Welcome to our archive of news stories relevant to the project of fighting fashionable nonsense. The stories are drawn from the electronic pages of the world’s media. On this page, you’ll find links to those stories that have been featured on Butterflies and Wheels during the current year. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to separate archives of stories from previous years.

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A note about links

Inevitably links go out of date. We suggest, therefore, that you make hard-copies of the stories that particularly interest you.

Victimhood Envy *

Oct 16th, 2003 | Filed by

Anne Applebaum considers new books that claim the Germans were also victims in WW II.… Read the rest

One Tributary of Darwinism *

Oct 16th, 2003 | Filed by

The geologist James Hutton wrote of adaptation and survival late in the 18th century.… Read the rest

Neil Postman Remembered *

Oct 16th, 2003 | Filed by

‘He was expert in nothing. Therefore nothing was off limits.’… Read the rest

Therapy and Moral Panic *

Oct 16th, 2003 | Filed by

Is the emphasis on stress and counseling in universities teaching students to think learning is too much for them?… Read the rest

How Natural Are These Disasters? *

Oct 15th, 2003 | Filed by

David Stanway looks at environmental degradation in China.… Read the rest

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life *

Oct 15th, 2003 | Filed by

‘…even ruthlessly secularized activities can have a religious feel to them.’… Read the rest

Woolly Jumpers and Even Woollier Language *

Oct 14th, 2003 | Filed by

The aim was to ‘reduce a text to a kind of fine powder of politico-sexual assumptions.’… Read the rest

Pets I Mean Companion Animals *

Oct 14th, 2003 | Filed by

Do we spend too much money on them? Should we like them less and people more?… Read the rest

The Politics of Sensitivity Training *

Oct 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Defining political protest as hate crime, if the protest is against the Vatican.… Read the rest

Science Within Reason *

Oct 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Review of Susan Haack’s new book.… Read the rest

Oh Dear, the National Review? *

Oct 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Yes, but the piece on the diversity essay is hilarious.… Read the rest

Why No Lampshades on Their Heads? *

Oct 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Why do US conservatives keep pretending they’re a persecuted minority?… Read the rest

Lists Are Always Fun *

Oct 12th, 2003 | Filed by

The Observer offers its list of the best 100 novels.… Read the rest

Whither Canonicity? *

Oct 12th, 2003 | Filed by

Nobody ever said canon formation was easy. Robert McCrum on The List.… Read the rest

Catholic Church Lies About Condoms *

Oct 12th, 2003 | Filed by

Anger at claim that condoms don’t offer protection against HIV.… Read the rest

What Happened to Secularism? *

Oct 12th, 2003 | Filed by

Paul Kurtz considers the reasons for the retreat from science and reason in the US.… Read the rest

BHL the Anti-anti-American *

Oct 11th, 2003 | Filed by

Bernard-Henri Levy looks at the concurrent rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.… Read the rest

How It’s Done *

Oct 10th, 2003 | Filed by

Add or omit quotation marks, call it ‘superweed’ or ‘wild hybrid’ – it all adds up.… Read the rest

Celebrity Equals Entitlement *

Oct 10th, 2003 | Filed by

David Aaronovitch on what footballers and other athletes think of women.… Read the rest

Public Intellectuals *

Oct 10th, 2003 | Filed by

A Tory squire and a Palestinian exile, but both thought academics should reach a broad public.… Read the rest