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Jun 22nd, 2004 9:49 pm | By

A few items related to religious-nonsense item I commented on yesterday. Richard Chappell quotes from another amusingly (or irritatingly, depending on what sort of mood you’re in and how many people there are on how many construction sites in your immediate vicinity and earshot running power saws, jackhammers, cement mixers, anonymous grinders and roarers and screamer-mechanisms – I myself have three such sites and who knows how many people and deafening pieces of equipment, so I’m not sure I’m entirely sane today) bit of religious confusion on his blog:

A lot of New Zealanders, I think, are very nervous of the word ‘religion’ because they think it’s indoctrination, but the danger is if you miss that whole dimension of

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Europe Tackles ‘Honour’ Killings *

Jun 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

European police officials meeting to find ways to combat rising incidence.… Read the rest

Pakistan to Treat ‘Honour’ Killings as Murder *

Jun 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Government taking practical steps to end custom of murder and other crimes against women.… Read the rest

‘Honour’ Killings to be Reviewed *

Jun 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

UK police re-examining more than 100 cases going back ten years.… Read the rest

13 Greenpeacers Arrested in GM Protest *

Jun 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Campaigners held after they prevent GM maize-carrying freighter from docking.… Read the rest

‘Iced’ Tea and Potatoe’s *

Jun 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Misplaced commas, punctuation as technology, the mystery of voice in writing.… Read the rest

Kabbalah Madonna

Jun 21st, 2004 11:59 pm | By

A kind reader, by which I mean Norm Geras, emailed me to point out this absurd piece by Mary Kenny in the Guardian. Norm has already made some pointed comments about it, so I’ll try not to go over the same bit of ground. But there’s really quite a lot to say, because there’s quite a lot wrong with the piece (and the pervasive way of thinking it typifies), so I think I’ll manage to find a few words.

But first I’ll point out one of Norm’s most amusing remarks, in reply to Kenny’s utterly ridiculous ‘Faith is a feminine thing.’

I have some questions here. First, how does Kenny know that faith is feminine? She doesn’t say. But

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Forget Math or History, Can You Kick a Ball? *

Jun 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Athletic programs can subvert the integrity of their universities.… Read the rest

Truth or Being Good? *

Jun 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Which should universities teach?… Read the rest

Happiness Research *

Jun 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Economists need to understand the subject.… Read the rest

Some Thoughts on Crooked Thinking *

Jun 20th, 2004 | Filed by

‘the universe revealed by science is indifferent to our desires, aims and purposes.’… Read the rest

Truth-telling has to Wait *

Jun 19th, 2004 | Filed by

Mark Lawson says political pressures can make candour impossible.… Read the rest

Petition Against Shari’a Court in Canada *

Jun 19th, 2004 | Filed by

International Campaign for the Defense of Women’s Rights in Iran offers a petition.… Read the rest

News from Jordan, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait *

Jun 19th, 2004 | Filed by

Bulletin of Committee to Defend
Women’s Rights in the Middle East.… Read the rest

Stuart Hampshire *

Jun 19th, 2004 | Filed by

Excerpts from Times obituary.… Read the rest

Stuart Hampshire *

Jun 19th, 2004 | Filed by

Obituary by Alan Ryan in the Independent.… Read the rest

Damn Elitists!

Jun 18th, 2004 8:57 pm | By

I watched part of an old ‘Frontline’ on tv the other evening. ‘Frontline’ is one of the few fairly good shows on US public tv – actually one of the two, I would say, ‘Nova’ being the other. US public tv is so mediocre it’s painful. (And public radio is even worse. But that’s a separate subject.) It was about ‘Alternative’ Medicine. One part of it I found particularly extraordinary – an interview with Utah Senator Orrin Hatch. I’ve always disliked Hatch, frankly. He’s very conservative, and he has an irritating voice. He sounds like someone who’s trying to soothe a rowdy room full of six-year-olds – in fact I suppose he sounds a bit like Mr Rogers. Mr … Read the rest

Time and Effort – and Emotional Labour *

Jun 18th, 2004 | Filed by

Madeleine Bunting on emotional demands the service economy makes on workers.… Read the rest

Is Smoking a Class Issue? *

Jun 18th, 2004 | Filed by

Are instruction and ’empowerment’ opposed? … Read the rest

Guardian’s Joyce Links *

Jun 18th, 2004 | Filed by

Bloomsday, the Disneyfication of Ireland, new Mollies, O’Brien, Maddox.… Read the rest