All entries by this author

History is Difficult *

Jan 23rd, 2004 | Filed by

Who lied, which one vacillated, who shed crocodile tears over Vietnam?… Read the rest

History is Confusing *

Jan 23rd, 2004 | Filed by

Evidence conflicts, minds change, memory errs, wishes interfere.… Read the rest

Top Ten Books for Orwell-readers *

Jan 23rd, 2004 | Filed by

D.J. Taylor’s choices include Gissing’s New Grub StreetRead the rest

Wonderfully Unsettles the Mind *

Jan 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Hesperus Press publishes minor works by major authors.… Read the rest

Fundamental Epistemology

Jan 22nd, 2004 | By Cassandra L. Pinnick

"A more fundamental project now confronts us. We must root out sexist distortions and perversions in epistemology, metaphysics, methodology and the philosophy of science-in the “hard core” of abstract reasoning thought most immune to infiltration by social values."
Discovering Reality, Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka (1983)

Until roughly the mid-twentieth century, liberal feminist politics had little apparent impact on American universities. But thereafter the transformation was swift. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, student demographics shifted, women’s studies flourished, and remarkable reforms to the liberal arts curriculum became entrenched. There was no surprise when feminist theory moved into the humanities or the “soft” sciences. And, these days, the radical edge is worn off the idea of … Read the rest

Investment Tips

Jan 22nd, 2004 1:43 am | By

I’ve been reading a volume of the letters of Dwight Macdonald lately. One bit I read this morning seemed particularly appropriate for B&W. It’s from a letter in December 1937, to Freda Kirchwey, the editor of the Nation, taking that magazine to task for a number of blind spots, such as being too ‘timid and stuffy-genteel’ in its editorial attitude to the New Deal’s recent swing to the right, and particularly for being hostile to the Commission that was investigating the Moscow Trials (he doesn’t mention John Dewey but I assume that’s the Commission usually known as the Dewey Commission).

While I was at Fortune, the Nation was always to me the great symbol of honest, truthful, intelligent journalism

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What Accounts for Cheating? *

Jan 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Rational choice? Emotions? Values? Winner-take-all economies?… Read the rest

‘Cowboy Cloners’ Should be Outlawed *

Jan 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Head of Royal Society and others appeal to media not to publicize claims.… Read the rest

Brief Constructed Response *

Jan 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Or paragraph, in the vernacular. Eduspeak jargon is Fun Happy Talk.… Read the rest

Before After Theory

Jan 20th, 2004 9:19 pm | By

This is an interesting review by Elaine Showalter of Terry Eagleton’s new book After Theory.

In the ’80s, theory ruled, and the subject formerly known as literature was banished or demoted in the interests of philosophy and aesthetic abstraction.

Hmm. But was it really philosophy? Or was it just little bits of philosophy here and there. That’s fine, it’s no crime to know only a little about something, that’s certainly my situation about almost everything – but one has to be clear about it. One has to be careful, it seems to me, not to confuse sampling philosophy with really studying it, and one has to be equally careful not to confuse Literary Theory with philosophy, because (this is … Read the rest

US v WHO on Sugar and Obesity *

Jan 20th, 2004 | Filed by

US accused of diluting dietary advice to please sugar lobby.… Read the rest

Showalter on Eagleton *

Jan 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Theory and nontheory. Nontheory? You know, poems, stories, plays.… Read the rest

Fairy Tales Equate Beauty with Goodness *

Jan 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Not a news flash, but worth pointing out all the same.… Read the rest

National Book Critics Circle Nominations *

Jan 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Scott McLemee receives Citation for Excellence in Reviewing.… Read the rest

Not all Skepticism is Good Skepticism *

Jan 19th, 2004 | Filed by

Carl Zimmer on how extinction skeptics get it wrong.… Read the rest

Is the Self a Narrative? *

Jan 19th, 2004 | Filed by

No, there are other ways to think about it, says Galen Strawson.… Read the rest

Cot Death Trials Review *

Jan 19th, 2004 | Filed by

258 cases of parents found guilty of killing a child to be reviewed.… Read the rest

Eat Your Sugar

Jan 18th, 2004 7:24 pm | By

This sounds familiar, doesn’t it? We’ve read articles like this before? Only a few days ago in fact? The subject does seem to keep coming up. The Bush administration and profit-making entities on the one hand, and scientific advice and knowledge on the other. Bulldozers make better habitats than rivers do; wetlands pollute; academic scientists who receive grants should be kept off federal peer review panels while scientists with ties to profit-making entities should not. Day is night, up is down, black is red. Do we begin to detect a pattern here?

The President insists fighting fat is a matter for the individual, not the state. But today The Observer reveals how he and fellow senators have received hundreds

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Grayling on Jung *

Jan 18th, 2004 | Filed by

The pseudo-scientific psychological theories of Freud and Jung are of little interest now.… Read the rest

Jung’s Concepts Empirical not Speculative? *

Jan 18th, 2004 | Filed by

Hunger for meaning not always compatible with wish to be a scientist.… Read the rest