Sarcasm makes the point better.… Read the restAll entries by this author
Conflicts how exactly?
Jun 10th, 2021 8:59 am | By Ophelia BensonThe Guardian does a better job than the BBC of giving Maya space comparable to the space it gives a dissenter.
… Read the restForstater said of the judgment: “It doesn’t mean the freedom to harass others. That was never what my case was about. Gender-critical beliefs and gender identity beliefs are both protected under the Equality Act and so, too, is lack of belief. No one can be forced to profess a belief that they do not hold, like trans women are women, trans men are men, and [be] punished if they refuse. The judgment means that organisations now need to consider whether their policies, encouraged by trans rights organisations, discriminate against people with gender-critical views.”
Louise Rea, a solicitor at the
Add just a pinch of poison to the well
Jun 10th, 2021 7:49 am | By Ophelia BensonEven the god damn chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission is doing it.
“Some may see the beliefs of others as questionable or controversial, but people must be free to hold them. This is why this case is so important.” @EHRCChair on the ruling in Maya Forstater’s appeal.
See our case summary and full statement:
— EHRC (@EHRC) June 10, 2021
In other words…Maya’s beliefs are evil but she has the right to hold them.
Thanks a lot.
Leaves an opening for the misogynist trans women. way so many trans activists campaign against women’s rights and freedoms?… Read the rest
Pissing on the telephone pole
Jun 10th, 2021 7:13 am | By Ophelia BensonAlso the TUC. The TUC ffs! As if there were no women in trade unions!
Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect at work.
Employers must keep all their workers safe from discrimination and harassment – including trans and non-binary workers.
Today’s Forstater judgement does not change this.
— Trades Union Congress (@The_TUC) June 10, 2021
Also including WOMEN – but the TUC implies that women are the enemy here. Not the bosses, women.
If you’re worried about harassment at work, ask your union for help.
— Trades Union Congress (@The_TUC) June 10, 2021
Any resources on misogyny and sexism at work? Anything at all? Hello?
… Read the restIt's incredibly sad, tragic even that you seem so unable to
Jun 10th, 2021 7:05 am | By Ophelia BensonGlosswitch says it.
"Men often react to women’s words—speaking and writing—as if they were acts of violence; sometimes men react to women’s words with violence" (Dworkin, Intercourse). One for all those equating women seeking not to be discriminated against with women seeking to discriminate.
— Victoria Smith (@glosswitch) June 10, 2021
Take a bow, BBC.
"Reassurances" that feminists having the right to speak doesn't mean they have the right to harass aren't intended to reassure, but to reposition feminists as aggressors rather than victims of age-old policing of women's speech about their lives & embodied experiences
— Victoria Smith (@glosswitch) June 10, 2021
Nailed it. look at the TUC doing exactly the thing Glosswitch said – repositioning feminists … Read the rest
No you’re pretty simple
Jun 10th, 2021 6:59 am | By Ophelia BensonWhat, all of them? My bathroom is TINY.
But more seriously – oh fuck off. Ok not so much seriously as angrily. Bathrooms/toilets/restrooms are separated by sex because women don’t want to take their knickers down in the presence of men. It’s not safe. If David Paisely doesn’t know this at his age there is something badly amiss with the inside of his head.
Besides, I don’t say I “love” LGBT+ people. Of course I don’t. I don’t know them all, so how could I say that? Rights and equality have nothing to do with “love.” Rights and equality are general, not personal; they’re universal, not particular. Love is to do with people who know each other.… Read the rest
BBC not happy
Jun 10th, 2021 6:27 am | By Ophelia BensonThe BBC is very grudging. Of course it is.
In the initial tribunal employment judge James Tayler concluded that Ms Forstater was “absolutist” in her view and said she was not entitled to ignore the rights of a transgender person and the “enormous pain that can be caused by misgendering”.
The usual shit – accusing us of planning or trying or wanting to ignore the rights of trans people.
Also, “misgendering” is a novel word and concept, and one with some sinister implications.
… Read the restMs Forstater said she was “delighted to have been vindicated” but [her former employer] CGD said the decision was a “step backwards for inclusivity and equality for all”.
Amanda Glassman, executive vice president of CGD, said:
Sex matters
Jun 10th, 2021 5:51 am | By Ophelia BensonWell THAT’S a massive relief.
— Maya Forstater (@MForstater) June 10, 2021
Gender critical beliefs are protected under the equality act.
The previous judgement was overturned.
We have to tackle institutional capture.… Read the rest
All summer long
Jun 9th, 2021 5:49 pm | By Ophelia BensonIt went from a day to a month to now a whole fucking season? is the 2 in LGBTQ2? Last I saw it was + but now it’s 2?
Anyway…this is a government thing. Not some hopped-up “gender fluid” loony but a government Something, complete with Twitter account that tells people to be respectful or else.
Women have never had a month, let alone a season. All women do is create all human beings, so they don’t matter enough to have more than one day.
Oh sweet jesus it's a whole season now. I don't have any more jokes in me.
— Arty Morty (@artymortyarty) June 10, 2021
Alison Phipps blaming women again
Jun 9th, 2021 4:48 pm | By Ophelia BensonAlison Phipps wrote a blog post a month ago to air her smug misogynist shite about “white women’s tears” again. Nothing novel, just the same trendy smearing and hissing, not to mention victim-blaming.
She starts with the murder of George Floyd and Amy Cooper’s calling the cops on Chris Cooper in Central Park, then announces that they’re connected.
… Read the restThese incidents are linked by more than just a moment in time. White women are deeply, and often deliberately, complicit with white supremacist violence, and our complicity usually takes the form of victimhood that appeals to the punitive power of the state. And although her allegation against Christian Cooper was false, Amy Cooper has something in common with mainstream feminist movements that
White women’s tears
Jun 9th, 2021 3:30 pm | By Ophelia BensonAn Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting “bad men” imprisoned.
Sexual violence is…the fault of women?
It seems to me we’ve been here before.
In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the charity, Oxfam has produced guidance which states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned”.
Uh huh. It’s all rich bitches forcing men to rape them so that they can complain to the manager.
Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people”.
Jesus. I’ve run out of sarcasm.… Read the rest
Concerns around the fairness and safety
Jun 9th, 2021 11:52 am | By Ophelia BensonOk when sports stars are saying it some people might actually listen.
Save Women’s Sport Australasia has penned an open letter to Minister for Sport Grant Robertson and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern over concerns around the “fairness and safety” of women competing against transgender athletes.
The letter, signed by some of New Zealand’s highest-profile athletes and administrators, has called for Sport New Zealand to urgently extend consultation on its draft document ‘Principles for the Participation of Transgender Players in Sport’ and is seeking the support of Robertson and Ardern to extend the period of consultation while widening its scope.
The letter starts with saying All the Right Things before getting down to it, because of course you have to.
… Read the rest“However,
The majority are Dalit
Jun 9th, 2021 11:26 am | By Ophelia BensonIt’s interesting how often fundamentalism and exploitation get married and have kids. The NY Times last month:
… Read the restFederal law enforcement agents descended on a massive temple in New Jersey on Tuesday after workers accused a prominent Hindu sect of luring them from India, confining them to the temple grounds and paying them the equivalent of about $1 an hour to perform grueling labor in near servitude.
Lawyers for the workers said in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, a Hindu sect known as BAPS that has close ties to India’s ruling party and has built temples around the world, had exploited possibly hundreds of low-caste men in the yearslong construction project.
The workers, who lived
Forest Service to move the moon
Jun 9th, 2021 10:36 am | By Ophelia BensonOh good, another “how about injecting bleach to kill the virus?” moment.
ORBITS: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) asks whether the Forest Service or the BLM can alter the orbit of the moon or the Earth in order to fight climate change during a House Natural Resources hearing
— Forbes (@Forbes) June 8, 2021
Too bad wimz
Jun 9th, 2021 10:30 am | By Ophelia BensonWelp, Keir Starmer just threw women under the bus. 2:22 he says Labour is committed to updating the GRA to introduce self-declaration for trans people.… Read the rest
After classmates complained
Jun 9th, 2021 4:50 am | By Ophelia BensonSpared punishment for…saying women have vaginas:
A LAW student who was investigated by a Scottish university for saying women have vaginas and are not as strong as men has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
Lisa Keogh, 29, was investigated by Abertay University after classmates complained she had made “offensive” and “discriminatory” remarks at a lecture.
She had argued the difference in strength between the sexes meant it was not fair that women should have to compete against trans women in sport.
Which you’d think would be something everyone knew, and the reason women have their own teams and games and competitions in the first place, but you know…”offensive”…
… Read the restMs Keogh, who was supported by the SNP MP Joanna Cherry
Shoulder to shoulder
Jun 9th, 2021 4:23 am | By Ophelia BensonWomen who are academics can’t really rely on their union, because its secretary is Jo Grady, who…
Its quite simple. Attacking trans women does not protect cis women. Attacking the institutions that campaign for equality for trans women does not protect cis women. Treating the lives of trans people as a philosophical debate dehumanises trans people. They exist and always have.
— Jo Grady (@DrJoGrady) June 7, 2021
… Read the restAnyway, not only do I want to express solidarity to all trans and non binary people, this has also got me thinking about what UCU can and should do to ensure we are even more involved in helping fight this fight and stand shoulder to shoulder with our trans and nb siblings
You’re not a real bear
Jun 8th, 2021 7:42 pm | By Ophelia BensonHe feels it in his very BONES.
“You don’t even have bones.”… Read the restA letter to police chiefs
Jun 8th, 2021 3:40 pm | By Ophelia BensonWell that could change things.
Police forces have been threatened with legal action over their links to Stonewall, amid concerns the controversial charity’s transgender training is impacting their impartiality.
Campaigners have written to chief constables warning they will begin legal proceedings against any force that remains part of the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme beyond a “period of consideration”.
I wonder if Police Scotland is having second thoughts.
Some 250 public authorities, including about half of police forces in England and Wales, pay at least £2,500 a year for advice on gender-neutral facilities and pronouns, which leading barristers have said “misrepresents” the 2010 Equality Act.
It’s an odd thing when you think about it. Who are Stonewall to be … Read the rest
Just misinformation is it?
Jun 8th, 2021 11:08 am | By Ophelia BensonKaren Ingala Smith has a more detailed transcript of Benjamin Cohen’s disinformation about what Stonewall is advocating.
… Read the restJustin Webb: Just on the point about abolishing legal provisions for single sex spaces, do you not accept that it is perfectly acceptable for women to campaign for those single sex spaces and to say that those who have changes sex should not be in them?
Benjamin Cohen…..[Evades question and talks about something else for a few moments] and goes on to say, over again, it’s a debate about trans issues without a single trans voice being heard
Justin Webb: Hang on, number one, you don’t know anything about me; number two, I asked you a question, would you answer it?