All entries by this author

Reinventing the theorywheel

Jun 25th, 2021 4:38 pm | By

No, it really isn’t. We already have a powerful tool to address the oppression of women: feminism. We don’t need a hipster bro to come along and tell us how awesome gender theory is. If he wants to help he could just tell his fellow hipster bros to shut up and let feminists talk.… Read the rest


Jun 25th, 2021 3:45 pm | By

MSF mourns three colleagues brutally murdered in Ethiopia

Staff at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are today in mourning after receiving confirmation of the death of three of our colleagues who were working in Tigray regionEthiopia.

Maria Hernandez, our emergency coordinator; Yohannes Halefom Reda, our assistant coordinator; and Tedros Gebremariam Gebremichael, our driver, were travelling yesterday afternoon when we lost contact with them. This morning, their vehicle was found empty and a few metres away, their lifeless bodies.

No words can truly convey all our sadness, shock and outrage against this horrific attack. Nor can words soothe the loss and suffering of their families and loved ones, to whom we relay our deepest sympathy and condolences.

We condemn

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A process of dehumanisation

Jun 25th, 2021 3:28 pm | By

Glinner points out that the “heehee look at us threatening violence” cover of Trans Studies Quarterly – this one –

– is just the latest in a long series. He includes 4 that we’ve all seen many times. There are many many more. Remember these at the San Francisco public library?

Hur hur. Isn’t it interesting that they do this and we don’t yet we’re constantly accused of violence and oppression?… Read the rest

Any questions?

Jun 25th, 2021 12:43 pm | By

Pliny gives the intro:… Read the rest


Jun 25th, 2021 11:32 am | By

One mitigation. It still stinks but at least Manumua isn’t missing her chance.

What’s a tripartite invitation?

I’m relieved. The maddening unfairness of it was haunting me.… Read the rest

Check the books, Andrew

Jun 25th, 2021 10:56 am | By

Andrew Sullivan is crowing.

So if an army of accountants added up all the numbers and could tell us exactly how many billions of dollars were withheld from former slaves and their descendants by a century of deeply racist laws that for instance made it illegal for those descendants to refuse a job, no matter how shit the pay and dangerous the conditions – would Sullivan still call it “racist” to try to pay back some little fraction of that massive sum?

Not to mention all the wages not paid for … Read the rest

Please abandon the plan

Jun 25th, 2021 10:22 am | By

Some unpleasant news for Sir.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office has informed Donald J. Trump’s lawyers that it is considering criminal charges against his family business, the Trump Organization, in connection with fringe benefits the company awarded a top executive, according to several people with knowledge of the matter.

If the case moves ahead, the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., could announce charges against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, as soon as next week, the people said.

An indictment of the Trump Organization could mark the first criminal charges to emerge from Mr. Vance’s long-running investigation into Mr. Trump and his business dealings, and raises the startling prospect of a former

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Wanting to understand white rage

Jun 25th, 2021 9:48 am | By

Right-wingers don’t like it when left-wingers are critical of the military.

When it’s Fox News on the other hand…

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him “a pig” and “stupid” for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory.

Huh. Imagine if some mouthy feminist had said that.

The theory—which “maps the nature and workings of ‘institutional racism,'” according to Kendall Thomas, a law professor at Columbia University—was little known outside academic circles a few years ago, but is now at the centre of a culture war. Republicans in more than 20 states have proposed or passed legislation to

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Election “Integrity”

Jun 25th, 2021 8:46 am | By

The Justice Department is suing Georgia.

The Justice Department will file a federal lawsuit Friday against the state of Georgia for its efforts to enact new voting restrictions that federal authorities allege discriminate against Black Americans, according to people familiar with the matter.

Which would have been illegal under the 1964 Voting Rights Act, had it not been for the disastrous Supreme Court ruling in Holder v Shelby that killed the preclearance part of the Act. They said oh that’s all over now, and RBG said it will come right back if you take the protections away, and guess what that’s exactly what happened.

The legal challenge takes aim at Georgia’s Election Integrity Act, which was passed in March

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Jun 25th, 2021 7:23 am | By

Hayley Krischer at Salon December 2014:

So who is Charles Clymer? Clymer, who self-identifies as a Feminist Leader, has a Women for Equality Facebook page (which now seems mostly defunct) where he’s been alleged to verbally attack women as well as accused of deleting women’s comments who disagree with him. In an article for the Huffington Post last year, Darlena Cunha reported that a former moderator of his page, Zoe Katherine, disagreed with him and then was threatened with being kicked out of the group. “If we did it privately we were guilt-tripped, or simply ignored,” Katherine explained.

Who needs male “feminist leaders” anyway? Who asked him? Imagine Andrew Sullivan self-identifying as a Black Power leader; it would make … Read the rest

From what to what?

Jun 25th, 2021 7:07 am | By

I bet the footnotes are a hoot.

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More victims

Jun 24th, 2021 4:12 pm | By

Another residential school, another unmarked mass grave cemetery.

Leaders of Indigenous groups in Canada said Thursday investigators have found more than 600 unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school for Indigenous children — a discovery that follows last month’s report of 215 bodies found at another school.

The bodies were discovered at the Marieval Indian Residential School, which operated from 1899 to 1997 where the Cowessess First Nation is now located, about 85 miles (135 kilometers) east of Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan.

A search with ground-penetrating radar resulted in 751 ’’hits,″ indicating that at least 600 bodies were buried in the area, said Chief Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess. The radar operators have said their

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See also: the Illuminati

Jun 24th, 2021 1:19 pm | By

Ah yes the old “crypto” ploy. They’re hiding so we can’t detect them but we know they’re there! We totally know. We know for certain. Even though they’re hiding.

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Bioessentialist conceptions of gender

Jun 24th, 2021 11:38 am | By

Ooohhh deeeep.

Yeah don’t gender animals. That would be very wrong. … Read the rest

Dear colleagues

Jun 24th, 2021 11:23 am | By

Anyone would think there were tumbrils rolling down the streets, or gulags swallowing the condemned.

Not only would one think of tumbrils and gulags, one would also think that the people filling them were feminist women. Forget Robespierre, forget Stalin, forget Hitler, the really dangerous people are feminist women who persist in thinking that only women are women and that thus men are not women.

Why does the wellbeing of women not “greatly concern” the vice-chancellor of the Open University? Why does women’s “feeling of being abandoned” not matter?

Rhetorical question. We know why. Women don’t matter.… Read the rest

Typical of the culture wars

Jun 24th, 2021 11:02 am | By

NPR on critical race theory:

“Folks, we’re in a cultural warfare today,” Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., said at a news conference alongside six other members of the all-Republican House Freedom Caucus. “Critical race theory asserts that people with white skin are inherently racist, not because of their actions, words or what they actually believe in their heart — but by virtue of the color of their skin.”

No, it doesn’t. That’s not what it is. That’s not what it is. I’m not saying there’s no one who thinks that or says that, I’m saying it’s not what Critical Race Theory is.

Andrew Hartman, a history professor at Illinois State University, described the battle over critical race theory as

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It has become a culture war issue

Jun 24th, 2021 10:40 am | By

Matt Gaetz wants us to think the US military is too woke.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, responded sharply to questions from Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., on Wednesday about the examination of critical race theory in the U.S. military.

“I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding — having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?” Milley said.

He continued brusquely: “And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, noncommissioned officers of being, quote, ‘woke’ or something else, because we’re studying

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Guest post: Spongy definitions

Jun 24th, 2021 9:30 am | By

Originally a comment by Freemage on On thin ice.

To an extent, the whole Trans Debate has come down to which set of adjectives the nouns “man” and “woman” should be tied to–GCFs hold that those terms apply to “Male” and “Female”, while TRAs insist that they apply to “Masculine” and “Feminine”.

The TRA position falls apart once you give it a hard look under this light, because it’s trivially easy to point out that the latter adjectives have spongy, shifting definitions, and as categories have often had traits that swapped from one side to the other. Computer programming used to be a feminine occupation, for instance, because it was unglamorous and relatively low-paid. Once it became more rewarding, … Read the rest

The resistance grows

Jun 24th, 2021 9:15 am | By

The Scotsman reports:

Ms Cherry, who will return to Arnot Manderson Advocates, said that as she no longer had front bench duties for the SNP in Westminster, she would take on “human rights and public law cases from time to time as my duties as a constituency MP allow”.

“I am grateful to the dean of Faculty for granting me a dean’s dispensation to reflect the fact that my availability to be instructed will necessarily be limited by the requirement to be at Westminster regularly and to fulfil my duties to my constituents,” she said.

Ms Cherry added: “I remain very committed to the law as an important instrument for upholding human rights and preventing discrimination and

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A state appeals court found he had lied

Jun 24th, 2021 8:56 am | By

Giuliani’s lawless behavior is catching up with him.

Rudy Giuliani was suspended from law practice in New York state on Thursday, after a state appeals court found he had lied in arguing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from his client, former U.S. President Donald Trump.

The Appellate Division in Manhattan said there was “uncontroverted” evidence that Giuliani “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public” in connection with Trump’s effort to overturn the election’s result.

“These false statements were made to improperly bolster (Giuliani’s) narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client,” the court said. “We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately

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