Welcome to our archive of news stories relevant to the project of fighting fashionable nonsense. The stories are drawn from the electronic pages of the world’s media. On this page, you’ll find links to those stories that have been featured on Butterflies and Wheels during the current year. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to separate archives of stories from previous years.

We’re always pleased to hear about news stories that you think should be featured on Butterflies and Wheels. Just send an email here, if you want to point one out to us.

A note about links

Inevitably links go out of date. We suggest, therefore, that you make hard-copies of the stories that particularly interest you.

Who Needs Hubble When We Have Astrology? *

Feb 4th, 2004 | Filed by

What’s the New York Times doing publishing astrology on the Op-ed page?… Read the rest

Amartya Sen on the Values of the Environment *

Feb 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

People are agents whose freedoms matter, not just patients with living standards.… Read the rest

‘Great stories, and some of them are even true’ *

Feb 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Punk journalism is sparky, sexy, non-boring, what everyone is saying.… Read the rest

Alternative to Female Genital Mutilation? *

Feb 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

Would a symbolic cut prevent worse, or endorse a terrible practice?… Read the rest

Robert Merton and Serendipity *

Feb 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

The importance of accident and luck in research.… Read the rest

Empty Bookshelves and Closed Minds? *

Feb 1st, 2004 | Filed by

Sumanta Banerjee on censorship by fundamentalist religious protests.… Read the rest

Silent Protestors at BORI *

Feb 1st, 2004 | Filed by

Citizens protest vandalism at Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.… Read the rest

Georgia Removes ‘Evolution’ *

Feb 1st, 2004 | Filed by

State education officials delete controversial word from science guidelines.… Read the rest

Evolution is a ‘Buzzword’ *

Feb 1st, 2004 | Filed by

Not going to be teaching the monkeys-to-man sort of thing.… Read the rest

This is Parody, Right? *

Jan 31st, 2004 | Filed by

No, apparently not. Amazing stuff.… Read the rest

What Does Rosenhan’s Hoax Show? *

Jan 31st, 2004 | Filed by

That labels influence diagnosis? That diagnosis is mere labeling?… Read the rest

A Past Master at Having It Both Ways *

Jan 30th, 2004 | Filed by

‘trying to create a kind of moral-political Theory of Everything, he gets badly out of his depth’… Read the rest

Nawal El-Saadawi in Al-Ahram *

Jan 30th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Why should the head of women in particular be considered so dangerous that it must be made to disappear?’… Read the rest

Media Storms Can Mislead *

Jan 29th, 2004 | Filed by

Undue attention to cloning distorts public understanding of the field.… Read the rest

Carl Zimmer on Creationist Rhetorical Tricks *

Jan 29th, 2004 | Filed by

Pretend science is like politics and there is always a middle ground.… Read the rest

Time & Newsweek Have a Responsibility *

Jan 29th, 2004 | Filed by

To people in bookless small towns who want to learn about ideas.… Read the rest

Why Don’t People See? *

Jan 28th, 2004 | Filed by

Paul Berman lists six causes of partial vision.… Read the rest

After After After Theory *

Jan 28th, 2004 | Filed by

Yet another postmortem.… Read the rest

Misconceptions Could Harm the Poor *

Jan 28th, 2004 | Filed by

Bioethics Centre and Peter Singer against Prince Charles on nanotechnology.… Read the rest

The Uses of Nanotechnology *

Jan 28th, 2004 | Filed by

High-profile opponents take an unbalanced approach, say ethicists.… Read the rest