All entries by this author

Erh ner err yer fermernern?

Apr 17th, 2022 11:53 am | By

Well, punk, are ya?

I’ll start. No, and I don’t want to be, and I’ve never wanted to be. (So I must be trans, right? No.)

No, I forget “daintiness” at all times. What a revolting word.

There is nothing I can wear and still be girlish, nor do I want to. I don’t wear slacks or shorts, I wear jeans or (inside) sweat pants. I don’t wear them girlishly, I just wear them.

What does “dressing for an evening date” mean? What are “mannish suits”?

I don’t think about white gloves or white collars at all.

No. I hate perfume and have no jewelry.

No. I sprawl whenever I feel like it.

No. I stride like a fucking kangaroo.… Read the rest

They’ve got spines

Apr 17th, 2022 11:22 am | By

If you’ve been thinking “At least cactus will flourish,” think again.

[E]ven these prickly survivors may be reaching their limits as the planet grows hotter and drier over the coming decades, according to research published on Thursday. The study estimates that, by midcentury, global warming could put 60 percent of cactus species at greater risk of extinction.

There’s nothing surprising in that really. Being adapted to the climate of Arizona doesn’t mean you’re adapted to the climate of a furnace.

Most cactus species “are in some way adapted to the climates and the environments that they live in,” said Michiel Pillet, a doctoral student in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona who led the new study,

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Bronx cheer bunny

Apr 17th, 2022 10:35 am | By

Trump issues insults and taunts in observation of Giant Rabbit Day.

And carrots to the Rabbit, too.… Read the rest

If only women were foxes

Apr 17th, 2022 9:12 am | By

“Cis” man singles out feminist woman for opprobrium again.

Of course the headline doesn’t say “I am being silenced” – it says “women won’t be silenced.” She’s not talking about herself, she’s talking about women. Maugham wouldn’t understand.

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Latest diversity training

Apr 17th, 2022 7:37 am | By

Stonewall “training” at Bristol University:

Women may not truly know they are women unless they have their chromosomes tested, Stonewall has told university staff in its latest diversity training.

Lucky lucky staff, getting trained by the best.

In a handout after the session, staff were given a series of tips for creating an inclusive environment. One stated: “Remove gendered language from key policies and support LGBT people to navigate policies which might exclude them including parental leave policies.”

Oh sure, just remove “gendered language” from everything, that’s a good idea. That way women won’t be able to talk back. Sit down, Karen!

The Stonewall handout, seen by The Telegraph, added that staff should “avoid gendered language such as girlfriend,

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Guest post: You’re As Young As You Feel

Apr 16th, 2022 5:33 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Casual observers.

Women’s sports only exist to exclude males. If women’s sports included males, there would no longer be women’s sports.

It’s a matter of fairness. As soon as anyone wants to be more “inclusive” you know fairness is about to get screwed over, and somebody is going to be cheated out of a spot on the team, or a place on the podium. When it comes to fairness in sports, segregation by sex is as basic as segregation by age, but does anyone push to include high school students “included” in primary school sports, or adults in children’s divisions? No. Why not?

We’re often told that “You’re as young … Read the rest

Medical, dental, and a fertilized egg

Apr 16th, 2022 3:57 pm | By

The NY Times offers a tale of discrimination:

A same-sex married couple said in a complaint filed Tuesday that the City of New York discriminated against them in denying them in vitro fertilization coverage under the city’s insurance plan for employees.

But wait! There’s a catch. The same sex they are is the male one. In vitro fertilization don’t do you no good if you ain’t got no egg. They ain’t got no egg, on account of how they’re men.

The couple, Nicholas Maggipinto, 36, and Corey Briskin, 33, claim the policy discriminates against them based on their sex and sexual orientation and that if they were female or in a heterosexual relationship they would have access to the

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Off which charts?

Apr 16th, 2022 11:02 am | By

Oh look, another venomous liar.

She’s off the charts angry at feminists who express sympathy (and horror and so on) at the murder of two gay men. What a thing to be angry about! What a disgusting sentiment! And no, being gender critical doesn’t “feed into” hatred of lesbians and gays. That’s just a made-up chain of causation, made up … Read the rest

We meant well

Apr 16th, 2022 10:25 am | By

Bill McKibben in the NYRB a couple of years ago:

Because humans have fundamentally altered the physical workings of planet Earth, this is going to be a century of crises, many of them more dangerous than what we’re living through now. The main question is whether we’ll be able to hold the rise in temperature to a point where we can, at great expense and suffering, deal with those crises coherently, or whether they will overwhelm the coping abilities of our civilization. The latter is a distinct possibility, as Mark Lynas’s new book, Our Final Warning, makes painfully clear.

A survey of the damage done at one degree is impressive and unsettling, especially since in almost every case

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Axe the witch

Apr 16th, 2022 9:37 am | By

Expel the witch.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has sided with Tony Abbott and refused to join a “pile on” calling for embattled Liberal candidate Katherine Deves to be axed as the party’s candidate in the formerly blue-ribbon seat of Warringah.

Furious lobbying is under way with the Liberal Party to have Deves axed from the ticket in Warringah and a replacement candidate named before April 21, which is the cut-off date.

The Liberal Party is the right-wing party.

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean launched a blistering attack on Deves on Friday night, declaring she had to be dumped as the Liberal candidate for Warringah because of her comments about gender identity and LGBTQ issues.

“There should be no place for

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The Guam High girls rugby team

Apr 16th, 2022 8:31 am | By

Meanwhile in Guam –

The High School Rugby League season got underway Saturday, but not without incident.

Word quickly spread around the island’s sports community about a transgender athlete playing for the Guam High girls rugby team. The Panthers had three matches against the Tiyan Titans, Academy Cougars and ND Royals.

There again, it needs to be spelled out. It’s implied, but it needs to be spelled out. There was a boy playing for the Guam High School girls rugby team.

“I was shocked to discover that a male player from Guam High School was on the field charging through my female players with nearly no resistance, imposing injuries along the way,” said Tiyan head coach and long-time rugby

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Casual observers

Apr 16th, 2022 7:38 am | By

Now let’s read the insulting sexist dude’s piece about how women need to shut up and go away while the men say how much women’s sport they can have.

Given the urgent call-to-arms from select activists and politicians, casual observers could be forgiven for thinking Australian sport is about to be swamped by transgender athletes seeking to exploit any advantage they can on the playing fields of women’s sport.

No they couldn’t. Never mind about “swamped”; there’s no good reason women should be expected to put up with any men in women’s sports.

Liberal senator Claire Chandler has been at the vanguard of a movement she insists is designed to protect the fairness and integrity of female competition. 

Gee, I … Read the rest

Beware the hysterics

Apr 16th, 2022 6:53 am | By

Never mind. It’s just some angry witchy screechy bitchy women getting all frenzied in the uterus.

It’s just hysterics I tells ya. We all know how women are.

“Helen, you’re an angry witchy screechy bitchy hysterics-having slag yourself, which you would realise if you’d seen your own comments.”… Read the rest

Their profound disappointment

Apr 15th, 2022 5:09 pm | By

Jason Weinberg at Daily Nous is applauding from the sidelines again as another gender critical book is surrounded by the baying mob.

Two open letters are circulating regarding the decision of Oxford University Press to publish Gender-Critical Feminism, a forthcoming book by Holly Lawford-Smith, associate professor of philosophy at the University of Melbourne.

One letter, posted by Eugenia Zuroski of McMaster University (who notes that it was “very much a collaborative effort”), is from “members of the international scholarly community with a relationship of some kind, or several kinds, to Oxford University Press,” including authors, reviewers, series and journal editors, translators, instructors who teach OUP’s books, and readers. In the letter they express their “profound disappointment” with OUP’s

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Reap the whirlwind

Apr 15th, 2022 4:06 pm | By

I’m reading through Craig Murray’s blog – about his appeal of his sentence, his bad health, his fury at Nicola Sturgeon – and finding some interesting parallels.

May 21, 2021:

Dave Llewellyn sat next to me in the public gallery of the Salmond trial as we witnessed the defence witnesses – largely female – who shredded the prosecution case. A few weeks ago, seven detectives of the Serious Crime Squad raided Dave’s home at 5am, handcuffed him and questioned him over conspiracy to murder – in relation to a public Facebook post. Dave has now been charged with a lesser but still imprisonable offence.

You will recall Mark Hirst, friend of both Dave and I [me], being charged with

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Deliberate and calculated

Apr 15th, 2022 2:57 pm | By

So this is who Craig Murray is. The BBC March 25, a mere three weeks ago:

A former diplomat has lost a legal challenge against a jail sentence imposed on him over blogs he wrote about the trial of Alex Salmond.

Craig Murray posted a series of articles online about the former first minister’s high court case in 2020.

He was jailed for eight months for contempt of court after prosecutors raised concerns that complainers could be identified by his writing.

The 63-year-old served four months in prison before being granted parole.

So his verbal abuse of the lunch-having women wasn’t a one-off but part of a pattern.

Scotland’s senior judge, the Lord Justice General Lord Carloway, said: “The

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Apr 15th, 2022 10:59 am | By

Women Are Human last November on that Brighton “women-only” refuge that’s not women only:

A woman who survived multiple incidents of sexual violence sought female-only group support from a charity, only to be driven away in panic when a tall man with a “deep voice” and “men’s clothes” became a member. The charity, which is funded by the Government, local authorities and the NHS, told the woman it does not “police gender,” and the male individual has every right to be present at the sessions.

If it doesn’t “police gender” i.e. offer women-only spaces for rape victims then what good is it?

“When I first went, it was all women and we all had similar experiences so I was reassured

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Jay Breslaw has form

Apr 15th, 2022 10:13 am | By

I see we’ve heard about this women-only refuge that inclooods men before – I wrote about it just last November. All-female including men:

It’s all “shut up and take it, bitch” at the rape therapy support group.

A rape victim who thought she had found a safe all-female space to help her come to terms with the sexual violence she endured has told how she was left deeply troubled by the arrival of a biologically male trans woman ‘with no obvious female attributes’.

Jay Breslaw of the pious whispery voice made an appearance:

Brighton. They’re not fond of women in Brighton. Just ask Kathleen Stock.

In written evidence to a Commons select committee last year, [Survivors’ Network’s] chief

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Women-only spaces with men

Apr 15th, 2022 9:49 am | By

“Women need women-only spaces, therefore we’re including men.”

I should warn you, the clip is horrible to listen to, even apart from the content. I think the content is the reason for the horribleness of the listen: the woman reading the statement finds it necessary to use the most sanctimonious soporific voice in her repertoire, the kind of voice that always makes me want to scratch my armpits and make fart noises. She speaks very s l o w l y and clearly, in a very Soft and Warm and Soothing and Condescending voice, as if we’d all just been pulled from the rubble of a collapsed apartment block.

Women-only spaces are uplifting and empowering. They offer a place

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Amid outrage

Apr 15th, 2022 8:59 am | By

York Vision, one of two student papers at the university of same, has a think piece on Julie Bindel and student censorship. It’s not very good.

An event with Julie Bindel hosted by Uni of York’s Free Speech Society was postponed at the last minute amid safety concerns and outrage from staff and students at the University.

What “safety concerns”? Did someone – anyone – think Julie was going to throw a bomb or pull out a handgun or poison the refreshments? As for “outrage” – pull your fucking pants up and stop whining.

Inviting Julie Bindel to a free speech event was always going to end with protest and uprisal. 

“Uprisal”? Anyway, the only reason it’s true that … Read the rest