Welcome to our archive of news stories relevant to the project of fighting fashionable nonsense. The stories are drawn from the electronic pages of the world’s media. On this page, you’ll find links to those stories that have been featured on Butterflies and Wheels during the current year. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find links to separate archives of stories from previous years.

We’re always pleased to hear about news stories that you think should be featured on Butterflies and Wheels. Just send an email here, if you want to point one out to us.

A note about links

Inevitably links go out of date. We suggest, therefore, that you make hard-copies of the stories that particularly interest you.

Some Expected the Pope to Be Diplomatic *

May 10th, 2007 | Filed by

But he thinks ‘an assertion of bedrock Christian values is the only way to stem the tide toward secularism.’… Read the rest

Moses Goes Pomo *

May 10th, 2007 | Filed by

He’s off to continue his quest to destabilise the univocity of meaning. Vroom vroom.… Read the rest

Moses is sooooo Irritating *

May 10th, 2007 | Filed by

He is non-judgmental and holier-than-thou at the same time.… Read the rest

Moses is so Cool *

May 10th, 2007 | Filed by

Okay, Jesus, whatever works for you, man.… Read the rest

Army Arrests Journalist Tasneem Khalil *

May 10th, 2007 | Filed by

“We are extremely concerned about Tasneem Khalil’s safety,” said Brad Adams of HRW.… Read the rest

Ruling in Irish Abortion Case *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

The High Court has ruled that Miss D can travel outside of the country for an abortion.… Read the rest

Vigil for Du’a Khalil Aswad in Trafalgar Square *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

There will be a public seminar to discuss further action on the 18th May. All are welcome. … Read the rest

IKWRO Seminar in Memory of Du’a Khalil Aswad *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Discuss plan to pressure Kurdish authorities to protect women from killing and stoning.… Read the rest

More on Vigil for Du’a *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Women of IKWRO remember Du’a.… Read the rest

The Video Makes Woman-murder Okay *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

‘As the cell phone video of Do’a Khalil’s killing spread, the number of honor killings increased.’… Read the rest

Win a Copy of Stephen Law’s Book *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Who can find the most irritating, sinister or downright funny use of ‘atheism is a faith position too’?… Read the rest

Updates on Irish Abortion Case *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

‘This is a live foetus, and the fact it has no brain and cannot survive after birth is irrelevant.’… Read the rest

Mukhtar Mai Harassed by Feudal Lords *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Pakistani authorities are harassing Mukhtar, trying to break her organisation.… Read the rest

Get the Facts Right *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Mark Oppenheimer on a glaring mistake in Hitchens’s God is Not Great.… Read the rest

Worry Over ‘Disdain’ for Evangelicals in Classroom *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Rational or cognitive disagreement viewed as ‘bias and prejudice.’… Read the rest

Missouri Law Mandates ‘Intellectual Diversity’ *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Shall include but not be limited to the protection of religious freedom including the viewpoint that the Bible is inerrant.’… Read the rest

The Missouri Bill *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Mandates meetings to ask students if they think they are getting ‘a sound and respectful education.’… Read the rest

The Epistemology of the IPCC *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

We can only consider arguments we understand, and not many people do understand.… Read the rest

Court Refuses ‘Miss D’ Permission to Travel *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

The judge said that granting the order would amount to a failure to protect the rights of the unborn.… Read the rest

Religious Schools and Brainwashing *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

Stephen Law notes two ways we can shape beliefs: giving reasons, or applying purely causal mechanisms.… Read the rest