All entries by this author

Asians Must Write About the Asian Experience *

Nov 15th, 2003 | Filed by

Only whites get to write about whatever interests them.… Read the rest

How the Humanists (Not the Irish) Saved Western Civilization

Nov 15th, 2003 | By Christopher Orlet

It is a story worthy of a great Romantic pen, how a few Celtic monks, cloistered on remote, wind-blown islands with only their prayer beads and a few nervous sheep for company saved Western Civilization. It was nothing less than a miracle that as the darkness descended upon Europe, Greek and Latin manuscripts were being first introduced to the Emerald Isle where generations of monks would dedicate their lives to copying and preserving the ancient texts. Later, descendents of these selfsame clerics would carry their precious cargo to European monasteries where the Italian, the German and the Frenchman waited to be enlightened.

A pretty idea, as I say, but about as genuine as the jackalope. A truer picture would show … Read the rest

Fishy Requisites

Nov 14th, 2003 5:09 pm | By

Oh good, another one. Another nice barrel full of docile, torpid fish.

Why is it that every article bashing “theory” comes from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about?

Hmm. Why is it that the defenders of ‘theory’ (at least on this site at this time) can’t do better? One, does every article ‘bashing’ (that is to say, criticising) ‘theory’ come from someone who knows nothing of the subject? As a matter of fact, no. I’ve read several articles and indeed books by people who know a lot about it, including some by people who were once keen on ‘theory’ themselves. There is William Kerrigan’s essay in Wild Orchids and Trotsky, for example. And two, why is … Read the rest

Ray Monk on Hitler’s Scientists *

Nov 14th, 2003 | Filed by

Poison gas and atom bombs, Bohr and Heisenberg, science and ethics.… Read the rest

Scientists Must Educate the Public *

Nov 14th, 2003 | Filed by

If they don’t help journalists do a better job, then the better job won’t get done.… Read the rest

Dawkins to Give Tanner Lectures *

Nov 14th, 2003 | Filed by

A passionate Darwinian as a scientist and anti-Darwinian in politics and human affairs.… Read the rest

Leave The Bones Alone *

Nov 14th, 2003 | Filed by

Vital scientific research could be at risk if museums are forced to repatriate human remains.… Read the rest

Why Are We Still Talking About IQ And Race? *

Nov 14th, 2003 | Filed by

Gavin Evans argues that the concept of race makes no genetic sense.… Read the rest

Why Subsidise Farmers but not Miners? *

Nov 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Romantic views of agriculture leave out too many inconvenient facts.… Read the rest

The People Is Always Right. Right? *

Nov 13th, 2003 | Filed by

No, which is why government by plebiscite or initiative is an alarming idea.… Read the rest

Maybe It’s About To Get A Bit Chilly *

Nov 13th, 2003 | Filed by

Could global warming bring about a new ice age?… Read the rest

Favourite Science Hoaxes *

Nov 13th, 2003 | Filed by

The top ten science hoaxes courtesy of the Guardian.… Read the rest

Like Seizing Sweetmeats from an Infant

Nov 13th, 2003 1:11 am | By

Well this is going to be fun. Thanks to the link at Arts and Letters Daily, we’re getting letters about the ‘Bad Writing’ In Focus – agreeing on the whole, but with some dissenters too. Perhaps it’s dirty pool for me to answer them here…?

Nah. Most people who visit the site never even find Notes and Comment, and besides – the question of the way Bad Writers defend Bad Writing is in fact part of the issue. It’s part of what the article was about, and part of what’s wrong with the whole field. So talking about it is part of our (admittedly self-appointed) brief.

This awful article trots out very familiar objections to “theory” in a way which

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Does Science Still Matter? *

Nov 12th, 2003 | Filed by

Why is there so much hostility to science and reason?… Read the rest

Astonishment, Fluidity and Changefulness *

Nov 12th, 2003 | Filed by

Montaigne put ‘a consciousness astonished at itself at the core of human existence.’… Read the rest

Five Thousand

Nov 11th, 2003 8:08 pm | By

I’ve been re-reading Philip Gourevitch’s We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families, about the Rwanda genocide and what the US, the UN, Belgium didn’t do to stop it, and what France did to help it along. Or perhaps really I should include the US along with France, since we not only didn’t send troops ourselves, we urged other countries not to send troops either. It’s all, really, exceedingly uncomfortable reading.

And relevant to not one but two subjects we were discussing here yesterday: the inadequacy of blanket pacifism in the face of genocidal tyrannical regimes, and the inadequacy of blanket free-speechism in the face of genocidal regimes or movements that use speech, … Read the rest

Richard Wollheim *

Nov 11th, 2003 | Filed by

Chicago Tribune obituary.… Read the rest

Richard Wollheim *

Nov 11th, 2003 | Filed by

San Francisco Chronicle obituary.… Read the rest

Whither (or Wither?) Scholarship? *

Nov 11th, 2003 | Filed by

Are scholars all dead from the waist down? Is it all a waste?… Read the rest

Hindu Students Petition Against Book *

Nov 11th, 2003 | Filed by

An academic study of Ganesha is ‘offensive’ to Hindus; author must apologize.… Read the rest