All entries by this author

A Global Perspective *

Jan 21st, 2003 | Filed by

Depletion of fish stocks not a problem, fisheries scientist says, if future generations like plankton stew.… Read the rest

Not All Destruction is Human-Made *

Jan 21st, 2003 | Filed by

Fire storm near Canberra destroys observatory and all its equipment.… Read the rest

Love That Derrida

Jan 20th, 2003 10:51 pm | By

I sort of hate to agree with The National Review about anything, but then it’s not my fault: if the left will insist on being so silly all the time, they have only themselves to blame. Anyway this is a very funny piece about Jacques Derrida and his inexplicable hold over the minds of far too many literary critics and other “theorists”.

Indeed, the critical point to be borne in mind with regards to Derrida…is that he is not now, nor has he ever been, a philosopher in any recognizable sense of the word, nor even a trafficker in significant ideas; he is rather a intellectual con artist, a polysyllabic grifter who has duped roughly half the humanities professors in

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Moon Landing Skeptics *

Jan 20th, 2003 | Filed by

You know how the gummint is, they cover up alien landings in Roswell, so why not fake landings on the moon?… Read the rest

All Over the Map *

Jan 19th, 2003 | Filed by

The Observer gets the views of thoughtful people on war with Iraq. Responses are not predictable.… Read the rest

Not Really Such a Brilliant Idea

Jan 18th, 2003 9:43 pm | By

This is a very peculiar comment in the Guardian. John Sutherland recommends that Blair and Labour imitate the American way of getting more racial minorities into higher education: via athletics. Why? He never really says. He does say he thinks it’s a good idea and that it’s been a great success in the States, but he doesn’t say why he thinks it’s a good idea, or in what sense it’s been a success. He does say that the athletics programmes created open doors through which not only black athletes, but also non-athletic blacks, could enter, but then he fails to explain what he means. He says the figures speak for themselves, but they don’t, at least not clearly enough … Read the rest

Not a Philosopher but a Con Artist *

Jan 18th, 2003 | Filed by

A rude look at Derrida and the worshipful movie about him.… Read the rest

New Admission Criteria *

Jan 18th, 2003 | Filed by

One side sees disadvantage and discrimination, the other sees a need to take more variables into account.… Read the rest

How Does He Know? *

Jan 17th, 2003 | Filed by

‘But if you begin to think about it you can start to feel like the ashamed schoolchild who has just been caught drawing smutty pictures.’… Read the rest

Eat the Dog *

Jan 17th, 2003 | Filed by

Very witty quiz on ethics in the Guardian.… Read the rest

Rashomon at the White House

Jan 16th, 2003 5:21 pm | By

We all know history is written by the victors. It’s also worth remembering that it’s written by a lot of other unreliable witnesses besides. By participants, loyalists, traitors, friends, enemies, people with various kinds of axe to grind, people who were paying only selective attention (and who ever pays anything else?). Which is not to say that it’s all a fairy tale, that no history is more accurate than any other so there’s no need to be careful with the evidence or the conclusions we draw from it. It’s only to point out how tricky it all is. This story in the Guardian is a good example. Tony Blair and the people around him are quite sure they have influenced … Read the rest

Positive Discrimination *

Jan 16th, 2003 | Filed by

Not quotas but targets; European human rights laws; poverty and privilege. Difficult questions without clear answers.… Read the rest

Confusion for Future Historians *

Jan 16th, 2003 | Filed by

Powell thinks it’s Powell who tames the President, Blair thinks it’s Blair. So history is written.… Read the rest

Yes But How Does it Work? *

Jan 16th, 2003 | Filed by

Even evidence is not enough, in the absence of a theory, Michael Shermer explains.… Read the rest

When is a degree not a degree? *

Jan 15th, 2003 | Filed by

Are some university degrees more equal than others?… Read the rest

University Press Publisher as Deity *

Jan 14th, 2003 | Filed by

The Boston Globe interviews an editor at Harvard University Press.… Read the rest

A Scientific Controversy In Progress

Jan 13th, 2003 | By

The Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty, a branch of the Danish Research Agency, issued a report on January 7, 2003 that Bjørn Lomborg’s book The Skeptical Environmentalist was ‘dishonest science’. The seventeen page report explaining their reasoning provides a fascinating case study in the workings of science: it’s a small education in itself.

One thing it teaches (in case we didn’t know) is how difficult and complicated such questions are. There is no eureka moment, no Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot pacing the hearthrug while he explains how All was Revealed, no conclusive proof. There is only a huge and complex variety of evidence and the hard slog of interpreting it, there is only probability and ‘if…then’ and statistics. There … Read the rest

Dishonesty or at Least Incomprehension *

Jan 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Danish panel says Lomborg did not comprehend the science in his cheerful environmental book.… Read the rest

What Ivory Tower? *

Jan 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Education and politics are and should be intimately connected.… Read the rest

Case Study in Scientific Disagreement *

Jan 13th, 2003 | Filed by

The Danish panel says Political Scientist Lomborg, ‘strangely for a statistician’, uses the word ‘plausible’ often without attaching any probability to it. And there is more…… Read the rest