When religion provides ‘meaning’ the need to impose it on others is strong.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
What is Multiculturalism Anyway?
Apr 11th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Does it mean separateness, acceptance, learning from other cultures, inclusion?… Read the rest
Martha Nussbaum on Liberal Education
Apr 11th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Education that can liberate minds from bondage to mere habit and tradition.… Read the rest
To Be Young, Angry and Striking a Pose
Apr 11th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Maybe ‘different communities’ shouldn’t be treated differently after all.… Read the rest
Rwanda Outlaws Ethnicity
Apr 10th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
If awareness of ethnic differences can be learned, it can be unlearned.… Read the rest
Washington Post on Hindutva v. Scholarship
Apr 10th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Threats against US scholars such as Doniger, Laine and Courtright.… Read the rest
Bush Science Aide Defends Record
Apr 9th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Administration rejects claims that it distorts or suppresses scientific information.… Read the rest
The Economist on Bush v. Science
Apr 9th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘Politicians can cheat nature no more effectively than scientists can.’… Read the rest
Pope Causes Trouble Again
Apr 9th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
John Paul II says hospitals should tube-feed patients in persistent vegetative state.… Read the rest
The Designer
Apr 8th, 2004 11:30 pm | By Ophelia BensonI might change or expand one sentence in the Science and Religion In Focus, because I’ve had some email and blog comments on it. It is a tad assertive. ‘The side that has it wrong, that ignores evidence and logic and just believes, never shuts up.’
Mind you, I think it’s true, but I can see why it needs justification. But the fact is religion does have a special epistemic status, which surely even believers are aware of if they’re honest about it. Believers are not usually embarrassed to talk of belief or faith in their religion – to talk of religious belief or faith – as opposed to knowledge. They must realize there’s a difference between ‘faith’ and knowledge, … Read the rest
The Next Two Hours I Have to be at my PlayStation
Apr 8th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Whither the underground? David Bromwich wonders.… Read the rest
Faking Racial Incident Not a Good Plan
Apr 8th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Police say victim staged vandalism of her own car.… Read the rest
Visual Illusions and the Brain
Apr 8th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
It’s really not moving.… Read the rest
Philosophy Has Its Uses
Apr 8th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
When everything but pedophilia is negotiable, philosophy can help to ground ethics.… Read the rest
Huh Huh Huh Eeek Uh Uh Oooowaaah!
Apr 8th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Animal psychologists at London Zoological Society say we should talk like chimps.… Read the rest
Apr 7th, 2004 10:07 pm | By Ophelia BensonSomething more from that article by Paul Davies in the Atlantic, which answers a question I’ve been wondering about for a longish time.
Even if Homo sapiens as such may not be the unique focus of God’s attention, the broader class of all humanlike beings in the universe might be. This is the basic idea espoused by the philosopher Michael Ruse, an ardent Darwinian and an agnostic sympathetic to Christianity. He sees the incremental progress of natural evolution as God’s chosen mode of creation, and the history of life as a ladder that leads inexorably from microbes to man.
The question that’s been puzzling me is about Michael Ruse, because some of his work that I’ve read sounds quite … Read the rest
Richard Dawkins Set To Music
Apr 7th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
And a singer who doesn’t believe in evolution. You couldn’t make it up.… Read the rest
Rwanda Genocide and ‘African’ Correctness
Apr 7th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Emmanuel Dongala says solidarity can prevent people from speaking out.… Read the rest
Academics Hinder Fight Against Terror
Apr 7th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Attitudes formed in the 1960s have resulted in an anti-Americanism.… Read the rest
Local Elections in Iraq
Apr 7th, 2004 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Secular candidates have done better than Islamists.… Read the rest