All entries by this author

Introducing Sex Matters

Mar 5th, 2021 11:09 am | By

This is happening:

Welcome to Sex Matters:

A launch message from Rebecca Bull, Naomi Cunningham, Maya Forstater and Emma Hilton.

The Era of “No Debate” is over

In the last 12 months, the UK government has dropped plans to change the law in England and Wales to enable people to change their legal sex status through self-declaration. The Department for Education has told schools to stop saying children can be ‘born in the wrong body’. The Crown Prosecution Service has withdrawn guidance for schools equating dissent to “hate.” In Scotland the Forensic Medical Services

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Comparatively obscure works

Mar 4th, 2021 5:05 pm | By

Should we be furious about Dr. Seuss, or elated, or neither?

On Tuesday, the publishing imprint Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced that it would cease publishing six books by Dr. Seuss that include offensive images. In the statement, which was published on the author’s birthday, the publisher said it reached its decision after working with a panel of experts, including educators, in the service of its mission “of supporting all children and families with messages of hope, inspiration, inclusion, and friendship.”

The six shelved books are all comparatively obscure works in the Seuss canon: And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry StreetIf I Ran the Zoo, McElligot’s Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs

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Splatting fan appointed

Mar 4th, 2021 4:31 pm | By

Hm. Sounds like one of those political practical joke type things.

Mansfield today is waking up to the stunning news that their headline-hunting MP, Ben Bradley, has been appointed to the Women and Equalities Committee in the House of Commons.

Who is he? Well…

He has repeatedly whined that white men do not get enough of a break and called for a ‘Minister for Men’.

He has either avoided or voted against legislation promoting equality and human rights, including abortion and same-sex marriage.

He’s cool with police brutality and has encouraged officers to ‘splat the chavs’ with water cannons.

He pushed back against Marcus Rashford’s free school meals campaign, supporting the idea that vouchers given out

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Trans Canada pipeline

Mar 4th, 2021 1:10 pm | By


If trans women are women then what does “trans” mean?

“Trans” isn’t a word like tall or young or clever or Irish or working or famous. It’s not purely descriptive, purely an add-on that doesn’t change what the noun means. “Trans” does change what the noun means…it changes it to mean “not literally” but we’re supposed to pretend it doesn’t.

“Trans” means not really or pretend or make-believe or fake. We’re supposed to pretend it names a spooky magical process by which some men (but far more than we used to think, lots and lots and lots more) are actually women underneath the alien shell of maleitude, but the reality is that the shell of maleitude aka the … Read the rest

He wooed her with threats

Mar 4th, 2021 12:06 pm | By

Point missed.

Calls have been growing in India for the chief justice of the Supreme Court to resign “without a moment’s delay” after his recent remarks in two cases of alleged rape.

What remarks?

Justice Bobde, who was heading a three-judge bench, asked a 23-year-old man accused of raping a girl whether he would marry her.

“If you want to marry (her) we can help you. If not, you lose your job and go to jail,” he said.

His comments shocked many, especially considering the horrific accusations the girl – who was 16 at the time of the alleged rapes in 2014-15 – had made against the man, a distant relative.

According to the letter, he “is accused of

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The boot in the face

Mar 4th, 2021 11:34 am | By

It’s SO unfair.

Actually it’s another two months. April is between March and May and it’s only March 4 now so…two.

The Daily Beast:

The self-described white nationalist who stormed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and posed for gleeful photos during the Capitol riot doesn’t believe he should be in jail—and he’s had a temper tantrum in court to make his opinion known.

“They’re dragging this out.

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A worrying network

Mar 4th, 2021 10:31 am | By

Jean Hatchet on Blame the Woman for Everything:

I have been objecting to the term “parental alienation” for a long time now. This is a term, backed by a growing section of the counselling/therapeutic industry, which is being used against women in the Family Court by men who have abused them.

When a woman, in an effort to keep her children safe, reveals to the Family Court the domestic abuse she has suffered, an abusive man will now frequently counter this by suggesting that, instead, it is the woman who is abusive because she is using “parental alienation” to prevent him having rightful access to his children. He and/or his legal representatives will allege that she is lying about

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Zara Kay

Mar 3rd, 2021 5:25 pm | By

Ah good news at last.

Well done Maryam.… Read the rest

Unchanged since 1927

Mar 3rd, 2021 3:30 pm | By

The DoJ changed the definition.

January 6, 2012

The following post appears courtesy of Susan B. Carbon, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women. In a victory for survivors of rape and their advocates, the Attorney General announced a newly revised definition of rape for nationwide data collection, ensuring that rape will be more accurately reported nationwide. The change sends an important message to all victims that what happens to them matters, and to perpetrators that they will be held accountable.  It was because of the voices of survivors, advocates, law enforcement personnel and many others that FBI Director Robert Mueller was able to make this important change within the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Summary Reporting System

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Let’s pretend

Mar 3rd, 2021 11:29 am | By

They want to do it again.

Federal authorities on Wednesday warned that people associated with identified militia groups have been discussing plans for another to attack on the US Capitol with the aim of removing Democratic politicians on or about 4 March.

This is fine, this is totally normal.

The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the US Capitol police department has obtained intelligence pointing to a possible plot to “breach the Capitol by an identified militia group” on Thursday, the agency said on Wednesday.

Thursday marks the date when some rightwing conspiracy theorists have claimed that the former president, Donald Trump, will be sworn in for a second term in office despite the fact that he

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Spread’em, bitch

Mar 3rd, 2021 10:30 am | By

Definitely. Pimps are just doing an honest day’s work. Johns are wise consumers keeping the economy going. Traffickers are forward-looking globalists. Being raped for cash is a career any parents would want for their daughters. Liberty liberty liberty.… Read the rest


Mar 3rd, 2021 10:16 am | By

A lot can happen in three hours.

It took more than three hours for former President Donald Trump’s Defense Department to approve a request for D.C.’s National Guard to intervene in the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, the commanding general of the outfit told senators on Wednesday.

“At 1:49 p.m. I received a frantic call from then-Chief of U.S. Capitol Police, Steven Sund, where he informed me that the security perimeter at the Capitol had been breached by hostile rioters,” Maj. Gen. William Walker told the Senate Homeland and Rules committees in a joint hearing.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency on Capitol Hill and requested the immediate assistance of

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A comically heathen grifter and Mike

Mar 3rd, 2021 10:07 am | By

Return of Pence:

Michael Richard Pence, the former Vice President of the United States, is a living monument to the sunk-cost fallacy. When his political career was close to death in Indiana, his interests momentarily converged with those of a comically heathen real-estate grifter from Manhattan who needed some Evangelical credentials on the Republican ticket.

So this theocrat who boasts of his own sanctity joined forces with an openly brutal and sadistic crook. Not even the fact that Trump’s lies about the election nearly got Pence killed is enough to turn him away.

Pence’s instincts for physical self-preservation have taken a back seat to those for political self-preservation, maybe because he feels he already sold too much of

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Pronouns in court

Mar 3rd, 2021 9:16 am | By

Don’t do that.


Child rapist threatened to kill herself when undeclared device found during visit

You already know the punchline. There aren’t a whole lot of female “rapists.” There may be some female sadists who shove things up children, but rape is anatomically impossible for women, as well as being just not something women want to do or feel driven to do. It’s not cute to pin male crimes on women because “pronouns!!!”.

A convicted child rapist who is banned from owning internet devices unless approved threatened to kill herself when one was found at her home.

That is, “to kill himself when one was found at his home.” That’s a man, who committed a peculiarly and particularly male … Read the rest

A maskless Abbott

Mar 2nd, 2021 4:52 pm | By

Hey this is boring let’s open everything up now! Right now! Never mind that vaccinations are only getting started, let’s do it now!

That’s Texas asshole governor Greg Abbott’s take anyway.

With less than 7% of Texans fully vaccinated and another Covid-19 surge potentially imminent, Texas is flinging open businesses to full capacity while simultaneously ending its highly politicized mask mandate, the state’s governor, Greg Abbott, announced on Tuesday.

“It is now time to open Texas 100%,” a maskless Abbott declared to cheers at a crowded restaurant in the city of Lubbock.

Yeah! Let’s have surge number 4!

When Abbott’s policy changes go into effect next week, Texas will be the most populous state in the country that does

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The journey begins

Mar 2nd, 2021 1:08 pm | By

It’s Women’s History Month and Robin Buckallew is again doing a writing marathon for it.

I’m back! Here we go again, another Women’s History Month, another marathon. Year four and counting. I hope you can follow me all the way through, right to the end. I could use someone else making this journey with me.

It feels so much like women’s rights are waning sometimes, doesn’t it? Recent Supreme Court appointments suggest that may not be an illusion. We still have so much of a fight ahead, and women around the world are facing much worse things than we face. It’s tempting sometimes to say to hell with it, go back to bed, take a bubble bath, binge watch

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Transaction completed

Mar 2nd, 2021 9:58 am | By

The Beeb reports the return of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria:

The girls were abducted by unidentified assailants from their boarding school in Jangebe, Zamfara state, on Friday and taken to a forest, police said.

The state’s governor said on Tuesday that the 279 girls had been freed.

Such kidnappings are carried out for ransom and are common in the north of the country.

The governor of Zamfara state, Bello Matawalle, tweeted that it “gladdens my heart to announce the release of the abducted students“. “This follows the scaling of several hurdles laid against our efforts,” he added. “I enjoin all well-meaning Nigerians to rejoice with us as our daughters are now safe.”

Mr Matawalle has

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All about the x

Mar 2nd, 2021 9:49 am | By

Gender-neutral language outrage ensued.

Streaming platform Twitch has backtracked on a new policy to change its spelling of “women” after criticism from transgender communities.

Oh good, it’s extremely urgent to have “transgender communities” in charge of what language we can use. Women, on the other hand, can be ignored. [whispers: they’re just Karens.]

The company had said it would use the term “womxn” in order to be more gender neutral in its language.

How can you be “gender neutral” about women? That makes no sense of any kind. “We will use the term ‘mushrooms’ in place of ‘women’ in order to be more gender neutral.”

Ben Hunte has “analysis” for us.

Many social media users are still

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For corruption

Mar 2nd, 2021 9:15 am | By

So former heads of state can be prosecuted? And found guilty? And sentenced to prison? Whaddya know.

French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to three years in jail, two of them suspended, for corruption. He was convicted of trying to bribe a judge in 2014 – after he had left office – by suggesting he could secure a prestigious job for him in return for information about a separate case.

Sarkozy, 66, is the first former French president to get a custodial sentence.

His lawyer says he will appeal. Sarkozy will remain free during that process which could take years.

Or not. Anyway we all know of a pasty white guy with a fake goldy combover who’s sweating bullets … Read the rest

Gosar playing hooky

Mar 2nd, 2021 8:58 am | By

News from the white nationalistosphere:

Rep. Paul Gosar spoke Friday night at a Florida event organized by a white nationalist.

To make the appearance at the far-right AFPAC, an extremist alternative to the annual CPAC gathering of conservatives, Gosar, R-Ariz., had to skip voting in person on the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that passed the House early Saturday. He had notified the House in writing that he couldn’t be physically present in Congress because of the ongoing pandemic.

The ongoing pandemic of dogs eating his homework.

AFPAC stands for the America First Political Action Committee and was put together by Nick Fuentes, an anti-immigration conservative who attended the 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and last year was

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