All entries by this author

So-called concerned citizens

Feb 24th, 2021 10:55 am | By

Wtf? The BBC reports:

Amnesty International has stripped the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny of his “prisoner of conscience” status after it says it was “bombarded” with complaints highlighting xenophobic comments that he has made in the past and not renounced.

A spokesman for the human rights organisation in Moscow told the BBC that he believed the wave of requests to “de-list” Navalny was part of an “orchestrated campaign” to discredit Vladimir Putin’s most vocal critic and “impede” Amnesty’s calls for his release from custody.

But on review, Amnesty International concluded that comments made by Navalny some 15 years ago, including a video which appears to compare immigrants to cockroaches, amounted to “hate speech” which was incompatible with the

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Spot the dialect

Feb 24th, 2021 10:05 am | By

Oh boy, a game. The NY Times has a what dialect are you game, not paywalled. I got New York, which is dead-on in a way, since I grew up in Princeton, but I thought some of my answers were probably because my parents were from Iowa and Missouri, and some might have been because I’ve lived in Seattle since Charles I became king…but nope.

To be more precise, I got New York, Yonkers, and Baltimore. Yonkers??? I’ve never even been there apart from passing through, and the same goes for Baltimore. Plus Yonkers has a dialect different from New York? A bit puzzling but no matter, it’s interesting.… Read the rest

Big Bro

Feb 24th, 2021 7:23 am | By

Now the UK police are not just shouting at us about the “rights” of trans women, they’re also threatening us if we talk back.

The police are doing this.

The police are telling women we have to let men who say they are women into our sports, and they are reporting us if we say that’s an injustice.

The police are taunting women over the loss of their rights and then punishing us when we talk back.

The police are doing this.… Read the rest

A man is deeply worried

Feb 24th, 2021 6:44 am | By

But…it’s the Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Bill. It’s a bill about maternity. What can it possibly have to do with men who call themselves women? Men can call themselves women until they run out of breath but it will never make them able to get pregnant. Why is a man talking about a maternity bill in terms of “defamation” of trans women? … Read the rest


Feb 23rd, 2021 5:26 pm | By

Naomi Wolf has been reckless with other people’s lives before. Back in 2014 she was peddling conspiracy theories about the ISIS beheadings of journalists and others.

Author and former Democratic political consultant Naomi Wolf published a series of Facebook posts on Saturday in which she questioned the veracity of the ISIS videos showing the murders and beheadings of two Americans and two Britons, strongly implying that the videos had been staged by the US government and that the victims and their parents were actors.

Wolf published a separate Facebook post, also on Saturday, suggesting that the US was sending troops to West Africa not to assist with Ebola treatment but to bring Ebola back to the US to justify a

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Already immunized!

Feb 23rd, 2021 4:39 pm | By

Naomi Wolf is giving us the benefit of her multi-disciplinary expertise again.

No it isn’t. We know people have immune systems, but immune systems can’t knock out a novel virus all by themselves.

Ah yes, the sinister … Read the rest

Tango Delta

Feb 23rd, 2021 1:28 pm | By

The landing.… Read the rest

The respectful debate

Feb 23rd, 2021 12:40 pm | By


Transphobia describes discriminatory or prejudiced language or actions, relating to actual or perceived gender identity, including denying or refusing to accept gender identity.

So there you have it. It’s “transphobia” – which is obviously very wicked indeed – to refuse to accept the new, stupid, dishonest, fantasy-based concept of “gender identity.” We’re not allowed to go on understanding reality on this particular subject, on pain of being accused and convicted of “transphobia.”

We have to agree that men are women if they say they are – always, no matter what, with no exception, no questions allowed – on pain of shunning at best and firing at worst.

We have to accept the new ideology no matter … Read the rest

Othello syndrome

Feb 23rd, 2021 12:25 pm | By

Oh it’s a syndrome now is it, not a murderous hatred of women but a nice literary syndrome with the prestige of Shakespeare behind it.

A man was experiencing “Othello syndrome”, the baseless belief that his wife was having an affair, when he stabbed her to death on the grounds of a hospital in Sydney’s east, a court has heard.

That’s not a syndrome, it’s misogyny crossed with jealousy and dominance.

Mourad Kerollos is on trial by judge alone in the NSW Supreme Court accused of murdering his wife Gihan Kerollos – known as Gigi – as she left work at Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick about 8.30pm on May 18, 2019.

A forensic psychiatrist, Dr Kerri Eagle,

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Feb 23rd, 2021 10:46 am | By

The Guardian is underlining what a loser that guy is.

He lost the presidential election, lost more than 60 legal challenges to the result, lost his bid to overturn the electoral college, lost control of the Senate and lost an impeachment trial 43-57, though he was spared conviction on a technicality. On Monday, Trump lost yet again – with potentially far-reaching consequences.

The supreme court rejected an attempt by his lawyers to block Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan district attorney (DA) in New York, from enforcing a subpoena to obtain eight years of his personal and corporate tax records.

And why does the Manhattan DA want those tax records?

The DA has said little about why he wants Trump’s records

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Feb 23rd, 2021 10:16 am | By

Woman’s Place UK has an open letter protesting the violent threat against Carmen Calvo.

WPUK has joined with 13 other organisations to call on all the major political party leaders in the UK to condemn the violent threat made against the Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, Carmen Calvo.

An effigy of Calvo was found suspended from a tree in the Plaza 8 de Marzo in Santiago de Compostela. The location is significant because of its connection with International Women’s Day. It was reported in a newspaper article that she was targeted because of her criticism of  proposed new legislation known as ‘Trans Law’.

This latest incident marks an escalation in the targeting of high-profile Spanish feminists who dare to defend

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Meandering and full of insults

Feb 22nd, 2021 4:34 pm | By

Trump is very mad about the Supreme Court ruling. He’s so mad that he put out a “statement,” as if that’s going to change anything. Nobody has to do what he says any more, so his statements are just so much hot air.

Donald Trump’s yearslong quest to prevent the public, Congress, or law-enforcement officials from seeing his tax statements came to a resounding end with a unanimous Supreme Court ruling. He did not take the defeat in stride. Instead, the former president released a statement that, even by Trumpian standards, brims with anger.

Trump’s response bears every hallmark of an authentically Trump-authored text, as opposed to the knockoff versions produced by his aides. It is meandering, filled with

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Women who speak up

Feb 22nd, 2021 3:22 pm | By

This is good!

If you don’t have 9 minutes to spare, start at 2 minutes.

At 4 minutes he cites the work of Jane Clare Jones.… Read the rest

How to allocate the 52

Feb 22nd, 2021 11:48 am | By

I can’t stop. The hilarity is too.

Yes please please please tell me I’m valid.

But just wanting to exist doesn’t need a week. Presumably we all want to exist, except the suicidal among us. Or if it does need a week, it should be I Want To Exist Week.… Read the rest

The irony of the arophobic tweets

Feb 22nd, 2021 11:26 am | By

And then of course the replies. Always the replies.


Hey, I don’t like peanut butter cookies, do I get a week?

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It’s also Parrot Olive Galoshes Week

Feb 22nd, 2021 11:15 am | By

They’re really doing this? It’s not a joke? I saw a mention of it earlier today but thought it was a joke. I guess it’s not a joke?


Tips? Support? Ally? Community?

They’re not joking?

Come on…… Read the rest

This one trans guy said

Feb 22nd, 2021 8:52 am | By

The Beeb gave the job of “analysis” on that Brighton NHS gendoo newtwoo wangwidge article to, of all people, Ben Hunte, their “LGBT correspondent” who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about women.

The hospital is currently receiving a huge amount of backlash following several misleading news reports and lots of misinformation on social media.

On Twitter, some have called the changes “misogynistic” or “an erasure of women”, and many have labelled them “ridiculous”.

Good start. Scare-quotes on misogyny; that’s Ben Hunte for you.

However, while some reports have stated that Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is entirely replacing any language related to womanhood, this is not the case.

We know, it’s women and blah blah blah, but we … Read the rest

Brighton changes name to Dimmon

Feb 22nd, 2021 8:37 am | By

What are they putting in the drinking water in Brighton?

An NHS trust is to use “gender inclusive language” for its maternity services, including terms such as “chestfeeding” and “birthing parent”.

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust is thought to be first in the UK to adopt the language in its internal communications and meetings.

Let’s hope it’s also the last, and that it changes its mind.

The trust said it recognised “challenges” gender identity can have on pregnancy, birth and feeding.

It recognized what? You mean it recognized the challenges “gender identity” can present for pregnant women and mothers?

Let’s assume that’s what they mean. So what’s the point? That women who have delusions of being men find … Read the rest

There should be no limits

Feb 22nd, 2021 8:02 am | By

Ominous headline:

Scottish misogyny law must protect all women, says Helena Kennedy

On the one hand, duh, obviously it must. But this being now, of course on the other hand are we using “all women” to mean “including men”? We are, aren’t we. It wouldn’t be a news story otherwise.

There should be no limits of the types of women protected from hate crime says Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, as she begins her consideration of whether Scotland requires a standalone offence to tackle misogynist abuse.

Of course that’s right…unless by “types of women” you mean “especially men who call themselves women.” A man isn’t a type of woman. There are many types of rabbit, but a dog isn’t a … Read the rest

Carmen Calvo

Feb 21st, 2021 5:37 pm | By

From Woman’s Place UK:

“Women saying no to males is ‘vileness & cruelty’, so says the man.

In Spain,an effigy of a woman who opposes men self ID’ing into our spaces was hung from a tree.

The attacks only come one side of this debate. It’s not coming from women, it’s coming from men who hate us saying no.”

“”This is an effigy of Carmen Calvo, Spain’s vice-president & Secretary of Equality at the socialist PSOE party. A Constitutional Law professor, she voiced legal concerns about “gender identity” policies…”

Raquel Rosario Sanchez

The boot on the neck, always.… Read the rest