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Sep 29th, 2021 10:43 am | By

“It’s probably the case that trans women don’t have ovaries, but a cervix, I understand, is something that you can have, following various procedures and hormone treatment and all the rest of it.”

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A family trip to the woods

Sep 29th, 2021 10:13 am | By

The privilege of being a woman:

Sarah Everard was handcuffed by her murderer as he pretended to arrest her for breaching Covid guidelines.

Met Police officer Wayne Couzens abducted her as she walked home from a friend’s house in Clapham on 3 March.

Couzens showed his warrant card before restraining Ms Everard, 33, putting her in his hire car and driving away.

Driving away not to the nearest police station, but to Dover, where he transferred her to his own car. She must have known within minutes that he wasn’t arresting her. Dover is at least an hour from Clapham.

Couzens then drove to a remote rural area he knew well, where he raped Ms Everard. The sexual predator

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On the doorstep

Sep 29th, 2021 9:43 am | By

Now David Lammy wants us to think it’s all a diversionary tactic.

In an interview on Wednesday morning shadow justice secretary David Lammy said Today programme presenter Nick Robinson was “deliberately asking me about an issue that you know does not come up on the doorstep.”

He shouted it more than said it. It was a performance of righteous indignation.

The issue was why Lammy had called Labour women “dinosaurs.”

Mr Lammy said: “You, the BBC, are choosing to land on this subject – that most British people aren’t talking about in a fuel crisis – and spend minutes on this because it keeps Labour talking about identity issues and not about the substantive policies that Keir will set

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The ubiquitous Person

Sep 28th, 2021 7:34 pm | By

This is from an hour ago, 6 p.m. Pacific time, 9 p.m. Eastern time. The ACLU social media fools have learned NOTHING.

It’s not a PERSON who seeks abortion, it’s a woman. If it were men seeking it no one would interfere with them.… Read the rest

Social media team gone wild

Sep 28th, 2021 11:39 am | By

Having to agree (mostly) with Reason again:

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is very sorry for rewriting a famous quote from the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so that it would be gender neutral.

Well, no; unfortunately that’s what they didn’t say. It’s what Romero didn’t say. He said he regrets that it was said, but that’s different from saying he’s “very sorry” – which is apology language as opposed to regret language. I know it’s subtle but the subtle items are exactly the ones we have to be careful about.

“It was a mistake among the digital team,” said Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU. “Changing quotes is not something we ever did.”

That’sRead the rest

Lancet, ACLU, NPR, Planned Parenthood

Sep 28th, 2021 11:16 am | By

Not again.

Not “everybody,” every woman. Men don’t need access to abortion. Not “anybody that has a uterus,” any woman. No man has a uterus.

It’s because it’s women who need it that we have to fight for it.

It’s because women do the childbearing that women are subordinated.

It’s because men want to control women and their childbearing that access to abortion is something we have to campaign for and defend.… Read the rest

Obvious from the beginning

Sep 28th, 2021 10:25 am | By

Another book by another Trump ex-employee with yet more detail on what a walking pile of garbage he is.

In her book, titled “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” [Stephanie] Grisham recalls her time working for a president she said constantly berated her and made outlandish requests, including a demand that she appear before the press corps and re-enact a certain call with the Ukrainian president that led to Mr. Trump’s (first) impeachment, an assignment she managed to avoid.

Trump of course is saying it’s all lies.

“Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning,” Mr. Trump said in a statement on Tuesday. He said she had become “very angry and bitter” after a breakup. “She

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Just disperse, bro

Sep 28th, 2021 9:13 am | By

A tweet by Ex-Muslims of North America inspired me to seek out the Quran Verse 53. It’s very amusing.

O you who believe, do not enter the houses of the Prophet, unless you are permitted for a meal, not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, go inside. Then, once you have had the meal, just disperse, and (do) not (sit for long) being keen for a chat.

Heeheeheehee it’s so pious, so spiritual, so disinterested. Listen, guys, don’t keep showing up at my place hoping I’ll give you some lunch, wait until you’re fucking invited. And if I do invite you don’t fucking show up early – what am I supposed … Read the rest

Shouts and boos

Sep 28th, 2021 8:45 am | By

This isn’t in the news yet so a tweet will have to do.

Shouts of “shame” and boos because women say that women are women.… Read the rest

A mistake among the digital team

Sep 28th, 2021 7:43 am | By
A mistake among the digital team

The Times, annoyingly, says in the headline that Romero “apologized” for re-writing Ruth Bader Ginsburg. No he didn’t.

That’s not what happened.

Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said Monday that he regretted that a tweet sent out recently by his organization altered the words of a well-known quote by the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Yes he regretted it, but he didn’t apologize. Regretting something isn’t the same as apologizing for it. You can regret forgetting to get coffee at the store without apologizing for it.

The tweet by the A.C.L.U. occasioned mockery and some anger on social media from feminists and others.

Some anger? Lots of anger. White-hot anger.

“We won’t

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Sorry you’re in such a snit

Sep 28th, 2021 6:42 am | By

Michelle Goldberg in the Times yesterday on the ACLU’s insult to RBG and women:

This was a mistake for two reasons, one that’s easy to talk about, and one that’s hard.

The easy one is the “it’s bad to re-write the past this way” reason.

What’s more difficult to discuss is how making Ginsburg’s words gender-neutral alters their meaning. That requires coming to terms with a contentious shift in how progressives think and talk about sex and reproduction. Changing Ginsburg’s words treats what was once a core feminist insight — that women are oppressed on the basis of their reproductive capacity — as an embarrassing anachronism. The question then becomes: Is it?

Of course, I don’t find that one … Read the rest

Dear readers

Sep 27th, 2021 4:15 pm | By

Naturally this isn’t going down well.

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Sep 27th, 2021 3:46 pm | By

Labour List:

Shadow Justice Secretary David Lammy has told a Labour Party conference fringe event when discussing trans rights this morning that “there are some dinosaurs on the right” and also that “those dinosaurs exist in our own party” who want to “hoard rights”.

“Hoard rights”? Is that like hoarding sugar and butter during the war?

Asked at a fringe meeting today about the ongoing conflict in the party over the rights of transgender people, he said there is “always a debate when you’re extending rights to people who have been denied them for so long”.

What “rights” have trans people been denied for so long? The right to ignore gender conventions? Probably, somewhat, but then non-trans people have … Read the rest

Dear readers, here’s some bullshit

Sep 27th, 2021 12:03 pm | By

Oh please.

Blah blah blah blah fucking blah but when have they EVER talked about bodies with penises? Show me the cover that has “bodies with penises” on it. I’ll wait.… Read the rest

Harm on countless people

Sep 27th, 2021 10:23 am | By

Again. They’re appallingly consistent about this.

The ACLU has allowed the trans lobby – or maybe just Chase Strangio all by herself – to bully it into erasing women from its reporting and publicity.… Read the rest

Forced to say the word

Sep 27th, 2021 10:16 am | By

Oh no, the ACLU had to name the bill and the bill has the word “women” in the title.

Ewwww women’s ewwwww they must have been feeling very sick having to say that.

But they fixed it in the subsequent tweets.

Whew, that’s better! No more mention of women. Patients, people, we, … Read the rest

How to avoid saying “women”

Sep 27th, 2021 8:45 am | By

The ACLU is still at it (aka “doubling down”).

We? Who’s we? Who are “all of us”?

They mean women, of course, but they’re hell bent on not saying so. It’s Chase Strangio’s world now, and the only women who matter are men.

The linked article uses the word once. One single time. I suppose the word appears that one time so that women like me won’t be able to say never. But the grotesquely sanitized language remains. It’s written by Paige Alexandria … Read the rest

Look uh uh uh uh uh

Sep 27th, 2021 8:04 am | By

Another one of these. She barks like a seal at the sheer horror of being asked if women are allowed to talk about our own bodies now.

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Analogy crime

Sep 27th, 2021 6:56 am | By
Analogy crime

Child Psychiatry Fellow at Stanford Medical School Jack Turban to Jessica Taylor in response to her objection to a man, Mridul Wadhwa, as director of a women’s rape crisis centre:

Women “demanding” female staff at rape crisis centers is not repeat not comparable to white people demanding white staff at anything. Women are not dominant over men, women don’t rape men, women are not the oppressor class in relation to men, women are not comparable to white people and men are not comparable to black people in discussions of power imbalance or dominance/subordination or perpetrator/victim or violence/injury.… Read the rest

Cholitas escaladoras

Sep 26th, 2021 3:14 pm | By

Something nice for a change!

In January 23, a group of five women climbers summitted Aconcagua, in Argentina, at 22,808 feet, the highest point in the Western and Southern Hemispheres. It took them seven days from when they started ascending the mountain’s flanks to when they safely returned to the bottom. This wouldn’t necessarily be noteworthy if not for the makeup of the crew.

They’re all Bolivian Aymara indigenous women who until recent years worked as cooks and caretakers for well-heeled, and mostly male, mountaineers from around the world. These women had been working at high camps for years, catering to the crews headed to the high peaks of the Andes. Finally, they decided to strap on crampons and hike

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