All entries by this author

No, Black Gays are not Happy With Murder Music *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

Black Gay Men’s Advisory Group has launched Declaration Against Homophobia in Music.… Read the rest

Gangsta Culture Not All That Educational *

Sep 13th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Street culture will become a deadly virus robbing millions of their potential’… Read the rest

This Should Be the Last Straw for Anyone

Sep 13th, 2004 | By Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie: Let’s talk about the horrendous and tragic situation in Beslan. We know that over 1,000 people were held hostage. Over 300 were killed. 150 plus of those so far are children. It is an immense human tragedy. Are there any words that can describe what’s happened there?

Bahram Soroush: It is extremely difficult to come up with the right words to describe this tragedy. It is on a horrendous scale; of an unbelievable magnitude. It is very hard to try to put yourself in the place of those parents who lost their loved ones. I don’t myself remember having witnessed a terrorist action where children were taken hostage on such a scale and used as a bargaining chip. … Read the rest

Response to Atheist in Florida *

Sep 12th, 2004 | Filed by

There are others, but they keep their heads down. Maybe if we all kept our heads up…?… Read the rest

Atheist in Florida *

Sep 12th, 2004 | Filed by

Frightening but true.… Read the rest


Sep 11th, 2004 11:38 pm | By

I’ve been updating the Dictionary a little – for the first time in more than a year. We decided a long time ago to stop adding to it because of the book, and it was almost a year ago that we decided it was time to get serious about the book – but we may have stopped adding to it many months before that, even, because we thought of the book long before we decided to get serious about it. I don’t remember. I don’t remember if we went on adding to the Dictionary for several months, or if we stopped only a couple of months after we started. Probably the latter.

So anyway. We had a lot of … Read the rest


Sep 11th, 2004 8:24 pm | By

Terrible about Samira Bellil. A difficult life and then an early and very nasty death – thanks a lot. What godawful luck some people have. I know; no kidding; but it’s worth pointing out anyway. It’s worth registering these futile protests that don’t go anywhere. Worth shaking our puny fists at the sky.

I happened on this article in Dar al Hayat, and it seems relevant, to the issues that Bellil raised and those we’ve been discussing lately. They’re all the same issues at bottom.

In this framework, there are two forms of enmity against Islamists. The first is the annoyance of the wide spreading Islamic thought in comparison with other trends, to the extent that people wish to

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‘Sorry, that question is too essentialist.’ *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Irfan Khawaja says ‘essentialist’ claims about Islam should not be discouraged.… Read the rest

Guardian on Samira Bellil *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Ni Putes Ni Soumises’ says Bellil fought against barbarous machoism and violence.… Read the rest

Samira Bellil 1973-2004 *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Her memoir of gang-rape helped movement fighting for rights of Muslim women and girls.… Read the rest

Al-Muhajiroun and its ‘Spiritual Leader’ *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

There are two types of terrorism: the type praised by the almighty Allah and the type dispraised.… Read the rest

Utopia, Freedom, the State, part 3 *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Attention to impulses there are in human beings to seize advantage over others.… Read the rest

Scott McLemee’s ‘Zizek Watch’ Online At Last *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Fisting, Zapatistas, Hegel’s concept of the beautiful soul, surfboarding, all in one essay.… Read the rest

Not Extremists, Activists, Protestors; Terrorists *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Campaigns of violence and intimidation to liberate guinea pigs.… Read the rest

Multiple Intelligences *

Sep 11th, 2004 | Filed by

Athletic, interpersonal, conversational, fainting in coils…… Read the rest

Recipe for Realism

Sep 11th, 2004 1:54 am | By

Multiple intelligences. Why has the idea always made me want to laugh? Because I’m a mean rotten swine, that’s why. Obviously. Yes but also because it is quite funny. It’s so easy to think of more of those alternative intelligences. Watching tv intelligence, eating intelligence, using the potty intelligence.

Now, one aspect of the general idea seems perfectly unexceptionable.

Gardner’s ideas appealed to many traditional teachers who extolled hard work but also had some students who did better on tests if multiplication tables were set to music or works of literature were acted out in class.

Well, obviously – if it works, do it. (That is, do it if you can, which seems unlikely when most teachers have classes of … Read the rest

Drug Trials ‘Distorted’ *

Sep 10th, 2004 | Filed by

Eleven medical journals have told researchers to register trials at the start so unflattering results cannot be covered up.… Read the rest

‘Healers’ Licensed in South Africa *

Sep 10th, 2004 | Filed by

They’ll be barred from treating fatal diseases. … Read the rest

MMR Vaccine Safe *

Sep 10th, 2004 | Filed by

Finds UK study of more than 5000 children. … Read the rest

Happy Birthday to Us Again

Sep 10th, 2004 1:36 am | By

Well it’s that time again. Yup, it is – I know that’s hard to believe, but it is. September 10. It’s our birthday. We’re two. Two!! Would you believe it! Well of course you would, why not – but still it does seem very respectable and elderly and established. They haven’t driven us away yet! They haven’t shut us down, they haven’t silenced us, they haven’t sent a plague of locusts. We’re still here! (Who’s they? Oh you know, just the paranoid’s fantasy army. All those faceless Darth Vader types in black plastic outfits who were going to better I mean butter I mean batter down the doors and throw our computers out the window and trample on us until … Read the rest