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Oct 16th, 2021 5:57 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on The climate has no pronouns.
Yes, the climate disaster is here, and it is going to get worse, especially for people who aren’t lucky enough to make it to rich Western countries. Some smart dude has a couple of posts about how it isn’t going to be end-of-civilisation bad which have caused me to re-think my own position slightly from “humans will probably go extinct in the next thousand years” to “billions of people will remain a permanent underclass while a small percentage of the species explores and colonises space”.
I’m just thinking out loud here, too.
I think humans as a species are tough and resilient; it’s civilization that … Read the rest
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Oct 16th, 2021 5:42 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
See this is how we know nobody who could is going to do anything to slow global warming:
The most powerful part of President Biden’s climate agenda — a program to rapidly replace the nation’s coal- and gas-fired power plants with wind, solar and nuclear energy — will likely be dropped from the massive budget bill pending in Congress, according to congressional staffers and lobbyists familiar with the matter.
Why? Because Joe Manchin doesn’t like it. One guy who is beholden to the coal industry is all it takes, and we have the one guy. We’ll always have the one guy, or whatever equivalent for want of a nail the war was lost it takes. There will always be … Read the rest
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Oct 16th, 2021 12:17 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
Julie on the misogyny of trans activists:
To the annual FiLiA conference in Portsmouth. A 1,000-strong gathering of women of all ages and viewpoints, united by a desire and commitment to ending male violence, oppression and domination of women and girls.
Everyone there is interested in dipping their toes in the water of the women’s liberation movement. A big focus is the campaign to end rape, domestic abuse, commercial sexual exploitation, and femicide, the killing of women and girls by men because they are women and girls.
As I approach the Guildhall where the conference is taking place I hear the now only-too familiar chants by trans activists: “Trans women are women!”, “No TERFS on Pompey”. One sign
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Oct 16th, 2021 6:03 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Tom Ball in the Times:
Students calling for the resignation of Kathleen Stock have said their campaign has been “cloak and dagger” in order to protect their own members from online harassment.
Ahhhhh I see – they want to protect themselves from harassment…so that they can harass Kathleen Stock. Interesting take.
But after all, Kathleen is the tyrannical unelected head of state who tortures and imprisons protesters and poisons her critics, and is protected by a heavily armed military.
Just kidding. She’s an academic, a professor and writer. She tortures and imprisons no one and is protected by no one. She has opinions on the fungibility of sex that the brave “cloak and dagger” students don’t like, so they … Read the rest
Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 16th, 2021 4:14 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Much mockery about this story of a primary school canceling a Halloween parade:
An elementary school in Seattle has cancelled its annual Halloween parade this year as the event “marginalises students of colour who do not celebrate the holiday”.
The Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary School’s racial equity team decided to cancel the “Pumpkin Parade”, where students dress up in Halloween costumes, after deliberating for five years. Parents were told about their decision on 8 October through a newsletter.
In the newsletter sent to parents, the school noted that costume parties could become uncomfortable for some students and distract them from learning.
Halloween events create a situation where some students must be “excluded for their beliefs, financial status, or
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Oct 15th, 2021 7:48 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
Originally a comment by Enzyme on A trouncing.
Note the sleight of hand from Sally Hines about how other cultures have “recognised” that sex is not binary.
To say that they’ve recognised it is to say that it is the case, otherwise there could be no recognition. But these other cultures having divvied up the world in another way is what Hines presents as evidence that sex is not binary. And that’s question-begging. In effect, she’s saying that we’re entitled to say that sex is not binary because other cultures have recognised it as such; but they can only have recognised it as such if it is, in fact, not binary. This point stands whatever we happen to think … Read the rest
Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 15th, 2021 4:10 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
The BBC reports on the BBC report on the BBC involvement with Stonewall.
Governments, Ofcom and the BBC have had their impartiality questioned after involvement in the lobby group’s diversity schemes.
A number of high profile organisations have left Stonewall’s schemes in recent months amid growing controversy about the influence of the group on public policy.
Stonewall says it works for LGBTQ equality and that it is “deeply disappointing” that this can still be thought of as controversial.
See that’s just the usual obfuscating they do by treating L and G and B and T as all one thing, as soup instead of shot [pellets]. No, lesbian equality and gay equality are not being treated or thought of as “controversial,” … Read the rest
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Oct 15th, 2021 3:41 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
In case you’ve been wondering what Robert Winston said on BBC Question Time yesterday (as I had been), zip ahead to about 6 minutes in.
Partial spoiler: the core of it is: “I will say categorically, that you cannot change your sex.”… Read the rest
Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 15th, 2021 11:54 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Oh did they indeed.
The term “mother” was removed from Scottish government maternity policies after they were lobbied by a leading LGBT+ charity, it has emerged.
So we all emerged from a coconut. Not the same coconut, mind; each person xir own coconut.
Documents released under freedom of information (FoI) legislation confirm that the charity wrote to the Scottish government last year encouraging them to adopt terms featured in their inclusive policy toolkit. The word mother now no longer appears on documents outlining maternity leave.
I wonder if Stonewall also lobbied governments to remove the word “father” from everything.
Malcolm Clark, director of the LGB Alliance, which was founded in 2019 in opposition to Stonewall’s policies on transgender issues,
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Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 15th, 2021 8:53 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Speaking of “Stonewall language” as opposed to BBC language or ordinary language or non-drunk language, here’s economist Frances Coppola using it in a blog post bashing Maya Forstater a couple of weeks ago:
Forstater and her supporters aggressively promote their beliefs on Twitter, hijacking threads to grandstand their agenda, forcing their opinions on people who have not invited them, misrepresenting what people have said then gaslighting them when they object, using emotionally-loaded language to short-circuit rational argument, resorting to ad hominem attacks and appeals to authority, insulting people who disagree with them, sealioning people who try to disengage. In short, behaving just like all the other cults that infest this increasingly toxic space. The effect of their behaviour is to
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Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 15th, 2021 8:03 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Four years in prison for having a miscarriage.
On Tuesday, October 5, Brittney Poolaw, a 20-year-old Oklahoma woman, was convicted of manslaughter in the first degree for experiencing a miscarriage at 17 weeks and sentenced to 4 years in state prison.
Last year, Ms. Poolaw experienced a miscarriage and went to Comanche County Hospital for medical help. On March 17, 2020, she was charged with Manslaughter in the First Degree, arrested and incarcerated. The court set a $20,000 bond, an amount she could not afford. Ms. Poolaw has been incarcerated since her arrest over 18 months ago.
Contrary to all medical science, the prosecutor blamed the miscarriage on Ms. Poolaw’s alleged use of controlled substances. Not even the
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Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 14th, 2021 5:22 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
Originally a comment by Rob on Concealing a rape for social justice.
The saddest thing of all is that a young girl has been raped. The manner of her rape, the fact it was in a place where she was vulnerable and should have been safe just makes things worse.
The whole awful saga gives us a lot to unpick about the current state of American society especially, but I suspect about all societies.
The fact that the rape was a non-story at all until the father being arrested became a right-wing cause. The fact that the school and Board administrations either attempted a cover-up and/or didn’t properly communicate something so seriously between them. The fact that the Board … Read the rest
Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 14th, 2021 1:19 pm |
By Ophelia Benson
The Guardian says the climate disaster is here. Not on the way, but here.
“We have built a civilization based on a world that doesn’t exist anymore,” as Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at Texas Tech University, puts it.
The world has already heated up by around 1.2C, on average, since the preindustrial era, pushing humanity beyond almost all historical boundaries. Cranking up the temperature of the entire globe this much within little more than a century is, in fact, extraordinary, with the oceans alone absorbing the heat equivalent of five Hiroshima atomic bombs dropping into the water every second.
Until now, human civilization has operated within a narrow, stable band of temperature. Through the burning of fossil fuels,
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Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 14th, 2021 11:13 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Nolan Investigates Stonewall is now available In Your Area so I’m listening. It starts with how can the BBC possibly claim to be impartial when it’s part of the Stonewall Says We’re Awesome scheme? Will it move down the league table because of this podcast?
And then a very important question: is the language they use when reporting on trans issues BBC language or Stonewall language?
Aha, thought I. Stonewall language. That’s why we keep seeing these stupid platitudes with their stupid wording. Of course it is. That’s why people keep babbling about “trans rights” without ever explaining what rights trans people have that the rest of us don’t. That’s why there’s all this Most Oppressed Most Marginalized Most Excluded … Read the rest
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Oct 14th, 2021 10:10 am |
By Ophelia Benson
Cristina Beltrán in the Washington Post:
To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness
Or we could just recognize that conservatism is not exclusively white. We know this already. “The Hispanic community” in Florida is highly conservative, because of the flight from Castro’s Cuba. That’s not “whiteness,” it’s politics. I don’t see what’s gained by calling it Whiteness.
Rooted in America’s ugly history of white supremacy, indigenous dispossession and anti-blackness, multiracial whiteness is an ideology invested in the unequal distribution of land, wealth, power and privilege — a form of hierarchy in which the standing of one section of the population is premised on the debasement of others. Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as
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Posted in Notes and Comment Blog |
Oct 14th, 2021 9:05 am |
By Ophelia Benson
What he said.
Never mind that privileged cis girl who got raped, worry about the trans girls instead!
It’s funny, because I don’t remember the mainstream media ever being this attentive to feminist concerns.… Read the rest
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