All entries by this author

They weren’t playing

Apr 26th, 2022 11:38 am | By

Oh she did, did she.

Days before Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared [in a text to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows] to press for Donald Trump to overturn his 2020 election defeat by invoking martial law, new messages show.

Brackets added. MTG didn’t actually appear in a text to Meadows.

“In our private chat with only Members several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call Marshall [sic] law,” Greene texted on 17 January. “I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next.”

Eleven days after the attempted coup she said that.

Greene – one

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We don’t accept the dogma

Apr 26th, 2022 9:50 am | By

Suzanne Moore on Stonewall’s grotesque desertion of the very people it’s supposed to be for:

Last October it was agreed that Bailey could pursue her claim against her employer and Stonewall for direct discrimination against her gender critical beliefs, as well as indirect victimisation. The case is due to start tomorrow. 

[Now yesterday.]

So what did Bailey do so wrong that has caused Stonewall to complain to her employers? She has done “wrongthink”. She will not swallow the dogma. She believes that biological sex is immutable and that conflating sex with the made up notion of “gender identity” will leave women with no legally enforceable boundaries against men. She does not think womanhood is just a feeling in

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Written by a man

Apr 26th, 2022 9:37 am | By
Written by a man

Never in a million years would you…

But what you would have in a million years, indeed in a few seconds, is a man telling women that men are women if they say they are, and telling women we have to agree with that on pain of relentless bullying, and telling women what we can talk about and how we can talk about it. That’s what you would have. That’s what we do have, and we’re beyond tired of it.… Read the rest

Siblings shmiblings

Apr 26th, 2022 9:22 am | By

Simon Edge at the Glinner Update starts with Linda Riley’s tweet bashing JK Rowling and moves on to that other bully:

Also yesterday, Owen Jones tweeted that ‘transphobes’ – by which he means people who think sex is real, gender ideology is harmful, and lesbians and gays have the right to organise separately from the trans movement – should be banned from ‘every lgbtq bar’.

“We’re overwhelmingly united behind our trans siblings,” he said cloyingly. “An attack on them is an attack on all of us.”

Solidarity forever blah blah blah. Imagine a workers’ organization saying “We’re overwhelmingly united behind our billionaire boss siblings; an attack on them is an attack on all of us.” Imagine a BLM activist saying … Read the rest

Both and

Apr 26th, 2022 7:11 am | By

More of the great erodification of everything provided the everything belongs to women: “Lesbian visibility week…and when we say ‘lesbian’ we mean everyone.”

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There’s your problem right there.

Ready? All strapped in safely? Ok here’s your lesbian visibility week:

Our aim is BOTH TO celebrate lesbians and show solidarity with all LGBTQI women and non binary people in our community. We believe in unity, and lifting up those who are most marginalised.

Their aim is BOTH to celebrate lesbians AND to spit in lesbians’ faces by instantly, I said INSTANTLY, changing the subject to people who aren’t lesbians, especially men. You can have your lesbian visibility week for as long as it takes to say … Read the rest


Apr 25th, 2022 3:59 pm | By

I’m seeing people saying Reich is contradicting himself here, but I say he’s not.

The first is just pointing out a fact: the First Amendment limits what government can do, it’s not about everyone else. The second is talking about how the free market works, it’s not about government.

What am I missing?… Read the rest

Whatever happened?

Apr 25th, 2022 11:51 am | By

I think I know this one.

I think I know what happened to it, because it happened to me and to lots of other people.

It’s because it was never enough. It was never ever ever enough. More was always required.

It’s almost as if living whatever way felt comfortable was never actually the point. The point turned out to be demanding endless attention and love and hugs … Read the rest

Even just one, sir?

Apr 25th, 2022 10:44 am | By

Trump is in contempt of court.

A New York judge is holding Donald Trump in civil contempt after the state’s attorney general’s office said he did not comply with a subpoena for documents as part of its investigation into the former President’s company.

Judge Arthur Engoron said Trump failed to abide by his order to comply with the subpoena, and that his attorneys failed to show how a search of materials held by Trump was conducted. Engoron said Trump would be fined $10,000 a day until he complies.

He won’t care. He’ll just send more “gimme money”s to his adoring fans and they’ll empty their savings accounts to help him defy the law.

Andrew Amer, with the attorney general’s

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Rape first, kill after

Apr 25th, 2022 10:23 am | By

One for the “humans are a mistake” file:

Forensic doctors carrying out postmortem examinations on bodies in mass graves north of Kyiv say they have found evidence some women were raped before being killed by Russian forces.

Naturally. When you invade a country you obviously have to torture the women before you kill them.

Following the withdrawal of Russian troops from towns and suburbs around the capital, dozens of women have told police, the media and human rights organisations about atrocities they say they suffered suffered at the hands of Russian soldiers. Investigators have heard testimony of gang-rapes, assaults taking place at gunpoint and rapes committed in front of children.

Ukraine’s human rights commissioner, Lyudmila Denisova, has officially documented

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Which community though?

Apr 25th, 2022 8:42 am | By

How sweet.

So how is sharing a photo of Allison Bailey marching for LGB rights in San Francisco in 1991 “a vehicle for stirring up hate”? Let alone “more hate”? Let alone “in our community”?

Why doesn’t Linda Riley consider lesbians “our community”? Why doesn’t she consider women “our community”? Why is she spitting bile at JKR for being a fan of Allison Bailey?

Well, we know why: it’s because Bailey doesn’t see men who call … Read the rest

The infamous Jolyon Maugham

Apr 24th, 2022 3:37 pm | By

I learned a new thing about Jolyon Maugham’s bullying of the LGB Alliance via an article by Julie Bindel:

Eventually, activists found a way to get to the LGBA. The story is this: LGBA applied for funding to the Arts Council England’s, ‘Let’s Create Jubilee Fund’ for a film about gay men’s lives through the period of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. Queens would have been an important record of the history of the fight for liberation from bigotry, prejudice and legal discrimination, and a celebration of gay culture.

In March the Alliance was notified that the application was successful, but then the sharks circled. LGBA was informed by the Arts Council that its charitable status had been under scrutiny

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Apr 24th, 2022 11:32 am | By

BBC Live:

The results: Macron beats Le Pen in presidential election

Projections show that Emmanuel Macron has secured a clear victory over far-right rival Marine Le Pen.

Macron sweeps away far-right rival

This is a dramatic victory for the sitting president, and a historic one at that.

Make no mistake, this was Marine Le Pen’s best chance of victory and yet it didn’t happen. Her campaign was slick, her focus on the cost of living chimed with the voters, and she performed well in the big TV duel days ago.

Macron didn’t even enter the election until eight days before the first round, prompting accusations of arrogance. But when he did take part, the voters clearly listened. Even though

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Apr 24th, 2022 11:20 am | By

Oh thank fuck.

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If male privilege means anything

Apr 24th, 2022 11:07 am | By

Brendan O’Neill is not a huge fan of Grace Lavery’s book.

I have never liked the term male privilege, but it’s hard to know what other term to use to describe a man writing a book about his ‘bellend’ – he uses that word – while fully expecting that everyone will acknowledge his ‘womanhood’ – he uses that word, too. His womanhood is his most ‘cherished’ thing, he says, which I found shocking because I had assumed it was his knob. If male privilege means anything, surely it is the fact that a dude can publish a book whose front cover features a photo of him with a five o’clock shadow and an iffy wig and still demand that

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Saying you are queer

Apr 24th, 2022 10:48 am | By

Kathleen Stock on the importance of being “queer”:

And what else is a a female-led theatre company fronted by a white woman and founded in a middle-class Cambridge Sixth Form to do these days, except announce itself as “queer”? Unlike being black or disabled, saying you are queer or do queer work is a completely unverifiable proposition. It’s entirely compatible with being straight and conventional in practice – but at the same time, it apparently gives you endless cultural clout. So it would be kind of stupid not to, no? I’m not saying that anyone deliberately sets out to mislead people here. I’m saying that you probably come round to thinking of yourself that way, little by little, and

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Sir, there is a test

Apr 24th, 2022 10:05 am | By

This is very performative, very self-refuting, very watch this backfire, very corroborative of the thing it claims to deny. This is Trump telling a crowd he’s not stupid, and demonstrating how stupid he is by doing so.

I think it’s diagnostic, that inability to talk in complete sentences, the helpless self-interrupting whenever a new thought intrudes. Isn’t it? That’s not normal cognitive functioning, surely. He’s trying to tell the adoring crowd … Read the rest

Taking advice

Apr 24th, 2022 7:26 am | By

Dang, humanism has really gone to the dogs lately; I hadn’t realized.

That’s humanism? I’m shocked. It looks like ignorance, aggression, sexism, and a desperately impoverished vocabulary.

Besides, she has a hobby.

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Guest post: The only true women

Apr 23rd, 2022 5:03 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on The bottom rung of the ladder.

Felker-Martin’s work is highly disturbing for reasons that go much further than the characters and plot, which centres on two transgender women hunting down and killing ‘TERFs’ in a battle for survival.

N.B. Much, if not most, of the following, is speculative, as I have not read Manhunt and have no intention of doing so. I have no qualms about trashing or maligning it sight unseen. I have no qualms about taking feminist critiques of it at face value. I have not been given any reason whatsoever to doubt their presentation of the facts of the matter in this conflict. The trans activist side … Read the rest

To say boo

Apr 23rd, 2022 4:17 pm | By
To say boo

Ah manly men. Afraid of nothing, they are. Women on the other hand – they’re afraid of everything, like for instance being killed or raped or beaten up or all three.

JKR is “too chicken” to mention the stupid violent bloodthirsty woman-hating fantasy porn this revolting goon wrote. He on the other hand is so non-“chicken” that he included his fantasy about her dying violently in his filthy book. Takes a lot of courage, that does.… Read the rest

Really fancy dropping in

Apr 23rd, 2022 12:13 pm | By

This was fun to watch happen:

Wait for it.

I wonder how many of the members of that earlier book group are gnawing their fingers with rage and envy.… Read the rest