All entries by this author

Yusuf al-Qaradawi Will Not Face Charges *

Jul 10th, 2004 | Filed by

Insufficient evidence, cautious speech, interest in the truth.… Read the rest

Surprise! Americans Don’t Read Much *

Jul 9th, 2004 | Filed by

From On Native Grounds to Amusing Ourselves to Death.… Read the rest

Surgeon Rebukes Prince over Alternative Therapy *

Jul 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Authority via study and research v. authority via accident of birth.… Read the rest

Union of Concerned Scientists *

Jul 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Chris Mooney reports on their press conference.… Read the rest

Polly Toynbee Named ‘Islamophobe of Year’ *

Jul 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Perhaps it’s time to start naming ‘Secularophobe of the Year’.… Read the rest

Meghnad Desai on Religious Hatred Laws *

Jul 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Secular democracy should get away from privileging religion, not give it special status.… Read the rest

How About Religious Mild Dislike?

Jul 9th, 2004 2:41 am | By

As I promised or threatened yesterday, more on the ‘attempt by various well meaning people to legislate religious hatred as a ground for prosecution on the same basis as racial hatred,’ as Meghnad Desai put it in The Independent. Desai also thinks it’s a bad idea. Good, that. Let’s hope many people think so and say so.

A secular tolerant democracy needs to get away from privileging religion as a mark of citizenship rather than giving it a special status. The Anglican Church needs to be disestablished and its privileges such as the Blasphemy Law removed. Human rights should adhere to one’s humanity regardless of special characteristics. In a truly equal society we will all be citizens protected under

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Study of Environmental Causes of Autism *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Colin Blakemore says MRC’s 2001 review of autism research highlighted gaps in knowledge. … Read the rest

Surely Ethical Tobacco is an Oxymoron? *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Well but they grow it with ever such nice organic fertilizer.… Read the rest

Campaigns Against Vaccinations Can Do Harm *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

How can doctors be persuaded to comport themselves as scientists? … Read the rest

Hear Blunkett on Today *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

No worry, we can say what we like about religion, as long as it’s sensible.… Read the rest

Hormonal Birth Control as ‘Silent’ Abortionist *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Pharmacists and doctors are denying patients access to birth control pills.… Read the rest

Blunkett’s Well-meaning Waffle *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Beyond the remit and power of home secretaries to compel people to be kind.… Read the rest

That’s a Relief *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

We can criticise religion, as long as we do it sensibly.… Read the rest

Blunkett Renews Bid to Outlaw Religious Hatred *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Inappropriate to punish those who merely offend people’s religious sensibilities?… Read the rest

What Price ‘Life of Brian’? *

Jul 8th, 2004 | Filed by

David Blunkett wants to outlaw ‘inciting religious hatred’.… Read the rest

Lesson Plans

Jul 8th, 2004 | By Daniel Green

Although Elaine Showalter’s Teaching Literature is clearly intended to be read primarily by graduate students or instructors just beginning their teaching careers, one can also read the book, against the grain of the author’s own rhetorical goals, perhaps, as a guide for the academic outlander to the curious practices of that disciplinary subculture responsible for what still passes as literary study. Those who retain an image of the English professor as a high-minded if pedantic guardian of the treasures of Literature will find provided here what amounts to the finishing touches on the recast image the profession has been working on for at least twenty years. Just as high-minded but in a more earnest, socially-conscious way, even more firmly attached … Read the rest

Blunkett on Today

Jul 8th, 2004 3:42 am | By

Wow – that was scary. I just listened to David Blunkett on the Today programme, talking about this new law against inciting hatred against religion. It’s – let’s see – 3:30 in the morning in the UK, so a new Today will be starting in two and a half hours, and I think the archive is only good for one day – until it’s replaced by the next one. So only a few Yanks, if anyone, will likely listen to this, but I’m going to stick it in here anyway.

Update: Oh, the link does still work. I was wrong about ‘Today’s’ archive. So listen – it’s scary stuff.

Because it really is quite disgusting. He wants unity and community … Read the rest

A Theosophical Heir to the Throne *

Jul 7th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Much of this assault on contemporary rationalism flows from the prince’s rather eclectic spiritualism.’… Read the rest

BHL Has Views That Annoy *

Jul 7th, 2004 | Filed by

‘The Palestinian “victimocracy” has a tendency to hide wars that are infinitely longer and more murderous.’… Read the rest