All entries by this author

How Do I Look in This Beret?

Feb 7th, 2005 11:21 pm | By

Norman Levitt has some very pointed things to say about Harvard.

Harvard University, the oldest in the USA and the wealthiest in the world, thinks very well of itself…It is an open secret that [Summers] was handed the helm at Harvard out of a growing sense that the place had grown stale, complacent, and narcissistic. Too many Harvard professors had settled into the habit of assuming that any old doctrine, opinion, or casual observation they chanced to utter was, ipso facto, profound and epochal merely because it issued from the great faux-Georgian citadel on the Charles. In truth, the place had grown somewhat dowdy, intellectually speaking, and, even worse, had proved itself susceptible to the vagaries of academic fashion…In some

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Dennis Banks on ‘Academic and Indian Fraud’ *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Ward Churchill has been masquerading as an Indian for years behind his
dark glasses and beaded headband.’… Read the rest

No Evidence That Ward Churchill Is Indian *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

‘The image of an angry Indian’ – as seen at your local multiplex.… Read the rest

Michael Behe Argues from Personal Incredulity *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Lacking ‘convincing’ non-design explanation, justified to think intelligent design was involved in life.… Read the rest

Freeman Dyson on Seeing the Unseen *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Two very different ways of thinking about science: via tools or concepts.… Read the rest

Norman Levitt on Revealed Truth at Harvard *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Barbarity of refusing to examine a theory because it contradicts favourite pieties.… Read the rest

Colin McCabe on Francis Wheen *

Feb 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Saying ‘pull up your socks, Baudrillard minor’ is not quite enough.… Read the rest


Feb 6th, 2005 10:05 pm | By

This Ward Churchill guy is quite funny. I shouldn’t say that, I suppose, but he is. He’s so…obvious. The hair, the shades, the jaw, the flocks of doting students. You can tell he thinks he’s Nick Nolte crossed with Russell Means with just a dash of Springsteen. Yeah dude you’re just like totally cool man.

Ward L. Churchill has been angry for years, shaking a clenched fist at American power from the streets of Denver and the lecterns of academia.

Where it’s both safe and profitable to do so, one can’t help noting.

Born near Peoria, Ill., Churchill has a master’s degree in communications and is a U.S. Army veteran.

He’s also a full professor. Usually people need … Read the rest

Why Did Churchill Get Hired in the First Place? *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

How did he get hired, tenured and named the head of a department?… Read the rest

Can Spinal Manipulation Cure Skin Diseases? *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

Do you need lots of treatment because your body is out of balance?… Read the rest

No Florida State University Chiropractic School *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

Hundreds of FSU professors signed petitions against the school.… Read the rest

Churchill Clarifies Some Points *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

And leaves others opaque.… Read the rest

Churchill Controversy Simmers *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

Tenure? Free speech? Advocacy of violence? Scholarship? Professionalism? Rights? … Read the rest

The Article That Caused the Fuss *

Feb 6th, 2005 | Filed by

The guy does seem a tad confused…… Read the rest

U of Colorado Wonders What to Do With Churchill *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

Large lecture fees for speeches on poverty among Native Americans. … Read the rest

Native Americans Disavow Ward Churchill *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

American Indian Movement says he ‘fraudulently represented himself as an Indian’ to build his career.… Read the rest

Ward Churchill and ‘little Eichmanns’ *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

Colorado legislature is angry; Churchill will sue if he is fired.… Read the rest

Saudi Women Speak *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Young girls here are so oppressed. They receive this education that means you never think about your rights.’… Read the rest

Ernst Mayr *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

The LA Times on why Mayr mattered.… Read the rest

Ernst Mayr *

Feb 5th, 2005 | Filed by

The Washington Post obit.… Read the rest