All entries by this author

Eve Garrard on Amnesty International, 2 *

Jun 9th, 2004 | Filed by

How do different human rights records compare?… Read the rest

Can Science Be Funny? *

Jun 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Well obviously! The Far Side, Hitchiker’s Guide, the Fashionable Dictionary…… Read the rest

Scientists Observe Speciation *

Jun 9th, 2004 | Filed by

Nervous breakdowns for creationists predicted.… Read the rest


Jun 8th, 2004 11:00 pm | By

I’m still pondering this link between Theory of Mind and – and a lot of things: imagination, social cognition, lying, pretending. And via those things it links to even more things – empathy, story-telling, literature and art, religion, politics, manipulation, coalitions – really pretty much everything that has to do with humans as conscious intentional reflective social beings. It all starts with this ability to realize that Other Minds are other minds.

This all raises a number of thoughts or questions. A reader (who has a post on a related subject on his own blog) mentioned this article by Pascal Boyer.

Social interaction requires the operation of complex mental systems: to represent not just other people’s beliefs and their

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Neither a Fox nor a Hedgehog *

Jun 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Hitchens recalls the Reagan years.… Read the rest

Bishops Throwing Their Weight Around *

Jun 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Secularism versus theocracy in an election year.… Read the rest

What to Call Our Contemporaneity *

Jun 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Zygmunt Bauman on modernity, postmodernity, post-late modernity.… Read the rest

What if You Pray Your Fraud Will Go Undetected? *

Jun 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Researcher in flawed study of efficacy of prayer pleads guilty in unrelated fraud case.… Read the rest

Latin America Expert Quits in Protest *

Jun 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Accuses Kissinger and friends of silencing him in debate over US intervention in Chile.… Read the rest

Historical Literacy Left Behind *

Jun 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Teaching to the test means students learn skills at expense of knowledge.… Read the rest

National ‘Public’ Radio *

Jun 7th, 2004 | Filed by

How to make public service commercial? Easy – redefine ‘public service.’… Read the rest

Bruce Grant on ‘Intelligent Design’ *

Jun 6th, 2004 | Filed by

The first step on the road to theistic science.… Read the rest


Jun 5th, 2004 10:42 pm | By

There is a review by Mary Midgley of a new book by Judith Butler in the Guardian. Midgley has a special place in our affections here at B&W, since in a sense she named it. In another sense of course she didn’t, Al Pope did, because she was quoting him, but in the sense that matters she did, because her use of the quotation is what the Namer of B&W had in mind. Actually the Namer and I have had many violent brawls on the subject, with books thrown and fists pounded on desks and screams screamed and horrible wounding insulting things said. No not really, I’m only joking, because it’s Saturday. But it’s almost true. I have received many … Read the rest

Twenty Best New Poets *

Jun 5th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Next Gens can expect a rough ride from the postmodernist hardliners…’… Read the rest

New Poets Can be Wrinkly *

Jun 5th, 2004 | Filed by

One can start writing poetry at any age.… Read the rest

Mary Midgley Reviews Judith Butler *

Jun 5th, 2004 | Filed by

What is gained by translating familiar terms into exotic abstract language?… Read the rest

Late-term Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional *

Jun 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Judge calls it ‘grossly misleading and inaccurate’ to equate banned procedure with infanticide.… Read the rest

Mind Your Peas and Kews

Jun 4th, 2004 9:17 pm | By

Here’s an amusing bit of serendipity. I just added a quotation to Quotations and only after posting it (and doing various other tasks) realized it’s highly relevant to a little argument we were having the other day about the importance and value of precision in language. My colleague posted a Comment which made much of the difference between saying ‘a something’ and ‘the something.’ He also pointed out that ‘Precision of language matters, if you want to be understood.’ That seems like such an obvious, incontrovertible statement, doesn’t it? But people do attempt to controvert it. People in fact actually mocked the idea of making anything of the difference between ‘a’ and ‘the’.

Very well. Behold that Stanley Fish quotation … Read the rest

Buffy Conference in Nashville *

Jun 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Physicists, philosophers, theologians spoke on Buffy’s themes of redemption, mortality, evil.… Read the rest

Ian Hacking Reviews Antonio Damasio *

Jun 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Is the mind an organ in the brain?… Read the rest