All entries by this author

Can we wait until things are a bit calmer?

Aug 13th, 2021 7:25 am | By

One of the more annoying thought-terminating clichés of the moment is the “please, let’s not talk about the roots of misogynist violence now when the news is fresh, lets give the families time to mourn” one.

I say this because I’m grinding my teeth over one I just saw.

Joan was on Womans Hour because she has a new book on the subject, and because the Home Office has … Read the rest

Lies all around

Aug 12th, 2021 5:07 pm | By

The Times yesterday on the male CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis:

The head of one of Scotland’s largest rape crisis centres has claimed that “bigoted” people seeking help from her organisation could be “challenged on their prejudices” in an apparent comment on trans rights and women-only spaces.

Not a great lede – the waters are muddied already. The head of that rape crisis centre is a man, but nobody who didn’t already know that would realize the waters have been muddied. It’s not “her” organisation. I know we’re under strict orders to use the pronouns that match the lie, but if we do that we mislead the people we’re supposed to be informing.

Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman and former

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Aug 12th, 2021 11:01 am | By

Wadhwa has issued a statement.

It says that as if we were longing to hear more from him, rather than much much less. He probably wrote the tweet himself.

I am writing this because I want to make clear what I said on the Guilty Feminist Podcast, whilst I wish my language had been clearer, a few sentences in particular have been taken out of context. My input on the podcast is based on almost two decades of experience I have in working to tackle violence against women and support survivors of sexual violence.

But he’s still a man. He’s still a man who feels entitled to be CEO of a rape crisis shelter. Whatever decades of experience he … Read the rest

A new status on the adept

Aug 12th, 2021 10:28 am | By

I was re-reading Richard Noll’s The Jung Cult this morning and there was this passage from a 1974 essay by Mircea Eliade that reminded me of some things.

What is more general is a rejection of Christian tradition in the name of achieving an individual and, by the same stroke, a collective renovatio. Even when these ideas are naïvely or even ludicrously expressed, there is always the tacit conviction that a way out of the chaos and meaninglessness of modern life exists and that this way out implies an initiation into, and consequently the revelation of, old and venerable secrets. It is primarily the attraction of a personal initiation that explains the craze for the occult. As is well

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Moment of understanding

Aug 12th, 2021 9:49 am | By

Updating to add: Never mind. I was assuming it was a real competition of the athletic kind, and it’s not. This one he can have.


You can’t.

You can’t. You can’t make “a moment of understanding and education” by competing against women when you are a man, especially when you are a retired professional wrestler man. That’s not “competing.” It’s cheating, which rhymes with competing but that’s where the connection ends.… Read the rest

Hide it

Aug 12th, 2021 8:10 am | By

It appears Waterstones is actively censoring Helen Joyce’s bestselling book.

Which is, you know, the whole point of bookstores.… Read the rest

About building bridges

Aug 11th, 2021 5:32 pm | By

Jo Bartosch at The Critic:

On 2 August, the chief executive of [Edinburgh Rape Crisis], Mridul Wadhwa, appeared on the popular podcast The Guilty Feminist to discuss working in the women’s sector. While writing this, I am mindful that referring to Wadhwa as a man could be deemed a hate crime in Scotland — potentially carrying a hefty custodial sentence. But this legal gag cannot undo the fact that, despite identifying as a transwoman, Wadhwa is male. Furthermore, Wadhwa has boasted about not having a Gender Recognition Certificate and has taken multiple posts which are usually reserved for females, claiming that at least one of his previous employers didn’t know he was male.

When asked about “building bridges” between

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Those who

Aug 11th, 2021 4:47 pm | By

NPR is doing it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is doubling down on its recommendation that people who are pregnant get the COVID-19 vaccine following new data underscoring its safety and effectiveness throughout pregnancy.

Hiding the word “women” as if it were radioactive.

This recommendation is coming at a time when doctors across the country are reporting an uptick in the number of unvaccinated pregnant people getting hospitalized with severe cases of COVID-19.

It would be so simple, and easy, and normal, to say “pregnant women” there, but no, we have to think of the self-absorbed brats who “identify as” men in their jeans and binders.

The low vaccination rate in this group is striking, doctors note.

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Guest post: We’ve left it 50 years too late

Aug 11th, 2021 4:12 pm | By

Originally a comment by Rob on The judgment of history is too late.

A couple of years ago I attended a conference for the oil and gas industry. We’re not directly involved in that industry, but they make use of our companies services for specialist environmental monitoring.

The conference was heavily picketed and was protected by a significant police presence for the three days it was on. Protestors had even gone to the trouble of placing remote triggered sleep disruption devices on and around the hotel prior to the cordon going up. Kudos for commitment I guess.

Apart from the fact that some of the protesters had taken a four hour return flight to attend the protest, what I … Read the rest

Climate report so yesterday

Aug 11th, 2021 3:28 pm | By

What were we just saying? When the climate report came out?

That. Climate, oh gosh, that’s terrible, we really have to do something at last, and by the way please up your production of oil.… Read the rest

If you think feminism implies anything else

Aug 11th, 2021 12:34 pm | By

Sackbut alerted us to Roy Speckhardt’s piece on signs you’re having unapproved thoughts. The piece is…flawed.

Even humanists, despite our commitment to critical thinking, are susceptible to disinformation campaigns, especially when we aren’t fully up-to-speed on the latest scholarship and are unaware of the campaigns calculated to use us to advance in-humanist agendas.

First sentence, and already…

This is style rather than substance, but style matters, dammit. It’s not “up-to-speed.” It’s just “up to speed.” There’s no rule that says all familiar phrases require hyphens. Decent writers avoid bonehead mistakes like that because they’re annoying. One of ten signs you’re an annoying writer: you insert meaningless hyphens where they don’t belong.

8) You think the word feminist

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Apology withdrawn

Aug 11th, 2021 7:48 am | By

Julie Bindel on the bit where they say it and the bit where they take it back:

The University of Essex is fast becoming an example of what happens when institutions capitulate to extreme transgender ideology.

In May the university apologised to two female academics for preventing them from taking part in seminars following baseless accusations of transphobia. The university admitted that they had made “serious mistakes” to Professors Freedman and Phoenix, who are not employed by Essex, and in a damning report, barrister Akua Reindorf criticised the university’s actions. The Vice Chancellor assured both academics that recommendations in the report would be actioned.

But that was May, you see. This is August. You do the math.… Read the rest


Aug 11th, 2021 7:28 am | By

Speaking of climate…Lake Oroville, 130 miles northeast of San Francisco.

The first photo is from 3 years ago. The 2nd photo was taken April 27 2021. The 3rd was taken last week.

KQED July 23:

California has descended deep into one of the worst droughts in its recorded history. And perhaps no single location shows more starkly how deep that really is than Lake Oroville, the state’s second-largest reservoir and a crucial source of water supply for the state’s farm and city water users alike.

San Francisco-based Getty Images photographer Justin Sullivan has been visiting the lake off and on since the driest days of our last severe drought, in 2014.

“Lake Oroville provided the most stunning and visible

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Why did you hire a man?

Aug 10th, 2021 3:59 pm | By

We can always just #AskRapeCrisisScotland.

So they’re actually telling untruths now?

It just gets worse and worse.… Read the rest

Pronoun ownership

Aug 10th, 2021 3:32 pm | By

“When someone tells you their pronouns, the only option is to use it.”

Wrong! There are other options. One option is to step away and talk to different people. Another is to say no. Another is to leave the scene altogether. Another is to say “I have no plans ever to refer to you for any reason so I have zero need to know what ‘your’ pronouns are, child.” Another is to say “I didn’t ask and I don’t care.” That’s only the beginning – there are many woundingly indifferent things one can say in reply to such a stupid thing as “telling” someone what “your” pronouns are.… Read the rest

“Be careful what you wish for”

Aug 10th, 2021 3:13 pm | By

David Gorski is still going “nyah nyah” instead of correcting errors.

Jesse Singal is really not “a hard core GC advocate.” Not even close.

As the man said – very unprofessional.… Read the rest

Why a number of women are quite angry

Aug 10th, 2021 10:59 am | By

Sister Outrider on the Rape Crisis Scotland issue:

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Guest post: We question all that

Aug 10th, 2021 10:46 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on Another late anti-vaxxer.

Former Silentbob – can I call you “Former”, I feel like we’re friends? – Former:

As Bjarte said, we’re not the ones who changed. We’re still applying skeptical analysis to unlikely truth claims. You’re the one who stopped doing that. We’re still skeptical of radio hosts who say we shouldn’t get vaccinated and anti-mask podcasters in their rocking chairs. We remain dubious when we’re told that a centuries-dead cult leader can be so upset by a cartoon that slaughter is the only moral recourse. We continue to raise a quizzical eyebrow at homoeopathic cures, ancient prophecies and magical underpants. We still think Bigfoot is probably just made up.

And we … Read the rest


Aug 10th, 2021 10:07 am | By

Rape Crisis Scotland continues to get comments on its tweets that it no doubt views as yet more “abuse” when in fact the comments are simply reminding RCS that their policy of “including” trans women in their women only spaces makes their women only spaces NOT WOMEN ONLY. Ok I shouted, and they can call that abuse if they like, but they don’t listen.

This tweet in particular:

It calls the discussions “harmful” but what about its “harmful” policy of saying it provides women only spaces when in fact it includes males who say they identify as female? What about that? I think the policy is a good deal more harmful than the discussions.

They say the discussion is … Read the rest

Women only spaces are a core principle

Aug 10th, 2021 9:17 am | By

Rape Crisis Scotland has joined the fray.

Rape Crisis Scotland is Scotland’s leading organisation working to transform attitudes, improve responses and ultimately to end rape and sexual violence in all its forms. Our helpline is open to anyone – including women, trans and non-binary people, men and boys – affected by sexual violence…

Accessing support is – for many survivors – a daunting and difficult thing to do. We think that all survivors should be supported to access specialist services when they are ready and that these should be available at the point of need.

Sexual violence is a gendered and has a disproportionate impact on women and girls; our services reflect that. Women only spaces are a core

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