All entries by this author

Just the facts ma’am

Apr 23rd, 2022 11:02 am | By

The NY Times tries to figure out what’s so wrong with some math textbooks that Florida officialdom didn’t want:

After the Florida Department of Education rejected dozens of math textbooks last week, the big question was, Why?

The department said some of the books “contained prohibited topics” from social-emotional learning or critical race theory — but it has released only four specific textbook pages showing content to which it objects.

That’s a bizarre pairing – social-emotional learning or critical race theory. Really? Both of those? Were they in combination? If so, how? Color me skeptical.

The Times looked at some publishers’ samples to try to get a sense of the reasons, while saying that it’s necessarily guesswork because … Read the rest

The bottom rung of the ladder

Apr 23rd, 2022 9:31 am | By

Julie Bindel on that “novel”:

Most of you, I suspect, will be unfamiliar with the work of self-professed ‘horror author’ and trans woman Gretchen Felker-Martin.

Latterly a little-known film and culture writer, Felker-Martin’s name reached wider circulation this week following the recent release of a debut novel — although not, it must be said, for the quality of the writing.

Felker-Martin’s work is highly disturbing for reasons that go much further than the characters and plot, which centres on two transgender women hunting down and killing ‘TERFs’ in a battle for survival.

Hunting down and killing radical feminist women, as one does.

Felker-Martin has apparently seen fit to exact a deeply unpleasant fictional revenge, depicting the successful writer’s

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Smoldering toxicity

Apr 23rd, 2022 9:13 am | By

Another snapshot of the ship slowly slowly changing course.

The chairwoman of the equalities watchdog has warned there is a “slow-burn toxicity” around trans rights as she urged campaign groups to co-operate with her.

Baroness Falkner of Margravine, chairwoman of the EHRC, said she had been surprised “by the saliency of the issue of sex and gender, and the balance of rights issues”.

She said it was “deeply unfortunate” that Stonewall and other LGBT groups had asked the UN to review the EHRC’s accreditation, noting that the attempt had been dismissed.

Her remarks come after publication of the EHRC’s guidance that organisations such as refuges and gyms can legally exclude transgender people from single-sex services in certain

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The right of the trust to give puberty blockers

Apr 23rd, 2022 8:09 am | By

Maybe just maybe people should slow down and think a little harder about this. Maybe it’s not the best idea in the world to halt or swap puberties the instant a child expresses dismay or confusion.

Vulnerable children are wrongly being given gender hormone treatment by the NHS, Sajid Javid believes, as he prepares to launch an urgent inquiry.

The health secretary thinks the system is “failing children” and is planning an overhaul of how health service staff deal with under-18s who question their gender identity.

Step one: understand that “gender identity” is a novel concept, that its meanings are disputed, that it’s subjective and malleable at best, and that it’s not nearly clear or sharp-edged enough to justify something … Read the rest

She forgets

Apr 22nd, 2022 5:48 pm | By

Majorie Taylor Greene says she doesn’t remember and besides lots of people used her Facebook account to say things so it could have been anyone.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia insisted under oath that she does not remember expressing support for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s execution in 2019.

She’s busy. She can’t remember every little thing.

Lawyers from Free Speech for the People, the group challenging Greene’s candidacy, presented the congresswoman with a print-out of a CNN article that documented Greene’s prior support for political violence against some Democrats.

“She’s a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason,” Greene said of Pelosi in a 2019 Facebook video, according to CNN. “She took an oath to protect

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Stunned with a hammer

Apr 22nd, 2022 5:19 pm | By

This is so depressing I can barely believe it.

Why why why on earth would anyone prefer the zombie blow-job doll to the gorgeous real woman on the left? Apparently lots of people or this “makeup artist” wouldn’t be doing it, but…I can’t understand why. Zombie blow-up doll looks like exactly that – a porn image, a photo from a failing fashion magazine, a completed mannequin for a store window. You wouldn’t … Read the rest


Apr 22nd, 2022 11:35 am | By

PCC Lisa Townsend says Nope.

Surrey’s police and crime commissioner has snubbed a complaints panel decision and refused to explain herself to Reigate’s MP after her transgender tweet caused offence. Lisa Townsend was found to have breached her office’s code of conduct by tweeting about “men who keep telling us they are women”.

She has now rebuffed councillors by refusing to carry out their proposed remedy. She said she would “not be writing to explain myself to” complainants, including Conservative MP Crispin Blunt, as was requested by the panel that oversees complaints against her following a two-and-a-half hour long discussion in February.

Women saying men are not women; whatever next?!

Back in December the PCC retweeted and commented

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Into a broader fight

Apr 22nd, 2022 10:31 am | By

The ACLU has a page for Women in Prison.

I wonder if they really mean women in prison, in the sense of women in prison. The first link we see suggests they don’t.

How Women’s Rights Paved the Way for Gender Justice at the ACLU

Many recent legal battles for the rights of trans and non-binary people are rooted in the same cases that pioneered women’s rights decades ago.

So much for women in prison, and women in general.

When Ruth Bader Ginsburg co-founded the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project in 1972, she recognized that laws that stereotype by gender hurt everyone — no matter your gender.

Then why did she call it the Women’s Rights Project? Why doesn’t the … Read the rest

Under the 14th amendment

Apr 22nd, 2022 8:54 am | By

Marjorie Taylor Greene is in court.

The far right Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene was cheered into court in Georgia on Friday, for a hearing in an attempt by a coalition of voters and liberal groups to bar her from Congress under the 14th amendment to the US constitution, for aiding the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021.

Some people in the courtroom cheered and applauded as Greene took her seat.

As the hearing began, Greene tweeted: “Only the People have the right to choose who they send to Congress.”

Well, no, it’s not that simple. Suppose a candidate is convicted of murder and sentenced to prison, and then elected to Congress – does the candidate … Read the rest

Guest post: Dead women can’t say No

Apr 22nd, 2022 3:10 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? in Miscellany Room 8.

Canada’s Global News reports on Manhunt author’s fantasized depiction of Rowling’s death in novel.

The reporter, Kathryn Mannie, begins with a brief description of the book:

The book is set in an apocalyptic scenario in which people with a sufficient amount of testosterone get turned into monstrous beasts. All that remains of humanity are cisgender women, non-binary people, transgender men and transgender women.

(I wonder if, in this future, fully intact “transgender women” also turn into beasts? Or do they all have testosterone dutifully reduced to the level that would allow them to join the Penn women’s swim team? And what about transmen? Is Chase Strangio’s T … Read the rest

Your instructions

Apr 21st, 2022 5:55 pm | By

Hmmm let’s see.

Correct yourself briefly and move on.

No. I was right, so I’m not going to correct myself.

Interrupt people with quick corrections.

Not in a million years. They weren’t wrong, so I’m not going to correct them any more than I’m going to correct myself, and anyway I wouldn’t correct them if they were “wrong.” Officiously interrupting people to correct them on something that doesn’t matter in the first place is not a fun hobby.

Don’t complain about how hard it is!

Don’t tell me what to complain about! Who do you think you are? Anyway I don’t care how hard it is, because I have no intention of doing it in the first place.… Read the rest


Apr 21st, 2022 12:09 pm | By

BBC headline:

Queen gets her own Barbie for Platinum Jubilee

Really? Only now? You’d think she could have had one right away when they first came out. They were only $3.… Read the rest

Why, by Jove, it’s the female athletes!

Apr 21st, 2022 10:54 am | By

Jon Pike on the use of passive and speculative wording to arrive at one’s desired conclusion:

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Looking at solutions

Apr 21st, 2022 10:24 am | By

BASEM UK finally understood that it has made a tiny mistake.

Let’s just ignore the bit about personal attacks, in order to focus on the astonishing fact that they apparently had no idea they should have women on a panel discussing a plan to destroy women’s sports. How did they manage that I wonder? Wouldn’t you think it was obvious? I would…but then I’m a woman. This could indicate … Read the rest

Basic precautions

Apr 21st, 2022 9:48 am | By

Pro tip: If you try to overthrow the government, don’t brag about it to your Uber driver on your way home.

On 6 January 2021, Jerry Braun hailed an Uber in Washington DC and got in the car, nursing a bleeding eye wound. The Uber driver noticed and asked, “So, has it been violent all day?”

“Well it started around, right when I got there. I tore down the barricades,” Braun bragged.

The conversation, captured on video by the driver’s recording device installed on the dashboard, triggered a 15-month long investigation by the FBI. Earlier this month, on 12 April, Braun was finally arrested by federal authorities and charged with violent entry or disorderly conduct, obstruction during civil disorder, and

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Centers for Disease Passive Observation

Apr 21st, 2022 9:27 am | By

Can we have public health regulations or no?

The Biden administration on Wednesday appealed a federal court ruling striking down the mask requirement for passengers on planes, trains, buses and other public transportation after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that the mandate was “necessary for the public health.”

That judge thinks bus drivers and flight attendants and the people who need to use buses and trains and planes should just take their chances, for the sake of our Divine Freedom. That judge who is very young and inexperienced and a Trump appointee.

While the C.D.C. wants to keep the mandate intact, it is also pressing the appeal to preserve its public health powers. But doing so is

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How to hold a pen

Apr 21st, 2022 9:07 am | By
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Only following the rules

Apr 20th, 2022 3:40 pm | By

Another woman speaks up:

The double Olympic champion Katie Archibald has sharply criticised the transgender policies of the International Olympic Committee and other sports bodies – saying they have not only let down female cyclists by underplaying biology but left trans women, such as Emily Bridges, facing intense scrutiny.

Maybe, but the intense scrutiny on Bridges is his fault as well as that of sports bodies. He should have been sharply aware all along that he should never compete against women, end of story.

Archibald, who won the second of her cycling gold medals in Tokyo last year alongside Dame Laura Kenny in the Madison, said it was wrong for governing bodies to ignore the science that shows trans

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Includey inclusionism

Apr 20th, 2022 11:14 am | By

I am so fucking livid about this. All this time and still they think it’s ok to set up a panel of five men to talk about how much of women’s sport it’s ok for men to destroy in the name of “inclusion.” WHAT ABOUT WOMEN?? Do they even realize we exist? Do they think we’re computer programs? Blowup dolls? Aliens? Hello hello is this microphone even on?… Read the rest

The very important session

Apr 20th, 2022 10:38 am | By

They’re just trolling us.

Yay! Let’s talk about fairness and safety for women [though we carefully don’t say “for women”] in sport by asking a bunch of men what they think!

Oh wait, isn’t there one woman included? The token woman you might say?


Taunty McTauntface. Dr Blair Hamilton is … Read the rest