All entries by this author

Man at the top

Mar 21st, 2021 12:50 pm | By

This kind of thing is why the trans ideology is convincing to so many.

As a fashion-obsessed teenager, I dreamed of working for Vogue. What girl didn’t?

The girl who doesn’t give a shit about fashion and has other things to dream of, that’s what girl didn’t. My guess is there are more than two or three of them. Fashion really isn’t so enthralling that half the population dreams of spending her working life thinking about it.

This was in the 2000s, and smartphones weren’t everywhere yet, so we’d leaf through the latest copy hungrily at the back of the class. I loved the pictures, the clothes, even the adverts. But most of all I loved the masthead and

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You’ve got to be patient

Mar 21st, 2021 12:26 pm | By

Catherine Bennett isn’t in the mood to be told to calm down.

Less than a day separated the arrest of a serving Metropolitan police officer on suspicion of Sarah Everard’s murder from the first suggestions that women calm down and put it in perspective…

A professor of criminology, Marian FitzGerald, thought it important to tell other women – twice – on the BBC, not to get “hysterical”. She was being interviewed by a senior man in an organisation which has evidently shared her reservations about women’s fallibility – were they worthy, even, of being paid the same as men? – and it duly went unchallenged.

The message, that women’s difficulties with the status quo can be just as troublesome

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Like dirt, geddit?

Mar 21st, 2021 11:51 am | By


Updating to add James Dreyfus’s parody.

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Wrongly considered an expert

Mar 21st, 2021 11:23 am | By

Fair Play for Women explains to the bosses what Stonewall really is:

Dear leaders of public sector organisations,

You think you are doing the right thing, appointing so-called LGBT representatives and inviting Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence and the like to write policy for you. It’s time to open your eyes. Your own people are doing the work of transactivists and you’ll be the one left carrying the can.

Because the problem is L and G and B are nowhere and it’s all about the T.

Stonewall is considered wrongly an expert rather than a lobby group with its own priorities and objectives

It’s an easy mistake to make. You need a transgender policy so you task your transgender equality manager to

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Step one: believe in facts

Mar 21st, 2021 10:32 am | By

No, see, this is one reason I won’t just close my eyes and “be kind.”

No. “Birth sex” and “actual sex” are not opposite, they’re the same thing, which can most easily be named with simply “sex.” Your sex is your sex is your sex. You can’t change it, any more than you can change your species. Some things you can change, some you can’t. Deal with it.

It’s not “ideology” to refuse to pretend that sex is optional and switchable. What’s ideology is to make up a whole new pretend-science in which sex is as optional and switchable as what shirt you put on.

It’s pretty rich for the bossy bratty ideologues of the trans religion to accuse … Read the rest

Not a single example?

Mar 20th, 2021 5:16 pm | By

Some people lie for Jesus, other people lie for boys can be girls.

No, that’s not what we’re talking about. It’s not “punishing” boys to say they can’t play on the girls’ teams, any more than it’s “punishing” boys to say they can’t punch girls in the face. They still have the outlets and joys available to their peers – including playing mixed-sex sports when that’s available.

The father on … Read the rest

What was going on?

Mar 20th, 2021 11:20 am | By

A long thread by Steve Moses on joining the Green Party in 2009, and feeling confident that the Greens were on the right side of issues involving women and “the gay community” and that he could focus on issues he knew more about…until…

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Mar 20th, 2021 10:46 am | By

Rebecca Solnit on the habit of blaming women for “tempting” men:

The alleged murderer of eight people, six of whom were Asian American women, reportedly said that he was trying to “eliminate temptation”. It’s as if he thought others were responsible for his inner life, as though the horrific act of taking others’ lives rather than learning some form of self-control was appropriate. This aspect of a crime that was also horrifically racist reflects a culture in which men and the society at large blame women for men’s behavior and the things men do to women.

See, it’s superficial to think men are responsible for the things they do to women. You have to dig below the surface to discover … Read the rest


Mar 20th, 2021 10:13 am | By

Proud of what?

Four men described as leaders of the far-right Proud Boys group have been charged in the US Capitol riot, as an indictment ordered unsealed on Friday presents fresh evidence of how federal officials believe members planned and carried out a coordinated attack to stop Congress certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

The latest indictment suggests the Proud Boys deployed a much larger contingent in Washington, with more than 60 users “participating in” an encrypted messaging channel for group members created a day before.

The Proud Boys abandoned an earlier channel and created the new Boots on the Ground channel after police arrested the group’s leader, Enrique Tarrio, in Washington. Tarrio was arrested on 4 January and charged

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Your ideas are embarrassingly bad

Mar 20th, 2021 9:37 am | By

There is some useful bluntness in this thread:

I think “and it never will” is over-confident…but at the same time I also don’t see how the ideology ever could map onto how most … Read the rest

Hanity finds it humiliating

Mar 19th, 2021 3:05 pm | By

Fox News is Team Putin.

This week, asked by ABC News if he considered Vladimir Putin a “killer,” President Biden responded in the affirmative. Putin responded by challenging Biden to a debate this weekend. At this point, Donald Trump’s allies immediately weighed in on Putin’s side.

Putin “is openly mocking the president of the United States for his own amusement,” Fox News host Sean Hannity proclaimed last night, “and frankly, I find it, as an American citizen, humiliating.”

Junior got in on the act.

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Uplift and motivate, geddit?

Mar 19th, 2021 2:36 pm | By


“This image” of 24 female bums “has become a symbol of female empowerment”??? In what universe? What on earth do women’s buttocks have to do with empowerment?

What “positive message” does this drive? The only message I see is “Look look women butts doncha wanna get some of that???”

Gah we cannot win, can we. On the one hand “thongs are hawt!!” and on the other hand “this hairy six foot man with the beer gut is actually a woman and you have to be inclusive to him I mean her.” Between the two feminism has no room to breathe.

Updating to add:… Read the rest

Celebrate da diversity

Mar 19th, 2021 9:16 am | By

NPR’s manipulative language was to introduce a conversation with a pediatrician.

Often missing from the culture-war aspect of the debate is a focus on the type of questions that Dr. Eric Vilain has spent much of his career researching. Vilain, a pediatrician and geneticist who studies sex differences in athletes, says there are no good faith reasons to limit transgender women’s participation in sports, especially at the high school level. Vilain has advised both the International Olympic Committee and the NCAA, and says these laws generally aren’t based in scientific evidence, but rather “target women who have either a different biology or … simply look different.”

Easy for him to say. It’s not his rights that are being rapidly carved … Read the rest

“”inherent differences””

Mar 19th, 2021 8:46 am | By

The endless struggle to pretend we don’t know what we know. It must be exhausting.

Throughout the country, roughly 35 bills have been introduced by state legislators that would limit or prohibit transgender women from competing in women’s athletics, according to the LGBTQ rights group Freedom for All Americans. That’s up from only two in 2019.

Yes of course it’s “up,” because more boys and men are doing this.

The latest action in this push came last week, when Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed into law the “Mississippi Fairness Act.” The law prohibits schools from allowing transgender female students to compete in female sports and cites “inherent differences between men and women” as one of the reasons to block

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Violence against ALL women, including men

Mar 19th, 2021 8:18 am | By

About that Violence Against Women Act

The House approved with bipartisan support a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, a popular 1994 law that protects and provides resources for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. The measure passed 244-172.

So the 172 are for violence against women? Good heavens no, it’s just that they love guns more than they hate violence against women.

The most contentious issue in the House-passed bill is a provision that expands the criminal threshold to bar an individual from buying a gun to include misdemeanor convictions of domestic abuse or stalking. It would also close the so-called boyfriend loophole to expand the definition of who is affected by existing gun prohibitions to

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The academic version

Mar 19th, 2021 7:54 am | By

All lives matter! Not just women’s! Shut up about women! Shut up shut up shut UP.

Of course there’s also the question of what it means to build bridges across people, but whatever. The point is: ALL LIVES MATTER.… Read the rest

It must repeat the lie

Mar 19th, 2021 7:50 am | By

Tatchell squares the circle.

Listen up, ladies, says Peter Tatchell – you need safety from male violence but that doesn’t mean we can’t force you to be “inclusive” of men in your safety from male violence. We want you to be safe! All of you! Including the male ones! So in order to be safe from male violence you have to be “inclusive” of men by pretending they are in fact women. … Read the rest


Mar 18th, 2021 5:31 pm | By

We have always been at war with…Singal.… Read the rest

Heading back to Canada

Mar 18th, 2021 4:09 pm | By

The short inglorious career of…… Read the rest

I have here in my hand a list

Mar 18th, 2021 12:52 pm | By


Is all this happening in the basement of a pizza shop in DC?… Read the rest