All entries by this author

A way to threaten political women

Oct 7th, 2020 11:01 am | By

About that tweet from the misogynist barrister yesterday…

Which, if you don’t want it, is a pretty massive takeover of your body. It’s pretty massive if you do want it, but if you don’t want it it’s all that plus the not wanting it part. Men like the barrister should think about that just a tad more than they normally do.… Read the rest

PR is one word for it

Oct 7th, 2020 10:13 am | By

Nathan Robinson at the Guardian considers Trump’s fraud-skills.

Donald Trump has one particular skill: pretending things are different than they seem. He was never a good businessman, but he was fantastic at playing a good businessman on TV.

Was he? I never saw it, so I don’t know, but from his performances that I have been seeing for the past four years plus a few months, my guess is that he was successful rather than fantastic. I don’t think it’s about his talent so much as it is about the eager willingness of his audience to be impressed. Why that is I don’t think I will ever understand, but I get that it is. The behaviors that make me … Read the rest

Did the chopper salute first?

Oct 7th, 2020 9:29 am | By

Oh I see. I thought Trump was just randomly saluting in that Trumpolini moment on the White House balcony Monday, but it turns out he was saluting the helicopter.

He went up the outside stairs, which is not the custom; he stood there gasping like a fish, which is obviously not a sign of robust health and recovery from the virus; and finally he saluted the Marine helicopter as it departed, which is…just wacko.

Yesterday he shut down the Congressional attempt to pass a new stimulus bill, which is savagely cruel to the millions of people who are struggling in the shutdown.

Today he has cranked out a massive barrage of venomous retweets and tweets, which betrays a total … Read the rest

Entitled how?

Oct 7th, 2020 9:04 am | By

He’s dangerously manic and insane.

(He originally spelled “caught” as “cought”…probably while coughing.)

(Also, what difference does he suppose it will make if people “remember” that he thinks he’s entitled to a third term in defiance of the 22d amendment? They can’t give it to him by voting this year, but they could deny it to him by voting for the other fella.)… Read the rest

Get hotter!

Oct 6th, 2020 5:22 pm | By


Released a month before the election, the report is strikingly at odds with the realities of climate change that the American public has been coping with over the past few months, from huge wildfires to destructive derecho storms and a series of intense hurricanes.

As in, huge wildfires that killed 31 people in California so far and displaced thousands and polluted the air throughout much of the country. Kind of a major drawback, you’d think, but not to Trump’s energy department.

The report doesn’t cover any of the

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The ghoul has it

Oct 6th, 2020 4:47 pm | By

Now we’re talking.

Stephen Miller has tested positive. … Read the rest

Balcony critic

Oct 6th, 2020 1:23 pm | By

I guess Marina Hyde is not a huge fan of Trump’s.

A rare moment of unity in the US election, as Donald Trump marked his return to the White House by gasping along with his detractors. On Monday night, the president puffed up the front staircase of his residence, his face coated in several more gallons of paint than the front elevation of the building. “Don’t let it dominate your lives,” he panted of the virus, a bad case of which tends to dominate your death.

Still: don’t call him Wussolini. He beat this illness – which he still very much has – like a man. One of the really manly ones, who takes all the best drugs

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Another tax lawyer heard from

Oct 6th, 2020 12:05 pm | By

It’s That Barrister Again.

Here’s the thing:

They’re not reversible.

Also, comparing puberty blockers to abortion is just random. You might as well compare them to espresso machines or luxury yachts.… Read the rest

No Walter Reed for them

Oct 6th, 2020 9:29 am | By

It’s not just aides who are at risk in the White House.

The West Wing has reportedly turned into a “ghost town” amid complaints that the White House has failed to trace potential contacts of Trump and his infected aides, with many now working from home even as the president exhorted Americans “not to be afraid of Covid”.

Aides can work from home. You know who can’t?

That has left behind a skeleton staff of about 100 butlers, ushers, cleaners, custodians and maintenance workers, who are often older and drawn from groups at higher risk of developing severe symptoms of the virus, including a butler’s corp that has historically almost exclusively been black.

That work is hands-on, and … Read the rest

By “less” he meant “more”

Oct 6th, 2020 9:09 am | By

Trump issued a “the flu is worse, COVID is nothing” tweet and Facebook post this morning. For once Twitter and Facebook stomped on it.

Twitter not only flagged it, it veiled it. It doesn’t always take that second step.… Read the rest

Commemorate THIS

Oct 6th, 2020 8:59 am | By

Psssssst wanna buy a commemorative coin?

The White House gift shop, which is not affiliated to the White House, has started taking pre-orders for a “President Donald J. Trump Defeats COVID” commemorative coin.

It’s in the same department as the “President Donald J. Trump Walks On Water” coin and the “President Donald J. Trump spins shit into gold” coin.

Note: he has the virus, it caused him two drops in oxygen level and a fever, he tested positive Thursday and the virus is known to get much worse 7 to 10 days after infection, he is in at least two high-risk groups, and…the virus is still infecting thousands of people a day and killing many. Trump hasn’t in any sense … Read the rest

Causing disruption

Oct 6th, 2020 8:04 am | By

Ah family life.

It seems Kellyanne picked up COVID at the superspreader event and gave it to her daughter and husband. Then she has the gall to tell her daughter: “You caused so much disruption.” … Read the rest


Oct 5th, 2020 5:14 pm | By

Maybe he shouldn’t have been in quite such a hurry to leave.

“Gasping” is trending on Twitter.

This is why:

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No one cares that the apology is fake

Oct 5th, 2020 4:48 pm | By

Nick Cohen on the ongoing passion for bullying people into silence:

The current issue of the literary journal The Dark Horse contains a grim and resonant essay by the poet Jenny Lindsay, which shows how Scottish poetry allowed the extremes to define it. In Anatomy of a Hounding she describes the process of humiliation and denunciation she has recently experienced.

…In June 2019 she objected to a writer for the Skinny, who said they believed in ‘violent action’ against Terfs (in this instance lesbian feminists at a Pride March). Lindsay contacted the magazine on Twitter and said:

Hello! One of your commentators here advocates violence against lesbian activists at Pride. I find it extraordinary that such views are

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They coked him up for the trip

Oct 5th, 2020 4:02 pm | By


Don’t let Covid dominate your life, the stupid reckless dribbling fool tells us because he’s only a few days into his case and because he had the undivided attention of a whole team of doctors. Yes brilliant advice genius IF you have a mild case but many people DON’T have a mild case so



NOW… Read the rest

The real school

Oct 5th, 2020 12:12 pm | By

I just want to underline how much I hate his high-on-steroids video from yesterday. How much I hate his giddy high-pitched grinning glee.

And especially how much I hate the part that starts 50 seconds in, where he says

It’s been a very interesting journey. I learned a lot about COVID. I learned it by really going to school, this is the real school, this isn’t the let’s read the book school, and I get it, and I understand it.

I hate the content and I hate the style. I hate the style because his giddy squealy good mood escalates – I hate it because he gets all excited about … Read the rest

Loudly and at length

Oct 5th, 2020 11:47 am | By

The CDC says a new thing about how the virus spreads:

Two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention removed online guidance about airborne transmission of the coronavirus, the agency has replaced it with language citing new evidence that the virus can spread beyond six feet indoors, adrift in the air.

“These transmissions occurred within enclosed spaces that had inadequate ventilation,” the new guidance said. “Sometimes the infected person was breathing heavily, for example while singing or exercising.”

Or shouting or haranguing…

Despite the time former Vice President Joseph R. Biden spent with President Trump during the presidential debate, Mr. Biden is continuing to campaign because he did not meet the C.D.C. requirement for close contact —

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An erotic necessity

Oct 5th, 2020 10:48 am | By

Meanwhile from the other side of the Control Women faction, the Federalist explains us the joy of submission (for women that is; obviously not for men).

I’d like to say it’s just those darned pagan liberals who hate the biblical teaching that wives are to submit to their husbands. But the fact is, feminism has finished its long march through the institutions, and most conservatives have been indoctrinated to hate this teaching as well.

Oh cheer up, bro – feminism is now being dismantled from within and handed over to men who say they are women. You’ve won.

Most of what he says is theological and thus not very relevant to sexism in general. He lets slip an interesting claim … Read the rest

Who so recklessly flew

Oct 5th, 2020 9:44 am | By

What was that about a contagious person going out for a joy ride with a bunch of people in a car?

The president on Sunday was sharply criticized for leaving the hospital to greet supporters. Doctors and experts said he put the health of the personnel riding with him in the car at risk.

Let’s go back to 2014 for a moment…

In a pair of 2014 tweets being shared online, Trump attacked a New York doctor who had returned

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Maek him look week

Oct 5th, 2020 9:28 am | By

Trump wanna go home. Trump wanna be free. Trump don’t care all those other people Trump WANNA GO HOME.

Sources told CNN that Trump had demanded to be released from the hospital on Sunday.

Trump, as ever, is concerned about the optics of staying in the hospital, according to CNN’s Jim Acosta. He worries the visual of him being hospitalized “makes him look weak,” a source told the network.

Focused like a laser on the important issue.… Read the rest