All entries by this author

What Jolyon found hardest to take

Jan 8th, 2022 7:54 am | By

He’s unhappy about the Wes Streeting interview.

When’s the last time Jolyon Maugham “interrogated” the proposition that trans dogma takes nothing from women at all whatsoever in the least? My rough estimate is that would be never.

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Guest post: Empathy cannot fix a cry bully

Jan 8th, 2022 5:43 am | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on More emp and und.

There was an essay on Forbes the other day about gatekeeping in fandoms, which I actually think is kind of relevant.

…the accusations of gatekeeping are being used to leverage access to effectively run each fandom and acquire power as a result.

I think there is a lot of truth in the complaints fans of various properties have about “wokeness” invading their spaces. A lot of the time, the issue keeping people out of specific hobbies isn’t that the hobbyists are saying “This isn’t for you” – it’s that the hobby just isn’t the “excluded” person’s bag.

Which is fine. You’re not being excluded if the thing isn’t … Read the rest

To be their authentic selves

Jan 7th, 2022 3:24 pm | By

The Women’s Sports Foundation? Are they sure about that?

The Women’s Sports Foundation says we need to create sport environments that allow athletes to be their authentic selves – by which they mean we need to let men pretend to be women so that they can steal all the prizes. What a peculiar thing for a Women’s Sports Foundation to mean. You’d think they’d be cheering on women rather than men who … Read the rest

More emp and und

Jan 7th, 2022 11:52 am | By

Progress, but…

On both sides? I don’t think they’re equivalent. I don’t think you see as much testosteroney rage on the feminist side of the argument.

Still. It’s a step.… Read the rest

The choice

Jan 7th, 2022 10:03 am | By

What are we talking about when we talk about ideology?

Joe Biden marked the first anniversary of 6 January with a powerful, ideological speech about the choice between democracy and autocracy.

Is the choice between democracy and autocracy really a matter of ideology? I think of it as more basic than that. Do you want someone like Trump making all the rules, or do you prefer a system where more people get a say?

Every major news network opted for somber programming and roundtable discussions about the fragile nature of American democracy.

Except for one.

Fox News’s primetime lineup of rightwing hosts used rock guitar licks to introduce a different narrative: one of hysterical Democrats “jilling up noise” and crying

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Be sure to uSe randoM caps

Jan 7th, 2022 9:15 am | By

Trump issued a “statement” (i.e. a rambling incoherent page of words) in response to Biden’s speech yesterday.

As reasonable and responsible as ever.… Read the rest

Stands with

Jan 7th, 2022 7:58 am | By

Elite institutions fall all over themselves to support men destroying women’s sports.

“Unwavering commitment” to destroying women’s sports.… Read the rest

Seems, madam, nay it is, I know not seems

Jan 6th, 2022 5:28 pm | By

An interesting, teasing conundrum here. Is it possible to be insulting and ragey in public for hours every day while not actually being as insulting and ragey as that would seem?

Seen on Twitter today: “I’m not nearly as mean as I probably seem on Twitter.”

The tweeter, as you’ll have guessed, is someone who is insulting and ragey on Twitter for hours every day, so much so that that “probably seem” is laughable. Probably? Probably?

Anyway, is that possible? I’m not sure it is. I think if you act “mean” (i.e. sadistic and belligerent) a lot of the time then…well, you are sadistic and belligerent, aren’t you. Acting it is being it. “Seeming” it is being it. Doing it … Read the rest

Put them over here on the side

Jan 6th, 2022 4:47 pm | By

Ah yes setting aside their differences.

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and her UPenn teammates set aside their differences over the last week to train for their final home meet of the season behind a cloak of secrecy.

It’s not really something the women can just set aside, is it. He’s intruding on them and stealing their chance to be first.

The twice-daily winter practice sessions passed without incident but the 41-strong team remains bitterly divided over Thomas’s record shattering feats as a newly-transitioned female, according to insiders.

They’re not actually “feats,” are they. He didn’t have any “feats” on the men’s team, so he’s not really racking up feats now that he’s competing with people who have multiple disadvantages … Read the rest

The real perps

Jan 6th, 2022 12:21 pm | By

Who was it who instigated the attack on the Capitol?

Around the same time President Biden said former President Donald J. Trump encouraged the violence that took place at the Capitol on Jan. 6, some of Mr. Trump’s most prominent supporters deflected blame for the attack during an appearance on a live online show.

It’s not a “show.” It’s a vanity project-insurrectionist plot.

On the show, hosted by Stephen K. Bannon, one of Mr. Trump’s top former advisers, Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene laid responsibility on Democrats, the Capitol Police, the federal government and others.

The socialists, the FBI, the Critical Race Theorists, the Pentagon, the feminists, the State Department. They’re all in it up to their eyeballs. … Read the rest

Goddess energy & critical thinking

Jan 6th, 2022 11:39 am | By

The circular belief system in action.

See, no women I know carry themselves with grace and respect for the goddess energy, nor would I want them to. I certainly don’t carry myself that way, and would be horrified if anyone accused me of it. Yuck. What women need to carry ourselves with is confidence that we have a place in the world just as … Read the rest

What brazen politicization

Jan 6th, 2022 11:00 am | By

How dare ANYONE politicize a violent attempted insurrection in the form of physical invasion of the legislature complete with weapons and threats? Could there be anything more outrageous?

Yeah, that Biden, man, politicizing something as obviously apolitical as an attempt to prevent him from taking office after he won an election. Brazen indeed – practically harlot-level brazen.… Read the rest


Jan 6th, 2022 10:37 am | By

This seems fairly astounding.

Those numbers. Seven hundred sixty five thousand pounds to from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office??? For what?? It’s not as if they’re building anything or healing anyone or feeding anyone. Their “work” is telling people what to think – how is it possible to spend £765,061 on that? Plus £616 k on the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme, where you’d think the need for Stonewall’s views would be zero*. £256 k on all of the Welsh government seems thrifty in comparison (but is actually quite profligate).

Jobs for the boys, eh?

*See comments for corrections on this point. It’s a grant to keep employees paid, not a payment for stonewalling.… Read the rest

The laying on of hands

Jan 5th, 2022 4:49 pm | By

Lord, I pray, take pity on this cardboard cutout of a deranged criminal.

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Not what he said

Jan 5th, 2022 11:29 am | By

And yet another follow-up to the story – Jon Stewart says with much emphasis that he’s not calling Rowling anti-Semitic and that Newsweek is full of shit for saying he is.

That’s roughly where I am, except that I’m much less keen on Harry Potter, precisely because of the crude stereotypes and Manicheanism. … Read the rest

Of course it’s a bank

Jan 5th, 2022 11:15 am | By

More on that theme.

This is what it looks like to me – not that she did it deliberately, but that she drew on tropes without thinking about them. She didn’t have a subtle mind when she wrote the first Potter book; I’ve been surprised by the quality of her writing on the trans ideology wars.

I’m not overjoyed about saying this but it’s no good ignoring it or hiding it.… Read the rest

About those goblins

Jan 5th, 2022 10:51 am | By

There’s a new front in the war on Rowling.

Jon Stewart has accused JK Rowling of antisemitism for her depiction of goblins in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

A recent episode of the late-night show host’s podcast, The Problem with Jon Stewart, has begun making headlines for his takedown of the Gringotts Bank goblins, which he believes are depicted as Jewish “caricatures” in the series.

Stewart’s argument – that Rowling perpetuates anti-Jew stereotypes in Harry Potter – was based on the similarities between the books’ goblin creatures and an illustration from an antisemitic text, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, published in 1903.

Now you could ask if there’s any reason to think she was … Read the rest

Unreliable allies

Jan 5th, 2022 10:19 am | By

Stephen Marche tells us it’s not if but when – the US is going to be dealing with a second civil war. One reason is to do with the people who go into policing and security.

The right is preparing for a breakdown of law and order, but they are also overtaking the forces of law and order. Hard right organizations have now infiltrated so many police forces – the connections number in the hundreds – that they have become unreliable allies in the struggle against domestic terrorism.

Michael German, a former FBI agent who worked undercover against domestic terrorists during the 1990s, knows that the white power sympathies within police departments hamper domestic terrorism cases. “The 2015 FBI

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Top inspirational

Jan 5th, 2022 9:39 am | By

Andreia Nobre and Anna Slatz at 4w tell us:

The Brazilian edition of Marie Claire magazine has named a trans-identified male convicted of pimping and accused of facilitating child sexual exploitation as one of the country’s top inspirational women’s rights activists.

A pimp. I feel inspired already.

While the list profiles brave female advocates such as Joênia Wapixana – the first Indigenous woman in Brazil to become a lawyer – and Maria da Penha – an abuse survivor who fought to increase legal penalties for domestic violence – one name stands out.

Indianara Siqueira, a biological male prostitute who identifies as a woman, was featured on the list as the magazine’s 6th pick.

Between 2007 and 2010, Siqueira served

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Talk into the mirror Frank

Jan 5th, 2022 9:19 am | By

Officially celibate religious boss says it’s selfish not to have children.

The Pope’s comments came as he was discussing parenthood during a general audience at the Vatican in Rome.

Hey if you want to know about parenthood, who better to ask than a prelate whose religion forbids him to be a parent?

“Today … we see a form of selfishness,” he told the audience. “We see that some people do not want to have a child.”

That’s not selfish though. It’s not as if there’s a child sitting there, wanting to be had. What he means by having a child is actually making a child where no child was before. It’s not selfish not to do that. It’s particularly … Read the rest