All entries by this author

When Fariba Met Habib

Feb 22nd, 2005 9:26 pm | By

And speaking of religion and the religiously-inclined and the contortions they can make to save the phenomena…There is this CBC documentary about two Iranian women who survive via prostitution. Homa Arjomand sent me the link. Homa gets busier all the time, with media and speaking engagements. Let’s hope there will soon be more and more women sharing the workload.

For over a year, director Nahid Persson filmed the everyday lives of two young female prostitutes as they eked out a living in a country where the profession is banned. The filmmaker often took great risks to follow Minna and Fariba as they sought out customers-men who would often marry them briefly, so as not to violate the laws of the

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Skeptical Canon

Feb 22nd, 2005 8:23 pm | By

Here’s a funny one. Hilarious, in fact.

Even within the Church of England, the idea of possession raises eyebrows. “The number of metaphysical assumptions it makes is quite incredible. It means there are such things as non-human evil spirits that can take possession of a human being and require to be told to go somewhere else by a greater power,” says Canon Michael Perry, who holds a doctorate in deliverance and edits the Christian Parapsychologist.

“Some Christians believe it happens frequently – they see demons under every rug and will perform exorcisms at the drop of a hat. My view is possession is very rare.”

You have to admit. That’s not bad. ‘The number of metaphysical assumptions it makes … Read the rest

Exorcism on Channel 4 *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

Canon with PhD in deliverance bemoans large number of metaphysical assumptions, urges fewer.… Read the rest

Prostitution Behind the Veil *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

CBC documentary by Iranian exile on the misery of women in Iran.… Read the rest

Wittgenstein’s Other Book *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

‘The improvement of spelling was astonishing. The orthographic conscience had been awakened.’… Read the rest

How the Churchill Uproar Got Going *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

Susan Rosenberg, Little Green Footballs, Bill O’Reilly…… Read the rest

Women in Physics *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

If it’s difference in innate ability, what innate abilities would have changed so quickly?… Read the rest

Thompson Not Respectful of Politicians *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence.… Read the rest

Everyone Tried to Write Like Hunter S Thompson *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

Para 9 wrong: Thompson said it about Nixon, not vice versa. (As if Nixon had the vocabulary!)… Read the rest

Andrew Delbanco on US Higher Education *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

It seems that Stover is back at Yale. Boo.… Read the rest

The Long Arm of Coincidence

Feb 21st, 2005 10:07 pm | By

Well that was a coincidence. Maybe there is an Intelligent Designer after all, plotting all our every moves.

I had just read, coded, and posted Julian’s latest Bad Moves, which is about getting your facts wrong, and not noticing or considering that you may be getting your facts wrong, and not pausing to consider that other people may be getting their facts wrong. So the next thing I did was go to Normblog to see what was new there. And what’s the first item on the page? A post about the BBC’s apologising for a story told on ‘Thought for the Day’ that turned out to lack evidence. That turned out to be a case of the speaker’s perhaps … Read the rest

Stupid Design, Inefficient Design, Cruel Design *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

Maybe mysterious designer not ‘God’ but some mischievous or clumsy clever-clogs.… Read the rest

BBC Apologises for Apocryphal Story *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

No evidence of Israeli Muslim conscript jailed for not shooting children.… Read the rest

Gonzo Journalist Kept Us All Honest, Friend Says *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

‘Hunter was not only a national treasure, but the conscience of this little village.’… Read the rest

Uncle Duke Does a Hemingway *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

Hunter S Thompson has killed himself with a shotgun to the head.… Read the rest

Outrage Responds to Livingstone’s Dodgy Dossier *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

Outrage refutes Livingstone’s defense of his relations with reactionary cleric.… Read the rest

Ken Is One Sorry Mayor *

Feb 21st, 2005 | Filed by

In the name of anti-racism, Livingstone perpetuates stereotype of Muslim as woman-hating queer-basher. … Read the rest

Old Red

Feb 20th, 2005 8:32 pm | By

The promised more on Janet Browne’s Darwin biography. A couple of sentences down on the same page (page 141, to be exact):

And when Sedgwick arrived he tried to entertain him in an appropriately geological fashion by telling him of the gravel pits near Shrewsbury. But Darwin’s story of the labourer who found a tropical shell in the gravel brought only a peal of laughter and the remark that this could not be true. If the shell were genuinely embedded there, said Sedgwick, it would overthrow everything that was known about the superficial deposits of the Midland counties…Recounting the story later, Darwin remembered being astonished that Sedgwick was not more delighted by his strange fact. ‘Nothing before had ever made

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What Summers Said *

Feb 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Don’t you wish you’d been there?… Read the rest

Another Church, Another Sex Scandal *

Feb 20th, 2005 | Filed by

What do you expect from people accountable only to a supernatural being?… Read the rest