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Could prove extremely beneficial

Sep 21st, 2021 7:45 am | By

Let’s get them even younger says “charity.”

A leading charity for young people has called on the SNP to allow children as young as 12 to legally change their gender without their parents’ consent.

Let’s also allow them to drive, fly planes, perform surgery, cut down trees, fight fires, join the military. What could go wrong?

Children in Scotland, which receives more than £1 million a year in public money, said allowing pre-teens to obtain gender recognition certificates could prove “extremely beneficial” and would help “normalise trans identities”.

Ah there it is – it’s not about benefiting the children at all, it’s about normalizing the ludicrous claim that men become women by saying “I’m a woman.”

Under current Scottish

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A listen

Sep 20th, 2021 6:03 pm | By

Here’s that clip of Rosie Duffield talking to Justin Webb on Today. It’s good.… Read the rest

We should focus on the real threats

Sep 20th, 2021 5:33 pm | By

The Express reports:

Nicola Sturgeon has come under fire after saying some women’s concerns were “not valid” in a debate about reforming the Gender Recognition Act (GRA).

The First Minister made the comments in regards to plans to reform the Gender Recognition Act which is currently in place in Scotland. In an interview with the BBC, Ms Sturgeon had suggested people should focus instead on the “real threats” to the safety of women.

A number of critics have pointed out that there could be an increased risk of harm to girls or women from predatory men [if the GRA is changed to make “gender recognition” easier] as they may be able to take advantage of the lack of

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Shit journalism in action

Sep 20th, 2021 11:36 am | By

The BBC finds another bus to drive over Rosie Duffield:

A Labour MP wants a meeting with Sir Keir Starmer to clarify where the party stands on transgender issues.

Rosie Duffield, who has clashed with campaigners over her views on self identification for trans people, said the party’s position was unclear.

But a senior Labour MP said it was “being used as a wedge issue” when the party should be focused elsewhere.

She’s just a stupid junior MP who should be ignored, yeah?

Canterbury MP Ms Duffield has regularly used social media to outline her own position on transgender issues.

She believes that biological females should have protected spaces where biological males are not allowed to go, such as

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Stressed and worried

Sep 20th, 2021 11:17 am | By

Oh gosh, Andrew Windsor is stressed.

Royal courtiers fear the Duke of York is being failed by the strategy pursued by his London-based legal team, amid growing concern that his “wall of silence” is increasingly damaging the monarchy.

Note that that describes two completely different issues, which are likely in tension with each other. Windsor’s concern for himself is not at all the same thing as the monarchy’s concern for itself, and the latter will always trump the former if there’s a conflict. There’s a whole slew of people between A. Windsor and the throne so he’ll be overboard in a heartbeat if the bosses think it’s necessary.

Prince Andrew, 61, is “stressed” and “worried” and there is

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Sep 20th, 2021 7:49 am | By

The Guardian is very cautious about how it talks about Rosie Duffield – cautious in one way and incautious in another, that is. Mindful of one audience and bluntly indifferent to another.

Rosie Duffield has called for Keir Starmer to meet her and other female Labour MPs to discuss the party’s policy on transgender issues, confirming she will not attend Labour’s annual conference over worries she could face abuse because of her views on the subject.

She says he says he wants to do the meeting, but…somehow it hasn’t happened yet. I suspect it will go on somehow not happening.

Then the Guardian gets cold feet.

The Canterbury MP has become a focal point for criticism from some LGBT groups

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So close

Sep 20th, 2021 6:59 am | By

Like trying to nail melted butter to the wall.

Aha! Alrighty then! So she admits it, so…

That … Read the rest

Graceful, wise, and pretty

Sep 20th, 2021 6:28 am | By

Word is, the “expert” who said it doesn’t matter if more women are murdered is “Sophie-Grace” Chappell. (What would happen if Sophie-Grace Chappell and Sophie LaBelle encountered each other? Would the universe implode?) We’ve encountered “Sophie-Grace” before – he teaches philosophy.

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Embrace the spike

Sep 20th, 2021 6:14 am | By

Oh, I see, “it doesn’t matter.” Well that’s all right then.

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She was a predator and

Sep 19th, 2021 4:45 pm | By


Also not a woman. The “woman” in question is not a woman, he’s a man who said he’s a woman in order to get access to naked women and girls. Even if you believe every article of the trans dogma that guy is still not a woman.

And sadly, predatory men who like to do things like spy on or flash or grab or rape women in private spaces where no one will hear them scream – predatory … Read the rest

What is wrong with the phrase?

Sep 19th, 2021 4:03 pm | By

Woman’s Place UK did a transcript of Andrew Marr’s conversation with Ed Davey, head of the Liberal Democrats.

Andrew Marr: Let’s try something else. Let’s talk about free speech. What is wrong with this phrase: ‘woman – adult human female’.

Ed Davey: Well, Liberal Democrats believe that trans rights are really important because trans people are some of the most discriminated against in our society today. Huge health problems, high suicide rate and I think everybody ought to worry about that. The real issue, I think, is the toxification of the debate. There was a time…

Two sentences in and already my hair is on fire. News flash: women are discriminated against too. Read up on rape, domestic … Read the rest

Politically homeless

Sep 19th, 2021 11:59 am | By

Women just don’t matter.

A trans woman is a woman, and a woman is…? Not worth bothering about, it seems.… Read the rest

More than a little miffed

Sep 19th, 2021 11:34 am | By

Suzanne Moore on Rosie Duffield and All That:

So forgive me, if when I read that Rosie Duffield cannot go to the Labour Party conference because her safety cannot be guaranteed, I am more than a little miffed. Luciana Berger had to have police escorts at conference as she was Jewish.  What a welcoming era the Corbynites created!

Duffield has actually done two crimes now that are virtually interchangeable in the Labour ranks. In 2018 she attend a rally . Enough is Enough , a rally against anti-Jewish racism. All Labour MPs should have been there, only a few were.

The second is that she thinks that “only women have a cervix”. Crazy lady !!!  She also thinks  male-bodied

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“Amid a dispute”

Sep 19th, 2021 8:28 am | By

Brilliant reporting. “Mouthy woman blows off conference because she’s a bitch.”

She “says she won’t attend her party conference”…is there something missing here? Oh yes, the threats! It doesn’t mention the threats!

It carefully doesn’t mention that she feels she can’t attend her party conference because of the threats against her.

And the blurb on the photo is downright flippant about it – she “skips” conference. What, she had to get her nails done that day?… Read the rest

350, tops

Sep 18th, 2021 3:51 pm | By

Wannabe riot fizzled.

As the Republican party and Donald Trump’s more ardent supporters work to rewrite the narrative of the attempted coup, supporters of those arrested over it sought to turn it from a political to a human rights issue with the “Justice for J6” rally near the Capitol on Saturday.

As a protest, it was a flop.

Turnout was at best half of the 700 predicted by organisers, which in itself fell well short of the many thousands who stormed Congress in January. The event organiser, Matt Braynard, a former Trump campaign operative, blamed the poor attendance on government intimidation and press scaremongering.

It’s shocking when the government intimidates people just because they want to seize the Capitol, … Read the rest

Zuckerberg torches girls’ egos

Sep 18th, 2021 3:36 pm | By

Instagram might have something to do with it.

According to internal research leaked to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the app has made body image issues worse for one in three girls, and in one Facebook study of teenagers in the UK and the US, more than 40% of Instagram users who said they felt “unattractive” said the feeling began while using the app.

Instagram has more than 1 billion users worldwide and an estimated 30 million in the UK, with Kim Kardashian, Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande among the accounts with hundreds of millions of followers between them….

Two in five girls (40%) aged 11 to 16 in the UK say they have seen images online that have

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Parenthood is a relationship

Sep 18th, 2021 9:54 am | By

This is an important point.

It’s also a gross violation of the child’s right to be told the truth.

I think that matters a lot, because children don’t know what’s true, they have to rely on adults to tell them, so it’s grossly unfair for adults to tell them lies (with rare exceptions for compelling reasons). It’s part of adults’ job to educate children, so they shouldn’t tell … Read the rest

Guest post: Once you have identified your ingroup

Sep 18th, 2021 8:33 am | By

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on The entitlement of children.

Mostly Cloudy #3

What on earth has happened?

As I keep saying, I think people tend to get involved in various kinds of activism or movements out of a sincere desire to do good (as they see it). But once you have identified your ingroup, other, far less admirable, motives (deference to authority, group conformity, avoiding conflict, keeping the group together, reducing cognitive dissonance, consistency with former acts or statements etc.) gradually come to supplant the original cause, even to the point of actively embracing the polar opposite of everything that got you into activism in the first place.

We see this in the case of feminists who … Read the rest

Enclosed is a report

Sep 18th, 2021 8:06 am | By

Trump sent yet another moronic (and criminal!) letter to the Georgia Secretary of State yesterday, shouting at him to cancel the Georgia vote because reasons.

Much voter fraud! 43,000! Chain of Custody rules! Many other claims! Please check it out and then decertify the Erection excuse me the Election, or whatever the correct legal remedy is, I don’t give a fuck, just put a stamp on it or a big Sharpie signature or some lipstick or whatever, just do it. I’ve told you this like a MILLION TIMES you asshole so why haven’t you done it yet? People do not understand why you don’t do it! PEOPLE I tell you. Me, and my kids, except maybe what’s her name, Tiffany’s, … Read the rest

Not a feminist

Sep 18th, 2021 7:17 am | By

Never mind Karens, it’s the Lavernes we need to worry about.

“I just believe as a non-essentialist intersectional feminist that womanhood is constituted beyond bodies, chromosomes and reproduction. Insisting trans women are always and only “males” as you say is getting us killed and denied equal protection under the law here in the States”

That “just” – it’s not a “just.” There is no “just” there. There would be … Read the rest