in India.… Read the rest

Are Standards and Expertise a Bad Thing? *

May 31st, 2003 | Filed by

Sarah Bryan Miller wonders, just what is an elitist anyway?… Read the rest

All Entertainment All the Time *

May 30th, 2003 | Filed by

Jonathan Yardley comments on perpetual entertainment as a form of leisure.… Read the rest

Watching Someone Dig With a Brush is Boring *

May 30th, 2003 | Filed by

TV prefers pseudoarchaeology to the real thing.… Read the rest

Self-serving Argument #478 *

May 30th, 2003 | Filed by

If you think they write bad novels it is because you are jealous, gloomy and snobbish. Of course.… Read the rest

Hitchens on Blumenthal *

May 29th, 2003 | Filed by

A Theodore off-White style and keeping two sets of ethical books.… Read the rest

No Kidding *

May 29th, 2003 | Filed by

Demanding schools place pressure on students, research shows. Really?!… Read the rest

Hobsbawm and Hitchens *

May 28th, 2003 | Filed by

A deferential sparring match at Hay-on-Wye.… Read the rest

Interview with E.O. Wilson *

May 28th, 2003 | Filed by

‘Ecology’ is about more than saving charismatic large mammals.… Read the rest

Dystopias and Mad Scientists *

May 27th, 2003 | Filed by

Why is science fiction so pessimistic?… Read the rest

MM Logic *

May 26th, 2003 | Filed by

Television studies are mocked now as Shakespeare was then, therefore television studies are no more time-wasting than Shakespeare.… Read the rest

‘Flooding the Zone’ a Mistake? *

May 26th, 2003 | Filed by

Speed instead of depth, frat boy instead of nerd, football metaphors instead of ethical probity.… Read the rest

Conflation of ‘Guerilla Theater’ With Politics *

May 26th, 2003 | Filed by

A politcs of dramatic gestures, style without substance.… Read the rest

Now It Can Be Told! *

May 25th, 2003 | Filed by

Women talk, men sit and stare. Stone the crows.… Read the rest

Mound of Feel-good Styrofoam Peanuts *

May 25th, 2003 | Filed by

Marketing sappy techno-utopian ‘revolution lite’ via PageRank™.… Read the rest

Yes, Hip Cool Sexy People Are Phobic Too *

May 24th, 2003 | Filed by

They just hide it better, says Julie Burchill.… Read the rest

Orwell Could Be Such a Misery *

May 23rd, 2003 | Filed by

But he would have cut ‘today’s higher theoreticians’ to shreds.… Read the rest

Jayson Blair Talks *

May 22nd, 2003 | Filed by

‘I just couldn’t stop laughing.’… Read the rest

Blooming Buzzing Confusion *

May 22nd, 2003 | Filed by

Do we see what we see or is our brain stitching it all together?… Read the rest

How to Win the Argument Against Philistinism *

May 21st, 2003 | Filed by

‘Not the kind of knowledge that flatters authorities,’ Frank Furedi says.… Read the rest