Well it’s another Streisand effect – the ABA’s idiotic groveling apology has resulted in Shrier’s book trending on Twitter.
https://twitter.com/chadfelixg/status/1415711631267532802It would be a real shame if people bought the book the American Booksellers Association is calling "anti-trans" and "violent." Do not click this link and buy this book unless you are a bigot.https://t.co/0HTmYpGkzK https://t.co/SUOMwWuv5V
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) July 15, 2021
.@AbigailShrier wrote a great book. Why don't you buy a copy? https://t.co/r8gfASLlNo
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) July 15, 2021
Here's the book the American Booksellers' Association thinks is a form of violence. Buy it. https://t.co/UwDQkLzVPS
— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) July 15, 2021