Welcome to our archive of news stories relevant to the project of fighting fashionable nonsense. The stories are drawn from the electronic pages of the world’s media. On this page, you’ll find links to those stories that have been featured on Butterflies and Wheels during the current year. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to separate archives of stories from previous years.

We’re always pleased to hear about news stories that you think should be featured on Butterflies and Wheels. Just send an email here, if you want to point one out to us.

A note about links

Inevitably links go out of date. We suggest, therefore, that you make hard-copies of the stories that particularly interest you.

From ‘I Dunno’ to ‘I’ll Ask Jesus’ *

May 10th, 2004 | Filed by

Why choose stupidity? Why ask why?… Read the rest

Politics Meets Science – and Wins *

May 10th, 2004 | Filed by

Some decisions should be made by peer-review, not politicians.… Read the rest

Atheism is as American as Cherry Pie *

May 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Christopher Hitchens reads Susan Jacoby on the hidden history of secular America.… Read the rest

Why Would Icarus Want to be the Ploughman? *

May 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Roger Scruton admires rural silence, settling, grunts, tradition. Ecch.… Read the rest

Mistreatment of Prisoners Called Routine in U.S. *

May 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Humiliation, sex slavery, beatings not as rare as they might be.… Read the rest

The TLS Reviews the ‘Rapture’ Series *

May 7th, 2004 | Filed by

The UN as antichrist, superheated blood making people explode – such fun.… Read the rest

Kant and Epicurus Were a Bit Off the Mark *

May 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Simon Blackburn investigates lust; Hobbes calls it a delight of the mind.… Read the rest

So It’s Actually Not Paranoia to Fear ‘Pope-Rule’ *

May 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Bishops are leaning on Kerry to oppose abortion rights.… Read the rest

Samantha Power Reads Hannah Arendt *

May 6th, 2004 | Filed by

Why we still have trouble noticing when an abyss opens.… Read the rest

Samuel Johnson Prize Shortlist *

May 6th, 2004 | Filed by

John Clare, the Gulag, Everything, East Germany, Africa.… Read the rest

Richard Webster Listens to ‘In Our Time’ *

May 6th, 2004 | Filed by

As flat-earthers are to geography, so Freudians are to medical history.… Read the rest

Webster on Freud on Hysteria *

May 6th, 2004 | Filed by

Neurology had barely begun, so concussion was diagnosed as hysteria.… Read the rest

Girls Poisoned for Going to School *

May 6th, 2004 | Filed by

Militants angry about Karzai government’s reversal of Taliban ban on female education.… Read the rest

Anti-Vaccination Panic *

May 5th, 2004 | Filed by

When immunization works, people forget how awful the disease is – and bad thinking takes over.… Read the rest

Other People Are Biased, But I’m Not *

May 5th, 2004 | Filed by

The idols of the tribe are alive and well, Michael Shermer points out.… Read the rest

Why Do Archbishops Still Get Attention? *

May 4th, 2004 | Filed by

‘In a culture not characterised by respect…we are strangely reluctant to criticise irrational beliefs.’… Read the rest

Save the Imaginary Beast! *

May 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Sweden has a mythical lake-dwelling Something on its Endangered Species list.… Read the rest

Rise in Mumps Cases in Scotland *

May 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Rise illustrates value of mass immunisation programmes, BMA says. … Read the rest

A Tory Bohemian in Small-town Michigan *

May 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Burkean, Kirkian conservatives are more communitarian than libertarian.… Read the rest

US Losing its Edge in Science *

May 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Europe now the world’s largest producer of scientific literature.… Read the rest