All entries by this author

Play that tune

May 12th, 2021 9:46 am | By

You know, if you make it mandatory, you’ll never know if it’s for real or just forced compliance. If a man tells a woman she has to say “I love you” to him at least once a day or he’ll punish her, can he be confident she means it when she says it?

The national anthem would have to be played before all sporting events held at Wisconsin venues that received any public funding under a mostly symbolic bill passed by the state Assembly.

Why? What’s the point? If it’s compelled, what good is it?

The requirement would apply at all levels of athletic events played on a field that ever received public money, from a bar league softball

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From the horrible human being

May 12th, 2021 9:10 am | By

One of the great joys of now as opposed to say six months ago is that we get to ignore That Guy. But every now and then I feel an atavistic impulse to point and laugh one more time.


(Which is already ridiculous. Desk shmesk. It’s a flat thing where he can scribble with his Sharpie. He doesn’t need a desk because he can’t read or write or think.)

Anyway from the flat thing of –

Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being. I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country. She is a

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To voice their outrage

May 12th, 2021 8:43 am | By

Outrage as male voice actor dubs male actor, fumes the Guardian.

The Italian-language version of Emerald Fennell’s revenge thriller Promising Young Woman has come under fire for giving trans actor Laverne Cox a male voice.

But…Laverne Cox has a male voice. Necessarily, being a male person.

[T]he release has been pushed back after a clip of Una Donna Promettente was posted by Universal Pictures Italy on 6 May. In the since-restricted video, Cox’s character, Gail, talks to protagonist Cassie, played by Carey Mulligan, in a distinctively masculine tone. The Orange Is the New Black star was given the deep tones of voice actor Roberto Pedicini. Italian viewers couldn’t believe their ears, immediately taking to social media to voice

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The odds

May 12th, 2021 8:10 am | By

From Gnu Atheism:… Read the rest

Fauci put the virus in our cheeseburgers

May 11th, 2021 5:30 pm | By

Now the Republicans are trying to pretend Fauci created the pandemic on purpose for [insert reason here].

For much of the past year, Republicans have decried lead government coronavirus expert Anthony S. Fauci’s prescriptions for mitigating the pandemic — including masks, social distancing and keeping society shut down.

Yeah, boy, masks – have you ever heard of anything so UnAmerican? Masks. I ask you.

But increasingly in the past week, the effort has taken on a new flavor — with suggestions that Fauci might be personally to blame for the advent of the virus itself.

With Fauci set to testify before the Senate on Tuesday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson teed things up the night before. In a

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A law against teaching the truth

May 11th, 2021 3:32 pm | By

Idaho has made it illegal to teach about slavery in schools and universities.

Idaho’s governor, Brad Little, has a bill signed into law that aims to restrict critical race theory from being taught as a subject in schools and universities.

We know there’s some dumb critical race theory out there, such as the Robin DiAngelo version for instance, but Idaho apparently interprets it very broadly.

The bill, H 377, prevents teachers from “indoctrinating” students into belief systems that claim that members of any race, sex, religion, ethnicity or national origin are inferior or superior to other groups. Signed into law last week, H 377 also makes it illegal to make students “affirm, adopt or adhere to” beliefs that members

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Guest post: The happy story

May 11th, 2021 3:04 pm | By

Originally a comment by Arty Morty on Those drugs can’t possibly be legal.

I’ve been thinking more and more about this issue as though it’s a battle of stories. To some people, the Story of Trans absolutely must be a happy story, as uplifting and life-affirming as a lost-dog-reunited viral video. They genuinely think that being a good LGBT ally means simply making sure you fix in your mind a happy story about LGBT people whenever the topic arises.

Isn’t it incredible that there are two kinds of trans “allies”, two groups who actually hold completely opposing views about trans issues, but who remain united in their shared opposition to criticism of gender ideology, because they see anything with … Read the rest

Judge Gegi

May 11th, 2021 11:48 am | By

So creepy Gegi is a lawyer now?

What does that mean? Is it a human rights violation to say that a skirt doesn’t turn a man into a woman?

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Uncle Don

May 11th, 2021 10:46 am | By

The trumpist takeover proceeds.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is poised this week to become the highest ranking elected Republican woman in the House of Representatives, as the beneficiary of the GOP mutiny against Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.). Cheney, the chair of the House Republican conference, dared to acknowledge reality: Donald Trump lost the election and then incited the seditious attack on the US Capitol. For that sin, the House Republican wing of the Trump cult will give Cheney the boot and replace her with Stefanik, who is in her fourth term representing a district in upstate New York.

Remember when the Republicans were the law and order party? It still seems odd that now they’re the insurrection party.


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When he realizes he is being watched

May 11th, 2021 10:01 am | By

It’s all part of growing up

The man never enters the frame, but we can tell he is older, and he must be much bigger than she is: the girl, still seated, cranes her face to look up at him. The calm confidence behind her large glasses snuffs out; her shoulders tense up, rising toward her ears….“I see your hesitancy,” he says…“I’m just doing a live and talking to some people,” she says, and glances towards her phone. That’s when he finally leaves her alone: not when he notices that she’s uncomfortable, but when he realizes that he is being watched.

The video (in two parts), posted to TikTok by the teenage user @maassassin_, immediately goes viral. Women,

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Yes, this is what it looks like

May 11th, 2021 9:05 am | By

Confirmation that we saw what we thought we saw – that what we saw is what we thought it was.… Read the rest


May 10th, 2021 5:15 pm | By

Allison Bailey says a thing, and guess who comes along to say “Nuh-uh.”

The trouble with that is, Robin Moira White is opposing counsel in Allison’s case against Stonewall. White should not be messing with Allison on social media.

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“Those drugs can’t possibly be legal”

May 10th, 2021 4:37 pm | By

It’s so bad that people don’t even believe it when you tell them.

And people don’t … Read the rest

Calm down Mister Fister

May 10th, 2021 1:00 pm | By

In cheerier news – Randy Rainbow has outdone himself.… Read the rest

Slaveowners’ holiday

May 10th, 2021 11:47 am | By

Happy…Confederate Memorial Day?

South Carolina state government offices are closed Monday to mark Confederate Memorial Day.

Really. State government is on holiday to commemorate treason in defense of slavery. Cool that it’s the same state that is denying its citizens federal unemployment benefits because the state wants to force them to work in hotels and restaurants for shit pay in shit conditions…which is not as unlike slavery as it might be. It likely affects the same category of people, too.

South Carolina is among a handful of states in the South with such an official holiday. State offices in Alabama and Mississippi closed for their Confederate Memorial Days late last month.

Aka the Deep South aka the cotton belt.… Read the rest

No one intervenes

May 10th, 2021 11:37 am | By

Now let’s talk about girls and shared public spaces.

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Who owns public space?

May 10th, 2021 11:25 am | By

I’ve watched this clip multiple times since yesterday – there’s a lot going on and it’s not possible to take in all of it in one viewing.

One boy kicks a girl as she runs past, one spits on a girl as she runs past, they all spread out over the platform so that they’re in the way of anyone who is trying to get on … Read the rest

Slapp the journalists

May 9th, 2021 3:28 pm | By

Catherine Belton, Nick Cohen tells us, has written a book about Russian plutocrats and their ways, and they are flocking to London courts to sue her into oblivion.

The former Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times now faces a pile-on from Russian billionaires on a scale this country has never witnessed. Rosneft, the Kremlin-dominated oil producer (market capitalisation circa $75bn) whose chief executive, president and chairman, Igor Sechin, began his rise to power as Vladimir Putin’s secretary in the 1990s, has lodged an action for libel. No further details were available at the court at the time of going to press.

Roman Abramovich, the Chelsea football boss (estimated net worth $15.3bn) is suing because of what

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Our awareness is still low

May 9th, 2021 10:35 am | By

But have we been paying enough attention to the nons? People who aren’t a thing are people too you know! The BBC helps out by paying deep solemn reverent attention to those thrilling misunderstood long-neglected insufficiently advertised people the Aze.

In the UK, our awareness of asexuality – the experience of not feeling sexual attraction towards others – is still low.

Well it would be, wouldn’t it. It’s not generally something we need to know about other people, nor is it generally something other people need to know about us. Not feeling X towards other people is mostly just a personal [whatever] and thus not of general interest.

I really can’t stress enough how important it is to grasp … Read the rest

Many memorable lunches

May 9th, 2021 9:07 am | By

A senior Sun reporter has died and tributes are pouring in.

There’s just this one tiny thing they’re forgetting to mention.

He murdered his wife.… Read the rest