All entries by this author

Daniel Dennett Interview *

Jun 15th, 2003 | Filed by

The spectre of creeping exculpation, the discomfort of discontinuity, and more.… Read the rest

The Arts and Cultural Diversity

Jun 15th, 2003 | By Jatinder Verma

Immigrant, ethnic minority, asylum-seeker – slivers of insinuation separate
the meanings of each term in contemporary Britain. Ethnic minority, black and
Asian, cultural diversity – clouds of obfuscation have distinguished contemporary
arts in Britain over the past 30 years.

That I draw an analogy between socio-political and artistic terminology is
not incidental: socio-political concerns have determined arts-funding policy
for the past three decades. Ever since, in fact, the publication of Naseem Khan’s
seminal report for the Arts Council in 1976, ‘The Arts Britain Ignores’. This
year sees the launch of yet another arts initiative, designed to heap attention
on ‘culturally diverse’ arts, aptly titled ‘decibel’ (noise). Why do we need
a showcase of ethnic arts? And what noise is decibelRead the rest

Bernard Williams *

Jun 14th, 2003 | Filed by

‘He deconstructed as Derrida would do if he were cleverer and more pledged to truth,’ says the Guardian.… Read the rest

Williams in The Telegraph *

Jun 13th, 2003 | Filed by

‘He wanted a moral philosophy that was accountable not only to psychology but also to other branches of human enquiry, especially history.’… Read the rest

What the Koran Really Says *

Jun 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Ibn Warraq calls for critical thought and a sceptical attitude in reading the Koran.… Read the rest

Nonsense, Not True, Made Up, Bollocks *

Jun 12th, 2003 | Filed by

David Aaronovitch on the looting of Iraq’s antiquities and how it was reported.… Read the rest

Judgment Is Not Censorship *

Jun 11th, 2003 | Filed by

Student editors and Harvard English department not heroes but confused, says Stanley Fish.… Read the rest

The Tasaday *

Jun 10th, 2003 | Filed by

Feuds within anthroplogy, questions about authenticity, palm leaves versus T shirts.… Read the rest

Alan Wolfe on ‘Diversity’ *

Jun 10th, 2003 | Filed by

What Americans think diversity is and what they think it isn’t.… Read the rest

‘Watchdog’ versus Teachers’ Union *

Jun 9th, 2003 | Filed by

Is it discrimination to exclude disabled students who cause problems?… Read the rest

‘Watchdog’ versus Teachers’ Union *

Jun 9th, 2003 | Filed by

Is it discrimination to exclude disabled students who cause problems?… Read the rest

Hip, Relevant, In Your Face *

Jun 8th, 2003 | Filed by

Entertaining, short, punchy, fast – poetry on tv. Next up: quantum mechanics lite.… Read the rest

News Because I Only Just Now Found It *

Jun 7th, 2003 | Filed by

Francis Cornford’s Microcosmographia Academica.… Read the rest

Philosophers Useful After All? *

Jun 7th, 2003 | Filed by

They can serve as logical police, with non-contradiction for a nightstick.… Read the rest

The Arts on Television *

Jun 7th, 2003 | Filed by

Why is coverage of the arts not as good as it once was on UK television? … Read the rest

What is Elitism?

Jun 6th, 2003 | By

Fashionable Nonsense is a fabric of many threads, a sea fed by many rivers, a library with many volumes, a dog with many fleas. But there are also a few themes or core assumptions that play a role – that are ‘foundational’ – in most if not all of these many mansions: anti-essentialism, anti-realism, relativism, pretensions to transgression and rebellion and épater-ing; projects of unmasking, exposing, demystifying – every FNer a Toto pulling back the curtain that hides the Wizard; concern with hidden agendas and concealed power drives; and various kinds of make-believe anti-elitism.

The elitism question is a complicated matter, not least because of the widely-observed paradox that claims of anti-elitism emanate from academics who write a language of … Read the rest

The N.Y. Times on the N.Y. Times *

Jun 6th, 2003 | Filed by

Many reporters and editors were disaffected in wake of Blair and Bragg.… Read the rest

Two N.Y. Times Editors Resign *

Jun 6th, 2003 | Filed by

Howell Raines and Gerald Boyd fall on swords in aftermath of Jayson Blair fraud.… Read the rest

Problematizing the Dominant Narrative

Jun 6th, 2003 12:54 am | By

I do get to have fun, toiling and slaving here at the mills of B and W. I browse Google and sometimes I do find peculiar gems.
This one for example: a review of a book whose very title reeks of fashion: Dis/locating Cultures/Identitites, Traditions, and Third World Feminism. Got all that? You think the author stuffed enough Right On signposts in there for one title? The cute ‘Dis/locating,’ the buzzwords ‘cultures’ and ‘identities’ slammed together with that artful /, and finishing off with a flourish with Third World Feminism. There, that’s all the bases touched, Narayan must have thought in satisfaction. No one can say I don’t know the patois.

And that’s only the title, and only the … Read the rest

Guardians of the truth?

Jun 5th, 2003 5:35 pm | By

If you click on the Guardian story link in the ‘Post-Orientalism” entry below, you’ll find it doesn’t work. Here’s why – from the Guardian’s web site today:

A report which was posted on our website on June 4 under the heading “Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil” misconstrued remarks made by the US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, making it appear that he had said that oil was the main reason for going to war in Iraq. He did not say that. He said, “The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil.” The sense was that the US had no economic

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