All entries by this author

Uh, Er, Um, Like, You Know *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Disfluency matters, but wait for tenure before studying ‘like.’… Read the rest

‘Superstars’ at the MLA *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

English professors used to criticize the Taliban, but that was then.… Read the rest

Jesting Pilate Goes to Hollywood

Jan 5th, 2004 12:24 am | By

The World Service, part 2. Another thing I heard this morning, while standing around with my nose in my first cup of coffee (or perhaps it was the second) and waiting for the living room to warm up a little, was a lively and too-brief discussion of the vexed question: does it matter if movies tell enormous lies about history? The historian Anthony Beevor argued that it does, some entertainment boffin whose name I instantly forgot argued (of course) that it doesn’t. If I’ve heard the boffin’s argument once I’ve heard it a thousand times. Movies are movies, they have to entertain (what does he mean ‘have to’?), they have to tell a story; nobody cares about the truth they … Read the rest


Jan 4th, 2004 9:24 pm | By

I heard something very irritating on the BBC World Service on the radio early this morning as I was bumbling around in waking-up mode. In beginning a feature on the religious avowals being made by all nine Democratic presidential candidates, the reporter said ‘The United States is a deeply devout country…’ I gave a kind of mental yowl of disgust and rage. It is not! It does have a lot of religious believers in it, to be sure, but the figure is not 100% yet! And it is possible to ignore the stuff most of the time. Really it is. People who’ve never been here will hear that kind of thing and imagine that every other building is a … Read the rest

Reports From the MLA *

Jan 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Interviews, paranoia, clothes, panels no one attends – life at an academic convention.… Read the rest

The ‘Little People’ *

Jan 4th, 2004 | Filed by

It’s fashionable to turn down a gong, but what does that say to unfashionable recipients?… Read the rest

What’s Wrong With US Schools? *

Jan 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Three new books examine the problems.… Read the rest

Postmodernism, Hindu Nationalism and ‘Vedic Science’

Jan 4th, 2004 | By Meera Nanda

The Vedas as books of science

In 1996, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) of the United Kingdom (U.K.) produced a slick looking book, with many well-produced pictures of colourfully dressed men and women performing Hindu ceremonies, accompanied with warm, fuzzy and completely sanitised description of the faith. The book, Explaining Hindu Dharma: A Guide for Teachers, offers “teaching suggestions for introducing Hindu ideas and topics in the classroom” at the middle to high school level in the British schools system. The authors and editors are all card-carrying members of the VHP. The book is now in its second edition and, going by the glowing reviews on the back-cover, it seems to have established itself as a much-used educational resource in … Read the rest

Why Did Bam’s Houses Fall Down? *

Jan 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

‘Iran is still being ruled by a useless, incompetent semi-theocracy…’… Read the rest

BBC on Bam Earthquake *

Jan 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Authorities blame builders, Iranians blame authorities.… Read the rest

Meera Nanda in Frontline Part II *

Jan 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Postmodernism, Hindu nationalism and `Vedic science’ get together.… Read the rest

Washington, Jefferson and Slavery *

Jan 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Gordon Wood reviews Gore Vidal, Garry Wills and others.… Read the rest

What Problem?

Jan 2nd, 2004 6:59 pm | By

The nonsense continues. So there’s no point in ceasing to talk about it, not yet at least. (And I daresay we can be pretty confident that the nonsense won’t stop, it never does.)

There is this string of absurdities for example.

In a departure from past practice, a Dec. 27 Dean campaign event opened with a prayer from a minister. That same day, Dean told voters, “I think religion is important and spiritual values are very important, which is what this election is really about.” The faith-friendly tone follows a December cover story, “Howard Dean’s Religion Problem,” in The New Republic magazine. The article called Dean “one of the most secular candidates to run for president in modern history.” It

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A Brief Journey

Jan 2nd, 2004 4:52 pm | By

Well, that was exciting! In a terrifying sort of way. I get on the computer only to find B&W not there. Missing. Gone. Not responding to my summons. I hate it when that happens.

But as you can see, all is well. The Webmaster got it back. So let that be a lesson to you, not to take the Webmaster for granted. He may be a bit on the quiet side at times (thanks to his many occupations), but there wouldn’t be any B&W without him (on account of how I don’t know the smallest thing about programming). Actually he probably staged the whole thing just to teach me not to take him for granted. Show-off.… Read the rest

Elaborated Code Revisited *

Jan 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

Polly Toynbee on a study of class and language.… Read the rest

The Hidden Imam Will Protect You – Not *

Jan 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

Mullahs ruled it okay to build new houses in Bam despite seismologists’ warnings.… Read the rest

Argument Works Better Than Outbursts of Spleen *

Jan 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

There’s a difference between inquiry and mere sounding off.… Read the rest

Cross as Two Sticks

Jan 1st, 2004 8:48 pm | By

I’ve been re-reading Bertram Wyatt-Brown’s Southern Honor and W.J. Cash’s The Mind of the South. Wyatt-Brown wrote the introduction to a new edition of Cash’s book in 1991 – and a very good introduction it is. I particularly like this comment (p. xxxvi):

We need to appreciate how the malady from which he suffered [depression] contributed to his special vision of the South…and provided the seemingly necessary sense of alienation and distance that the subject required. We must also ask ourselves this question: ‘If he had been less angry with himself and his surroundings, if he had lived the ordinary life of a newspaper reporter, how likely was it that he could have broken away, as he did, from

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Best Books *

Jan 1st, 2004 | Filed by

Scott McLemee, Claire Dederer and others choose their favorites.… Read the rest

The Uses of Scientific Literacy *

Jan 1st, 2004 | Filed by

It promotes critical thinking and undermines superstition, for a start.… Read the rest